ft THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBEMJNIAN AKING POW Absolutely Pure h nnlv Baking Powder made fromRoya!CrapeCreamcfTar:ar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE 3 SOME ROBESONIAN CONTEST BABIES . .' ' v-' Xf IBM . ' " " 5 . - J Gladys Wilson. Here is one. of the dearest lit tle, tots in this .contest, . Miss Gladys Wilson, the charming lit tle daughter f Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, of BMenboro. N. C. She is not very far ahead on the list as yet, hut we want you all to watch her standing before this contest closes. n 5.'. v.;V 4. 4 . ' V i. J-1 -T ' -v. (" --w y r,( r ts?j'-r.'!f ..I ,-. . -,..v .mft'fVl - Jr - -..-.- -. .... .... , .i-iLJT Betty Hall Singletary. This is to introduce to you Miss Betty Ha Sincetarv. lit.Hp U - -w daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. bincletarv. of E)j7ahpfhfrta7n csne is a verv noDu ar MffiA mias and has a whole host of friends who are interested in her and who intend to do all they can to carry off fi-st honors for her, and surely she is deserving of all that can De done for her. Sera Hamilton. We -.van1 o;i ail to mott Miss Sara Ks-p i I -c , liule naiiuhter of Mr. and V?r?. E. L. Hamilton, of Lumbfrtori. St-fe is nt making very p'.f! sho ing just at pres ent, but e?! hai scores of friefids "who do nit itf rid tht sh will remain at the foot of the ladder ail through the contest, so you may lor k rat for Miss Sara be fore the race is over. ' K V J, lVv iff rf-j W. .,; .. '1 (f , 1-4 VVNJ ! .V Marriage of Mr. Jno. Graham and MU Rota Wheder-A Residence Burned Personal. Caxaapondenee of Tha BobaaooUn, HoDe Mills. Feb. 12 Prjwh intr services will he pondnrfpH in the Presbyterian church on next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. L. Smith Mr. John Graham and Minn Rosa Wheeler were married on last Saturday TSfternonn Thp ceremonv was very nm'pMv nor. F T 1 J m. formed at Roslin in the presence or a lew cnosen friends. 'Snmre Jonn bmitn officiating. Mr. W. R. Wallace, who ha been attending the Hope Mills crraded and hum school, hnn e ceDted a Dosition in thp nhnna nf the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. at Rocky Mt Mr. W. C. Bullard. who has heen hnlHintr a position as billing clerk with the Atlantic Coast Line, has been transferred b'v that rnmnanv tn narieston, s. u., where he will hold a similar Dosition. Mr. James Norton, who has been holding a Dosition as clerk in this office for some time, has been Dromoted to the noait.inn nf hill- incr clerk to succeed Mr. RnllarH. Mr. Norton will be succeeded by Mr. Walter Davis, of this nlace. as clerk. About 8 o'clock on last. TWh. dav niffht Mr: M. T. Mr Arthur's residence was destroyed by fire. When Mr. Mr. Arthur HiarnvpraH the fire, a hole was burnt through tne Dlaster in the side nf his kitchen, through which he dashed a bucket of water, but uDon further investigation he disrov. ered that the outside and tnn , nf nis kitchen were in a full blaze, and that it was imDossible to save the house. Most of his fur niture was saved. It was in sured for $250. The building was insured tor f 750. TEN MILE TOPICS. Lumber Bridge Locals Picking and Ginning Cotton. CoRaavondaoea of Tha Robeaooi&n. Lumber Bridge, Feb. 10- T? 1 a ncKing ana ginning cotton is the order of the day. fl . A Va, k a a a . - oupt. j. k. rooie visited our school Tuesday of this week. MlSS Rachel Oliver, nnp nf nnr teachers, has been absent from her work for the past few days On account Of Sieknpsq. Her place is being filled by Mrs. Thos. Stamps. Kev. Mr. Cochrane will fill hi a regular appointment at the Pres byterian church, Sunday morn ing and evening. Messrs. Marlev. Shaw onH Cobb attended court at Lumber ton Wednesday. Mrs. Jane Cade, from near Favetfovilla. visited her daughter Mrs. V. G. Conoly this week. Mrs Mary H. KlarDD and Mi'rs Anna RpIIp Humphrey of Saddle Tree will be Lumber Bridce onestu Saturrlnv and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Conolv etteville. -Dr. Humphrey of Sad- Qie iree visited our tnwn Wednesday. Mrs. R. A. Mc- achern Of At anta. Ga.. snpnt - , j r luesday in Lumber Bridge. Busy Bees Subscribe for The Robesonian. IS1 Ruth NeUl Bullock. We are pleased to introduce Miss Kuth Nei Rullnr.lf. little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. .jUiiock. She occudi'ps an envia. b.'e place in this race through the errorrs or her parents and friends and when the clssing night comes they do not intend that ftiiss Ruth will be far behind, if, inaeea, sne is not at the very top. Win. Calder Guyton. Loo'; who's here! Master Wil liam Caldfr Guyton. little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Guyton, of Dublin, ;:nd surely that thriving little piace is well represented with Master William entered as a candid tte in this race. Never mind if he is behind just now. Watch his standing before the contest c lores. Fayetteville Ooserver, 13th: Andrew Jones, an old negro man who lived in the Lock's Creek neighborhood on the east side of Cape Fear river, was froz f n to death in the enow storm Saturday night.. He left town in his vagon late Saturday after noon V) go to his home, and it is suppc sed that the snowstorm be came to violent and blinding and the cold so bitter that, with be numbed faculties, he lost his bearings and succumbed. r .v:.-.vi.'J 4? , , - Louise Kinlaw How many of you are acquaint ea with tnis little ray ot sun shine? She is Miss Louise Kin- law, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evander Kinlaw. Her friends are very much interested in tne contest and they do not in tend to let the prizes be carried off without a brave struggle on meir part lor t!ieir little favor ite. Child Drowned Social and Per sonal. OoCTaspondenca of Tha Robesonian. Ten Mile. Feb. 8 Rev. E. I. Weston filled his regular appoint ment here Saturday and Sunday. lheDeoDleof this community were terribly shocked Sunday p. m. when the news was told of thp gad death of the 3-year-old boy of Mr. Casstus Willis. The child was crossing a ditch, his foot slipped and he fell in and was drowned. The funeral services were conducted at Ten Mile church Monday p. m. by Rev. E. L. Weston and the remains wprp laid to rest in the Ten Mile cem etery. The bereaved family have our sympathy. Messrs. Frank Seals and Nash Martin spent Saturday night at the home of Mr. b. G. Odum of Raft SwamD. Messrs. Archie and Herman Phillips and Dun can Kinlaw of Lumherrnn wpra among the visitors who attended preaching here Snnday from a distance. Little Miss Maie Townsend, who had been sick with fever, is out aszam. we are glad to sav. Mr. L. H. Town- send of St. Paul passed through here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carlyle and children of Ro- zier s spent Saturday and Sun day at the home of Mr. S. N. Martin. Mr. J. W. Seals went to Lumberton Monday on busi ness. There was an entertainment at the home of Mr. J. W. Spals Fri day night which was attended by a very large crowd. borry to report the n nes of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. N. A, Townsend. HoDe for it a Hneedv recovery. Mr. dwin Martin o Tolarsville. spent a few hours in this section Saturday. Cleo List of Letters. rollOWine is a list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at Lumberton. N. u,ror the week ending Feb. 12. 1912 Mrs. Henrietta Anna. EHwArH Rwch W. T. BrOWn. Mrs. Ethll Rrnwn Pmmo ouiiock, jas. w. uampbell. Mrs. D. D. Chavia, Misa Rosey Commins, Mrs. Mary i obb, W. P. Dove. J. P. Harrel Son. Abraham Nirhnla Mm PVannoa r . , A "VU Pride, Mrs. George Powers. W. Jack- POn Turner. John B. Tunnle Thnmaa T 1 .' : 1 1 - , , 1 Williams, ryirs j. M. wilrnv Mra h M'White, Mrs. Lilla Woods. Persons callinc for anv of tha ahnva vhh jjieaeecainor advertised letters. u. M. iNUKftlfcilMT, P. M. Ejection of Drainage Commis sioners Postponed. The election of Dminno-o rvmma- sioners for the Back and Jacob Swamps drainage district has been continued. to be held on Thursday, February 29th, by order of C B. SKIPPER. 2-12-3 Mon , Clerk Superior. Court. taV h. JM P lERUVIAN GUANO the nrM'. richest fertilizer is the base of Peruvian Mixtures. To this we have added high grade Ammo niatea and Potaah to make a more perfectly act luucd rr .ulBO from far peru Ammoniates from United Sutet Potash from Germany'a mines. I nat the atory of Peruvian Mixtures. We have several mixtures of diflerent analy sis each exactly suited to certain soils and cropa Last year Peruvian Mixtures were tested out on cotton, corn, tobacco and other crops. The results were astounding. Thev shnwrrl Pmvian AJfiv a . i . ideal fertilizer. They are proving a boon to the OOUtn FlVinC th lltmA.t in t I - ---o (" iwwua, io meet ue needs of growing plants at the right time. But the supply of Peruvian is limited. Those wno put off" ordering are apt to be too late. Write now for our handsome free booklet. Peruvian Guano Corp., Charleston, S.C r WE BUY FOR CASH and conseauentlv we buv nnr goods very low. In these days of sharp competition it is a fact that "money talks" and this in the reason why you can always pet such bargains in General Merchandise when you buy from us. Another point: this keeps our goods on the move all the tirfl'e and thus vou are assured nf a fresh assortment. John T. Biggs Co. ll-9-tf 4 ON SAVINGS COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY THE OLDEST & LARGEST BANK. IN ROBESON COUNTY-" Our Certificates of Deposit People of Robeson county who desire an invest ment that combines absolute safety with a satisfac tory rate of interest will find our Certificates of Deposit satisfactory in every respect. They begin to draw 4 per cent. Interest the day they are issued, and should a temporary loan be desired, they will be accepted as collateral up to full face value, thus giving to holder the privilege of using the full amount should necessity suddenly arise. Back of every dollar invested according to our Certificate plan, there stands Capital, Surplus and Stockholders' Liability of $230,000.00 as protection. "EE THE ROBESONIAN, subscription $1.50 a year A History of the American People. (In five volumes) BY WOODROW WILSON Nob- ice A bottle of whiskey exDloded in tne pocket of a young man in spencer the other day while he was sitting near an open fire and ne naa a narrow escape from be mg burned to death before the fiames could be extinguished. His clothes were burned off. Woman loves a clear, rosy complex ion. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood cleares the skin, restores ruddy, sound health. Subscribe for The Robesonian. Administrator's "HaVinC Qualified fUt Hminisfrgnr nf y i '"n v. Mrs. Helen Brown. rWpnapH into nf Kobeson county, N. c, this is to notify on persons naving claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersiomeH. at. Fai on or before the 15th d 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. W. c. Brown, Administrator. Robert E. Lee, Attorney for adminis trator. 2-15-6 thurs FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS fob Backache kip-kb slaoosh f2 ) m ?Jfcl iWii imKVn The annals of historical literature record no more bril liant and masterful piece of writing than Woodrow Wilson's epoch-making work. It is monu mental in character and scope, and represents the genius of the greatest historical writer of the present time. The most perfect series of maps in color ever published, showing the territorial growth, political changes, and general development of the United States. There is a full-page por trait of every President from Washington to Roosevelt, facsimile repro ductions of rare manuscripts, state papers and governmental records, to gether with numerous illustrations by Pyle, Remington, Fenn, Chapman, Christy and many others. HARPER & BROTHERS. We Now Offer We will send you the entire set of five volumes, all charges prepaid on receipt of $1.00, and enter your name as a subscriber for both Harper's Magazine and Harper's Bazar for one year, at no additional cost to you. If you do not like the books when they reach you, send them back at our expense and we will return the $1.00. If you do like them send us 11.00 every month for eleven months. P. S. Harper's Weekly may be substitut ed for Harper's Magazine. HARPER & BROTHERS Franklin Square, ttew York Gentlemen: Please send me. all charges prepaid, A History of the American People, five volumes, cloth binding, subject to ten days' approval, and also enter my subscrip tion to both Harper's Magazine and Harper's Bazar for one year, for which I enclose $1.00 and agree to send you $1.00 a month until the total price, $12 00, is paid, if the books are accepted by me. Name Address A Catalogue of Our Standard Sets of Books will be sent you upon request rr.l