r S ROBESONIAN Established 1870. Country, God and Truth, Single Copies Five Cent VOL XUI NO. 94. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 18, 1912. WHOLE NO. 2725 ..I i " "' 1 " " " " ' "" k I i BABY CONTEST HAS MET WITH PUBLIC APPROVAL Plenty of Time to Enter Your Favorite Baby' Name Two Large Prizes Go to Each District Names of the Winners of the Gold Rings Will be Pub lished Next Monday. Last week The Robesonian Hade the first announcement of the baby contest, which imme diately met with public approval. We have a great many names watered in the contest, but there are not nearly so many as there should be on account of the very severe weather we have been aaving. Do not mind the cold weather, it will do you good to get out and get some of this pure, fresh air. You will please remember that the first twenty names in will each receive a solid gold ring, and there are not enough of sames in yet to carry off all the gold rings. Send in your baby's aame at once and you may be ane of the lucky ones to get a ring. Do not delay about it as :aese nngs are very pretty veil worth winning. Do not be the only mother in the county to have a pretty baby left out of the race. The more the merrier. There are four prizes and two of these go to each district. Come at once and get a subscription took. You will find the work pleasant and congenial and the money is surely worth working lor. What is there that you can do that will bring you in the woney that this contest will ring you.if you only put in a little time and effort? There is still plenty of room to get in. There IB practically no work being done 60 far and you will have just as good a chance to win as though you had entered your baby the first day of the race. The names of the winners of the gold rings will be published next Monday. See that your baby's name is on the list Remember that the contest of flee is open every evening from 7 o'clock until 9, and every Sat arday from 9 o'clock in the morn ing to 10 o'clock at night Come in and see the contest manager and get all the information nec essary. We will gladly help you all we can. Sead us a postal card or telephone No. 9, for any information desired. Contest of fice over J. P. McNeill's store. Employers Liability Measure Up held by Supreme Court. Waahincton Diwstch. 15b. Aftpr nearly a Year's consider ation the Supreme Court of the United States today gave it's nanimous ai proval to the em ninvera' liability law. enacted by Congress in 1908 to take the place of a similar act declared uncon stitutional. The decision marks an epoch in labor legislation. The old common law, hedging in the rights of employes, is dis placed in several particulars by the statute as approved today. Notable among these is the aboli tion of the "fellow-servant doc trine" and the substitution of a law, making employers liable for the negligence of an employe resulting in injury to an inter State employe. Furthermore, it frees the employe from "contrib utory negligence" in many in stances and limits the effect of the doctrine in others; and like wise in many cases liberates the employe from assuming the risk when he enters employment knowing of the danger in his employment Meeting of Camp Willis H. Pope Postponed. The meeting of Camp Willis H. Pope which was called by Commander McAllister to be held inmnrmv at the court house has been postponed indefinitely on account of the weather. A meet ing is held annually on or about this date, and the Daughters of the Confederacy always serve dinner to the veterans, but the bad weather and bad roads would work a hardship on both the nauirhtera and the veterans who night attend, so it has been de cided that it is best to call oil tms sieeting for the present. S:Lbui"ye for The Kvb h'mui:. RED SPRINGS BUDGET. Miss Emma Brown of Salisbury and Mr. Hiram Grantham of Red Springs Married Yester dayDeath of Mr. Robt Mc Eachern Personal. Ctrreepondence of The Robesonian. Red Snrings. Jan. 16 Dr. T. Marshal West of Favetteville visited Dr. R. D. McMillan last week. Dr. West was accom nnnied bv his father. Rev. T. M. West, who is now pastor of a Methodist church in Baltimore. Md. Mr. West has been visiting his son in Fayetteville for sever al weeks, but returned to Balti more Friday of last week. Drs R. D. and J. L. McMillan at tended the . regular . meeting of , :fcrFifth r.rict Medical Socie ty which was held in Fayetteville Inst Tuesdav. Miss Winnrea Nicholson has returned to her tlT 1 a. VT nomein wasningion in. i. aiier a pleasant visit to Miss Lucy de Vane. Mr. Hiram Grantham left today fnr Salisbury, where he will be married tomorrow to Miss hmma Brown, of that city. Messrs. David Robeson. Hector Currie and Irvin Grantham accompanied the groom-elect. After a two weeks' triD in Florida Mr. and Mrs. Grantham will be at home in Red Springs. Miss Brown is well known and popular here, as she taught for several years in the college. It is needless tc say that Mr. Grantham has lots oi friends, lor no one couia oe more universally liked than the kind and crenial manager of the Red Springs Drug Co We heart ily congratulate them and wish for them a long and nappy u:e. Messrs. Edmund and Owen Easley of Lynchburg, Va., visit ed their sister Mrs. W. B. Lea not long ago. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Loner are at home at the home of Mrs. Nellie Shooter, on First avenue, after a wedding trip in several of the Northern cities. We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Robert McEachern, which occurred in Atlanta sever al days ago. Mr. McEachern had been in ill health for sever al months and while his death was not unexpected, yet it came as a great shock to his mother and Bisteis here. Misses Maggie and Julia McEachern and Dr. H. H Hodgin attended the funeral. Messrs. J. G. Williams and J. M. Johnson left Tuesday for a vacation trip in Florida . Mr. Shaw of Hope Mills is with the Red Springs Drug Co. for several days during the absence of Mr. Grantham. Bellamy Briefs. Ojnospeodenea of The RotoaonUn. Bellamy, Jan. 18 -Mrs. Dan Patterson and two children. Misses Marv Jane and Velmer, of Hope Mills, are visiting Mrs. Patterson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Cle Meares of Lamar, S. C, are visiting at the home of Mr. J. F. Meares Mr. Rowland Mercer went to town Saturday on busi ness. Mr. I. J. Wilkins, who moved to Hamlet some time ago, has moved back to this section. Glad to have him back again. Mr. Dan Pitman, who had been visiting near Lumberton since Friday, returned home Monday. People have been killing lots of rabbits lately. "Aunt Becky," your letters are highly appreciated by Hiawatha. County Teachers Meeting Sat urday, January 27. Supt. J. R. Poole is making ar rangments for a meeting of the white public school teachers of the county to be held in Lumber ton on Saturday, the 27th inst An interesting programme will be arranged for this occasion and it if expected that nil th tpgcb- c-s of the county will attend. CLARXTON NEWS BUDGET. A New Residence In Social Cir clesDeath of an Infant Plai ning Mill Changes Hands Personal. Ctmapoadenea of The Bobeaonisn. Clarkton, Jan. 16 Mr. June Cromartie spent Friday iu town on business. Messrs. Sidney Meares and Gaston Hester at tended the county Farmers' Un ion at Elizabethtown last Friday. Mr. Alex. Register is having a residence put up in the northern part of town. When completed it will add much to the looks of the place. Mr. D. F. Ward spent one day in Whiteville recently on busi ness. Mr. Eznophon Brown spent Saturday and Sunday in Wil mington. Leap year must be doing the "Mt Eliam" people good from the way "Happy Jack" talks like they are going to get married soon. One of the most delightful so ciables was given by Mr Joe C. Burney and sister, Miss Ora May, last evening from 7 till 11 o'clock at the home of their mother. Mrs. F. C. Burney. The guests were met at the entrance by Mrs. J. W. Johnston and receiv ed. J?y Miss Ora May Burney in theparjor where all jainedin1, jolly conversation and many amusing games were played. The decorations for the occasion were very pretty, the coltr scheme being green and white. The guests were invited into the dining room, where ambr osia and cake were served. Notwithstand ing the inclemency of the weather it was a most enjoyable evening. Dora, the 7 months-old daugh ter of Mr- and Mrs. J. W. C. Balentine. died last Thursday night after a lingering illness. The funeral took place at the cemetery at the Clarkton Presby terian church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. Clyde Davis and sister. Miss Blanche, of Elkton spent Thursday night in town, the gutsts of Mrs. J. A. Clark. Mr. Wilkinson of New York has recently purchased the Clark ton Plaining Mill and the timber mills, etc., that belong to it, and will start to work. BROADRIDGE BREEZES. A New Residence An Infant Burned - - Personal. CamaMBdeara of Tbe Robesonian. Lumberton, R. F. D. 4, Jan. 15 It is somewhat cold on the Ridge now, and everything is covered with snow. Most of us are sitting by the fireside. Mr. W. K. Culbreth of Pem broke was in these parts last W6s( Mr. W. H. Bullard is erecting a nice residence near his old home. When completed this will be one of the nicest on the Ridge. Mrs. Odel Rogers and a cousin of Page's Mill, S. C, are spend inga few days with relatives here Mr. Arthur Bissell is spending some time at Pembroke. We did not have preaching here Sunday on account of so much snow. Sunday school was also omitted Messrs. Grover, Rossie, Dudley and Beasley Britt spent yester day on the Ridge, also Mr. G. F. Lawson of Mt Eliam spent yes terday and today with friends here. A crowd of young sports went rabbit hunting yesterday, catch ing five. I think they got more cold feet than rabbits. Mrs. Emeline Britt and daugh ter, Miss Janie, have returned home after spending about three weeks with Mrs. Britt's sister here, Mrs. June Brut The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Titus Bissell had the misfor tune of falling into the fire and being burned badly. Prayer meeting is still being held on the ridge and everybody is cordially invited. Important Meeting of Back Swamp Local Union Saturday. An important meeting of Back Swamp local of the Farmers' Union will be held Saturday of this week at 2 o'clock p. m President D. H. Britt is anxious to have every member of this lo cal present at this meeting. Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Bur lock Blood Bitters. Eat Binply, take exer cise. ko7 r'cah er.i .votj have lor. TO IMPROVE FARMING. A Bill Which Provides for Gen eral Agricultural Extension Work Throughout the Coun try. Washington Dfeiwtcfc. 1Mb. Provision for general agricul tural extension work, by which it is sought to revolutionize farm ing throughout the country, is made in a bill introduced in tbe House today by Representative Lever of South Carolina and in the Senate by Senator Smith of Georgia. The bill contemplates the car rying on of this extension work through agricultural schools by instruction and demonstration not only in agriculture but in home economics and rural affairs generally through field demon strations, publications and other wise. By this means it is sought by first-hand presentation to popularize scientific agriculture To carry on the work an initial appropriation of $500,000 is asked in the bill for the first fiscal year, this amount to be increased each year for nine years by an ad ditional sura of $300,000 over the preceding year and the annual sum to be paid thereafter to the States assenting toHne provision of the act is to be $3,000,000. The movement which the pro posed legislation would advance has the endorsement of Senators and Representatives irrespective of party affiliation as well as the unanimous endorsement of the agricultural colleges of the coun try. U. S. SERVES NOTICE. President of Cuba Warned That United States May Take Charge of Island. Washington Dispatch. ISth. The State Department has served notice on President Gomez that the United States will inter vene in Cuba if further attempts are made by the veteran organi zation to nullify the law prohibit ing the interference of the mili tary in political affairs in Cuba. The attitude of the United States is shown in the following note presented today to the Cu ban government: "Tbe situation in Cuba as now reported causes grave concern to the government of the United States. "That the laws intended to safeguard free republican gov- m ent shall be enforced and not defied is obviously essential to the maintenance of the law, order and stability indispensable to the status of the republic of Cuba, in the continued well-being of which the United States has always evinced and cannot es cape a vital interest "The President of the United States therefore looks to the President and government of Cu ba to prevent the threatened sit uation which would compel the government of the United States, much against its desires to con sider what measures it must take in pursuance of its obligations to Cuba." Along Route 5. Cm iiixuxfainrn of Tfce Robnanain. Lumberton, K. F. D. 5, Jan. 14 Snowing seems to be the order of the day now. Sorry to report Mr. R. E. Col lins on the sick list. Miss Docia Watson spent last Thursday night at Mr. C. Ar nette's. Sorry to report Mrs. Owen Wilkins on the sick list Mr. H. R. Smith of North Lumberton visited home folks Monday of last week. Mr. A. M. West and family spent Satur day night and" Sunday of last week with Mr. Luther Baxley. Some of our farmers are pre paring for another crop. Tbe roads are the worst ever. Mr. Walter Taylor went to town today on business. Mr. D. F. Israel is having a new house built on his farm. The wedding bells will soon ring. Mr. C. C. West of East Lum berton spent yesterday with home folks. When siren as mod as the croapy cough appears Chamberlain' Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all daneer and cause of anxiety. Thcinnnds of Pr.h-9 r.? it suecf'f!;. d.l by ail lie'ilcT?. TO RESTRAIN SHERIFF FROM COLLECTING TAXES. Suit Being Instituted Today to Restrain Sheriff From Collect ing Taxes Upon Increase in Valuation in Lumberton Al so From Collecting More Than $2 Poll Important Suit. It is understood that a suit is being instituted in the superior court today which is of great in terest to the people of the town of Lcmberton. It will be re membered that after the list takers for Lumberton had valued the town property for taxation and after the board of equaliza tion of the county had adjourned without making any change in sueh values the board of commis sioners of the county undertook to raise the valuation of real estate in the town of Lumberton to the amount of ten per cent and taxes have been charged against the citizens of the town upon such increased valuation. The suit which is being bnmght today is to restrain the sheriff from collecting taxes upon this increase in valuation. It will al so seek to restrain the collection of more than $2 for poll tax, the tax as levied by the commission ers being 12.85. The suit is one of importance as it not only affects taxes lor this year but for three years in the future. Those who have al ready paid their taxes will not get any advantage from the suit If the plaintiff wins then all who have not paid their taxes will get the benefit of it The firm of Mclntyre, Law rence and Proctor is represent ing the plaintiff and it is pre sumed that the county attorney will represent the sheriff and commissioners. This information was not giv en The Robesonian until several hundred copies of the paper had been printed and the press was stopped in order to handle this piece of news of importance to the citizens of the Lumberton. DISAPPEARS MYSTERIOUSLY. Mr. N. T. Humphrey, V ho Lives Near Tolarsville, Left Home January 6th and Has Not Been Seen or Heard From Since His Family Greatly Distressed. Mr. N T. Humphrey left his home near Tolarsville about 7 o'clock a. m. on the 6th inst and has not been seen or heard from since by any member of his family. One person is sup Dostd to have seen Mr. Hum phrey in Lumberton on the day he disappeared, but this is not certain, and there is absolutely do trace as to bis whereabouts. Mr. Humphrey has a wife and two children who are very much distressed over his diaaDbearance and if any one can give information as to his whereabouts it will be greatly appreciated if they will write Mr. Geo F. Humphrey or Mr. Stinson Humphrey at St Paul or 'phone No. 2205. Mr. N. T. Humphrey is a brother of Mr. H. B. Humphrey of Lumberton. Farmers' Institutes. As mentioned in a recent issue of The Robesonian, farmers and women's institutes will be held in Lumberton next Monday, the 22d, and in St Paul next Wed nesday, the 24 th. Institutes were advertised to be held in Parkton yesterday and in Maxton today. Manager Wishart has been having for the past few nights at the Pasttime theatre some of the best moving pictures made. Those who missed the pictures shown last night and Tuesday night missed, something especi ally good, u , Mrs. R. C. Lawrence and lit tle daughter, Mary, are expected home tonight or tomorrow from Richmond, Va., where they have been for the past few weeks while Mary was undergoing treatment by specialists for ill effects of diptheria. The many friends of this lovable little lady and her parents will be glad to l?arn that h?r oH??on has Y-.-rv much i:r.i. J: LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. Joe N. Regan and fami ly, of route 1 from Lumberton. have moved to Raeford. The three banks of the town will be closed tomorrow, the an niversary of the birth of Gen. Robt E. Lee. Mr. A. T. McLean returned this morning from Maxton, where he had been for several day with his brother Mr. Hector Mc Lean, who continues very til with typhoid fever. Mr. Mc Lean's condition is not thought to be any better. A green negro who had nev er seen ball-bearings was helping put up a ball-bearing buggy at Mr. C. M. Fuller's stables the other day and was startled when he saw the balls. "Great guns." he said, "dat thing is loaded with buckshot" -Mr. M. C. Britt and family have moved from a farm belong ing to Mr. J. A. McAllister, ea rural route No. 4 from Lumber ton, to a farm belonging to Mr. Geo. G. French, on route No. L Mr. Britt was among the visitors in town Tuesday Monday at St Paul a 4 per cent dividend was ordered paid. Th?s is the largest dividend, by 2 per cent, ever paid by the mill. Fer the last three months tbe mill has had unusually fine business. Mr. Saloom Saleeby, whose arrival and business intentions were mentioned in a recent issae of The Robesonian, is now ia shape for business in one of the Carlyle new stores on Chestnut street He has a grocery and candy store. At the Pasttime theatre from 7:15 to 8:15 this evening the opera house orchestra will render several musical selections which will be a treat for ail whe attend. Beginning this evening Prof. Whiteley will play with the orchestra, using the cornet. Prices will be as usual. Rev. Father Gallagher ef Wilmington will conduct his regular third-Sunday services here Sunday in the opera hoase. Mass will be celebrated at 7:34 o'clock a. m and at 3:30 in the afternoon Father Gallagher will lecture on 'The Real Presence, or the Lord's Supper from the Catholic Standpoint" -Mr. W. M. Monroe, of Tar Heel, was a Lumberton visitor this morning. Though Tar Heel is on the Virginia & Carolina South ern Railroad it still gets its mail over a star route from Lumber ten, but the snow and ice have blocked off the star route maa for the past week and they have had no mail at Tar Heel since last Friday. -As mentioned in The Robe sonian some four or five weeks ago, the pump at the corner of Ninth and Elm streets needs fixing and should have the atten tion of the town authorities, for there is not a more public water ing place in town. The pump needs a new plunger. Also the pump at the corner of Walnat and Fourth streets needs atten tion. Fayetteville Observer, 17th: Mr. John Allen McLean of Max ton was this week sworn in by Judge Peebles as a practicing lawyer in the courts of North Carolina. He is associated with Mr. John G. Shaw, as the firm of Shaw & McLean. We welcome Mr. McLean to Fayetteville, and wish him much usefulness andl success in the practice of his chosen profession. A company of- ten people presented a Western play at the opera house last night and wil hold the boards again, tonight This company has been having tough lack on the road and one J. A. Porthress, a moving picture show man, took it in hand and brought it here, but this morn ing Mr. Porthress was arrested by Chief of Police Redfern on a warrant handed him by Deputy Sheriff Turnage of Dunn, on the charge of embezzlement an was taken to Dunn this morning by Deputy Turnage. The show will be put on all the same, though, and Mr. Porthress says he will be back in Lumberton t-uih'. 1

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