THii SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAM. V BUSHED MONDAYS AMD THUBSDATS. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 1. 1912. liA.iJiiiJiJiJiiiJi-fc'- ! "n r" r rT r .! A $ Mr. W. R. Allen, of Dublin, was a Lumberton visitor Friday, Mr. D. G. Pate, of Richardson, as a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. W. C. Barnes, of route 3 from Lumberton, was in town Friday. Mr. Troy M. Davis, of route 2 from Lumberton, was in town Saturday. Mr. T. J. Freeman, of Bladenboro, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. J. W. MTVhite, of route 1 from Lumberton, was in town Saturday. Mr. J. J. Inman and son Master Jim, of Fairmont, were among the visitors m town Friday. Mr. Jno. N. Regan, who lives on route 2 from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town baturday. Mrs. J. L. Smith, of Duke, arrived Friday afternoon and is a guest at tfce home of ex-Judge T. A. Mc- Neill. i Misses Gertrude Morrison and I Nell Johnson, who had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G. French, Fourth street, returned Thursday night to their home at Aberdeen. Mrs. -Terrell Poole, of Rockingham, is spending a few days in town a ruest at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Prof, and Mrs. J. R. Poole. Mrs. Poole arrived Friday and Miss Minnie Garrett, also of Rockingham, came with her, but she returned home yesterday. Miss Gar rett was also a guest athe home of Prof, and Mrs. Poole. Mr. Ed Rancke is spending to day in Payetteville. Mr. D. D. French spent yester day in Diiloti, JS. C. Rev. D. B. Humphrey, of Sad dle Tree, is in town today. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Stabfcs, of Moss Neck, are in town today. Miss Dora Smith spent yester day in Dillon, S. C, on a visit to friends. Messers John and M. M. Sin gletary, of Back Swamp, are in town today. Messrs Charley and J S. Oli ver, of Marier a, art; 1 omberton visitors today. Mr. Troy ltaxley, oi route 3 from Lumberton, is among the visitors in u-vui today. Miss Amai da M:i)iarmid re turned Saturday from Maxton, where she spent several days visiting Mia Cora Page went Saturday to Charleston, S. C, where she will spend several days visiting relative. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. McLean and ton. Master Archibald Wil ton, returned this morning from Maxton, where fince yesterday morning they, had been guests at the home of Mr. McLean's moth er, Mrs. Una A. McLean. CALOMEL GIVES ONLY TEMPORARY RELIEF. Electric Power at Lumberton and Dresden Cotton Mills. Electric power from the Yadkin Power Co. was turned on this morn ing at the Lumberton and Dresden cotton mills and these mills, which have heretofore been run by steam, are humming on the first das work with electric power. The change was made without a hitch, the machinery running smoothly with the new pow er this morning. The sub-station on the edge of town, which was tested Tuesday of last week, got down to its knitting for continuous running baturday night. Everything is in readiness now to furnish light and power for Lumberton as soon as satisfactory contracts can be made. It is ex pected that the power company will submit its proposition to the town fathers within a few days. For Sale Two hundred bushels of com and eight thousand pound;, of fodder. Apply to W. J. Purvis, R. F. D. 1, Lumberton, N. C. 11-18-lt. on 4-ft. shipping point. Ent- (split pine Wanted Prices wood F. O. B. wistle Mfg. Co., W. A feupt., Rokingham, N. C. ll-18-8t For Sale 75 acres of good land at one-third actual value. Reosno for selling, my interest in South Florida requrej all my time tbre. E. S. Wishart. Lumberton, N. C. 11-U 3- President-Elect Wilson and Family Sail for Bermuda. New York Dispatch, 16th. Woodrow Wilson, President-elect, Mrs. Wilson and the Misses Eleanor and Jessie Wilson left New York for Bermuda shortly after 2 o'clock this afternoon on the steamship Ber mudian. They will be gone until Decemlcr 16. A throng of well-wishers saw them off. Notices of New Advertisements. Auction sale of lots at Maxton for colored people. Good farming lands for sate near Lillington. The word Stieff is sufficient. Good house and 40 acres of land for rent. Corn and fodder for sale. Prices wanted on split pine wood. Commissioner's sale of land J. B. McCormick, commissioner. The equal opportunity Farmers & Merchants Bank. Lay up reserve fund First Na tional Bank. The place to buy fine mules W. F. French & Co. Rhode Island Red roosters for sale. Farms for sale at auction near Reamon Thursday, November 21. Huntsville, Ala., W. C Dollard. a well known citizen, says: 1 have used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and found it a most excellent preparation. In fact it nuitB my case better than any cough eyrup, I have used a good many, lor I am now over 70 years old." For Bale by all druggist So Powerful It Shocks Liver and Leaves It Weaker Than Before. Dodson's Liver Tone a Per fect Substitute. Nearly everybody who has ever tried calomel for constipation or a sluggish liver has found that it rives, only a temporary relief. For calomel is such a powerful drug that it shocks and weakens the liver and makes it less able after ward to do its duty than in the first place. This is one reason why J. D. Mc Millian & Son's drug store would rather sell Dodson's Over Tone to you than calomel. We know that Dodson's Liver-Tone is a pure vege--table liver tonic that will cure con- 1.1,1 J . !,,, aZ.2 v. a U7 'or quick Sale 0 bar OrfSien guarantee it to do this with a guar-, "? ?1J"tH".tur, c&n be.Hj,t antes that is simple and fair. if you I ,B "C t6J- buy a bottle of Dodson's Livr-Tone ' trton' N-J" 11 14" for yourself or children, and do not j flood Propositi id- W? have Mine find that it is a perfect substitute for ex-irit ra' ra'e fn opv iti.' . calomel, then come l;.e!: to the , ''h Jollowlrt n.r. .1wb- e store and get your nionry. If you: hut that st '"i sy ini-rTitr. don t get value for your money out. 1JU avrm mr t P.m.. wjiui.ii & the of this tonic, it s your n;ht to ex pect your money back, and we will gladly give it to you. adv. I offer far aale a part of the Dr. Mc- Brjde place near Rrd prin. con taining 65 acr- 30 acres ! ared and in high state cf cultivation Onf good tenant hous. A. T. McLean, adn in istrator. Lu-berton, N C H 14 2t 3 s Down the Prices Go! 17 j 'sr T.'ff io 2y -7f 20 er Ktt'n j-isf pot in stock at $y 50. vve tiU hav th f 20 yeeir Eljji'i ut $S75. Boylin $ : Jewelry : Store, f.i."nbpr'(v, N. C i . .... .... . A. ianu oi w I'll fVhii,., v r. l uvirn- ton arul cber. witbin i-n- half miJe of tre c urt h'i- w h E0 screi, piacticaly bi! ! rnl, iba: i a fire j ropooiUim. ui atonce Tba A. K J V. Com(iMi y. lumbei- lon, l. U WattleU To r-nt rr bi'v a Tia'l farm near a good chool. VS ill ,--! V or 8 room house. Apply at one a to The Robesonian. 11-4 Wc will lara your land into many quick farms, town and city lota, sub divided and sold at auction. Try our Twin System. Write or wire We will send man to see you. J. W Callahan. Greensboro. N. C. 11-4-lmo Blacker Bros, buy furs of all kinds, coons, mink a, o'possoms, foxes, skunks, otters, muskrats and wild cat. Will pay highest market price. 10-21-tT For Bent 6-room house, corner 6th and Willow streets. Apply tu J. H. FloydJ - 9-26-tf Jno. T. BigfCo. pays best prices for cotton ana cotton seed. 9-5 tf In order to better improve my farm lands I have decided to s-ll all my town property consisting of 21 houses and oU If interested. Bee me Geo. G French, Lumberton, N. C. 6 24-tf We hope this great medicine wilt yet be . puiu in cvr-ijr uruic ri'Tf jii i uiru i For throat and lur.g foobUs it has no equal. A trial will convioc you ot its merit. 50c and Sl.W) Tna bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. NOTICE Dr. M. R. Gibson of Maxton, who?o pr-3ctice is now limited to the medical and surgical treat ment of eye, car, nose and throat, will be in Lumberton on Thurs day and Friday of this week at Thompson's hospital for the pur pose of treating diseases within the limits of his specialty. Adv BUSSBUILDERS For Sale Nice younjc Rhode Island Red Roosters at 75 cents each. Mrs. N. C. Stubbs, Buie, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. ll-1816t It's the Place If you wish to buy c fine mule see W. F. French & Com pany, Fourth and Chestnut streets, Lumberton, N. C. M r. W. F. Fren.-h returned last week from the Western markets, where he purchased a carload of mules. See them. 11-1 S-2t. Wanted A fari.ur who can furnish his own stock and supplies. Have good house and 40 acres of land to rent. Apply to F. P. ; - Humphery, Lumberton, N. C, R. F. I D. No. 2. ll-18-8t 1 Wonted Orders for safe and vault doors. 0. B. Barnes Safe Company. Greensboro, N.j. . Box 457. 6-20 For Sle Houoe and lot in town of Lumberton. House has three-rooms with kitchen. Lot "ontains acre and half. Near graded school Ideal place for truck garden. Terms easy and reasonable. Apply to T. A. Mc Neill. Jr. 9-5 Dynamite Fur sturm;rv ar,' istim. i i ad,t!AK. " 1 1 ? v Vc itj iny it us -if .( (, pp't 1'un N. JACOBI Hardware Company, 10 and 12 South Front Stree'. Wilrainston. Nnrth Carolina Believest Thou in Equal Opportunity? Are you struggling honos ly. intelligently for your own betterment? Does th" f 'itjjr hvf'nm of wifn and chil dren enter into your lirianciiil calculations? I your pur pode to educate that sr.p and sgghter? SureU' you expect to makepro'visifoir' fia'?ArWit'lught;'not you to-tbink upon these things? Yfilir Ronlntinn hould l'u a p!ain- 8ir,'P;- a'nest struggle 1 UU1 iVfOUlUUUU for a cornpttency and ultimate -uccess will be yours The Equal Oppo'tunity-une us to take care of our savinjrs. Start a saviiij,;s accwunt with now. r Sair 18 inch and il-fcot wood at $3 per cord de iverrd. Terms cash. Call 'phone No. 120. A. K. Morri son. 10-28-1 mo. Yd li'jnl, .i . W ba'-k on you. Farmers and Merchants Bank, Lurr.- :-tou, N. C. t. a. McNeill, si: , pr-si.' K. M. BARNES. Cashier Subscribe for The Robesonian, $1.50 Thiirs clay 9 At 1 1:00 O'clock A. M. A number of Fine Farms near Raemon, N. C., known as the J. A.. Mc Donald place on the Maxton, Alma South-Bound Railway, one mile of Gaddy's Mill, on the east side of Shoe Heel Creek, known as the Bridgrers and Rodgers farm property. U1V Property sold on Easy Terms. Sale Sale conducted by Valuable Prizes en Away takes place on the property. Penny i uis una Thomas Brothers J. W. CALLAHAN, Sales Manager, 9 Greensboro, North Carolina

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