THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBEbONIAN 8 Here He Is Swat Him! Or, Better Yet Ffcpvent the fly from breeding by screening stables, keeping manure in closed pits or bins and sprinkling it 6th dry plaster or slaked lime. X TO MAKE A FLYLESS CITY : ltd to Under the Swatter's Banner. Of course it Isn't pleasant to think of flJoa trailing their contaminated wings over yonr food, but you can't make 7W&T with rosewater, and civilization ibas declared war on the fly. There dtore you must think of these things. If the pest is to be exterminated It must be In the home, and every house wife must become a crusader and march under the sign of the swatter. When that instrument of man's su : prem over"erery manf6iin"t1iFteiflaen dlsptoefn ih crayon portrait of grand father, if necessary then, and not till then, the fly's epitaph will be written. In hocelgno vinces (by this sign you shall conquer.) New York Times. June 5, J911. A HOMEMADE FLY POISON. Beat together the yolk of one egg, one-third cupful sweet milk, one level tablespoonful of sugar and a level teaspoonful of black pepper. Put on plates and set where flies abound. After a few hours, says Emma P. Telford, you will find the floor covered wltbujead or stunned flies. Sweep up and burn. Cleveland is to be i-luxm-d ami n logued as a flyles town. In the cut paign Inaugurated for the citt'iiiiln tion of tUe fly four ntis are uutlintHi First. To educate the people as the deadly nature or tne ny. Second. To kill off all wmtsr fiiea thaae hidden about tho houses, waiting their aoaaon of forage. Third To do away with all brooding plaoes for flies. Fourth. To trap all flies that happen to capo. As the first step addresses on the subject are beiug made before the va rious women's clubs and in the schools of the city. Circulars aad booklets w ill be distributed among the children of the schools, to be carried by them to their homes; posters and lllustrntfd bulletins will be placed in the schools, in the street cars and other public places, carrying the sermon of the fly reform. The extermination of the winter fly Is a problem for the individual house keeper. Don't let one fly escape you. Hunt for them and kill tbem, for tho winter fly is the most dangerous of the race. The winter fly is the mother of all next summertolarrlble throng. To do away wfth the fly breeding places Is merely a matter of cleanli ness, for the fly Is a scavenger, a lover of filth and an habitual follower after all that Is unclean and unwholesome. Clean houses, gardens and yards, clean streets and allerways discourage the fly in Its breeding proclivities, and therefore the doctrine of cleanliness Is to be preached by the anti-fly cru saders, along with the sermons on the deadly character of the Insect. And carrying out the fourth step all the house furnishing stores In the city will be asked to carry In stock and push the sale of fly traps, marvelous little wire screen bouses to be baited ped Is doomed. With the campaTgnw education- -w-iU- be--eieaomplale, In.-, etrnctlons for the use of the fly trap, which may be placed on porches or window Bills, on garbage palls any where that files are likely to congre-' gate, but always on the outside of the house always outside. Catch tho fly otitaido of tho houao before it has a chance to come in and spread lt poi on and disease. This city Is to be divided Into dis tricts and eaoh district divided again Into clans and clubs, and from each center, small or large, branches will reach out, grappling with the subject In whatever way seems best adapted to that Individual section. Death to tho fly is to be the battle cry. It is to be a fight of man against his enemy the fly and of the fly against man. Cleveland Leader. . Head For Figures. Horatio A. Foster, the statistical engineer, has a mind that finds ex pression in terms of mathematics. t&isn.' Tsfc4 Ash bone 10 own a minu uiai runs to ugures "Trouble is that you can't think in any other way. For example, I am Itvery fond of chocolate ice cream. I invariably order it as dessert. Five years ago I bought a dish in one of the big downtown restaurants in New York. 'This Ice cream,' I said to myself, 'Is 93 per cent of a possible 100 per cent, of excellence.' I haven't enjoyed a dish since, because for the past five years I've been mentally comparing every dish of Ice cream I've tasted with this 93 per cent dish." Cincinnati Times-Star. New Work For Boy Scouts. Donahey in Cleveland Tlaln Dealer. Swat the Fly! It Is the Most Danger ous Animal on Earth ! When bacteriologists inform us that the average fly carries on its body 1,250,000 germs, says Farm Dairy ing, surely we should feel' a just cause for grave alarm. HOUSEFLIES AS CARRIERS OF DISEASE. Flies spread tuberculosis, diph theria, typhoid fover, scarlet fe ver, summer complaint and fe vers of babies by carrying disease from on o another. Koop ovorything clean and there will bo no flies. Don't lei flies have a place to lay their eggs. Koop covered all places whsro young flies may be hatched. Put screens at windows and doors. Where is dirt there are flies. - Keep This Fly Off Your Sugar I Although flits feed regularly upon human foods in houses and stores, ths are. equally fond of all sorts of filth) matter and will wander back and forth from one to the other. Dragging their germ laden feet and bodies over foodstuffs, they carry dis ease germs from infected filth to food We may thus take into our stomachs ny gers. accessible to .lheJB. Knowledge for Its Own Sake. Meanwhile from the earliet epoch (1834 B. C.) the Chinese had utilised the characteristic! property of the com pass needle, but do not seem to hare connected It with any theoretical ideas. The really profound changes in human life all hare their ultimate origin in knowledge pursaed for Its own sake. The use of the compass was not introduced into Europe till the end of the twelfth century, A. D more than 3,000 years after Is first use In China. The importance which the science of electro-magnetism has since assumed in every department of human life is not due to the superior practical bias of Europeans, but to the fact that in the west electrical and magnetle phenomena were studied by men who were dominated by abstract theoretic Interests. A. N. Whitehead in "An Introduction to Mathematics. Whist. Former Associate Justice of the S preme Court Shlras is set In his views about the sphere of woman. Mrs. Shlras is a devotee of wbiet, and was at one time a member of a whist club that met on several evenings each week. After a club meeting Mrs. Shl ras asked one of the club members to drive home with her in her carriage. When the came to the Shlras house the escort stepped to the door with Mrs. Shlras. The Justice opened the door himself in answer to the ringing of the bell, but as the hall was dark It was not certain who was In the hall way. "Is that you Mr. Justice?" asked the person who had driven home with Mrs. Shlras. "Yes." he replied; "this is the old man waiting for the new woman." Saturday Evening Post. European Centenarians. Centenarians In Europe are much more numerous in the south than in the north, accordffig to the investi gations of a German scientist. From statistics he has collected it appears that Bulgaria has one centenarian in every hundred of the population, while Germany can barely muster one In a million. Germany, in fact, has only 76 such patriarchs, compared with Bdlgara's 3.83. Rumania has 1.074. Servia iZ. Spain 410, France 213. Italy 197, Austria-Hungary 113, Great Britain 92, Russia 89, Norway 23, Sweden 10, and Belgium 5. Minister and Priest. Times have, indeed, changed from the days of the immigration of the Puritans to that of their old-time an tagonists. The earlier warfare has died away, and many a minister of an old Puritan church on this side of the water feel3 an affection for the faithful priest of the humble multi tudes of his own town which he does not feel for some ministers who bear the name of Protestant. In the men tal and spiritual spheres attraction often decreases with the nearness of two bodies and repulsion increases. The Christian Register. Red Hoods. "If you have taken a drsro In di vinity at Oxford, you are entitled to wear a red hood." The speaker was Ethflbert Heed, the Duluth psychol ogitt. Ho continued: "Wearing a red hood myself, I take a natural In terest in hood stories. There is one bo'jt a rrnn wlo complained to bis bishop that So-and So, though not of Oxford, was wearin;; a master's hood. " 'And I call It, bishop,' said the com plainant bitterly, 'wearing a He on his back.' " 'Oh, don't use so strong a word a3 that,' said the bishop. 'Just call it a false hood.'" ANNOUNCEMENTS For County Treasurer. To the Democratic Voters of Robeson County: In announcing myself a candidate to succeed myself for the office of Treas urer of Robeson county, I wish to ex press my sincere thanks to the voters of Robeson county for their ever liberal and generous support in the, past, and as the days, weeks and "Jears fly by, floating me towards "three-score-and-ten" in life's little race, I will appreciate your support more deeply than ever. I am always subject to the will of the Democratic voter expressed either in convention or primary. If elected I will ever strive to perform the duties of the office honestly, courteously and kmdly, to the very best of my ability. 4-15-tf M. G. McKenzie. For Coroner. To the Democratic Voters of Robeson County : I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of coroner of Robe son county, subject to the Democratic primary to be held August 10- Your support will be appreciated. 5-1-3 m Geo. A. Barnes. For Register of Deeds To the Democratic Vetera o( Robeson County: I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Robeson county, sub ject to the action of the coming Demo cratic primary. If elected I shall en deavor to execute the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 5-2 W. Austin Smith. For Register of Deeds I will be a candidate for the nomina tion of Register of Deeds of Robeson county at the coming Democratic pri mary. I will greatly appreciate the support of my fellow Democrats and if elected I will serve the people of the county to the best of my abibty. 5-27 tf J. T. Barker. For Register of Deeds To the Voters of Robeson County: I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Robeson county, sub ject to the coming Democratic primary. AH support will be greatly appreciated. I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my abflity If ducted 4-15-1 ra J. E. Carlyle. For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Robeson county, subject to the com ing Democratic primary. If elected I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to best of my ability. All support will be greatly appreciated. 4-25-tf J. M. Butler. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Mieriff of Robeson county, subject to the action of the regular Democratic primary for the nomination of county officers. R. E. Lewis. Lumberton, N. C 4-29 For House of Representatives. In compliance with the wish express ed by my many friends, I hereby an neunce myself a candidate for House of Representatives. B. F. McMillan. For County Treasurer. To the voters ot Robeson County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of Robeson conntv. subject to the Democratic rtri- I ilea. Ktn1vw. - port will be greatly appreciated. fcZu-fc-TO"" " "ThOB.Uh For the Legislature In announcing my candidacy as one of the Representatives of Robeson in the next General Assembly, I want to state my position on the questions that are befere the county. I am in favor of changing the road law to suit the wishes of the people they pay the taxes and should say how the money should be spent. I am in favor ot reduction of taxes consistent with the progress Robeson county is making. I am op posed to any division of Robeson county and favor adjusting our difficulties in side the county lines and inside the Democratic party. If the above meets with the approval of the Democrats of the county, I will appreciate their sup port in the primary, assuring them if elected I will serve the people of the whole county to the best of my ability. 5-23-tf G. H. Hall. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Robeson County: At the solicitation of some of my friends, I take this method of announc ing myself a candidate for County Commissioner at the coming Demo cratic primary.. All support will be greatly appreciated. 4-18 J. D. Cobb. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Robeson County: At the solicitation of some of my friends, I take this method of announc ing myself for one of the four-year-term candidates for county commis sioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, 4-25-2m Franklin P. Humphrey. For Register of Deeds. Gentlemen and Fellow Citizen: Allow me to announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds. I return my heart felt thanks to you for the very liberal support you have given me in the past, and I hope to have a continuance of the same in the coming campaign, (subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary.) 4-18. Thomas N. Higley. For the Legislature. To the Voters of Robeson County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Lower House of the next State Legislature, subject to the action of the coming Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to serve the interests ot the people to the best of my ability. 5-2 H. C. McNair. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner of Robeson county subject to the coming Democrat ic primary. If nominated and elected I will serve the county to the best of my ability. 5-16-tf Rory McNair. MclACKEN Livery, Feed and Exchange Stables Lumber BridoV and Farkton Good teams, new vehicles, polite service. J. A. McRACKEN, Lumber Bridge, N. C. Successor to A. M. Stubbs at Plarkton. vrs.r... vv ffr---- Peas 9 o To parties wishing to plant for peavine hay. I will furn ish land and fertilizer. Parties desiring land for such purpose can get it on condition that they prepare the land, furnish seed, sow and harvest the crop and give me one-half. Land in Fairmont township Inman place. Howellsville township Hickman and Morri son places, Lumberton township North Lumberton. Wishart's township Willis Taylor and Lewis Pitman places. If interested write GEO. B. McLEOD, Lumberton, N. C. Free! Free! i To the Citizens of Lum berton and Vicinity DO YOU KNOW that "your Seaport City," Wilmington is coming to the front more rapidly than any other Seaport on the South Atlantic coast ? Have you figured what the opening of the Panama Canal means to Wilmington. Have you thought what the bringing of the Virginia coal fields to her very door means to Wilmington ? We want to tell you, and you may get part of the great profits if you act now. Rcai! Kcai! We will give Absolutely Free 25 first class building lots in one of the coming suburban plots of Wilmington to 25 persons in Lumberton. DO YOU WANT ONE? First inquiries in will get first consideration. This is truly the real estate opportunity of your whole life. Fill in Coupon and Mail to Box 375 Lumberton or hand to Mr. W. S. Wishart. The company's representative will be here to meet you Friday and Saturday. I want full information about free lots in suburb six minutes from Wilmington postoffice Name Address

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