- - '1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. ... -.1 1 1 . Tk.v arx troubled Willi . , irtiui'icu . .. sensation of irritability or :::: from b.ck.cbe, he.d.che, " " c f fem.le we.kne,, wiichin. hot fl"h"'f7 m;onr should be reated with Dr. Pierce'. Lot.on The loci disorder and ""'V";, of ,he female system corrected and T.blets and the .rregulanty and tion. The strain upon the youn .trengthened with Dr. Pierce . rv. Bnd blood forming structures- woman or the woman of middle age upon tne restorative ton.o Tay be too great for her "Fr over forty years sold by druggist, and strength-giving nervine .nd regula - aiimentS. The one remedy so perfect tewo.'.M.i ;id in curative effects as to warrant of Sim r oneVand cited merely to illustrate these remarks : writes Mas. Henry hcorrof f tV Ji to apply to the doc- ation. I was in but to that I would not listen. My nus- would have to have an 01 . ra l""- pe Favorite Prescription. V, hen land purchased two IkkOc. of r Valk across the floor, but after I started to take th's reme.1 "" nmyself KRininfr. so I dropped the 1 had taken three bottle c"' PrWription. Only for it I thin k noKder-lrv, it utf Wo. 1 fad now than ia twenty years. Mas. Scott. CLAN MACLEAN. Isle Au- Gathering at Duart.Castle, f Mull. Saturday, 24th gust, 1912. Manv readers of The Robeson ian will be interested in the fol lowing noice. a copy of which has been received by Mr. A. W. McLean of Lumberton (Miss Es ;., miT oon who sDent several months with Mr. and Mrs. Mc Lean here about a year ago. is a dauzhter of the undersigned John MacLean. at whose home Mr. and Mr?. A. W. McLean vis ited in Scotland some two or three years ago) : Glasgow, March 12. 1312 70 Mitchell Street Deab Clansman (or Clans woman), ThP Chief of the Clan, Colonel Sir Filzroy Donald MacLean, Bart., C.-B.j D. L., extend an invitation to his Clan to meet him at Duart Castle on Saturday, 34th August, 1912. Upon this occasion the Lhiel will unfurl his banner on the ar dent Stronghold of the MacLeans of Duart. Duart Castle, which has recent ly come into the Chief's posses sion, after being out of the fami l ,r fnr nvpr two hundred years, was built in the 13th Century; it was repaired and enlarged by Hector JVlor, L-ora oi uuau num lKoo n i wQ Sir John McLean, Bart., who died in 1716. was the hn HvpH at Duart: he ldOl lilt J. l " , nafi tn Hnrrpnder the Castle in 1691. Our present Chief entered upon the work of restor ation and repair of the Castle i . ii nnAmnliolimiinf of thlS will take some considerable 4-1 rv r T'n nnriornfitpr committee were aDDointed at a Meeting of the Executive of the Clan Mac T r.r r A ccnir'atinn fin d other Clans ucaii , men who were in Glasgow for the Ortfiher last. llttil VJULI1C1 IlifS and are making arrangements as to r ares, ccc, to uuau auu f If 7n intonrl takinCr a Dart it is desirable that an early reply be sent to me at above address, or to any other Member of Com mittee. Full information as to Fares, Hotels, c, will be sent at a later date to all who have in timated their intention to be present. I am, I Clansman John Maclean, Convener of Committee. MEMBERS OF COMMITTEE Professor Magnus Maclean, M A., D. Sc., Royal Technical College. Glasgow. paries J MacLean. llo bt. Vincent Street, Glasgow. . Andrew Bruce Maclean, traig park Electric Cable Works, Springburn, Glasgow. Peter MacLean. 2 aimer Crescent, lbrox, Glasgow-. John MacLean, u mucneu Street, Glasgow. (Convener). Amalgamation of Greensboro Life and Jefferson Standard Insurance Companies. .!r.,Sim 11th. t.. Charlotte Ohrvei. Terms for. the amalgama tion of the Greensboro Life this citv and lllSUiai"-k- - - the Jelferson Standard Life Insurance Co. of Raleigh havf hr-en reached by stockhold ers of the two companies, and it is learned this aftertioon that tentative arrangements tor tne consolidation have been worked out. No details of the merger were made public and it is sam ! that the location of home offices, name, officials, etc., is yet to be determined. The consolidation of the two companies means a stock of $400,000. CUCCfti .n;ik on inanranop in force Ot $23,000,000, the largest it is said of any other aoumern company Officers declare that the consoli riatinn will mean that the new rill ha thp lartrest in cuiiipaiijr " . ; point Ot policies anu rnauram-c m force in the South. It id said that fully six week3 will be re quired in perfecting the merger. Senator Simmons Denies Charge That He Voted With Trust. Washington Special. 12 th. to Charlotte Observer. Cnnfrr Simmnna said today: "i havp rpad an editorial in lhe rv:i,. TT'fornriqp ilf Hiffh Point of the9thinst, charging that 1 opposed the bill to abolish i phos u,.a Trmtr-Vips a.nd that in UllUIUUO - . n'ith that subiect CUlltlCl.H'-'u morip snme derogatory remarks of women's interference in polit ical artairs. . "Tka orQTPmpnts in this edl t foundation. I IJ1IUI OI- " ' .... ,,fQrl anrl vrvted for the Dill BUIUI Kv ' f thp manufacture OI LU Slif . ..." tkoo Aaarttv matches. LllCC J "At no time or piace nave i given utterance to any criticism with reference to the activity of women in the country's affairs HOUSEHOLD CARES. Tax the Women of Lumberton the Same as casewnere. Hard to attend to household duties , With a constant aching back. A woman snouia noi uavc a bad back. . , And she wouldn't if the kid neys were well. Doan's Kidney Pills make well Kiuucjo. .......j. Lumberton women snouiu pi ui it by the following experience. Mrs. K. J. BiacKweu.maixi oc., Laurinburg, N. C, says: 1 i, nn'a TiHnpv Pills ana they did me so much good that l wish to recommenu tueui iv lomp hack and kidney trouble. nfton if was difficult for me to vv... .... , stoop or get up atter sitting anu t i -&t.oA frrim hackaches nfio rf Hirrinpsa. iNOtn- ai'U atLavKkkj ine brought me any permanent reliet until l oegan msmjs x"' ir:A PHla ThP results of rviuncj . j their use were gratifying and it required the contents or oniy iwu boxes to entirely nu me uj- -' . . 1 1 1 1 0ma vnr oa p rv an aeaiei a. anto Fnatpr-MUDUrn CO., (.C11W. , , Buffalo, New York, sole agenis for the United States. f Remember the name Doan s and take no other. Flowers When you want the best, remember we are at your service. Choice Roses, Carnations, Vallies, Violets and Wedding Outfits in the latest styles. Floral offering artistically arranged at short notice. When in need of pot plants, rose bushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge plants and shade trees, mail, telegraph or tele phone your orders to J. L. 0'Qiiinn & Go. Phone No. 149. Raleigh, - - - North Carolina 4 ON SAVINGS COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY TH! OLDEST 6 LARGEST BANIC IN ROBESON COUNTY The Reason Why i ' n, " - I III I " Subscribe for The Robesonian. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Signature of 1 WEBSTER S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY -rue mfusiANI WEBSTER The Only New unabridged dic tionary m many yetxi. Contains the pith and essence of an authoritative library. Covers every field of knowl edge. An Encyclopedia in a single OGOK. The Only Dictionary with the New Divided Page. 400,000 Vords. 27CO Pages. 6000 Illustrations. Cost nearly half a million dollars. Let us tell you about this most remarkable single volume. Write for sample p.icj, fail par ticulars, etc. Name this lTaV? paper and Y&A we will send free A KPt cf & Pocket Maps BANK OF LUMBERTON eion Condensed statement made to the torporation Commis , Pai.;k K r. an of February 20, lal- ASSETS Loans Stock responsibility Overdrafts Bonds and real estate n ' 1 w4-..Aa r urmiure anu haiuim . -Cash items, cash and due from banks Rent and interest on time deposits . $334145.18 100,000.00 1,116.12 25,302.50 4.651.62 80,383.28 199.03 $566,597.73 LIABILITIES Car)ital $100,000.00 sfoPck responsibility IWJOJW Profits 6U.V60.iO 566,597.73 "j t i ft m , fcCMcrriamCo. igilclrt, Hiis. BEAUTY IN SHOES as well as comiori. tsnuum taken into consideration wnen making purchases. Nothing in the world arlords so mucn renei tonHur oofr nnr fflove-nilinn IU ICUUl-l v,vv - " , shoe. They are as welcome to a shoe-pinched foot as an easy .... f- n Innrf nvA,w to nno wpsirv a. l lcti a iuuk ll oton()in(T nn Our StOCK of shoes embraces every current otvlA irnori. well maae. uurauic fcj vj O ' and cheap. John T. Biggs Co. 11-9-tf Tli naoiinn Trrh V nil" X ilC I cciovi give relief to the eyes is because we know wnere ana now w them. It's our business. Make it your business to see us. Spectacles and Eye Glasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and Up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineburg, . m 1 v ... Masoqie lempie, . Wilmington, - - North Carolina CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOL Telegraphr Penmanshio Shorthand, Special Prepsiratory Department; Ui; ment; Rates Reasonabl" For terms, etc., address OWEN C. ROGERS, Prlncii 8-lfi-tf Hope Mills. N r J. W. Murchison & Co Importer and Jobber or lardware,Tinware,Agricultural Implements, Stoves, Ranges, Etc, Etc., KIMEYCinE 109 and 111 North Front Street, WILMINGTON, rJ. C. Wrll ior Prlc. 1 Lumber ! Lumber ! To those wishing to secure building material for any and all purposes: We have a complete line ot all classes of Dressed Lumber and Moldings ! We are in position to give best service and low prices. Williamson & Brown Land and Lumber Company, 2 26-tf A. COLLINS, Sales Mgr., Cerro Gordo, N. C. M - i a iThfi Fill 1 II V a ji is coming soon 1 wau. curs you si any casa of Kidney 9 j Bladder diacas that li net I btyoad the reach of madl- idna. Tke it at onco. Dc I not risk having Bright'a Di- ! m&e cr Diabetes, i nero ia aothlng stained by delay. Medicines PILLOWS FREE ., r,il. P.pd nrl receive I Man us tin ior jiijuuiiu . , K 6-rx.und pair pillows irr. F re.stht inrpuid. New feathers. U'St tickins. satisfaction Karantwl. WAK1 ED AGENTS TURNER & CORNW.: ,'i.r Depl. A- Uc. :.-': Cornracrc i. Na'jcsr- . We make Window and Door Screetis to measure and fit them in. I Prices Right ! 'Phone or write LUMBERTON NOVELTY WORKS, INC. CS. amd 01-00 HottUifc. do not taste quite so good as beef-steak or pumpkin pie, hut there are times when they are just as essential to your health and com fort. Fine Machinery re quires oil to make it run smoothly and do p-nnrl service for a ipjiuthof time. So the T.ariies' and Gent's Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send us your garments ana nave uiera cieancu jm-- Human Body Requires Medicines oir work Drooerly. Wn "J, THE SPOTS OUT 0Fj , S ntK" -aiiliie of the ri2ht We M10CK TH1NCS :::::: I drUS at the tiRht time will save you from a Jong .pell of R Tt ;a nnr hus ness to supply the right drug at the tight time and right place. Tiy Pope's Hypophosphltes The Pope Drug Co., Lumberton. N. C. Club Lumberton Pressing Telephone No. 10. Packages called for and delivered. Our guarantee your saiibiacuuu. Also agent for the Charlotte Laundry. steam Subscribe for The Robesonian, $1.5 r BWpmagguigiinggsiiaiHMia'ta nwa j ..,7u. n.maaasa tmasmrrMrnrnmsmasmmi n II kA B FISEM! stoves, Ranges and im ii ! p .. -ill- ' tv --n. f- d One of Coffins. lust received two solid carioaas oi unc i un...- i I7n vnifnre St L, u IU M c I v.... DENNIS BIGGS, Owner and Manager. o r e. Lumberton, North Carolina. i