THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. 3 Beauty Talks? ROSE JELLY and TALCUM will save you from a March Blight.... We have them Lumberton : Drug : Company l-25-tf Telephone No. 26. Farm for Sale I I have bought the James Thomp son farm in Britt's township, about 4 1-2 miles from Lumberton. About 300 acres in tract Will sell same as a whole or will cut it up to suit purchaser. This property going to be sold at once. is 87 The above-named property is sold. Anyone wishing to buy or sell farm property will please see me at once. M. Barker, Lumberton, N. C. Star Brand Shoes are Better Shoe;, Oxfords, Pumps and Sandals for the whole family. Be sure and try a pair for Star Brand Shoes are Leather ! : : : For sale by : : : CRUMP & FLOYD, General Merchants. Lumberton, : : : : North Carolina I 8B3SSBE rv'- Automatics Save Their Cost. L. H. CALDWELL Hardware Department. HmjiwiiTii.i.iM.i.nwwwwPawpWi..i SUPPLIES FOR THE FARMER it matters not what you need in the way of arm Ixi3leii;its, Grocer ies, Dry Goods, etc., we can supply YOUR WANTS1. We have everything for everybody at the right prices. Call and let us & show you. - S McEachern, Johnson & McGeachy Co. St Pauls, - - . ... - N. C S 9-8 0 $ ft o o o o o o Q O O Subscribe for The Robesonian SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On tht Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Llnscott For the Internationtl Press Bible Question Club. GvW. 1911. b Re. T. S. Lw. D. O. April 21, 1912. Copyright. 1511. by Rev. T. B. Llnscott, D. D The Appointment of the Twelve. Mark 111:7-19; Matt v:13-lC Golden Text Ye did not choose me, bnt 1 chose you and appointed you. that ye go and bear frolt John xt :1C (L) Verse 7 Why, in view of what had Just happened, did Jesu9 "with draw himself and his disciples to the sear' (2.) When is it right to flee from our enemies, and when is it duty to stand our ground? (3.) Verse 8 What proportion follow ed Jesus out of love for him, and hla teaching, and what proportion through curiosity, and to see his wonderful works? (4.) What proportion attend church to-day for worship, for the preaching, the music, or because It is the custom? (3.) Verses 0-10 To what extent Is it legitimate for a preacher In his public services to provide musical or other at tractions in order to draw the crowd? (6.) What would probably have been the size of the congregations of Jesus If he had not performed miracles as well as preached the gospel? (7.) Verses 11-13 If in these days a preacher Is not instrumental in casting unclean spirits out of men, what ought he to do? (S.) Why did Jesus charge the demons who knew him not to make him known? (9.) Verse 13 Why is It, or not, a part of a pastor's duty to frequently Invite individual Christians to visit klm, with a view to finding out, and then to Influence them to take up the form of Christian work for which they are fitted? (10.) Verses 14-1-Jesus had a large following ct this time. What method, therefore, did he adopt in selecting his twelve apostles? ' (11.) What important preparation had Jesus made during the previous night for selecting his apostles? (See Luke vl:12-13.) (12.) Which, and why. is the better method when faced with an Important crisis, to seek help from God In a few words, and in faith leave the matter with him or to discuss all the details with God in protracted prayer? (13.) Back up your answer with rea sons and say whether Christ intended the miraculous power conferred upon the original twelve apostles to be per manent in the Christian church. (Thia is one of the questions which may be answered in writing by members of the club,) fl4.) Verses 16-10 What nartlcular charge did Jesus give to these twelve Apostles? (See Matt. x:5-15.) (13.) Which were the leaders among the Apostles, and what can you say concerning them? (10.) Matt. v:131G What are the chief characteristics of salt? (17.) In what sense are Christians like salt? (13.) What elements In Christian character resemble li;:Lit. and to what extent are we responsible to let our light shine? Lesson for Sunday. April US. 10! The Dentitudes. Matt. v:l-12. Tar Heel Topics Death of Miss Li'da Munn. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Tar Heel. Apr. 15-Misa Bet tie Dawson visited her sister here recently. Mr. Cleveland Bedsole and two sisters, Misses Cornie and Mary, of near Elease, spent one night last week here. Mr, and Mrs. Shaw and little daugh ter, of Ivanhoe, spent part of last week with Mrs. Shaw's mother here, Mrs. Bella Munn. Miss Lida Munn, daughter of Lapt. and Mrs. Daniel Munn, who had been in declining health for two years, passed away Sun day morning. April 7. She leaves her mother, four brothers, three sisters and a host of relatives and friends. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church at St. Paul on the 8th by Rev. R. L. Byrd, assisted by Kev. Mr. Wicker. The family have our sympathy. Mr. Weston Young, of near Ten Mile, was in town last Thursday. Rev. R. L. Byrd preached here the first Sunday afternoon. Mr. T. D. Bryant of South Carolina spent part of last week at the home of Mrs. Bella Munn. Mr. Jas. Roberson at tended the funeral of his brother Mr. Sandy Roberson at Fayette ville last Saturday. Miss Bettie Kinlaw of Dublin spent last Sun day with her sister here, Mrs. Clyde Singletary. "Blue Eyes" ""The Danger After Grip lies often in a run-down system, weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regu lator of stomach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved that they won derfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system and restcre to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try- them. Only 50 cents. Sold and perfect satisfaction guaran teed by all druggists. A Word of Exhortation to the Fanners Union Members. Mt. EHti Correspondent? of The Robesonian. Farmers, don't forget your or ganization, the F. E. and C. U. of A. , and don't drop out because it has not made you rich in a year's time. There is plenty of room and plenty of time yet to do something for yourself, some thing that nobody else can do for you, and something you can not do unless you belong to the God-given Union. Don't get out j of heart because a few have backslidden. Remember it is always the faithful few that ac complish great things and not the great numbers." We are in better shape to do something than we have ever been before. You say why? Because it has been sifted. Meal is never pure or fit for use till it has been sifted. And I feel like the greater part of the husk has been sifted out of our organization. I am pleas ed to know that the Mt. Eliam local No. 626 is alive, with a good number of warm members. 'Tis true we had a few loafers who never have been and never will be any good to themselves or to anybody else. It's not the great number who won't stick we need but the few who will. In con clusion let me say, attend your meetings and learn what is best to do and then do that and it will be well in the end. Happy Jack. Subscribe for The Robesonian. PERUNA bAVfcD MY a w inn Lire. GHICHESTERS PILLS . Tr. 11 4 Mi ia a I ke lMr Bur mf r-mr r y.-ir, know a, nw. Sm. a!w auu CONVALESCENTS Those Recovering from Any Se vere Illness After a long wasting lllnsss, con valescents require nourishing food that will not overtax the digestive functions and in-" the . way - of - a strength-restoring1 and vitalrfy-making tonic, we know of nothing that equals Vinol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic (without oil). Vinol creates an appetite, re-establishes good digestion and helps tho daily food to make rich hlood, form flesh, stronff muscles and impart new life and vitality to every orean in tho body. We ask those who need a strength and flesh-building tonic res torative to call at our store and get a bottle of Vinol, with the understand ing that if it does not help them we will refund their money without ques tion. J. D. McMillan & Son, Druggists, Lumberton. N. C. 1 Recommend It Wherever I Am." Mrs. John M. SUbler, Millerburg, Ind., write: "I have been cured of a. very bad cas of ca tarrh of the stomaoh and constipation , and a compli cation of ail ments that I have had for several year I doctored with thren doctors, who did me not much good, so I quit doc toring. "I bought Mrs. John M. Stabler. of Pe. runa and commenced taking it. I found I was getting some better, but thought I was not doing as well as I might. So I wrote Tho Peruna Medical Depart ment, to see what they thought about me. They gav me special directions and medical advice. To our astonish ment I Improved and am to-day a well woman and weigh as much as I ever did in my life. "I tell my friends that Peruna saved my life. I recommend It wherever 1 am,'and when any of our folks are sick, I give them Peruna with success." r, 1 Expert Eye Examination Is absolutely necessary to de termine the proper glasses to use. Selecting them by any other method may result in permanent injury to your sight Our office is equipped? with all the latest instruments to be had for accurate work. If you are bothered with eye troubles it will pay you to see us and get the best Dr. W. W. Parker Graduate optometrist of two colleges 2-15-tf Lumberton, N. C. 25 UA4.iT Y - y Glennwood Gleanings. Corrrfpondence of Tlie Robesonian. Pembroke, R. F. D.. Apr. 13. All the farmers are very busy planting and preparing for plant ing crops. "There" is a gtiodlv number of people who have al ready planted cotton. At last the people are about done gath ering their last year's cotton crops. Lots of children had a fine time hunting eggs Saturday before Easter. It is said that lots of colorfd people have small pox around Pembroke. Subscribe for The Robesonian. ( lif... Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A THE RULING FORCES in the grocery line are highest quality and fair prices. When trading here you get a combina tion of both. We believe that in 12 years we have set a stand ard in Groceries that is hard to come up to. Our reward is in the continuous satisfaction of our patrons. How great that satis faction is you may determine by giving us a trial order today. J. H.Wishart 'Phone No. 1. Free delivery. 6-8-tf GREAT lO DAYS ftS IP IS NOW ON with Reduced Prices on Every Article in my stock. Each Article Marked in Plain Figures. Real Bargains we're Offering. Articles too numerous to mention, but you will find the marked down price when you enter the store. I desire to call special attention to a large line of CLOTHING ! For Men, Boys and Children Three Ser bads of urniture On the Market at Prices Unheard of Before. In addition to this large stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Groceries, Snuff and Tobacco, Hardware and Farming Implements, we have on sale a lot of new Buggies and . Harness, all at sale prices. Terms of sale Spot Cash to all. - W. J. PRE V ATT, Elm Street ::::::::: Lumberton, N. C.