THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. 5 THE ROBESONIAN. -tJBLJSHED M0VDAT8 AND THITSDATS. MONDAY. MARCH 18. 1912 .OCAL SCHED- RAILROAD ULE. Arrival m4 Departure el Trains at Lambertoa. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Train No. 45, west-bound Lvt 7.18 . m. Train No. 39, west-bound Lv 5 47 p. m. Train No. 40, eaet-bound Lv. 9.68 a.m. Train No. 44, east-bound Lvb. 9.44 p.m. VIRGINIA CAROLINA SOUTHERN FROM HOPE MILLS. ' Train No. 79, arrives ?.E5 a. n j Train No. 64, leaves 9.5" a. m Train No. 65. arrives 6.25 p. m Train No. 78, leaves 8.20 p. m j -Air. Janiee ELIZABETHTOWN BRANCH I Heel, Vtt! a. Between St. Paul and Eliztibethtown I ilUay. Mixed Trains, daily except bunday.) Alf j Train No. 7. leaves St, Paul :0o p. m. Train No. 7, Iv. Tar Heel 9:56 p. m. Train No. 7, leaves Dublin 10:25 p. m. Train No. 7, ar. Eh'b'tht'n 10:45 p. m. Train No. 8, arrives St. Psul 8:00 a. m. Train No. 8, lv. Tar Heel 7:15 a. m. Train No 8, leaves Dublin 6:30 a. m. Train No. 8. lv. Eli'b'tht'wn 6:00 a. m. PERSONAL Mr. Ira Barker, of Ten Mile, is in town ti day. Dr. C. T. Poole, of Sl Paul, was in town f riday, Mr. J. M. Bauer, of St. Paul, was in lowii Saturday. Mr. A. H. Kozier, of HoweliB villt, was )u Lwii csauruay. Mr. a. .N. iMaxuij, of route 1 ffUXli i3U rabi, :o iU toxii louay. Mr. b. VV. ficyu, oi Xiamen- Vine, lsalUuli LLe Vjel.ufb Jfl tovli LUUttjr . RALEIGH & CHARLESTON FROM MARION, 8. C. Train No. 1, leaves 9.65 a. m. Train No. 2. arrives 5.40 p in. BUSINESS BUILDERS Lost Pocket book containing $51 25, tax receipt and other papers. Re ward for return to Andrew Freeman, Lumberton, R. F. D. 4, or The Robe sonian office. 3-18-2t Wanted You to Know I have the exclusive agency for Robeson county on Chickerine Brothers, Chase Broth ers & Chase-Hackley Pianos. Prices ntrht terms riarnt. write "uaw- SON," box 202, Laurinburg, N. C 2-14-8t Wanted You to buy an Incubator from me; good as new, standard make. Now is the time to hatch, so write at once to Mrs. B- O. Towns- end. Ravnham. N. C. 3 14 3t For Sale Boarding house business. Walnut and Third streets, 10 bu reaus and washstands. 11 beds and all necessary equipment. City water in vard. AddIv to Cant. A B. Small. Lumberton. 3-7-tf Robeson Special good for corn and dealer for it. Fertillzer-8 2-3 cotton. Ask your 3-7-tf SUrer Dollar 8-3-3 Fertilizer, needs no introduction. It won last year and is going to do the same this time Your dealer can supply you. 3-7-tf Gold Dollar 8-4-4 Guano, has no owial A air vmiv naiartiVltr? Tflbna less to yield more. " 3-7-tf Standly 8-4-4, contains dried blood, this may be what you want. Get it at the same place. 3-7-tf Rough Lumber cut to order and de livered at mill at $10 per feet. Phone or write Frank M. Watts, Lumberton, route 1. 2-12-tf For Kent A six-room to A. F. Ward, 1-4-tf house. Apply Lumberton, N. C. For Rent Several farms as a whole or in part One 12 horse farm, one 6-horse, two 2-horse two 1-horse farms. Geo. B. McLeod.Lumbeiton, N. C 12-4- tf. Wanted -All kinds of furs. Will pay highest market price. Blacker Bros., 1 umberton, N. t, 11-23-tf For Sale Six room Cedar Street. W. J house and lot on Prevatt. 7-17tf Wanted To sell cheap, about half price, a scholarship in the Charlotte Auto School. Address or apply to J" care Robesonian 9-4 tf Wanted Men and boys to take thirty daj b practical course in our machine shops. Learn the automobile business and accept good positions. Three hundred graduates placed in positions the last twelve months. Charlotte Auto School. Charlotte. N. C. 9 4-tf For Sale 20 bushels select "Moun tain Limbertwig" apples at 503. per peck at C. B Redmond's parlor grocery, Fourth street. Phone No. 113. 3-11-tf For Rent or Sale A9-room house on Pine street recently vacated by C. L. Boddy. Emory Prevatt, Lumberton. N. C. Easy terms. 3-11-tf For Rent 2-horse? farm in Howells ville township, convenient to church and school and also on R F. D. route 1 from Lumberton. Apply to Emory Prevatt, Lumberton, N. C 3-11-tf Expert Eye Examination Is absolutely necessary to de termine the proper glasses to use. Selecting them by .any other method may result .in permanent injury to your sight. Our office is equipped with all the latest instruments to be had for accurate work. If you are bothered with eye troubles it will pay you to see us and get the best. Dr. W. W. Parker Graduate optometrist of two colleges 2-15-tf Lumberton, K. C. iVlf. J. IS. iNiUxvn:, r.v'tf- grtelJ, Abb a A-uUikc lun Visitor Saturday. Mr. ti. tf. Loveti. ruie 4 from Luniociivju, ju "uWu daiuruay. Mr. Anaerbun brut, oi ruute 4 from Luatueriuij, wa& m Saturday. Mr. Webiey Jvirby, vi Pern Dro&e, was a L.uu.Dci tun Viaiiui baiuroay. - Messrs. bam and Jas. C. Alien, ol route 5 lruin Jjuujberuii, were in low a oaiuruay. Mr. J. K. tfuiiock, of route 2 from fair mum, was a JLiaaioer uu visitor xuurauay. Mr. J. M. Powell, of route 2 iruin iiUie, was among the visit or ib town Saturday. Mr. E. H. Prevatt, of route 3 Iroip LumDerton, iu among: the visitors in town tooay. County Supu J. K. Poole and Dr. H3W. Page are visiting the school at Marietta today. Miss Irene McLeod, who had been spending a lew days in town visiting nome folks, returned this morning to Charlotte, wnere she is a stuaent at Elizabeth Col lege. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Lyon and their two children, oi Wniteviile, DasBed through town this morn ing en route home from Eliza beth town, where they spent some time visiting relatives. Miss Elizabeth Snead, who had been spending some time in town visiting at the home of her broth er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Varser, left Saturday evening for Vienna, Va., where she has been teaching school. Death of Little Miss Pearl Lamb Pearl, 17-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lamb, who live in the eastern portion of town, died Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. She had pneu monia and had only been sick since Saturday night. Interment was made Friday about noon in the Willoughby cemetery, near o'd Kingsdale. Little Pearl was one of the contestants in The Robesonian's contest and her att-activeness is evidenced in the ardent support she received from her numerous friends. ML Eliam Sunday School Insti tuteProgram. The quarterly meeting of the ML Eliam Sunday School Insti tute will be held with the East Lumberton Baptist Sunday school Sunday, March 31sL PROGRAM. 10:30 a. m. Song service, all scboels. 10:40 a. m. Meeting called to order by the president, J. Z. Stone. Devotional Exercise. 10:5" a. m Address of welcome, Rev. J. M. Fleming. Last Lumberton ll:0o a. m.-Response Rev. P. T. Britt, Mt. Eliam. 11.10 a. m. Roll call and report of 5 'bools 11 2")a. in. Admission of new schools. ll:25y m. Andres.. ' The 1 eacher's Oppf nuni y " K. E. L- East i um berton. 12. (0 m. Address. "How did Jesus spend the Sabbath and how should yo i spend tne fcabbath : a. L. Parker of Smyrna. INTERM'S'lON Oie hour. 1:30 p. m. Song service and report of General superintendent r rank Gough, with statement, "Our Aim ot 1912." followed by general remarks, after which the singing contest will take place. Every school is expected to be represented with delegates and a choir, lhe program will carry with it, from all schools, special songs quartets, instrumental music, choruses, etc. A good attendance is hoped for. Failure to attend means the loss of our best, most inspirin and instructive meetings. This w tie an occasion ot real joy. Meet us there Ira F. Britt, J. I. Stone, Sr., W. J. Wilkeraon. Program Committee GADDYSVILLE GRIT.". ?iff Lives Lost and Damage to Prop erty in Storms. From Charlotte, Salisbury, and other places in the piedmont sec tion of this State, from Virginia, Georgia and Alabama much dam age to property is reported from devastating storms Thursday and Friday. In Alabama several lives were lost. This section es caped lightly. Considerable rain fell Friday and there was some wind, but it did not reach the dignity of a storm, At Char lotte the rainfall was the heavi est in 19 years. List Takers to Be Appointed at Next Meeting of County Com missioners. At the next regular meeting of the county commissioners they will appoint listtakers for the various townships, and County Auditor A. T. Parmele says that he is ready to receive applications from all who want a chance at this work. Mr. Parmele says that the applications should be handed in at once. Millinery Openings. Millinery openings will be the attractions for the ladies next week, Saturday morning Miss Josephine Breece informed a Robesonian reporter that she will have her opening next Tuesday and Wednesday and a few min utes later Miss Amelia Linkhaw, who has charge of the millinery department of R. D. Caldwell & Son's department store, informed the same reporter that her open ing will be on the same days. Piney Grove Indian School Com mencement. The Piney Grove Indian school will close Saturday, March 23d, with appropriate exercises. The program will consist of humor ous dialogues, recitations and speeches. Some good speakers will probably be present Every body is invited to come and re ceive a genuine treat. A. A Chavis, Principal. Harvesting Cotton and Prepar ing to Plant New Barn and a New Residence. Conmordnc of The RobroniB. Gaddysville, R. 1, March 11 Messrs. Alfred Barfield, Ed. Williams and C. W. Branch and son. Master Ernest, were Fair mont business visitors Monday. Mr. D. S. McEachern spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks at St. Paui.-Mrs. Emeline Williams is spending a while with friends and relatives above Lumberton. Mr. G. W. Grims ley was a Rowland business visi tor Thursday. Hauling fertilizer is the order of the day and the roads grow worse every day. The farmers are all busy harvesting cotton and pre paring to piant another crop. Some of the hands are picking and are being followed by a stalk-cutter and the cutter fol lowed by a plow. From what we can hear, some have already "got enough of the pie" and are not going to piant so much this year. That's good pluck, Mr. farmer. Stick to it and you will come out ail even. Mr. G. W. Grimsley is building a new barn. That's the sign of making more corn. Mr. Ed Miller is preparing to build a new residence. Little Will Abbottsburg Notes A Marriage An Apron Party. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Abbottsburg, R. 1, March 14. Messrs. Liry Ashley and Har vey Kellv attended a fruit sup per and debate at Orrum Friday night. Messrs. R. M. and Guy Phillips spent Friday at Lumber ton. The school at Mud Hole school house closed Friday be fore the first Sunday. Miss Ad die Murrell was teacher. Mr. Archie Kelly was married last Wednesday to Miss Harriet Nye of Orrum. Mr. Gay Kelly, who has been teaching school near Kelly, has returned home. There was an apron party last Saturday night at Mr. Ed Pait's. Mr. Ippie Pait won the prize for the best sewing. The prize was a pin, which be duly presented to the girl, Miss Ether White. Messrs. Oscar Johnson and Dun can McGirt of Whiteville spent Sunday in this section. Mr. Henry Mercer of near Bladen boro was a pleasant caller in this section, Sunday. There was a singing at Mr. A. M. Kelly's Sunday night. There was a large crowd present. "Brinkle." Notices of New Advertisements. The road to fortune First National Bank. Prepare for the coming fly Lumberton Novelty Works. Everybody comes Jno. T. Biggs. Millinery opening of W E. Kindley Co., at Fayetteville. Seed Irish potatoes, garden and flower seed at Crump & Floyd's. The ruling forces J. H. Wish art. Fine furniture and coffins Lumberton Furniture Store. Buster Brown at opera house Friday night A pocketbook containing money and papers has been lost Notice of dissolution of copartnership Nineteen Miles a Second without a jir, shock or disturbance, is the awful speed of the earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, r.nd so do those who take Dr. King's Is ew Life Pills. No griping, no distress, just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c all druggists Tar Heel Topics. Coitus ondence of The Robesonian. Tar Heel, March 15-Mr. Hersey of Dublin was in town last Friday on business. Mr. Ed Grimes was in Lumberton one day last week on business. Mr. E. J. Smith of Raleigh spent part of last week here.-- Mr. J. F. Lockey was a Dublin visitor last Thursday. It is so very wet the farmers are slow about their plowing. Miss Bertie Kinlaw of Dublin visited her sister here recently. Blue Eyes. Three Negro Incendiaries Lynched. Olar. S. C. Dispatch, 13th. Three negroes in charge of constables on their way from Olar to Bamberg to be lodged in the county jail, were taken from the officers by a mob at Odoms Bridge, seven miles from this place and shot to death this af ternoon. The mob of 75 to 100 men surprised the two constables and secretly securing the three negroes, finished their work in short order. The negroes were Alfred Dublin, Richard Dublin and Peter Rivers. The negroes had confessed to attempting to burn the residence of J. E. Cook, mayor of Olar, early yesterday morning. On February 21st, a destructive fire occurred in the business part of the town. A Cold, LaGrlppe. Tnen Pneu monia Is too often the fatal sequence, and coughs that hang on weanen the sys tem and lower the vital resistance. Foley's Hney and Tar Compound is a reliable medecine that stops the cough promptly by healing the cause; soothes the inflamed air passages, and checks the cold. Keep always on hand. Re fuse substitutes. All dealers. m Buster Brown Friday Night. A whirlwind of good clean comedy and music is Buster Brown, which comes to the Lum berton opera house Friday night. Buster Brown is the merriest king of f unland and with little Mary Jane, Tige and forty oth ers, not counting the Campbell Kids, will entertain kiddies and kids grown up with more comedy and fun than one can shake a stick at. Seats on sale at Mc Millans drug store tomorrow morning, ad. Subscribe for The Robesonian. KINDLEY'S MILLINERY OPENING Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 20, 21 and 22, 1912. A shewing surpassing in every way anything ever attempted here. New Suits, New Coats, New Dress Goods. KA1LKUAU rAKfc paid on all pur chases of 125.00 and over. Come! W. E. KINDLEY CO., Fayetteville, N. C. Devoe Takes Least Gallons: Always Paint Devoe; it's the cheapest paint in the world: never mind the price; it may or may not be more. Less gallons will paint the house; and the paint will outwear anything. Skip wear; you've got to wait, to find that out It covers more; you haven't got to wait to find that out It's the cheapest of all; no mat ter about the price. N R Watkins. Lott, Texas, used 13 gallons on his house be fore; bought 13 gallons Devoe for same house and had 6 left C B Edwards, of Edwards & Broughton, printers, Raleigh, N. C, used 30 gallons paste paint on his house; bought 30 gallons Devoe for same house and had 16 left. That's how. "" Sold by McAllister Hardware Co. m 1 $5 aVSnSDBBBMRSjCffSBaBVSnDBH Setfa Thomas Now $4. Clock Now is the time of the year c buy clocks and in order to stimulate the clock trade we have reduced the $5 clock to f4 Be sure to see our new 16 size Elgin Watch at .?".50. Boylin's Jewelry Store. THE IMPROVED "Circle Brace" Diverse CultivatoD and Spring Tooth Harrow A half million Progressive Farmer! are now making their crops with it. Note improved hand lever nut--offset clevis and chain ad justment to fender. The wholeiale trade sup plied by N. JACOBI WILMINGTON, N. C. HARDWARE CO. SOLE AGENTS. Beauty Talks! ROSE JELLY and TALCUM will save you from a March Blight.... We have them Lumberton : Drug : Company 1-25-tf Telephone No. 26. Specials I Seed Iriih Potatoes, Cabbage Planti, Seed Corn and Garden and Flower Seed. CRUMP & FLOYD, General Merchants. Lumberton, : : : : North Carolina COME TO THE et Free 2 Pasttime Theatre FREE! FREE! Reciprocity Established in Lumberton Beautiful Old Dutch Delft Blue 42 Piece China Mmunieir Given Away Each Tuesoay Night :: Keep Your Coupons They are Valuable :: We have inaugurated a new system whereby our patrons will share in the profits. Each admission ticket will have a numbered coupon attached and the purchaser will retain said coupon. On the following Tues day night all the tickets sold during the week will be put in a box and a child to be selected from the audience, will draw out one ticket at a time and the tenth ticket out will receive a handsome 42 Piece Dutch Delft Blue Dinner Set. The holder of the Coupon must be in the Pasttime on the night of drawing. If not. then ten more numbers will be again dravn out and that person will gpt the dinner set. It is our earnest desire to enter tain and please our patrons, One of these Dinner Sets is on di3pln" in the show window at Dr. Parker's Jewelry Store. 2-29 Admission lO Cents