THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBEbONIAN 10 CLARENCE TOE WINS CUP. Presented Patterson Trophy by Wal ter H. Page, Who Delivers Address Before Historical Society. Raleitrh Dispatch, 3rd. Clarence H. Poe, as author of "Where Half the World is Waking Up," wins the Patterson loving cup for the year, as having done the best literary work of any North Carolin ian. Thp nward was made tonieht in rtti tin1 tinn with the thirteenth an mull session of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association Tha nruoontjitinn uas hv Walter H Page of New York, who also delivered the literary address. - This is the second time Mr. Poe has Von the cup, having previously received it for his book of travels, "A Southerner in Europe." He is the first to win the cup a second time, and a third award makes the cup the permanent property of the winner. Sr. Mr Via?? ilecljired Mr. Poe ready for a home run in this literary' con test. . The address was a prophecy of North Carolina's literary develop ment, which he declared will best develop through a proper capitaliza tion of the country and countryman, of proper attention to the develop ment of rural life. He urged strong ly the formation of rural credit so cieties on the order of those of Germany and other European coun tries, and appealed for this move ment to be started for this State in Raleigh through a meeting to be held speedily. He asked that monied men determine to back these rural credit societies, and pledge to put in his money and risk it on the poorest rural community that could be found in Wake county. He knew, he said, personally that there were some mighty poor ones :0 years ago. North Carolina from .mountains to the sea can, he said, be made the very best garden spot of the earth, and has already made amazing progress within the memory of the living. He referred to the fact that Carolinians traveling abroad once spoke of their State apologetic ally, then boastfully and now with genuine pride. The annual address by President R. D. W. Connor was on "Historical Foundations of Democracy in North Carolina," and dealt with the gov ernmental and industrial development f the State. It was an able and forceful address. Dr. W. P. Few, president of Trin ity College, Durham, was elected president of the State Historical So ciely for the year. Clarkton News Notes Death of Mrs. !. A. Singlelary. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Ctorkton. Dec. On last Friday afternoon the death angel come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Cromartie and claimed for its own their youngest daughter, Mrs. I. A. Singletary, who had only been sick for about '.20 hours. She and Mr. Singletary were married last Feb ruary and were living at Mr. Single tary s home on the edge of Columbus county. She died while on a visit to her father and mother. The funeral took place at the Clarkton jPresbyterian church, of which she was a member. Her pastor, Rev. R. A. Laps-ley, Jr., preached the funeral Sunday at 1 1 a. m. and interment was al the cemetery. Deceased leaves to mourn their loss her hus band, her parents, three brothers .Messrs. Harry Cromartie of Raeford, Alva S. Cromartie of Fayetteville and George Cromartie of Evergeen, one sister, Mrs. C. II. Lennon of Rowland. She was 2i years old. Among those from a distance who at tended the funeral Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Singletary of Bur lington, Mr. John D. Singletary of Lois, S. C, Miss Gertrude MacFayden of Red Springs, Mrs. Molly McKay and children of White Hall and Mr. J. H. Clark of Elizabethtown, and Messrs. R. D. and Loyd Cromatie of near Elizabethtown. Miss Mary A. Ward began her school yesterday at the Petty school house, about 3 miles southwest of town. Miss Eva Ileustes of near Red Springs begun teaching yesterday at the McKee school house. The meeting closed at the Clarkton Presbyterian church last Thursday r.ight with 18 additions to the church. Indigestion causes heartburn, sour stomach, nervousness, nausea, impure blood, and more trouble than many different kinds of diseases. The food you eat ferments in your stomach, and the poisons it forms are ab sorbed into your whole system, causing many dis tressing symptoms. At the first sign of indigestion, try 62 Bedford's Black-Draught the old, reliable, vegetable liver powder, to quickly cleanse your system from these undesirable poisons. Mrs. Riley Laramore, of Goodwater, Mo., says: "I suffered for years from dyspep sia and heartburn. Thedfora's Black-Draught, In small doses, cured my heartburn in a few days, ana now 1 can eat without distress." Try it Insist on Thedford's Power NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Undar and by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Robeson county made in the special proceed ings entitled Mrs. Caroline Britt, widow et al., vs Luther Britt et al., the same being No. ,'!532 upon the special proceeding docket of Said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the (5 day of Jan. l!U:j. at 12 o'clock JYl . , at the court house door in Lumberton, N. C, of fer for sale to the highest bidder for ash that certain tract of land lying and being in Uritt's township Robeson county, bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a pine at the edge of Creek Swamp, Amos Britt's corner in M. A. Stephen's line, and runs as the dividing line between Amos Britt and Caswell Britt north 50 west 14 chains and 8(5 links to a stake in Amos Britt's line; thence as his line south 57 west chains and i'i links to a stake, in said line; thence south 50 cast 14 chains and 20 links to a stake in M. A. Stephen's line; thence as his line north f3 east 6 chains and 73 links to the beginning, containing 10 acres. And being the ame lands conveyed by deed of date July 15, 1896 from Caswell Britt and wife to Bryant Britt, said deed is reg istered in book W W W W, page 2 G in the office of the register of deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina. This the 30, day of November. l'J12. E. J. BRITT, 12-2-4-mon. Commissioner. .Story of an Ad Pulling Proved lie Wise. Mr. J. C. Baxley, who lives nwir 5!uie, put a small advertisement in The Robesonian a short while ago to the c!tect that he had a cow for sale He was told in a joking way when he handed in the ad that if it did not io the work he could get his money back. The other day Mr. Baxley was in town and recalling what was told him at the time he put the ad in, i-aid he'd have to get The Robesonian to tell the folks that he did not have any more cows for sale, that he had :-olu Tour cows from that ad, all the cows he had but one, and that only yesterday morning a man drove some distance to buy a cow from him and he had to tell him that he had sold all he had for sale. That's the usual result. If you've got anything of merit to sell, an ad in The Robesonian will bring results. The Robesonian is proving in its own office right now the pulling power of its advertisements. It carried an ad in last Thursday's paper giving re markable value "in a Bible. That ad was crowded out of Monday's paper and is crowded out again today be ing the paper's ad it has to stand aside to make room for other ads but from that one insertion a sur prising number of Bibles have been .sold and it is- necessary to order more. If you advertise and don't sret the results you expect you may bet your bottom dollar that what you offer is not what the people want. Be wise and consider the truth expressed in this charming distich Diving and finding no pearl in the sea, Blame not the ocean the fault is in S3.00 Flexible MOfOGGO ES FREE ! uuny The International Bible League aims to create a wider use of the Bible by making it possible for every man, woman and child to possess an attractive edition of the Scriptures like that shown in the illustra tration. To accomplish this end the League proposes to appoint in each locality a prominent house to act as distributors through whom the people can obtain this beautiful Bible practically free. For the sake of convenience, and in order to obtain the widest possible distribution of these Bibles, & u 5? o 3 H IS 2 3 fj c O THE ROBESONIAN 4 Has been appointed the authorized distributors for Lumberton and vicinity ( Every member of the family can now have his or her own copy of this Bible THIS ILLUSTRATION REPRESENTS The Exact Size of This Bible, 51-2x81-4 Inches " This photograph gives but a faint idea of the beauty of this Bible. It is bound in Genuine French Seal rather, has overlapping covers, red-under-gold edges, round corners, headband and marker. International Bible League presentation plate free with Bible. Ask to see this Bible and realize what this offer means to you. THIS BIBLE CONTAINS The Authorized Version of the OLD TESTAMENT and NEW TESTAMENT HAS COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a decree in the Superior Court of Robeson County entered in the special pro ceedings entitled 1). T. Fisher et al vs. Lonnie Fisher et al., the un dersigned commissioner wil! sell, for cash, to the highest bidder at the Court House Door in Lumberton, North Carolina, on Monday, January (!th, 1913, at about twelve o'clock Noon, the following described tracts of land: First Tract On , the North side of Buckhorn Swamp; beginning at a stake and three gum pointers in Buckhorn Swamp, in James McNatt's line, and runs with his line East 45 chains to a stake in a pond; thence North 68 East 14 chains to a stake; thence North GO West 18 chains; thence South 60 West to Buckhorn Swamp; thence down the run of said Swamp to the beginning corner, containing 69 acres, more or less, and less all on the West side of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road. Second Tract Lying on the East side of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, adjoining M. F. Underwood, J. A. Wilder; beginning at a stake on the South side and near the Horse-pen Branch, pine pointers, J. A. Wielder's and M. F. Underwood's corner, and runs thence, with Un derwood's line South 17 West 10 chains to J. R. Smith's corner of 69 acres tract, a stake; thence with the line of it North 60 West 19 chains to a stake in the line of the right-of- way of said Railroad; thence, with it North 30 East 18.5 chains to a stake in J. A. Wilder's line; thence with his line Ntrth 45 East 4.75 chains to a stake, his corner on the North side of the Horse-pen Branch; thence with his line South 19 West 11 chains to a stake, his corner; thence with his line South 54 East 13 chains to the beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less. Third Tract In Saint Paul's Township, Robeson County, North Carolina; beginning on the North east side of the Gallberry Swamp, beginning at a stake in said run,' just above the bridge and runs with Kobe son line of a one-hundred acre sur vey North 70 East 5 chains to county line; thence up the county line 52 chains to a whit bay in the edge of said swamp; thence South 85 West 8 chains to the said run; thence down the same, to the beginning, con taining 35 acres. . This the 12th day of November, iyiz. j. b. Mccormick, Commisioner. Robinson & Lyon, Attorneys for 11-18-4 mos. Self-Pronouncing Text All the proper words being accented and divided into syllables for quick and easy pronunciation. It also contains A New Series of Helps to Bible Study including 4000 Questions and Answers which unfold the Scriptures. 31 Beautiful Illustrations showing scenes and incidents of Bible History. 13 maps of Bible lands in colors. Large clear type. Fine Paper. Each Bible supplied with elastic band and packed in neat box. HOW TO GET THIS BIBLE In the corner of this announcement you will find a Bible coupon. Return this coupon to THE ROBESON IAN, with 98 cents (which covers the items of cost of packing, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary expense items) and this mag nificent Bible will be delivered to you. If the Bible is to be mailed, send 15 cents extra to cover postage. I 4iX-x v ,V jM&fyJ1 rW- iM$AB e V&l'PiT t'H v ''Sift A'ftW mwrnmrnm INTERNATIONAL BIBLE LEAGUE COUPON Nov. 27, 1912 The return of this coupon with 98 cents (to cover the item9 of coot of packing, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary expense items) entitles the holder to a copy of the International Bible League Bible. Re mit 15 cents postage if Bible is to be sent by mail. THE ROBESONIAN, Lumberton, N. C. Parents ! Are you doing your duty by your children? The country has had their teeth examined by a competent dentist. One of the things he recommended was a good tooth brush and some good tooth preparation. We have all good kinds-. We fill Prescriptions too. Lumberton : Drug : Company 1-25-tf Telephone No. 26. THE SUN BALTIMORE, MD. Issued Morning, Evening and Sunday. THE GREAT HOME PAPER OF THE SOUTH. The News of the World is gathered by the well-trained special cor respondents it THE SUN and set before the readers in a concise and in teresting manner each morning and weekday afternoon. ,. ... As a chronicle of world events THE SUN IS INDISPENSABLE, while its bureaus in Washington and New Tork make its news from the legis-lati-e and financial centers of the country the best that can be obtained. AS A WOMAN'S PAPER THE SUN has no superior, being morally and intellectually a paper of the hi'ghest type. It publishes the very best features that can be written on fashion, art and miscellaneous mat ters THE SUN'S market news makes it A Business Man's Necessity for the farmer, the merchant and the broker can depend upon complete and re liable information upon their various lines of trade. Bv Mail THE SUN (Morning and Evening) is 25c a Month or S3 a ear Til E.SUNDAY SUN, by Mail, is 3c a Copy, 25c for 2 Months or $1.50 a Year. And THE SUN, Morning, Evening a and Sunday, .. .. .. $7.o0 a ear Address All Orders to THE A. S. ABELL COMPANY, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. THE ROBESONAIN, 'gSoSJSS thee. FOLEY KIDNEY PUIS .Subscribe for The Robesonian. 7QA UhQKAOUE KlPCV4AMO BLAODKM