THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. o Afraid of Ghosts Mnv people are afraid o( jhot. Few people ere afraid of ern. Yet the fihost u a fancy and the erm is a fact. If the jferm could be magnified to a sire equal to ita terrors it would appear more terrible than any fire-breathin dragon. Germs can't be avoided. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink. The germ can only prosper when the condition of the system gives it free scope to establish it self and develop. When there is a deficiency of r ln1iinr rrcllrunKl. B sallow cheek, , uai iv 1 ' - , hollo eye, when ths appetite is poor and the aleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ. You can fortify the body against all germs by the use of Dr. Pierce Gold en Medical Discovery. I' increases the vital power, cleanses the system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed. "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine of INOn comfosition and with a record of 40 years of cures. Accept no ubstitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors. War Reminiscences by an Old Veteran. Written for The Robesonian. General Robert F. Hoke was selected by General Lee to lead a division against the Federal garrison in our North Carolina town of Plymouth. General Hoke was only 27 years of age, but he was a brave, able and seasoned soldier. As Plymouth was guarded by land works of great strength and also by gun boats. General Hoke was anxious to have some naval aid in his at tack. He had heard that a craft was being built at Edwards' Ferry on the Rcanoke river above Plymouth. He saw commander James W. Cook, who was build incr the boat, with no helpers ex cept such mechanics as could be picked up here and there, with no tools but such as came from country shops. The private soldier of Lee's army in 1864 was a model fighter. He knew that his cause was fail ing, he knew that his army was daily growing smaller, he knew that his dear ones at home were in want and in danger, yet he stood square-jawed in line. In his battered hat, in his shirt sleeves, in his bare feet, he shrank from no call. On May 5, 1864, General Grant's line of march crossed Lee's in the tangles of the wilder ness, and the rested armies sprang at each other and battled for two days. Grant was thor oughly beaten in his attempt to walk by Lee. Thirty-four North Carolina regiments swayed back ward and forward in the fierce fighting among the scrubby oaks of the wilderness. On the first of June the Federals attacked a part of the Confederate lines, and Cook's. Kirkland's. and Hoke's men aided in their repulse. On the 2nd, General Grant gave order for an early attack along Lee's entire front. This order was obeyed at fearful cost. The attack lasted only eight minutes, but more Federals perhaps fell bleeding in those eight minutes than in any like period during the war. At 9 o'clock Grant or dered a second charge against Lee's works, but the army re fused to obey the command. General Ramsuer, always brave and faithful, was mortally wounded and died while being tenderly nursed in the camp of his enemies. Old Veteran. McDonald, N. C. David A. Truesdale, an express messenger, balked the robbery of a Southern Pacihc train on tne 13th by killing two of the high waymen. The holdup was stag ed near the Mexican border, on the eastern edge of the "Big Bend" country of Texas. By a simple ruse he attracted the at tention of the bandit who was guarding him from himself, brained him with a heavy mallet, and when the bandit who was working the car ahead returned Truesdale shot and killed him with the pistol taken from the other bandit. CHILDREN INJURED. Rexall Orderlies commonly completely relieve constipation, except cf course when of surgi cal character. They also tend to overcome the necessity of con stantly taking laxatives to keep the bowels in normal condition. Three sizes of packages, 10 cents, 25 cents, and 50 cents. Remem ber, you can obtain Rexall Rem edies in Lumberton only at our store -The Rexall Store -J. D. McMillan & Son. How Cold Causes Kidney Disease Partly by driving blood from the sur face and congestng the kidneys, and partly by throwing too much work upon them. Foley Kidney Pills strengthen tViA tirlnova rriva ((inn tr. tVlO llrinflrV nrtrnns and restore the normal action of the bladder Ihey are tonic in ac- . i i. rn ii All lion, quiCK in results, iry uiem. ju dealers. m You Neec! . j after With-Bro iiis Asthma i onsilitis Medical v.iulo ot'i very ! .n:I show that Bronchitis Asthma Tons.litis, etc. re tin- results "t' f' " A crId urcd in time pr. vt-nts tlicst-;. T Cxop sr.4C s ;-rnfcs lun.x h .. r in t he ni itl it is npj'lii- I ' xtt-'.-trilly. i"v;i.r rt lu-ilitig v:.!ior tii it n' t ! :-,.:- ;u,u :::i: Hately : :i ;!v a.'.', i V ! art -. ;H.-nVt:a,r a real ;.e: !niK-:.t e'i.'j. At yoar dregf iit's or hj mail ::3. 50c. $1.00 i i '- kiv :.v.-?zi; tke dollar iia4 Vkk's Family Remedies Co. C'-vnSto, N. C. CLUBBING OFFERS Some Attractive Propositions That Will Enable Robesoni&n Subscribers to Save Money on Their Papers. The Robesonian has made ar rangements that enable it to make some attractive offers to its subscribers. On none of the offers do we make a penny. We nut the papers that club with us at exactly what they cost us and our readers get the benefit. The only condition is that you be a subscriber to The Robesonian. We will send ou the Char lotte semi-weekl Observer and The Robesonian one year, four papers each week, for $2.25. The Youth s Companion, one of the best magazines in the world, and The Robesonian, both one year for $2.75. This offer will not be open long. The Youth's Companion will be $2.00 after April 1, 1912 it is now $1.75 so by subscribing now you save 75 cents on the two. The thrice-a-week New York World and The Robesonian, five papers each week, for $2.15. Progressive Farmer and Ga zette, the best farm paper in the South, and The Robesonian, one year, $2.00. This offer is open to old or new subscribers of the Robesonian, the only condition being that you are a new sub scriber to The Progressive Farmer. If you are already a subscriber to The Progressive Farmer we will renew the paper for you in connection with The Robesonian for 85 cents. We will send The Robesonian land the Atlanta Thrice-a-Week Constitution o&th .. for one year for $2.25. The Robesonian and the Rich mond Tri-Weekly Journal, five papers each week, one year for $2. 35: or The Robesonian and the Richmond Journal 6 days each week, 8 papers a week, one year or $3.25. This is a chance to get a good paper published daily except Sunday and a good semi weekly paper at less than the cost of many daily papers. We will send you The Robe sonian and the Charlotte News, a leading evening paper, for the price of The News alone, $6 00 for one year, $3.00 for 6 months, $1.50 for 3 months. This is your opportunity to get your home paper free and one of the best daily papers in this section along with it at regular rates. fa PILLOWS FREE Mail us $10 for 36-pound Feather Bed and receiva 6-pound pair pillows frtt. Freight prepaid. New feathers, best ticking, satisfaction guaranteed. AGENTS WANTED TURNER & CORN WELL Feather Dealers. Dept. A. Charlotte. N. C. Reference: Commercial National Bank. Ordinary Cathartics and Pills and Harsh Physic Cause Distressing Complaints. You cannot be over-careful in the selection of medecine for chil dren. Only the very gentlest bowel medecine should ever be eiven. except in emergency cases. Ordinary pills, cathartics and purgatives are apt to do more harm than good. They may cause griping, nausea and other distressing after-effects that are frequently health-destroying. We personally recommend and guarantee Rexall Orderlies as the safest and most dependa ble remedy, which we know, for constipation and associate bowel disorders. We have such abso lute faith in the virtues of this remedy that we sell it on our guarantee of money back in every instance where it fails to give entire satisfaction, and we urge all in need ot such medecine to trv it at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eatpn inst likecandy.are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night; do not cause diarrhoea, nausea. griping, excessive iooseness, or other undesirable effects. They have a very mud but positive action upon the organs with which thev come in contact. sd- parently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcom ing weakness, and aiding to re store the bowels to more vigor ous and healthy activity. - -I Notice of Dissolution. Lumberton, N. C, Feb. 28, 1912. To Whom it May Concern: Notice is hereby given to the public that the parnership heretofore existing between the undersigned R. D. Caldwell and W. W. Carlyle. trading and doing business under the firm name and style of Caldwell & Carlyle has been dissolv ed, such dissolution to take effect as of January 1st, 1912. All accounts against said firm should be presented to Robert D.Caldw ell tor payment and all accounts, notes, mortgages, judgments, book ac counts and other evidence of indebted ness due said firm are payable to Robert D. Caldwell and prompt payment there of is hereby requested. William W. Carlyle hereby withdraws from said firm and the business will in future be conducted by Robert D. Caldwell. Thanking the public for the eenerous patronage given to the firm in the past we remain R. D. Caldwell. W. W. Carlyle. Having withdrawn from the firm of Caldwell & Carlyle, the business has been taken over by Mr. R. D. Caldwell and will in future be conducted by him. I bespeak for him a continuance of the same liberal patronage which has here tofore been accorded the firm by the people of Robeson county. W. W. Carlyle. Having succeeded to the firm business of aldwell & Carlyle, which business will in the future be conducted by me, I request of the people of Robeson county the same generous patronage which has here tofore been accorded to the old firm. The public may rest as sured that every effort will be made to accomodate them in every respect. Large stocks will be carried and every effort will be made to supply the pub lic with everything usually supplied by a first-class department store. 3-4-6mon R. d. Caldwell. Commissioners' Sale of Tim ber, Mules, Etc., Etc. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court, made in chambers at Fayette ville on October 30, 1911, in an action pending in the Superior Court of Cum berland county, entitled "Fourth National Bank, et al. vs Racoarda Lumber Company," the undersigned, commissioners, will offer for sale at the Court House in Fayetteville, N. C, on Monday, Deecmber 4. 1911, at twelve o'clock m., all the timber and timber rights owned by the Racoarda Lumber Company standing upon the following lands in Carver's Creek township, to wit: . Collier tract of about 267J acres, esti mated to contain eight hundred thou sand feet. Rankin tract of about 1,400 acres, estimated to contain about nine hun dred thousand feet. Both of above tracts near Lane. King tract of about 70 acres, esti mated to contain about four hundred thousand feet, near Slocomb. Beasley tract of about 112 acres, es timated to contain about one million two hundred and fifty thousand feet One Buie tract of 35 acres estimated to contain seventy-five thousand feet near Carver's Falls. All near the Raleigh & Southport Railroad. Only the timber is to be sold. Terms of Bale: cash. Place of sale: Court House door, Fay etteville, N. C. Time of sale: Monday, December 4, 1911, 12 o'clock m. Parties desiring information can ap ply to R. C. Lawrence, Lumberton, N. C, H. L. Cook. Fayetteville, N. C. 2-5-8 Mon. Commissioners. Postponement Above sale postponed until Monday, March 4, 1912, at the same place. By consent the above sale has been postponed until April 1st. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator cf the estate of J. R. Chason. deceased, lateof Robeson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of aid deceas ed to exhibit them to the undersigned at Lumber Bridge. N. C . or Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor, Lu'iJjerton. N. C, on or before the 16th day of Feb ruary, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This lfith day of February 1912. W. A. Chason, Administrator of J. R. Chason. 2-19-6 mon CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought The Reason Why At"?, Vr s-y- -- - , ' . I n r i T"i 11 VI III 1 !! Ill II I The reason why our Glasses give relief to the eyes is because we know where and how to place them. It's our business. Make it your business to see us. Spectacles and Eye Glasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and Up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineburg, Masonic Temple, Wilmington, - - North Carolina Bears the Signature of CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOL Telegrapbr Penmanship Shorthand, Typewriting, Bxkkeepinu. Special Preparatory Department; Da and Night Sessions; Splendid Equip ment; Rates Reasonable For terms, etc., address OWEN C. ROGERS, Pr.c... S-lfi-tf Hope Mills. N r Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of authority vested in me under a judgement and decree of the Superior Court of Robeson county, en tered at December term, 1911, in cer tain foreclosure proceedings therein pending, wherein t,. D. McNeill and W. O. Edmund are plaintiffs and Charles ti. Duliard and wife are defendants, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday the 1st. day of April, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash tne following described lands, to-wit: In the town of Lumber ton. Beginring at a stake and runs north 2.30 east 166J feet to John Black wood's line; thence as his line south 87.30 east 100 feet; thence south 2.30 west 166J feet to Eleventh street in said town of Lumberton; thence north 87.30 west 100 feet to the beginning, containing one-half acre, more or less and being lot No. 66, in the plan of the Higley division according to a map made by D. c. Buie, surveyor. Dated this February 29th. 1912. James D. Proctor, 3-4-4 mon commissioner. LUMLJC&jBBM Flowers When you want the best, remember we are at your service. Choice Roses, Carnations, Vallies, i Violets and Wedding Outfits in the latest styles. Floral offering artistically arranged at short notice. When in need of pot plants, rose bushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge plants and shade trees, mail, telegraph or tele phone your orders to J. L. 0'Qyinn & Go. Phone No. 149. Raleigh, - - - North Carolina FILET kidhev CURE WILL CURB YOU cf any case of Kidney cr Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi cine. Take it at once. Do not risk having Bright's Dis ease or Diabetes. There is nothing gained by delay. fide, and 91.00 Dottles. MNU UMTtTWTSa I P I ... -;:! V.! Wr : s-; pfc V fVi Between Solety and Danger The wise man secures the protection ol FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a man has is a policy in a goo-i com pany. We represent some of the beet companies In existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incur red. Some day you may be sorry you didn't let us write a policy tu-day. Q. T. WILLIAMS. i-9 4 ON SAVINGS COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY THE0LDEST6 LARGEST BANK IN ROBESON COUNTY BANK OF LUMBERTON Condensed statement made to the Corporation Commis sion, Raleigh, N. C, as of February 20, 1912. ASSETS Loans $351,145.18 Stock responsibility 100.000.00 Overdrafts . 1,116.12 Bonds and real estate 25,302.50 Furniture and fixtures ...... 4.651.62 Cash items, cash and due from banks 80,383 23 Rent and interest on time deposita . 199.03 $566,597.73 LIABILITIES Capital $100,000.00 Stock responsibility 100,000.00 Prorita 30,036.76 ' Money Borrowed 00. Deposits 336,560.97 566,597.73 a New Firm! New Goods! New Prices! New Drug Store Our store is elegantly fitted and furn ished and our stock new, fresh and of the best quality. It consists of 9 e Puaire Drugs Chemicals, Standard Patent Medicines, Fancy Goods, Toilet Articles, Perfumery. The finest five cent cigar in the market. The best of soda water served at our fountains. We make a specialty of compounding physicians' pre scriptions and family receipts. Call and See Us I Your patronage is always appreciated, no matter how i mall your purchases, and you may rest assured it will be our constant aim to sell you the best goods that can be obtained and at reasonable prices. ParMon Pharmacy 372w ( Incorporated) Parkton, North Carolina. FOR SALE! One acre town lot located in the thrifty little colored town of Oak Ridge about one mile south of Lumber Bridge,' N. C, on the A. C. L. Railroad, containing one three-room cottage, one feed room, stable and some other necessary buildings. Terms of sale cash. Parties interested can apply to 1-15-tf J. W. GOODEN. - Shannon, N. C. B Family Cares are made easier by always having at hand some of the Simple Common Remedies. Your family doctor will tell you what you should have in the house to use in cases of accident or sudden sickness. A little foresight in this matter will save you much worry and anxiety and no doubt will relieve your loved ones of unnecessary pain and suffering. We will fill your orders with the purest of drugs. Let the children see our 5 cent, tablet. The Pope Drug Co. Lumberton, N. C,