t - THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. rs THE, ROBESONIAN. n BUSHED MONDAYS AKD THURSDAYS. THURSDAY. APRIL 18. 1912 BUSINESS BUILDERS We Arc going to bum next week 100, 000 good commercial brick. New machine, new manager and the best brick we ever made. We are offer ing these brick in 10,000 lota for cash onlv at S6.50 Der thousand. We need the money. Acme Brick Com pany. Lumberton. N. C. 4-18-8t. PERSONAL Parlor Grocery, headquarters for Virginia winesap and Albemarle pip pin apples, ihev have a delicious flavor and are juicy. Phone No. 113, 4-3 Hound pop lost, strayed or stolen, months old. white with red on ears. about head and on hips. Reward for return to J. D. McAllister. Lumber ton. 4-15-2t The Service of the very best Berk shire or Poland China boar is offered for onlv a pis at two months old. These fine boars can be seen at the Bee Gee farm, and show you. Lumberton, N. C. Will take you Geo. j. trench. 4-18-8t. Wanted to buy 250 bushels of peas Will pay highest market price. Mjr place of business is corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets. I. J. Moore. Lumberton. N. C 4-15-2t For Rent Millsaps' house, comer Elm street and Elizabeth road. Ideal place for boading house. Apply to G. M. Whitfield, Real Estate and Insurance, Lumberton, N. c. 4-4-tf Before Time to give in that awful tax I offer for cash only 100 pure bred Berkshire and Poland China pigs crossed for $5 each. Geo. G. French, Lumberjton, N. C. 4-18-St. Rough Lumber cut to order and de livered at mill at $10 per l.ooo feet. Phone or write Frank M. Watts, Lumberton, route 1. 2-12-tf For Rent to A. F. 1-4-tf A six-room house. Apply Ward, Lumberton, N. C. Dr. W. L. Grantham spent yesterday in Charlotte. Dr. C. M. Town8end, of Rayn ham, is in town today. Mr. John Seals, of Ten Mile, was in town yesterdav. Dr. N. H. Andrews, of Pem broke, was in town yesterday. Mr. Make Barker, who lives near St. Paul, is in town today. Mr. Ira Barker, of Ten Mile, is among the visitors m town to day. Mr. C. A. Oliver, of Marietta, is among the visitors in town to day. Mr. Thos. Kinlaw, of Howells ville, is a Lumberton visitor to- LUMBER BRIDGE SOCIAL Misses Shaw and Clifton Enter tainMiss Essie Shaw "at Home." Special to The RcbeeonUn. Lumber Bridge, April 16. It was a merry crowd that gathered at the home of Mrs. Lizzie bnaw rriday evening. April 12, in response to the invi tation of Misses Lena Shaw and Mabel Clifton. A wisteria-laden-ed table held the punch bowl. Miss Essie Shaw served the de licious punch, which was only a ; foretaste of the good things to follow. Among the amusements of the evening, the gameof hearts and mittens provoked much mer riment. In a Shakespearean contest we f cund that we had i many followers of Shakespear, : tor several tied in tne race lor i Quarterly Dividends. Dividends of 5 and 2 per cent., respec Lively, were declared at quarterly rreetirgsot the diret ors of tr,e Lurrnerton and Dres den CoVon Mills held Tuesday ard yesterday.' The qjarterly meeting of the Jer.r.ings Cotton Mills was also he'd yesterday. Mr. Shelton M'White Not a Can didate. I take this method of notifying my friends that I am not a can didate for register of deeds of Robeson county this time. I thank my friends for offer ing to support me. Shelton M'White. i Neglect of the Eyes. The eye is the most delicate and most sensitive of our senses. ton and Glenn Bennett. Good I cular troubles or the eye. Prop For Rent Several farms as a whole or in part. One 12:horse farm, one 6-horse, two 2-horse two 1-horse farms. Geo. B. McLeod.Lumberton, N. C. 12-4-tf. I've Got a mill, yes. a saw mill, and will sell you No. 2 lumber cut to order for cash, only $9.00 per thou sand f. o. b. mill. See me. Geo. G. French, Lumberton, N. C. 4-18-8t. Wan ted -All kinds of furs. Will pay highest market price. Blacker Bros., Lumberton, N. C. 11-23-tf For Sale-Six Cedar Street. room house and lot on W. J. Prevatt. 7-17tf Wanted-To sell cheap, about half price, a scholarship in the Charlotte Auto School. Address or apply to "J" care Robesonian. 9-4 tf For Sand, nice white sharp sand, .see me or Mj, Everett Britt. Geo. G. French, the sand man, Lumberton, N. C. 4-18-8t. Wanted Men and boys to take thirty days practical course in our machine shops. Learn the automobile business and accept pood positions. Three hundred trraduatei placed in positions the Issi nvt-hv n.onths. Charlotte Auto hoc!. Charlotte. N. C. 9 4-tf night came all too soon and each one voted Misses Shaw and Clif ton charming hostesses. Miss Essie Shaw was "at home" Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock in honor of Miss Nannie Jones of Sanford, who is attending the college at Red Springs, and Mrs. A. W. Shaw or JonesDoro. the guests en joyed a spirited contest in seek ing their fortune in a game of "hunting for a man". In the race for first honor Misses Bivens and Pate tied and in the cutting Miss Bivens won the prize, a beau tiful calendar, which she graceful ly presented to Miss Jones. Then all were asked into the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with apple blossoms, to further seek their fortunes in the teacups. A most delightful three-course dinner was served by Misses Lena Shaw and Mabel Clifton. It was in every way a most enjoyable afternoon. Among those present were Misses Ra chel Oliver, SaliiePate, Janie Bivens, Gertrude Harts, Emma Currie and Mrs. Thos. Stamps. erly fitted giasses relieve muscu lar strain, and the sooner applied, the better. Dr. Vineberg, the noted eye specialist, of Wilming ton, N. C, has made the eye his life study and anyone who is troubled with their eyes vvojld dor well to consult Dr. Vineberg at his office in the Masonic tem ple building, Wilmington, N. C. Eyes tested free. ad. Notice to Voters of the Town of Lumberton. You rtrv lieuhv r.otifiod that the un- ersitrni'il ha been duly appointed Registrar for the regular election to be held in the town of Lumberton. on Mon day May 6th, 1112. for the election of town oflicers as t.rovided by law. You wili timber take notice that the registration books of the town of Lum berton are now open at my place of ausiness i.i tne town of Lumberton, for revision ani registration of those not leretofore duly registered, and the ame will kept open up to, and includ ng the 5th day of May 1912. l-8-4t Dennis Biggs, Registrar. day. : the first prize a deiicious box of I et ,theu st neglected. Many Mr. Jesse Stansel, of Allenton, , candy. Dainty refreshments were ! headaches and nervous break- wna in rnwn vpatPrrlav nn hnsi- I KPrvprl hv Misapa Marv Hnit P.lif. I QOWnS come Oirectly from mus- ness. - Mr. Alfred Britt, of Buie, is among the business visitors in town today. Mr. Wesley Thompson, of Mc Donald, was a Lumberton visit or yesterday. Mr. J. E. Smith, of Howells- ville, route 1, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. R. T. Gaitley, of Rowland, was among tne business visitors in town yesterday. Mr. J. T. Phillips, of route 5 from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Frank Humphrey, of Sad dle Tree, was among the busi ness visitors in town yesterday. Mr. J. R. McPhail. Jr.,ofFay- etteville, was among the guests registered at the Waveriy hotel Tuesday. ""' Mrs. J. M.Whitfield, of Wil mington, is a guest at the home of her parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Whitfield. . Mrs. E. B. Huggins and little daughter returned this morning from Red Springs, where they spent some time visiting rela tives. Miss Clyde Regan, who had been spending some time in town at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mary Smith, returned yesterday to her home at Saddle Tree. Mrs. M. J. Prevatte, of route No. 1 from Buie, who had been spending some time at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Fleming, of East Lumberton, returned home yesterday. Miss Bessie Hutchison, who has been spending some lime in town a guest at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Evans, expects to leave tomorrow for her home in Charlotte. Annual Reunion United Conffd . erate Veterans Macon, Ga , May 7th-8th. Special low rates from all points by Seaboard Air Line Rail way. Tickets on 3ale May 5. C, 7 and 8th. Good to return until May loth. For full information as to rates, schedules, etc., see your agent, or address H. S. LEARD, Division Passenger Agt., Raleigh, N. CY Notice to Creditors. Jorth Carolina, 1 iobeson county. ! George G. French et al., vs. Lumberton Novelty Works et al Notice is hereby given to all creditors if the defendant, Lumberton Novelty tVerks, a corporation, that they are re tired to file their claims with the un lersigned Receiver on or before the 5th day of June lyiz, and if they fail o file said claims within said time they vill be barred from participation in the isseta of the said defendant, Lumberton Novelty Works. This 17th dav of April, -18-6-13 R. A. McLean, Receiver. Republican County Conven tion Called. The voters and members of the Re mblican party of Robeson county are equested to meet in primary at their esDective voting precincts on Saturday, Vpril 20, at 3 o'clock p. m., and select lelegates to the county convention vhich is called to meet at the court iouse in Lumberton on baturday, April 7, at 12 m., for the purpose or select ng delegates to represent the county i the congressionional convention to be eld at Fayetteville, N. c, on May 8, 912, and also delegates to the State onventidn which meets in Raleigh on lay 15. 1912 for the purpose of eelect ig delegates to the National Republi an convention which meeta in Chicago une-18. 1912. which convention will ominate candidate for President of the Tnited States. By order of the Robeson county Re ublican executive committee. 4-4-25 S. A. Edmund, chairman. Doan's Regulets cure constipation without griping, nausea, nor any weak -ning effect. Ask your druggist for hem. 25 cents per bcx. Rumor That Mayor White Would Run Prove3 to be a "Ho-ax". It was stated in Mor. day's Rob esonian that it was "uorated" about on the streets that Mayor White had finally yielded to the strong pressure that nad been brought to bear on him and had decided to be a candidate for the office again, but that Mr. White had not authorized the paper to state that he.was in the race. That created some excitement in local political circles and put some of the boys on their toes and it de velops that it was for that pur pose alone that the report was circulated just to have a little fun and to put some of the boys to guessing, which the same it did. There was nothing to it more than that. Mr. White says he has no idea of being in the race, so the situation remains the same, with only Messrs. W. O. Thompson and A. P. Caldwell in the race. Messrs. S. H. Hamilton and H. C. Freeman have been mention ed for commissioners to succeed two of the three whose terms expire. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment. Chron ic cases soon relieved, finally cured. Druggists all sell it. To Improve Conditions at Sea board Station A Park Pro posed. Steps are being taken to drain and beautify the rather unsight ly low and swampy place at the Seaboard station between the tracks and the brick building on Elm street, around and near the artesian well. This can be made a beautiful place with a little ex penditure of money. It is un derstood that the Seaboard au thorities have agreed to put in tiling, which is to be furnished by the town, and has also agreed to bear half the expense of put ting down concrete steps to the artesian well at this place and a1 concrete basin around the well. Mr. Ira Mullis, civil engineer, has kindly offered to give his i services in having this work done ! free of rharge. The street and J ranroau committee oi tne civic association, with the presi dent, Mrs. R" D. Caldwell, had this matter up yesterday after noon with Mr. Mullis. It is understood that a majority of the town commissioners are in favor of paying for half the expense of making a park at this place and an effort will be made to get the railroad company to bear half the ex pense. It could be made a very pretty place indeed. There are also some unsanitary and unlovely conditions at the station on the other side of the depot from the well, also at the Virginia & Carolina Southern depot, that the civic association will try to have improved in the near future. More Milk guaranteed or money back. Cows yield more and cost less to keep when you use Animal Regulator Supplies what dry food lacks. Packages 25e., 50c. Pails $2.00. R. D. Caldwell & Son Poultry Book and 1912 Almanac Free Pratts, ANNOUNCEMENTS For Mayor. To Voters of the town of Lumberton: After carefully considering the matter have decided to ask for the nomina- I tion of Mayor of the towi ton, at the eominp prima port v;:i ve appreciated. Respectfully, 4-4 W. O. Thompson. of Lumbtr-V- Your sup- Colonel Roosevelt will speak in Greensboro Monday afternoon of next week. He will arrive there from Asheville at 1:30 p. m. and his private car will be at tached to Southern passenger train No. 32, north-bound, some time during the night. Catawba county voted a $50, 000 bond issue for good roads Monday. High-Glass Millinery ! All the latest shapes and styles from which to select Expert Trimmers ! Exclusive Millinery Store. Miss : Josephine : Breece. For Register of Deeds. I will be a candidate for the nomina tion of Register Deeds oi" Robeson county at the coming Democratic pri mary. I will greatly appreciate the support of my fellow Democrats and if elected I will serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. 4-8-Im' J. T. Barker. For County Treasurer. To the Democratic Voters of Robeson County: In announcing myself a candidate to succeed myself for the office of Treas urer oi rcoDeson county, 1 wish to ex press rr.y sincere thank? to the voters of Robeson county for their ever liberal and generous'support in the past, and as the days, weeks and years fly by, floating me towards "three-score-and-ten" in iiie's little race, I v.-tJI apprf eiate your support rr.ore deeply than ever. I am always subject to the w.il of the Democratic voter expressed either in convention or primary. If elected I will ever strive to perform the duties of the office honestly, courteously and kindly, to the very best of my ability. 4-15-tf M. G. McKenzie. For Register of Deeds. Gentlemen and Fellow Citizens: Allow me to announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds. I return my heart felt tnanks to you for the very liberal support you have given me in the past, and I hope to have a continuance of the same in the coming campaign, (subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary ) 4-18. Thomas N. Higley. For Register of Deeds To the Voters of Robeson County: I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Robeson county, sub ject to the coming Democratic primary. All support will be greatly appreciated. 1 shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability if elected. 4-15-1 m J. E. Carlyle. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Robeson County: At the solicitation of some of my friends. I take this method of announc ing myself a canaidate for County Commissioner at the coming Demo cratic primary. All support will be greatly appreciated. 4-18 J. U .obb. Bargain in Show Cases! We offer a bargain to quick buyer in two 10-foot Show Cases. Boylin's Jewelry Store,; LumbTton, N'. C. Plant Cotton One Seed at a Time Equally Spaced 'Thick" or "Thin" Save Half Your Chopping Expense. Without preparation of the seed, plant from a bushel or more to a peck or less to the acre a single seed at a time, uni form distances one to five inches apart as you set the planter. Get a full stand and save half the time, work and expense of chopping. Each plant stands alone and grows stocky and strong even if chopping is delayed. The Ledbetter "One Seed" Corn and Cotton Planter has ten years of wounderful success back of it to prove that it makes big yields at low cost and gives full stands without waste. Positive force feed brings seed out in plain sight, with absolute regularity and accuracy of drop and does not crush seed. Positively plants corn better than any other corn planter, and peas, sorghum, millet, cane, etc., with perfcer regularity. Easily and accurately set to plant at any depth, in furrow, on a level or on a ridge. N. JACOBI WILMINGTON, N. C. HARDWARE CO. SOLE AGENTS. Lwt as long as the building, and nrer need repairs never need any attention, except an occasional coat of paint. Just the thing (or all kinds of country buildings. Fire-proofs Handsome Incxpensitc. Can be laid right ovet wood shingle without dirt or bother. (4) For sale by McAllister Hardware Co. Lumberton, N. C. I Tibacoo F Am now making the Famous Locked and Riveted Flues, all joints beaded; Tees and Elbows braced, at Barnesville Warehouse. Place your orders for Flues and Repairs at once, and thus save the expense of haul ing them so far. Will be making there three or four weeks only. J. F. ROGERS, Barnesville, N. C. Senator Overman's bill to ap propriateS650,000 for the building of a customs house at Wilming ton has passed the Senate and is now in the House. Mr. Overman succeeded in getting the sum for the Wilmington building increas ed from $300,000 to the new fig ures. Representative Godwin thinks that he will get the House to-accr-the. Overman emount. Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar, shock or disturbance, is the awful jpeed of the earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, r.nd so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, just thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 25c all druggists. F0LEY2KIBNEY FILLS FOR KMC VtJ AT I S K Z K ; t 5i A K S I Z. f! i V