FOR WOMEN ONLY. That it tb nature of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescriptioa the m remedf lor women which cootaios no mloohol and no habit-fonnla drus. Made from native snedioinal forest roots. Dr. Pieroe tells it every in4redient on th bottle-wnp-per. Promioent physician and some of the best medical authorities endorse tbese ingredients a being" tha very best known remedies ior ailments aod weaknesses peculiar to women. , .. ' l Willi .UH!. If.ri.l ir.-l, uuugu'.t, Ky.. say.s: "I M It nr.- duty to -riv and t"!l you what your nWi 'i-vvs h-ivc dot v I va a gnat sufferer for six yvirs from a trouble piv-Tijiir V r.-omn, but I am ihinUn:! t jt, :tr tokiruj four 1vh,ih of your ' Favorite Prescript ion ' I a n not. tathTM with that dreadful diffusa nr mon I fitI Ms a r.w w.m.m. Whf-n I first wrote v-uu forailvivrt I o:i'y Txis?hi lis poninL now I weigh 1V. I thank 7011 vtt much f r yv:r fclndnr;. You havj tx'on c-i a f ith-r to m in advMn? rr- what to do, so may God hloss yon in vtry effort yon put forth for giKvi. "I ho-x' t'.iis tjitimon!al will to the meaus of somo poor suffering woman sliint; health." Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition, answers host of delicate questions about which every woman, single or married ought to know. Has. Copfky. WILBUR WRIGHT. SERIOUS CHARGES AGAINST FLIES. Inventor, With hit Brother Or ville. of Heavier-Than-Air Flying Machine Followed Light of Dreams. The death on May 3o of Wil bur Wright has beer, mentioned. A narrative of Wilbur Wright's career is the story of a man who followed the light of his dreams and contrived a machine for ae rial navigation that stands out spectacularly among the wonders of a century of inventions. Wilbur Wright, with his broth er Orville. dreamed of building a craft that would dart through the air with the speed of a hawk, that would defy the storm, that would transform the art of war fare and revolutionize methods of. transportation. In the nine years that followed their flrstfl successful test at Kitty Hawk, N. C.. they have seen their aero- Diane driven more than two miles up in space, have heard the purr of their machines as they whirl ed on their way across the conti nent and have watched great crowds stand aghast in anticipa tion as a graceful biplane soared threateningly over the hghtmg mast of a giant warship, which might have been sent careening to destruction by a bomb from the tiny machine hovering about it. When death smote Wilbur Wright, he and his brother still were dreaming o f further achievements, their chief inter est being centered in the mak ing of a machine that would pos sess greater stability and increas ed carrying power. It was while Wilbur was in high school at Richmond, Ind., and Dayton, 0., that the broth ers began making definite plans for an aeroplane. A few years later they embarked in the bicy cle selling andrepairing business at Dayton. In their shops they found plenty of opportunity for experiments, and when a gaso line engine was perfected in the automobile's rapid strides, they saw a dawning light In 1902 the brothers had built their first air machine and in 1903 they went to a remote sectioD, near Kitty Hawk, N. C. where they could try out their invention. With Orville Wright in the bi plane, Wibur and his mechanician witnessed the first successful flight of a heavier-than-air ma chine. The story reached the world.but the brothers, characteristically silent, kept mum until two years later, when at Dayton, 0., Or ville Wright made the first long distance flight. JKiis was the beginning of the end of their struggles. The ma chine was patented throughout Europe and both brothers were forced to tour the continent, hobnobbing with kings. Then the United States government bought a machine, . and in the few years since then the indus try has grown to such large pro portions that the Federal gov ernment maintains a special bu reau to gather statistics on man ufactures and exports. Mr. Wright was born in Mil ville, Ind.. in 1867. He was ed ucated in high schools in that section, but declined to attend college. He said he preferred to hurry to "real work." He nev er married. Rowan county will build at once at Salisbury a new court house to cost $125,000. Stan Coughs and Breaks Ribs. . r , Lx i - Alter a irigniiui cougoing spell a mart in Neenah, Wis., felt terrible pains hi his side and his doctor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr. King b New Discovery would have saved him. A few teaspoonsful ends a late cough, while persistent use routs obstinate coughs, expels stubborn colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure its a God-send to humanity." writes Mrs. h,nie Morton, ixiiumbia, mo.. Ior 1 believe 1 wouia nave con sumption to-dayj if I had not used this great remedy." Its guaranteed to sat isfy, and you can get a free trial bottle The Public Should Know the Worst About Flies That They May Govern Themselves Ac cordingly. Raleigh. June 3. (Special.) In discussing the "real facts about flies" the State Board of Health, in a bulletin now in press, says: "Flies are the vil est creatures afflicting mankind." After taking this stand the Board proceeds to explain that the only objections to flies used to be because they were pests and torments. "Later," says this authority, "we learned about the fly's breeding places, his habits of life, and the possi bility of his carrying nauseating filth on his body from stables, garbage cans and privies to our houses, our persons, and our food. Then it was that flies became extremely disgusting, to say the least. By far the greatest objection to flies, however, now comes from the fact that we know conclu sively that, besides being a dis comfort and carrying filth, they spread tremendous amounts of disease. Besides actually drop ping bacteria and filth from their feet and legs, flies may transmit disease by discharging their vile, disease laden excreta either di rectly or indirectly upon our food." In summing up the remedy the article states that "for immediate protection and probably for many years to come we shall have to resort to screening all doors and windows. But the time will come when our muni cipal authorities will waken up to the gravity of the situation and abolish flies by abolishing their breeding places. Then we shall pass and enforce ordinances re quiring thscreening of all manure and the general use of sanitary privies. Until then, however, the individ ual householder may do much with wire swatters and sticky fly paper in the house and fly t.rap3 on his garbage can out side." ' The sundry civil appropriation bills for 1913 reported to the House of Congress Monday car ried, among other items for North Carolina, $200,000 for im proving the Cape rear river above Wilmington and $5,000 for the Cape Fear. For any itching skin trouble, piles, e:zema, salt rheum, hives, itch, scald head, herpes, scabies. Doan s Ointment is highly recommended. 50c. a box at all stores CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOI Telegraphr Penmanship Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Special Preparatory Department; Da; and Night Sessions; Splendid Equip ment; RateB Reasonable For terms, etc., address OWEN Q. ROGERS, Prints,. 1-16-tf Hop Mills. N. C Executor's Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Sarah E. McNair. deceased, late of Robeson county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the under signed on or before the 16th day of May, 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of May, 1912. M. T. McGougan, Executor, 5-16-6 thurs Rennert, N. C. CLUBBING OFFERS Sonne- Attractive Propositions That Will Enable Robesonian Subscribers to Save Money on Their Papers. The Robesonian has made ar rangements that enable it to make some attractive offers to its subscribers. On none of the offers do we make a penny. We put the papers that club with us at exactly what they cost us and our readers get the benefit The only condition is that you be a subscriber to The Robesonian. We will send ou the Char lotte semi-weekl Observer and The Robesonian one year, four papers each week, for $2.25. The Youth's Companion, one of the best magazines in the world, and The Robesonian, both one year for $2.75. This goffer will not be open long. The Youth's Companion will be $2.00 after April 1, 1912 it is now $1.75 so by subscribing now you save 75 cents on the two.- The thrice-a-week New York World and The Robesonian, five papers each week, for $2.15. , Progressive Farmer and Ga zette, the best farm paper in the South, and The Robesonian, one year, $2.00. This offer is open to old or new subscribers of the Robesonian, the only condition being that you are a new sub scriber to The Progressive Farmer. If you are already a subscriber to The Progressive Farmer we will renew the paper for you in connection with' The Robesonian for 85 cents. We will send The Robesonian and the Atlanta Thrice-a-Week Constitution 4othl.,fpr one year for $2.25. ' - The Robesonian and the Rich mond Tri-Weekly Journal, five papers each week, one year for $2.35; or The Robesonian and the Richmond Journal 6 days each week, 8 papers a week, one year for $3.25. This isa chance to get a good paper published daily except Sunday and a good semi weekly paper at less thanjthe cost of many daily papers. We will send you The Robe sonian and the Charlotte News, a leading evening paper, for the price of The News alone, $6.00 for one year, $3.00 for 6 months, $1.50 for 3 months. This is your opportunity to get your home paper free and one of the best daily papers in this section along with it at regular rates. FAMOUS DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION 'IS WSPEPSll nh i.'U- rvliAL i h' who rt-irlv. and 'ovine Ii i-tt J KM!ii. It ! -r RlitM 1il"t. I i ii--Hi1y t-ru '1k -Jt i.'trNili-'-.tM1 imm the j y -friii HM.'r.VfcK. V I V r Mini ti- p; ! 'tv-ni-t- mi J. fnon.l- Uipv fn.-iij v.. r oi For Sale and J. D. McMillan & Son If I Only Had the Money If I Only Had the Honey- How often hare you thought this? UOW OFTEN have you been forced to let a speadid opportunity pats, simply because you lacked a few dollars? Yoil have doubtless had the necessary funds many times and allowed them to slip through your fingers. Don't let this happen again. You can grasp these opportunities in the future if you will open an account with us. CHICHESTER S PILLS Wrr-1 THE DIAMOND BRAND. A inifMMtrl Ulan I'llla in B and I boxej. traied with DnmfMi. Aftk t DIAMOND KKAND FILIJ. for M yttn knows as Bat. Safest. Almr. ReliabM SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE and MraadyXY UU irrtallkW Mie Rlb), V But r jroor v HE , : 1 1 The Bank of Lumberton J. W. Miircliisoii & Co, 5' Importers and Jobbers or HssrdwarejTinwareAgricultiira! Implements, Stoves, Ranges. Etc, Eta, xmx CURS YOU of any case of Kidney m Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of msdl edna. Take it at onca. Da not risk having Bright'a Dio taso or Diabetes. There la nothing gained by delay. f(9e. and $1.00 Do til o. We Knock K"'1??. Makes tbe Nation Gasp. The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explo sions. Its the quick healer of boiln, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25c at all druggists. Ladies' and Gent's Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send us your garments and have them cleaned CLEAN. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA LosibertoD Pressing Club Telephone No. 10. Packages called for and delivered. Our guarantee your satisfaction. , AI30 agent for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. The Reason Why OLD PEOPLE ENJOY our ' furniture for the comfort ; there is in it. Younj? people ad mire it for the stvle and jrrace it invariably possesses. So if you want to please the whole family Get Your New Furniture Here. Even if your purchase is only an easy chair or an odd piece you will find plenty of variety to select from. If you require a whole suite choice is equally wide, prices remarkably low. Lumberton Furniture Store. Fl i owers When you want the best, remember we are at your service. Choice Roses, Carnations, Vallies, Violets and Wedding Outfits in the latest styles. Floral offering artistically arranged at short notice. When in need of pot plants, rose bushes, evergreens, shrubbery, hedge plants and shade trees, mail, telegraph or tele--phone your orders to J. L 0'Qulnn & 6o. Phone No. 149. Raleigh, - - - North Carolina The reason why our Glasses give relief to the eyes is because we know where and how to place them. It's our business. Make it your business to see us. Spectacles and Eye Glasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and Up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineburg, Masonic Temple, Wilmington, - - North Carolina Wr!t lor Prices. 109 and 111 North Front Street, WILBSINGTONjlf x-io SB Thompson Hospital ! For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. . Competent corps of trained nurses, steam heated build ing with electric lights, hot bath, etc In fact, everything that is requir ed to equip a modern hospital. DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Sup!. m Last as long at the buHding. aad never need repairs never need any aHentwa, except aa occasional coal of paint. Just the thing lor all kinds oi country buildings. Fire-proof HandtomcIntxpenti. Can be laid right over wood shingles without dirt or bother. (4) For sale by McAllister Hardware Co. Lumberton, N. C. N B The Flu is coming soon We make Window and Door Screens to measure and fit them in. Prices Right! 'Phone or write LUMBERTON NOVELTY WORKS, INC Array Your Thoughts in Fine Linen and buy it by the pound from us Lumberton : Drug : Company l-2o-tf Telephone No. 26. o 0 SUPPLIES FOR THE FARMER It matters not what you need in tlie way of arm Implements, Grocer ies, Dry Goods, etc., we can supply Y 0,U n WANTS'. We have everything for everybody at the right prices. Call and let us show you. McEachern, Johnson & McGeachy Co. St Pauls, - - - - N. C. 0 0 O o a o o o o o o o o o i rf W eBU wl WizeataJldruggjsta.

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