THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON1AN. ROBESONIAN PCBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS BY BOBESONIAJV PUBLISHING Co. J A.8HARPC, - - President SUBSCRIPTION RATES : The Year Sic Months Three Months 11.60 .75 40 MONDAY. MARCH 18, 1912 Mr. E. Wheeler Stone, who submits a few remarks elsewhere in today's paper, wants those who announce themselves candi dates for the Legislature this year to state their platform. A simple "in - the - hands - of-his-friends" announcement he con Eiders a rather thin bid for sup port. When Mr. bo-and-bo s bosom swells with patriotic pride and he decides that the dear pee pul need his services and he is willing to make the sacrifice, it does not seem an unreasonable desire to know what faith there is in him and the reason there for, and just what he thinks ought to be done and what he will try to do, s'elp him. Let no would-be legislator fail to speak out. Let us know what, as well as whom, we are voting for. Misery loves company. Every body should wear a contented smile now since President Taft, in a message sent to Congress last Wednesday, showed, from information collected by the State Department, that the in crease in cost of living out of proportion to increase in wages is world-wide. POLITICIANS AND THE PEOPLE. "No More of the Wanted," Say. The first number of the Lum berton High School Magazine, which will be issuod four times during the school year, made its appearance last week. The Robeson ian congratulates the ed iters upon this, their first, ven ture. It is quite a creditable piece of work, comparing favor ably with many college rnaga zines. The editors are: Lois Boone, editor in chief; Ida May Sessoms, assistant; Knox Proctor and Harry Greene, athletic; Georgie Whitfield and Ruth Britt, grinds; Margie Russell and Lillian Mclntyre, alumni. Guy Towns end and Lewis Shelby are the business managers. They de serve and no doubt will be given the cordial support of the entire community. 2x4 Variety Mr. Stone- Candidates Should Announce Platform When They An nounce Candidacy A Simple "In the Hands of-His-Friends" Announcement Absurd. To Use Editor of The Robeaonian: Within the next few days the woods will be. full of timber from which to carve our 2x4 law makers but that's not so bad when we think of 1x0. Let it be 2x4 or what not, when a candidate announces him self for either branch of the Leg islature the people of Robeson county would like to have him name a platform, and see that it has the fullest publicity that the press of the county can give. It seems to me that nothing could be more absurd than for a man ABOUT FERTILIZERS. Importance of Having Fertilizers Analyzed. To tbe Editor of The Robesonian : I wish to call the farmers at tention to the importance of hav ing their fertilizers and fertilizer material sampled and analyzed. The Agricultural Department at Raleigh will send directions how to take sample and will make the analysis free of charge. It will then be possible for the consumer to know whether or not the goods are up to the standard re quired by law. If he finds tftat they are not as represented he can tnen make tne dealer or manufacturer make good to him tne aenciency as tne law re quires. X also want to call at tention to the amendment to the fertilizer law I introduced and that was passed by the last Gen eral Assembly, making it possi ble for the farmer to know what manipulated fertilizers are made of. This should prove to be of value to us because we can satis fy the particular need of each crop we plant Any orie writing to the department at Raleigh concerning his fertilizers should give the brand and analysis of the mixed guano and name of manufacturer. Much money is lost each vear by the improper use of fertili- zers; ana ai tne same time we BACK SWAMP NOTES. Farmer. Behind With Work rVepa-in to Tultcco Instead of Cotton. Ltiinoi"Un. R. March 14 Tne rarmers or mis section are very macn behind preparing for another crop on account of so much r:n. Mr and Mrs G. L. Thompson of Lu m-eiton visi ted here Sun day. -.Mr. Earl Tnompson of Lumberton viVted nis parents here Sunday. Mrs. Miles Pre vatt and sun spent last Thursday with Mrs. Charles Atkinson of Oa(ton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith visited relatives and friends at Fairmont Sunday. Glad Co report the condition d Mrs. J. K. Singletary and daueh- ter, Mis Lula, improving after a serious attack of smallpox. Most of the farmers of this section are going to plant tobac co this year instead of so much cotton. Patty. M I H ay n I id saved tiie Ml STATE NEWS. in We have received from Solic itor N. A. Sinclair a statement in regard to an item pub lished in last Monday's paper about the plea a man was allow ed to enter in his court. We thought our informant had his facts on straight and there was no intention, of course, of doing the solicitor, whom we hold in the highest esteem, an injustice. We regret that it is necessary to hold over for Thursday's paper Solicitor Sinclair's statement. According to that statement he has been done an injustice which The Robesonian will gladly cor rect in any way possible. to merely announce mat ne is a should look more t0 the needs of caudate and in tne hands ot our land8 and crops It ig well his friends, with never an ex- that the farmer should weigh all uicsoiuii as iy -wimi ue buiuub fflrt ,OPB oa monv caoka nfton ior. it prospective canuiaaies show con8iderable shortage nope 10 get ine support 01 me weights. W. S.Cobb peopie tney nau uesi come across Lumber Bridge, N. C, March wjiu me kuuub. 11 uity nave not cnt nlar.fnrm nn dpfinir. nh- ject in view, no needed measure M1 "UAM MAllfcKb 4L 1 1 inauueu uiii-ujcy utiu ueiier nui. i . . . a . ' enter the- contest; and if they Special Church bervices-achool have already made a break, Closes 22d A Narrow Escape. fall OUt aS gracefully aS DOSSlble. Correspondence of The Robeeonian We are anxious to have some- Mt Eliam, March 12. -Sunday thing done for our own county SuM. Couch was with im in nnr and people. Uf course btate Sunday school His visit was wiue legislation is necessary, dut. la d easant and nrolirah e nn. tn getmearer nome sometime. Maae our Sunday school folks. out your piatiorm ana let tne Services of much importance paopie Know wnere you are at, w hcinnattho Rant st phnrvh and it you are in the wrong pew here Thursday, March 21, at 11 you will find it out shortly after a. m., and will continue till and services begin. .Let the man including Sunday. Friday will that is nominated and elected be the day for our annual fast taue nis piatiorm under nis arm day and prayer meeting, to ask and gO tO Itaieigft and tight lor Hod's hlfRRintra nn nnr iinnWalt. his measures and keep his prom- ings through the year. Saturday ises to me peopie. we will have Dreachincr and con We dO not Want anymore IOOt- fprpnpp. nnrl Knnrfav in nnr retrn u-ii r ii r r ' r: - uau representatives iuu oi not jar preaching day. air wnen tney get to Kaieigh and It seems to be moving dav. It kicked, bunted and punched, as looks right much like they were it were. Anayem seems mat movinc Lumhertnn ri Rnarrlman i . l "l II . m I - no amount oi KicKing win satisiy and Boardman to Lumberton. some people. The Dublic school will close on Ii. " - ! . ,1 .1- . - it 18 a weil-KnOWn iaCl Uiat thP "Mnnnt." FpiHav Morr-h 99 wnen a man gives up nis own with a concert at night, begin interest at nome to represent nis nincr at 8 o'clock county m eitner House, it is not Ditching seems to be danger wi uic uiuucjf tuiiDiuciiniuii, uui ous. Mr. tseasiey ontt was in tne interest oi nis ienow citi- buried in a ditch recently by its zens and for the honor and dis- cavinc in on him. Rv hard wnrir Wilmington's ten-days' cam paign for a $75,000 Y. M. C. A. building closed Saturday night, the amount having been over subscribed $2,500. Ground was broken last Tues day for a comfortable and com modious Y. M. C. A. building on the campus of the A. and M. College at Raleigh. Vernon Sims, 24 years old, committed suicide at his home at Lenoir Thursday by blowing the top of his head off with a shotgun. Iil health and despond ency over religious matters, giv en as the cause. Senator Dixpn of Montana, the former North Carolinian who is managing Colonel Roosevelt's campaign, has issued a statement in which he says that President Taft will not get a single district in North Carolina. He says the State is safe for Roosevelt Mr. J. O. Ellington has resigned as vice president and cashier of the Fourth National Bank of Fayeteville to accept the presi dency and general management of the Anchor Trust Co. of Ral eigh, which will open for busi ness within 30 or 60 days. mmm would be a happy man today." WHEN you feeI like that come straight to this bank and " n account, it is tne only cure. No matter how Bmall the aepofcii it win be heartily welcomed. Then cut down your expenses and start on the road to fortune by adding to the account regularly. First National Lumberton, N. C Bank, as I To Mothers And Others. You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, tetter, chafingB, scaly and crusted hum ors, as well as their accidental injuries, cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with per fect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old, running or fever sores or piles it has no equal 5 cts at all druggists. It's a pity that such a useful man as Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the great pure-food apostle, has had to step down from the po sition in which he has been of such great service to the people. He was too useful, too earnest, too much determined that no im pure foods should be put over on the people. That didn't suit the manufacturers who have grown rich by selling adulterated foods, and as they belong to the class in whose interest the govern ment is run, of course Dr. Wiley had to go. Senator Simmons seems to be very strong in Robeson. Enthusi astic Simmons' clubs, each with large membership, were organ ized last week at Maxtonand Red Springs. tinction that attaches to it On the other hand, if they fail to do anything for the people, and re turn empty-handed, it seems to me that it is a reflection, a ca lamitybut as a rule politicians don't give a cuss how loud the goose squalls after they pick 'em. E. Wheeler Stone McDonald, N. C. Mar. 12, 1912. A Monument For Dr. Law. Bladen Journal. he escaped alive- Happy Jack. Two More Deaths as Result of Hillsville Affair Outlaws at Devil's Den. Two more deaths have occurr ed as a result of the raid by the Allen outlaws in the court house at Hillsville Thursday, when the entire human fabric of the court was wiped out, the story of which is told on the second page of this Free Sugar Bill Passed House. Washington, Dispatch. 15th. The Democratic free sugar bill passed the House today 198 to 103. Its passage was helped by twenty-four Republican votes, although this was offset by the defection of seven Democratic votes against the bill by members from Louisiana and Colorado. Those who are familiar with the paper- Ml8S Nancy Ayers, 19 work of the late P. R. Law, D. vears old' who was a witness for D., the editor of the Presbvteri- ?vd Allen died Friday. She an Standard, recall that he was dld not know wnen first reports much interested in the orDhan- were sent out tnat fcne was wound- age at Clayton, N. C, an institu- ed And one of the wounded tion owned and controlled by the J'Jrrs. Augustus Fbwler, died Knights of Pythias. The Wil- Saturday. Floyd Allen, the man mington District Kniehts of wnose conviction and sentence Pythias in session at Fair Bluff led to tne tragedy, was wounded started a movement to erect a an.d was ater taken to the county monument to the memory of the Ja'' and then to Roanoke for safe late Dr. Law. He was greatlv keeping. He slashed his throat interested in the orphanage, and Wltn a kmfe w"en taken to jail was a trustee for the fund for u.uc 010 not wound himself se- many years before the orphan- "0U8lv- Dispatches published in age was located. Saturday s papers stated that This commendable movement ?ldna Allen s mountain home meets with not only hearty ap- naa been stormed by a posse, proval of the Pythians, but with t0at AI.len had been captured the best wishes of the creat duer Demg desperately wounded body of friends and admirers of and that his wife had been killed. Dr. Law. We trust the movp- Dispatches published yesterday Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! Tbe more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment It cures piles, eczema, any skin itching. AH druggists sell it. Cures baby's croup. Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mamma's nore throat, grandma's lameness I'r. Thomas' clectic Oil the great household remedy. PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-law Lumberton, .... North Carolina Office in First National Bank building. 9-18 A. W. McLean L. R. Vaner J. D. McLean McLean, Varser &' McLean Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, 8, and 1 Prompt attention (riven to all business DESTROYED BY FIRE and no insurance. DON'T let this happen to you. Insure today. 1-19-tf S. H. HAMILTON. R. T. D. D. King King Allen Drs. Allen & Dentists Offices in Bank of Lumberton build ng. 2-15-tf Lumberton, N. C Dr: R F Graham, Dentist Rowland, : : North Carolina 2-5-tf Edward H. Meech Com cert Pianist, also teacher of Piano. Encasement Lumberton. N. C. accepted. 12-4-tf DR. W. L, GRANTHAM Physician and Surgeon Office at Lumberton Drug Co. Store. Office phone No. 26. Kesideiice phone No. 49. 7-4 tf The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York Oldest In America. Stongvct in tbe World Largwet amount of dividend paid to policy bold an of any eompany h existence. A well 673.000.000. J. A. Barker. Manager Wilmington district. Office roomi 804-306 Southern building. Wilming ton. W. C. 6.j6tf T. A. McNeill, T. A McNeill, J McNeill & McNeill, Attorneys at Law, LUMBRTON, N. a Will practice in all the Courta. Busv dam attended to promptly. WOODBERRY LENNON. ATTORNEY AT LAW Lumberton, N. C Office over Post Office. E. J. BRITT, ATTORN ET-AT-LAW, LUMBERTON, N. a Office over Pope's Drug Store, ent will meet with success. $100 Reward, flOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and tiiat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con Bt'tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly ujn the blood and mucous surfaces of XYf fystem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength building up the cunBuiuiion ana Candidate for Corporation Com mission. A. J. Maxwell, clerk to the State Corporation Commission, announced Friday that he would be a candidate for the Democrat ic nomination for Corporation Commissioner to succeed Frank lin McNeill, who announced last week that he would not be a can didate for another term. Mr. J. A. Brown Of Chadboiirn hn nlan assisune r.aiure in doing its work. The proprietors have!statpd that h will ; CT, so much faith i n ita rnrativp mmun ... " " tne raCc ior mis omce. that they offer One Hundrsd boilers for any case that i fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Iill8 for constipation. To feel strontr. have nj a: : l .. uiiu uigeBiiun, Bieep soundly and enjoy life use Burdock Blood Bitters, the great system tonic and buiHer good appetite id stated there was not a word of truth in this. No others have been captured. The outlaw band isthoutrht to be at Devil's Den.this State, at the crest of Blue Ridge mountains, one of the most in accessible points in the moun tains. When Jiidce MansiVs body was prepared for burial let ters were found in his coat threat ening him with death if he should sentence Floyd Allen. The "Child's Welfare" movement has challenged the attention of thought- iui ijeome evervwhcri". o natural nupporters, and will find in roi-y k Honey and Tar Compound a most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bronchi tis and pneumonia yield quickly to the healing and soothing qualities of Foley's Honey ur'i Tar Compound. All dealer. m The Great Piano House of Gnas M S.I6.II. will occupy, after June 1st, 1912 the entire building (four foors). No. 219 South Tryon Street. Opposite the Academy of Music. To be known as the Stieff Building It will be the handsomest exclusive music house in the South CHARLOTTE, N. C. C R WILMOTH, Mr. Dr Thomas C. Johnson, Physician and Saraeon, Lumberton, N. C Office over McMillan's Drug Store. Calls answered Promptly day or night Residence at Prof. J. R. Poole's. 4-27-tf. DR. ROWLAND DEES Veterinary Surgeon, Lumberton N. C. Calls answered promptly dav or night. 3-23-tf Stephen Mclntyre, A. C. Lawrence James D. Proctor. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. DR. CLAUD T. POOLE. Physician and Surgeon, St. Paul, - - - - N. C. 8-4tf E. G. SIPHER, cLEcnticiAi,: Lumberton, N C. office in Shaw Building. Phone No. 1-6 Dr. W. O. EDIvJUND Veterinary Surgeon. Manufacturer of horse Remedies. Lumberton, N. C. Calls filled promptly. Phone No.52. 8-2 CHAS. T. HARPER, M. D. Office the Wilmington Sanatorium Front and Castle Sts. Phone 1166. WILMINGTON, N. C. Practice Limited to Kidney, Genito urinary and Rectal Diseases. ALBERT LEE BARBOUR, St. Paul, N. C. Contractor and Builder Brick and Tile Work a specialty. Correspondence solicted. Office up stairs in L. L. McGoogan building. 83 Thomas L. Johnson, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business Offices over First National Bank. J. Mc C0MB1E MURRAY, A. L C. M. Late of Philadelphia and New York Bank of Maxton Building, Maxton, N. C. Honors Singing and Theory, The Royal Academy of Music, London, England. Associate with Honors, The London Col lege of Music, London, England Late Demonstrator on Scientific Voice Production and Photography of the Voice at Columbia College and the New York Academy of Sciences, New York. Singing, Elocution and Oratory Tuesdays and Fridays at First Baptist Church J. J. BUCKLE YE, Barnesville, - - - North Carolina Practical Sewing Machine Repairer. Repair work on sewing machines, cash registers, typewriters, etc. All parts furnished. Satisfaction guaranteed. ll-Z3-tf E. M. Britt. VV. S. BritT Britt & Britt. Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C. All business given prompt and care ful attention. Office upstairs in Argui Building. 9-10 H. T. POPE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Three nice offices orer the Pope Dnur Co't iton Special attention to tbe Medcial treatment ot Cancer. Office boon 10 to 12 M., 2 to p. m. Residence 7 to 9 p. m. Sunday by appointment. Phones: Pope Dnur Co. 112. Kesidenre ft 1-S7-1 DR. JOHN KNOX, JR. Physician and Surgeon, Lumberton, .... North Carolina Residence 'phone No. 54, at Mrs. N. A. McLean's. Office 'phone No. 26. 8-0-tf Notice ! It will pay you to see us before plac ing your order for monuments, tomb stones, building or interior work. All materials and workmanship guaranteed. Mecklenburg Marble and Granite Co., Charlotte, N. C. See our salesman, I. V. Hooper, Lumberton, N. C. 12-21-tf 11 II

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