o THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. NATURE'S LAWS. but ditMM loUowi aioien Natures liwi ere pence, u . , - - - -- - there. proportions, and you have DOCTOR PIERCFS GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. II took Dr. Pierce, with the ...i.Unc. - !?J- cists, many rooncm 01 nru --- this vegetable alterative and tonio extract of the greatest efficiency, . . M C W. Pawlev, of Millville, Calif, writes : I wi to tell you that I have used your - Golden Medical DmcotOT n m SSily for twenty year,. We have had a doctor called in but once during that time. I have a family or ten cBil dren all well and hearty, for wh eta, to a reat extent, we owe &ftryou and you'r ' Golden MedTcal Discovery' and 'Pellets,' which we use when sick. Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellet regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-ooated, tiny granules. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Werld't'Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N.Y. C W. Pawlbt, Bso, Social and Personal Items From Red Springs. OoiTMPondenca of The Robeaonian. Red Springs, July 19 Mra. J. D. Barden is visiting relatives and friends in Wilson. Miss Lucy Worth Currie has returned to her home in Fayetteville after a pleasant visit to Miss Margaret McEachern. Mr. LeGette of Dillon, is visiting his sister Mrs. J. B. Stanley. Miss Hallie Cur rie visited relatives in Raeford last week. Mr. K. C. Denny, of Rooks, spent the past week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Houser, of Maxton, spent Sunday at Hotel Red Springs. -Mr. Fred Robertson, of Char lotte. is a guest at Hotel Red Springs. Misses Vera and Mar sraret Blue, of Aberdeen, are visiting their aunt Mrs. Nellie Shcoter. Mrs. B. F. McMillan enter tained Thursday afternoon from six to eight o'clock in honor of her daughter Mrs. Roscoe Drake McMillan. The home was beau tifully decorated for the occa sion, the parlor in pink, gift room in yellow and the dining room in deep red. Aboat fifty guests called during the after noon. Mrs. D. P. McEachern is spending several days in Fay etteville. Miss Kate Johnson, of Riverton, spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Mary Mc Eachern. -Dr. B. F. McMillan spent Tuesday in Lumberton. Misses Annie Belle Williams and Lucy de Vane are visiting Miss Latnenne uixon at ner summer home at Montreat Mrs. J. A. Roberts spent Tuesday in Fay etteville. Misses Mamie and Carrie McNeill are spending this week at Wrightsville. Miss Vivian Johnston, of McColl, S. C, is the guest of Miss Lucile Cook. Miss Sallie Sinclair of Rowland, is visiting at the home of Mr. A. T. McCallum.-Mr. W. E. Garrett has returned from a pleasant trip to New York City. Mr. Hiram Grantham 8 pent several days of last week in Charlotte on business Misses Elizabeth Fry and Maggie Brown spent Sunday at Jackson Springs. Drs. Roscoe McMillan and Henry Hodgin spent Wed nesday at Montrose. The August American Magazine. The August American Maga line is a story number. It con tains an amusing love story told in baseball vernacular by George Fitch; a dog story by John A. Moroso; a love story by Lucille Baldwin Van Slyke; a remark able yarn by Albert Hickman about a drunken man who bragg ed too much and got "taken down a few pegs"; a story of ad venture and gambling by William J. Locke; an Emma McChesney story by Edna Ferber: and a Phoebe and Earnest story by Inez Haynes Gillmore. One of the attractions of the August American is an astonish ing and amusing characterization of Theodore Roosevelt and Presi dent Taft written by F. P. Dunne ("Mr. Dooley") in The Interpreter's House, in which Mr. Dunne really gives a satis-J factory explanation for Roose velt's enthusiasm about Taft in 1908. Other important contributions to the number are stories of base ball "fans" bv Hugh S. Fuller ton, 'The First Night Ordeal," -.a theatrical article by Walter Trichard Eaton, "A Woman and Her Raiment," by Ida M. Tar bell, and the department "Inter esting People." in which appear this month sketches and pictures of five men and women whose stories make excellent reading. A DATE TO REMEMBER. August 10 Democratic pri mary for nomination of county officers. when you'll mash a cut, bruise, burn or Never can tell finger or suffer a scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sella, it. 25. and. J?0c. Barnesville News Batch. oraapondeoea of The Robesonian. Barnesville, July 17. Most of the farmers of this section have taken up their summer trade curing tobacco and wanting watermelons. For the past few days we have been having plenty of what some people always find fault with rain. Mr. K. M. Barnes of this place has accepted a position as cashier or the Farmers and Merchants Bank at Lumberton, and will move his family to Lumberton in the near future. Mr. Barnes has been a great help in this comma nity. and will be greatly missed by his many friends at this place. One of Mr. C. L. Page's mules died Saturday night. Mr. Page just purchased the mule last win ter and it was among the highest priced mules brought to Fair Bluff last winter. There will be a children's day at the Methodist church here Sun day p. m. Constipation causes headaches, indi gestion, drowsiness. For a mild, open ing medicine, use Doan's Regulets. 25c a Sox at all stores. ft TESTIMONY OF FIVE WOMEN Proves That Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Is Reliable Reedville, Ore. "I can truly recom mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to all women who are passing through the Change of Life, as it made me a well woman alter suffering three years." Mrs. Mary Bogart, Reedville, Oregon. New Orleans, La. "When passing through the Change of Life I was MriMirtBojini J troubled with hot flashes, weak ana dizzy spells ana backache. I was not fit for anything until I took Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound which proved worth its weight in gold to me. " - Mrs. Gas ton Blondeau, 1541 Po lymnia St., New Orleans. Mishawaka,Ind.-" Wo men passing through the Change of Life can take nothing better than Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable MnOn Bauer! Compound. 1 am recom- mendingittoallmy friends because of what it has done for me. ' '-Mrs. Chas. Bauer, 523 E. Marion St., Mishawaka, Ind. Alton Station,Ky.-"For months I suffered from troubles in consequence of my age and thought I could not live. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and I want other suffering women to know about it Mrs. Emma Bailey, Alton Station, Ky. Deisem, No. Dak. "I was passing through Change of Life and felt very bad. I could not sleep and was very nervous. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health and I would not be without it." Mrs. F. M. Thorn. Deisem. No. Dak. FOLEY' KIDBEV CURE will cum YOU tt tny cast of Kidnev or Bladder dlceast that is not beyond the reach of mtdi- ttft Talca it at one. Do not risk having BHght'a D la ta or Diabetes. Thar La aothing gained by delay. and 91.00 DottUsw CASTOR I A Tor IafasU sad Children; Tin Kbl Yea Ban Afcrajs Bgbl Bears the WEEK END FARES TO WIL MINGTON. Laurel Hill 13 50. Lowe $3.00. Maxton $3.50. Launnburz $3.50. Lumberton $2 75. Pembroke $3 25. The above tickets will be on sale for any Saturday train dur ing period June 1st 1912 up to including August 31st 1912, Tick ets limited to reach original starting point returning, Tues day following date of sale. Do net miss this opportunity to take a little outing while these reduced rates are at your dis posal. For further information call on your agent or address. M. Beverly. H. S. Leard, Ticket Agent D. P. A. Lumberton, N. C. Raleigh, N.C. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan s 2!SWt iMSXSdJT loir! YOU ARE SPOTTED DOX St fill BtOreS. I nilf no -fn on aanatiel inrifa fiHICHESTER S PILLS saIeof General Merchandise and Ws. TiiKBiAMOXK brand, a vflll will mifl n trrPflt nnnnrhmitv you fail to accept this mvita- The prices which we have intdi Ask forfll l.r'IfVft.l'Fn b nilt srh fknaA sWa VMnLrst f kia in a AT.ivn ti n v i. ifi i , V I huh vu lucoc Kuuua uiacvc iuio r.wsknow.uBcst.sxnt.Aiw.r.R.ii.bi. gale tne most lmDortant event of the year, and will be of interest I.llr-l A.k tnr Mrifrfil for . I Chl-rkM-tort llMad UrandV if rill. In Bed ad Mold mctXttSSfJ . h. itxled lth Blue Ribboa. V tlOll Irt SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE fit UNIVERSAL" Model HE t large measure, with concave The Jones Hasp " to you. John T. Biggs Co. "Happy Medium " in Semi-AififA-toed shoes. 'Extremely comfortable, while being up-to-the-hour in Style expression. Its fine, easy-fitting qualities a to the skillful "rocker" conve:; . curve of upper. This latter gives a short vamp that will not wrinkle (through excessive slackening of leather) when forepart of shoe is bent in walking. SPECIFICATIONS J Black Smooth Calf Blucher Oxford Also Russia C&lf Soles 15 Sq. Single Heels 118 Military 11-9-tf SIMPLE, PRACTICAL AND CHEAP. Will mot Mind when the ttoor St , For sale at your Hardware dealers or sent direct for 10c. and your dealers name Jones Hasp &-Lock Co. WAR RENTON, N.C. JWe Knock Si"! Commissioner's Sale Under and by virtue of a certain judgment of the Superior Court, ren dered in a special proceeding therein pending, wherein Mrs. ransy lolar. Ad it rx. of J. G. Tolar, deceased, was the plaintiff and Gritchen Tolar, et al were the defendants, I will on Monday. 5th day of August, 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for Bale at public auction. to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Lum berton, the following described tract of land: A certain tract or parcel of land in baint fauls township, liobeson county, State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Campbell estate and others, bounded as follows, viz: Begin ning at stake in s pond in the Camp- THINGS Ladies' and Gent's Garment! Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send us your garments and have them cleaned CLEAN. Lumberton Pressing Club Telephone No. 10. . Packages called for and delivered. Our guarantee your satisfaction. Also agent for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. ' ... Stock Nos. 74919187 Price M00 THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins Sep tember 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information, address bell and McNeill line and runs as Revel JULIUS I. FOUST. President line north 32 east 13 50 chains to a stake by two pines; thence south 57 west 10 chains to a stake by a pine; thence north 33 west 2 chains to a stake in Campbell s line, thence south 51 west about 42 chains to a stake bv a pine and gum in the line of the 28 acres survey; thence as the line of that sur vey south 42 east 12 chains to a stake; thence north 51 east to the beginning, containing 60 acres more or less. The object of the foregoing sale is to make assets to pay the debts of J G. Tolar. deceased. This the 3rd day of July 1912. Thomas L. Johnson. Commissioner. Thomas L. Johnson, attorney for plain- tin. 7-8-4 mon Greensboro, N. C Townsend Bros., Lumberton, N. C ATTENTION! Deputy game wardens are urged to be diligent in enforcing the game law. Quail, Woodcock, Doves, Robins and Larks can only be billed after November 1st, and until March 1st All other birds, except Hawks, Owls, Crows and English Sparrows are protected at all times. A reward will be paid for evidence of viola tions of the law. FRANK A. BOND, Chief Game Warden. NOTIC CAROLINA BUSINESS SCHOOl Telegraphr Penmanship Shorthand, TvDewritinir. Rankkenlnir Special Preparatory Department; Dai and Night Sessions; Splendid Equip ment; Rates Reasonable For terms, etc., address OWEN C. ROGERS. Prinerp., 8-16-tf Hope Mills, N. C. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of a certain judgment en tered at April Term. 1912 of the super ior court of Robeson county, in an ac tion entitled JF. Highsmith asrainst W. ti. smith and wife, tne undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 5th ay of Aueust. 1912. at 12 o'clock noon offer for sale, for cash, at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Lumberton, North Carolina, the following described lands, to-wit: In Howellsville township, Robeson county, adjoining the lands of William Byrd, Monroe Hester, R. M. Sessoms and others and on the North side of Jackson Swamp, it being a part of 640 acre survey patented by John Willis, Nov. 25th, 1797, beginning at stake corner of dividing line between John G. Smith and c. O. Mercer and in the second line of the original survey and runs as that line -North 16 East, 40 chains to a stake and 3 pines the 3rd corner of the original survey: thence as the 3rd line of said survey South 74 kast about 25 chains to a stake at the south edge of said big swamp; thence down the various courses of the swamp west edge oi said big swamp to the dividing line between said J. G. Smith and c. O. Mercer thence as that line North 74 west to the beginning. This Z7Ui day of June, 1912. James D. Proctor, commissioner. Mclntyre. Lawrence and Proctor Attorneys for Plaintiff. 7-l-4mon Etc. 8 .8 Between Salely and Danger The whe man secures the protection of FIRE INSURANCE. When fire occurs, the most valuable pa per a man has is a policy in a good com pany. We represent some of the bett companies in existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incur, red. Some day you may be sorry yon didn't let na write a policy tvday. Q T. WILLIAMS. To our customers' and friends we wish to call your attention to the fact that we always have your best interest on our minds when buying our stock, and we will say again that we have just had a large shipment of Irv ioods, Mods, that came in this week, and it will be a pleasure to us for you to call and inspect this line, and all others we carry in stock. We guarantee that our prices and goods will please you. We are not running any Special Sale now but all of our goods are sold at the Sale Price Come and we will interest you, and in conclusion we will say that we appreciate your patronage to the fullest extent. Respectfully, W. J. PREVATT, Lumberton, North Carolina