THE SEMI-WEEtOUY ROBESONIAN. How The Body Kills Germs. MbSnoTh wVdo ot taotr. The blood ol - healthy per.oo.lway. La. .om .kminrtXtnceio it to ward off the attack of disease. The fountain head L ; . th .rnach. A man who h. a weak d impaired .tomach and who doea nol property die.t his food will .000 find that hi. blood ha. become weak JnTimpofeTuhed, and that hi. whole body i. improperly and mauffic.ently oour i.d To Put the body in healthy condition, to feed the yteni oo rich, red blood ftjw S tben, fro. the body, in the p. rfirie extract f without alcohol), of Woodroot, joldea eal and Oregon tfrape root, .tone root mnt with black cherrybark. "Mv husband was a sufferer from stomach trouble and Impure blood." writes Mrs. James n. Martik, of Frank fort, K scab wl for a lone time. He tried every remedy that any one would JyHnt found no relief 'lie then tried f Kewe-J '5 n.ji 1 T.rM- wifi cnmnlflrlv cured him. US t... n.r for two years, and I recommend thi valuable medicine for impurities of the blood. Dr. Pierce. Pleasant Pellet, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowel.. Sugar-coated , tiny granule.. CLUBBING OFFERS mandrake and y He had a sore on hia face that would form & hich would dry and drop off la about a ttonth. then r would Immediately form. It continued this way J. H. Mxbtin. Esq LYDIA NEWS NOTES. A Series of Meetings Closes at Methodist Church Meeting to Begin at Baptist Church Personal. Lydia. S. C. (Lamer. R. 1), Aug. 8 A very interesting and helpful series of meetings closed at Wesley Chapel Methodist church here last Friday night During these meetings eleven candidates for membership were received into the church, and a great m any old members were drawn nearer to Christ On account of the serious ill ness of Mrs. Rogers, the Bap tist minister's wife of this place, the series, of meetings at Mt. Elun Baptist church has been delayed. However, she is very much improved at this writing, and the meeting is expected to begin Thursday night August 8 Mias Fannye V. Josey return ed home last week after spend mg some time with mends in New York. The friends of Miss Josey were pleased to have her return. We are glad to report the re- , turn of Mr. J. E. McBride, the efficient mail carrier on route 1, after a short vacation. Mr. B. S. Josey is erecting large ginnery at Lydia for the purpose of pinning long staple cotton. Several other buildings are also being erected. Miss Eva Best has returned home after spending several months at Pageland.'S. C. She was accompanied home by her sister Mrs. Lewis Watford. Miss Effie Wilson, accompani ed by her father, Mr. Charlie Wilson, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. L. W. Redick and attended the meeting. Prof, and Mrs. Wm. Duncan of this place are spending some time at Lancaster, S. C, guests of relativse and friends. They are expected to return in a few days. Blue Bella. Movements of the People Down Clarkton Way. An Up-to-Date and Successful Robeson County Farmer. While ville New. Reporter. Last Thursday we had a call from Mr. N. T. McLean, who is an up-to-date and successful far mer near Rowland, in Robeson county. Mr. McLean has pur chased the Spivey farm, near Whiteville, which he gave to one of his sons. He says that lands around him sell for $100 or more per acre, but our Columbus land is just as good if opened up and improved. He thinks there is a fine future for our county and is particularly impressed with the educational advantages of White ville. It was because of our school th8t he located his son and grand children here. Mr. MjrLean has 500 acres of fine land and says the crop out look is promising. He is also a raiser of fine stock, and has a cross between a Poland China and Berkshire, having imported his brood hogs. In speaking of the truck busi ness, Mr. McLean says he does not grow any crop that must be sold right away, at any price of fered. He grows corn and cot ton and crops that will keep. He says any farmer who depends on truck corps to the neglect of staples, will sooner or later find himself broke. He says that this year some of his neighbors went into the canteloupe business and about 50 acres were planted. But it took all they received for their melons to pay for crates and freight bills, and they came out behind. He , says that the canteloupe business has been overdone in Robeson, just as was the strawberry business in Co lumbus. He says he has never bought corn or meat since he be gan farming, but always tries and have some to sell, that no farmer can succeed who raises cotton to buy supplies. y Canaapondenca of The Robeaonian. Clarkton. Aug. 6 Mr. Tom McKee of Rowland arrived last week to spend his vacation with relatives here. Mrs. A. M. Wallace left Sat urday for Councils, where she will spend a few days with rela tives. Dr. G, IV Clark spent las Thursday in Wilmington on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ward and SOn, John D., left Friday after noon for their home in Nash ville. Ga.. after spending about five weeks with relatives and friends here. Mr. D. D. McKee of near Max ton spent a few days with rela tives here. J. B. Clark. Esq.. of Elizabeth town spent a short while Fiiday in town. Miss Grace Hester of Bladen boro returned home after spend ing a few days in town. Mrs. Alexander Smith of Elizabethtown spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. N. Campbell. Miss Amanda Clark left Sat urday for Fayetteville, where she will Bpend some time with friends. Mrs. John D. Singletary of Lois, S. C, spent a few days in town with relatives and friends. Rev. R. A. Lapsley, Jr., preached Sunday p. m. at the residence of Mr. Warren J. Gooden, where he held commun ion services on account of the ill health of Miss Mary C. McKee. Quite a large crowd was present Mr. Archie McKee of White ville spent a few days in this neighborhood. Quite a number went on The Robesonian excursion last Thurs day and it was enjoyed by all who went Mr. Wm. Monroe and daughter. of Tar Heel, spent the week-end in this vicinity. Rev. R. A. Lapsley, Jr., left Monday morning for Newton, where he will spend his vacation of one month. Among those who attended Misses Rosa Lee and Annie Neal Clark's house party from a distance were Misses Pearl Smith of Liberty, S. C , Mary Query of Pmeville, Lym John ston of Franklin, Kate Robin son of Lowell, Messrs. Roy Dunn of Lancaster, S. C, and Frank McDowell of Charlotte. Miss Louise Sloan of Davidson is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. G. H. Currie. Miss Minnie McKee of Row land is spending some time with relatives here. Miss Louisa Deli Clark left Saturday for Maxton and sev eral points in Virginia. Dmglefoot Church and College Notes. Raleigh Christian Advocate. Rev. R. L. Carraway, Lumber- ton circuit, writes: We have just closed a fine meeting at Pine Grove church. Dr. Nash was with us one week and rendered fine service. The church was greatly revived, and there were nine accessions. Total added this year thirty." Major A. J. McKmnon, Max- ton, N. C, has the honor of be ing the first to found a scholar ship in Carolina . College. The interest derived from this $1,- 000 pays the tuition of some worthy young woman who is not able to pay her own, giving the preference to Kobeson county. Rev. J. W. Hoyle, Roseboro, writes: "We have had a good meeting here in our church. Bro. J. W. Bradley, of Lumberton, was with me from Monday night till Friday night and preached the Word with power in the old time way. My people and the whole town and , community around were delighted and edi fied. May the Lord use him a ohg time to call men into the ways of righteousness!" Subscribe for The Robeeonlan. Some Attractive Propositions That Will Enable Robeaonian Subscribers to Save Money on Their Papers. ,. The Robeaonian has made ar rangements that enable it to make some attractive offers to its subscribers. On none of the offers do we make a penny. We put the papers that club with us at exactly what they cost us and our readers get the benefit The only condition is that you be i m x rri.. ... a Butwenoer 10 lae xvooesoman. We will send ou the Char- a a 1 . ioue semi-weeKi uoserver ana The Robesonian one year, four papers each week, for $2.25. ma a ine xoutn s uompanion. one of the best magazines in the world, and The Robesonian, both one year for $2.75. This offer will not be open long. The Youth's Companion will be $2.00 after April 1, 1912 it is now 11.7580 by subscribing now you save 75 cents on the two. The thrice-a-week New York World and The Robesonian. five papers each week, for 32.15. Progressive Farmer and Ga zette, the best farm paper in the South, and The Robesonian, one year, $U0. This offer is open to old or new subscribers of the Robesonian, the only condition being that you are a new sub scriber to The Progressive Farmer. If you are already a subscriber to The Progressive Fanner we will renew the paper for you in connection with The Robesonian for 85 cents. We will send The Robesonian and the Atlast? Tsi" Week ionsinution Dotn ior one year or $iJ5. The Robesonian and the Rich mond Tri-Weekly Journal, five papers each week, one year for $2.35; or The Robesonian and the Richmond Journal 6 davs each week, 8 papers a week, one year for$d.25. This is a chance to get a good paper published daily except Sunday and a good semi weekly paper at less than the cost of many daily papers. We will send you The Robe sonian and tbe Charlotte News, leading evening paper, for the price of The News alone. $6.00 or one year, $3.00 for 6 months. $1.50 for 3 months. This is your opportunity to get your come paper free and one of the best daily papers in this section along with it at regular rates. CASTOR I A for Infants and Children, Hie Rind YcaHara Always Bought Bears tho Signature of S7 OUR OFFERINGS THIS WEEK in general merchandise are such big values that you cannot fail to get a bargain on any article purchased. THE QUALITY IS RELIABLE and may be depended on to equal or exceed that offered elsewhere at much higher prices. This is an nnusal opportunity for close buyers. John T. Biggs Co. a UNIVERSAL" Model 'HE with concave 'Happy Medium" in Semi-A-toed shoes. 'Extremely comfortable, while being up-to-the-hour in Style expression. Its fine, easy-fitting qualkies ' - ' large measure. to the skillful "rdeker" convc - , Curve of upper. This latter gives a short vamp that will not wrinkle (through excessive slackening of leather) when forepart of shoe is bent in ti waiKing. v SPECIFICATIONS J if Vi Black Smooth Calf Blucber Oxford Also P.Uisia Calf Soles 15.S-J. Single HeelsllS Military Indian Killed on Track. Wear Kochelle, III., an Indian went to sleep on a railroad track and waa killed by the fast express. He paid for hia carelessness with his life.' Of ten its that way when people neglect cougna ana corns, uon t nstc your life when prompt use of Dr. King's New Discovery will cure them and so pre vent a dangerous throat or lung trouble "It completely cured me, in a short time, of a terrible cough that followed a severe attack of Grip," writes J. R. watts, tnoyaaaa, Tex., "and 1 re gained 15 pounds in weight that I had lost Quick, safe, reliable and guar anteed. 50c and SI. 00. Trial bottle free at all druggists. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA When the Snow went through your roof last winter you wanted something to keep it out. Better to get Vtuatr iyA nnf An KfA0J CftUU ljuv uu r Edwards Metal Shingles. Now, don't let your walls and ceilings get ruined again with that old roof. Use the best metal shingles made that is Edwards. For sale by W. M. BURNEY, - - - Lumberton, N..C fin and Metal Work I do all kinds of Tin and Metal Work and will greatly appreciate any business given me. P. P. 7-6-ft GREEN 'Phone 60. Lumberton, N. CL We Knock Ladies' and Gent'a Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send us your garments and hare them cleaned CLEAN. Luzberton Pressing CB Telephone ISo. 10. Packages called for and delivered. Oar guarantee your satisfaction. Also agent for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. Expert Eye Examination Is absolutely necessary to de termine the proper glasses to use. Selecting them by any other method may result in permanent injury to your sight Our office is equipped with all the latest instruments to be had for accurate work. If you are bothered with eye troubles it will pay you to see us and get the best Or. W. W. Parker 2-15-tf Graduate optometrist of two colleges Lumberton, N. C. Townsend Lumberton, N. C Bros., A T T E N TTO N ! Deputy game wardens are urged to be diligent in enforcing the game law. Quail, Woodcock, Doves, Robins and Larks can only be killed after November 1st, and until March 1st All other birds, except Hawks, Owls, Crows and English Sparrows are protected at all times. A reward will be paid for evidence of viola tions of the law. FRANK A. BOND, Chief Game Warden. wYrapic si Etc. 4 To our customers and friends we wish to call your attention to the fact that we always have your best interest on our minds when buying our stock, and we will say again that we have just had a large shipment of Iry loods, Mons, that came in this week, and it will be a pleasure to us for you to call and inspect this line, and all others we carry in stock. We guarantee that our prices and goods will please you. We are not running any Special Sale now but all of our goods are sold at the Sale Price Come and we will interest you, and in conclusion we will say that we appreciate your patronage to the fullest extent. Respectfully, W. J. PIKE' Lumberton, North 9 Carolina

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