THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN LUMBER BRIDGE LOCALS. Intelligent Farmer Good Cam paign Advice Other Items. Lumber Bridge, July 16-Not having seen any communications from Lumber Bridge since the "Busy Bees" ceased to work, I tend you these lines to let you know we still exist, and from appearance some of our citizens are very much alive and are fol lowing their vocations with the necessary energy to bring re sults. The farms in this section for the most part show ample and intelligent cultivation, and bid fair to yield a bountiful har vest. The recent rains have re tarded the work some, but as yet there is very little grass. News is scarce. Our people are industrious and law-abiding, and sensations are of rare occur--rence. As the farmers will soon be done laying by their crops they will naturally have more time to spend in the interest of the can didates of their choice. By the way, it looks as if everybody could be suited, there are bo many to select from. We have candidates young and candi dates old, Candidates timid and candidates bold, Candidates fat and candidates lean The like of candidates never was seen. In discussing candidates, it is to be regretted that almost the first question asked about a can didate is, "To which faction does he belong?" We ought to be united and present a solid front to the enemy instead of fighting in our own household. I take it for granted that all who have announced their candidacy are good men. Would it not be more manly to extol the virtues of the men of your choice and let the rest alone? It seems that some people are not in their proper element unless they are slinging mud at their opponents, trying to damage and cripple their influence. I hope such a spirit will not manifest itself during the coming campaign in this grand old county. Observe the golden rule, and if you can't say something helpful leave what you feel like saying unsaid. Then you will come out of the contest with a clear conscience. Company L, 2nd Infantry, N. C. National Guards, returned from Camp Glenn on the 12th ult from their annual encamp ment. They report a good time, and say that the soldier boys ac quitted themselves most honor ably. Quite h number from here are at Wrightsville enjoying the surf, while some are at Jackson Springs and others are going to Montreat and perhaps to other pleasure resorts. Time and space forbid my giving the names of those who come and go, as is the custom of most cor respondents. That can be of only local interest Jawbone. "Jawbone" is a new one but he writes most interest ingly and intelligently and we hope to hear from him often. Editor. Social and Personal Items From McDonald. OMTMDondenc of The Robeaon lan. McDonald, July 17 Misses Arva and Hilda Thompson, of Fairmont, are spending some time with their aunt Mrs. W. L. Price. Mr. H. S. McLean left Satur day for Charlotte, to join Mrs. McLean, who has been visiting relatives there the past month. They will return the last of the week. Miss Rose Jones left tonight for her home at Fairmont, after spending a few days here, the guest of Miss Maud Townsend. Masters Richard and James Townsend spent today in Fair mont with their grandmother, Mrs. Rose Pittman. They were accompanied by Masters Henry and Hugh, who will remain some time. Misses Winnie Lee and Rosa Hamer, of Tatum, S. C, were guests of Misses Lula and Maud Townsend a few days last week. They informally entertained in their honor Wednesday evening at their home. It was a pleasant occasion for the young people, and will be long remembered by them. Mrs. S. McLean was called this morning to the bedside of her daughter Mrs. P. H. Adams, who was taken suddenly ill early today at her home at Purvis. Miss May McLucas left Jast week for a short stay with rela tives at McColl, S. C, Mrs. S. McLean and daughter. Miss Edith, yisited friends at Orrum last week. Baraca-PhOathea Union Organ ized for Robeson County. OoRMPOBdanea of Tb. BobMontan. St Paul. July 18.-On Sunday afternoon, June 14, representa tives from quite a number of the Baraca and Philathea Sunday school . classes over Robeson nnnntv. met in the Bantistchurch at Sr Paul's for the Dumose of organizing a cuuuiy uuiuuui iu classes of all denominations. 'Take Time to Be Holy" was mine and nraver offered. Mr. Lacy Weston stated the object of the meeting, then "Throw uut the Lifeline" was sung by St Pnl'a Rararfls and Philatheflfl. Mr. R. L. Brown of Rennert gave an interesting and very helpful talk on "whv be a aundav scnooi Worker." "Along the River of Time" was given by a mixed quartet, after whicn Mr. James HpRter was chosen chairman of the meeting and unanimous vote to organize the union was taken. Rpnnliitinnn were adontedand the following officers were elected: President. J. M. Hester, st Paul's; vice presidents, W. Len- nnn T.nmhertnn: John Jones. Ten Mile; C. W. Flack, Maxton; N. H. ifejay, raricton; Misses Cora BritfTTen Mile; Ethel Cash well, Parkton; Lillie Varser, Lumberton; Velle Johnson, St Paul's; secretary and treasurer of Baracas, J. A. Coley, St Paul's; secretary and treasurer of Phila theas, Cora Page, Lumberton; press reporter, Lattie Rhodes, St Paul's: constitution and bv-laws committee, Frank Gough, W. Lennon, Lumberton; JJ. M. Jonn Rnn. St. Paul's: membershiD com mittee. Misses Ashley of Maxton, Bertha Johnson, Lumber Bridge, Jessie Butler, St Paul's. The meeting closed with an in vitation for the union to hold its first business meeting in August with Ten Mile. "Onward Chris tian Snlriipra" was the closincr hymn and Rev. E. L. Weston dismissed with prayer. HAVE YOU EVER TAKEN CALOMEL? Next Time Don't Do It, It's Dan gerous. Try Dod son's Liver Tone Instead It's Safe. You ought to know what a dangerous and uncertain drug the chemical, calomel, is. Per haps you know several people who have been salivated by what they thought was a very light dose of calomel. Next time you have an attack of billiousness, or when your liver has gotten sluggish, come to J. D. McMillan & Son's drug store and ask for a bottle of Dodson's Liver-Tone. You will find it a pleasant tasted liquid and a perfect substitute for cal omel in every respect and with out the dangerous after-effects of calomel. Dodson's Liver-Tone gives the liver just the amount of gentle stimulation it needs to induce it to do its work properly and thor oughly. J. D. McMillan & Son's drug store will give you your money back any time Dodson's Liver-Tone fails to prove itself a perfect substitute for calomel. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters reached the cause. J. H. Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. Life Saver In a letter from Branch land, W. Va., Mrs. Eliza beth Chapman says: "I suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years. All the doctors in the coun ty did me no good. I took Cardui, and now I am en tirely well I feel like a new woman. Carduisaved my lifel All who suffer from womanly trouble U should give Cardui a trial" E61 Take The Woman's Tonic 50 years of proof have convinced those who tested it, that Cardui quickly re lieves aefces and pains due to womanly weakness, and helps nature to build up weak women to health and strength. Thousands of women have found Cardui to be a real life1 saver. Why not test it for your case? Take Cardui today! ANNOUNCEMENTS For State Senate. . To the Democartic Voter of the Thir teenth Senatorial District of North Carolina: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination of State Senator from this district (Robeson county), subject to the action of the regular Democratic Primary to be held on the 10th day of August. 1912. If nominated and elected, I shall serve to the best of my ability, and without rear or favor, the interests of the whole people of Robeson county. Your sup port will be appreciated. Very respectfully, 6-17 T. A. McNeill, Jr. , For State Senate. In accordance with the wish of many voters of Robeson county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the State Senate subject to the action of the Democratic primary. H. E. STACY. For House of Representatives. Tn compliance with the wish express ed by my many friends, I hereby an neunce myself a candidate for House of Representatives. B. F. McMillan. For Coroner. To the Democratic Voters of Robeson County : 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of coroner of Robe son county, subject to the Democratic primary to be held August 10. Your support will be appreciated. 5-9-3m Geo. A. Barnes. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner of Robeson county subject to the coming Democrat ic primary. If nominated and elected I will serve the county to the best of my ability. 5-16-tf Rory McNair. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of county commis sioner term of four years, of Robeson county, subject to the coming Demo cratic primary. If nominated and elected I will endeavor to serve the in terest of the people to the best of my ability. Respectfully. John W. Ward. 6-17 Rowland. N. C. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff of Robeson county, subject to the action oi the regular Democratic primary for the nomination of county officers. R. E. Lewis. Lumberton, N. C. 4-29 For County Treasurer. To the voters ol Robeson County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of treasurer of Robeson county, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held August 10. Your sup port will be greatly appreciated. 6-20-8-JO Thos. Kinlaw. For Register of Deeds. Gentlemen and Fellow Citizens: Allow me to announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds. I return my heart felt thanks to you for the very liberal support you have given me in the past, and I hope to have a continuance of the same in the coming campaign, (subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. ) 4-18. Thomas N. Hijrley. For the Legislature.. To the Voters of Robeson County: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Lower House of the next State Legislature, subject to the action of the coming Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to serve the interests ot the people to the best of my ability. 6-2 H. C. McNair. For County Treasurer. To the Democratic Voters of Robeson County: In announcing myself a candidate to succeed myself for the office of Treas urer of Kobeson county, 1 wish to ex press my sincere thanks to the voters of Robeson county for their ever liberal and generous support in the past, and as the days, weeks and years fly by, floating me towards "three-score-and-ten" in life's little race, I will appreciate your support more deeply than ever. I am always subject to the will of the Democratic voter expressed either in convention or primary. If elected I will ever strive to perform the duties of the office honestly, courteously and kindly, to the very best of" mv abilitv. 4-15-tf M. G. McKenzie. For Register of Deeds To the Voters of Robeson County: I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Robeson county, sub ject to the coming Democratic primary. All support will be greatly appreciated. I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability if elected. 4-15-1 m J. E. Carlyte. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Robeson County: At the solicitation of some of my friends, I take this method of announc ing mvself for one of fha fnnr.irar- term candidates for county commis- Diujiei, ouujcti 10 uie acuon oi me Democratic primary. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, 4-25-2m Franklin P. Humphrey. For County Commissioner. To the Voters of Robeson County: At the solicitation of some of my friends, I take this method of announc ing myself a candidate for' County Commissioner ' at the coming Demo cratic primary. All support will be greatly appreciated. 4-18 J. D. Cobb. For Sheriff. To the Voters of Robeaon County; I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Robeaon county, and respectfully ask -you to vote for me for said office at the elec tion to be held on the 5th day of No vember, 1312. I promise you that if elected I will serve all parties to the beet of my ability, as I did when I formerly held the same office. Respeetly, J. W. HalL 7-15 Lumber Bridge, N. C. For Register of Deeds " I will be a candidate for the nomina tion pf Register of Deeds of Robeson county at the coming Democratic pri mary. I will greatly appreciate the support of my fellow Democrats and if elected I will serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. 5-27 tf J. T. Barker. For Sheriff. I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Robeson county, subject to the com ing Democratic primary. If elected I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of the office to best of my ability. All support will be greatly appreciated. 4-25-tf J. M.- Butler. For the Legislature In announcing my candidacy as one of the Representatives of Robeeon in the next General Assembly, I want to state my position on the questions that are before the county. I am in favor of changing the road law to suit the wishes of the people they pay the taxes and should say how the money should be spent. I am in favor ot reduction of taxes consistent with the progress Robeson county is making. 1 am op posed to any division of RobeBon county and favor adjusting our difficulties in side the county lines and inside the Democratic party. If the above meets with the approval of the Democrats of the county, I will appreciate their sup port in the primary, assuring them if elected I will serve the people of the whole county to the best of my ability. 5-23-tf . G. H. Hall. For County Commissioner. In accordance with the wishes of many of my friends of Robeson county, I hereby announce myself for one of the four year term candidates for county commissioner subject. to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. 7-1 J. B. Mccormick. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-nomination as county commis sioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If elected I shall endeavor, as in the past, to serve all the people of the county to the best of my anility. 7-4 , A. J. Floyd. For County Commissioner I desire to announce my candidacy for county commissioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If elected it will be my aim to administer the business of the county in a business way. The public business should have the same attention at the hands of pub lic officers as has their private inter ests. Four year term. 7-4 M. L. Marley. For County Commissioner. To the Democratic voters of Robeson county, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of county com missioner for the four years' term, sub- ect to the action cf the primary to be leld on the 10th day of August. If I am elected it will be my pleasure to look after the interest of the county to the best of my ability. T T? XVor, For County Commissioner To the voters of Robeson County: This is to announce that I will he a candidate before the Democratic pri mary for re-election to the office of county commissioner. Thanking you for the confidence reposed in me here tofore, I would again ask you for your suffrage promising you to conscien tiously discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Obediently yours, 7-8 W. P. Barker. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself for one of the four-year term candidates for county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. All support will be greatly appreciated. 7-8 C. A. Oliver. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for county commissioner of Robeson county, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held August 10. All sup port will be greatly appreciated. Four year term. E. C. Nye. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself candi date for county commissioner of Robe son county, subject to the action of the coming Democratic primary. Any support given me will be greatly ap preciated. 7-11 Spurgeon Jones. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county commissioner of Robe son county subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held August 10. All support given me will be great ly appeciated. 7-11 J. A.- McCormick. For County Commissioner To the Democratic voters of Robeson County: I hereby anounce that I will be a can didate for one of the two year terms for county commissioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, to be held on August 10th. If nominated and elected 1 pledge myself to use my best efforts te reduce taxes and to bring about a more economical admin istration of the county affairs. This the 10th day of July, 1912. . D. Z. McGougan, 7-11 Lumber Bridge. For Register of Deeds To the Democratic Voters of Robeeon County: I take this method of announcing my self a candidate for the office of Regis ter of Deed of Robeson county, sub ject to the action of the coming Demo cratic primary. If elected I shall en deavor to execute the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Your support will be greatly appreciated. 6-2 W. Austin Smith. For County Commissioner 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for a four year term county com missioner, subject to the Democratic primary. If nominated and elected I promise my best service. C. B. Townsend. For State Senate. To the Voters of Robeson County: I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the State Senate, subject to the Democratic primary to he held August 10. I shall appreciate the sup port of every voter, and I assure you that if nominated and elected I will use every honest effort to secure such changes and reforms as may be consist ent with the best interest of the Coun ty. Geo. B. McLeod. 7-15 For Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of coroner of Kobeson county, subject to the Democratic pri mary to be held August 10, 1912. 7-22 5 E. Rancke, Sr. When the Snoy went through your roof last, winter you wanted something to keep it out. Better to get busy and put on Edwards Metal Shingles. Now, don't let ym2F'WaUg3&d ceilings get ruined again with that old roof. Use the best metal shingles mode-that is Edward3. For sale by W. M. BURNEY, - - - Lumberton, N. C. 21 and all other kinds of delicious drinks rUR FLAVORS and SYRUPS are made from the finest crushed fruit and pure sugar. They are therefore not only exquisite in taste but healthy and satisfying. On a sweltering hot day you will appreciate one of our special thirst quenchers seems as if it came from the frozen North Pole itself. Try one today. J. D. McMillan & Son Specials FOR TOBACCO GROWERS Cox s Tobacco Trucks, Tobacco Twine, Parish Green Sprayer and Bellows, Thermometers, Lanterns and Alarm Clocks. L. H. CALDWELL Hardware Department. THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Aricuknre and Mechanic Arts - The State's Industrial College Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil. Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry; in Cot ton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year and Two year courses in Agriculture. These courses are both practical and scien tific. Examinations for admission are held by the County Superintendent at all county seats on July 11th. For Catalog address THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N C. The Reason Why The reason why our Glasses give relief to the eyes is because we know where and how to place them. It's our business. Make it your business to see ub. Spectacles and Eye Glasses correctly fitted to your eyes for $1.00 and Up. Eyes Examined Free Dr. Vineburg, Masonic Temple, Wilmington, - - North Carolina rfE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HONEYTAB i"t Clot.r Blawam rod Boner Be on Every Bottle.