THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-law Lumberton, - - - - North Carolina Office in Weinstein building. 9-18 JOHN C STOUT, Architect Rocky Mount, - - - North Carolina Ufwrtng,lttcrtnq &e vArl' ft . A. W. McLean L. R. Vaner J. D. McLean McLean, Varser & McLean Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4. Prompt attention given to all business. T A. McNeill, T. A. McNeill, i McNeill & mcneill, Attorneys at Law. LUMBRTON. N. C. Will practice in all the Courts. Bun neas attended to promptly. E. M. Britt W.'S. Britt. Britt & Britt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. a AH business given prompt and care ful attention. Office upstairs in Argat Building. 10 DR. JOHN KNOX, JR. Physician and Surgeon, Lumberton, - - - - North Caroiin Residence 'phone No. 54, at Mrs. N. A. McLean's. Office 'phone No. 26. 8-9-tf W. R. GIBSON, M. D. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Hours 8 a. m. to 1 p. m., J , Maxton, N. C. Willi"be in Lumberton at Thomp son's Hospital each Monday and Thursday, 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. 12-5. Lr Thomas C." Johnson, Pbyslclan and Sargecn, Lumberton, N. C. Office over McMillan's Drug Store. Calls answered Promptly day or right Residence at Prof. J. R. Poole's. 4-27-tf. Thomas L. Johnson, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business Offices over First National Bank. Stephen Mclntyrc, James D. a. C. Lawrence Proctor. Mchtyre, Lawrence & Procter, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, - - - N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention (riven to all business. E. G, SIPHER, ELECTRICIAN,; Lnmbsrton, N. C. office in Shaw Building, Phone No. 1. 116 DR. W. L. GRANTHAM Physician and Surgeon Office at Lumberton Drug Co Store. Office phone No. 26. Resideuce phone No. 4D. 7-4tf Some Interesting Figures on Mis sions and Sunday Schools Sub mitted at the Baptist State Con vention. At the Baptist State Convention last Wednesday an interesting re port was made by the Board of Mis sions and Sunday Schools, read by Livingston Johnson, corresponding secretary. rrom the report in the Wilmington Star "This report showed all debts paid and a balance in the treasury. This was an occasion for great thanks- - I- J. . . - U giving. . BHiUll' vi me jei a work showed 10,150 sermons preach ed, 335 churches and outstations supplied, 1,670 baptisms, 1,393 added by letter; 331 meetings held, 2,627 professions of faith, 20 church build ings erected, 12 churches finished, There was paid on salaries $26,898.42; $24,434.67 on church buildings; $5, 567.1(5 to State and associational missions; $2,7'J8.53 to foreign mis sions; $1,650 to home missions; $1, 740.52 to orphanage; $522.08 to edu cation; $339.07 to Sunday schools; $394.33 to ministerial relief, and $9, 715.40 to other objects, the grand to tal being $74,586.iJ3. The number of Sunday schools was 207; pupils 24, 462; conversions in schools 1,096; ex penses $4,801.88; cintributed to or phanage $1,493.82; " State missions $73.48; home missions, $73: foreign missions $63; ministerial relief $7.80." The report of the Home Mission Board showed the number of workers engaged in mountain school evange listic work to be 1.309; sermons and addresses delivered 155,974; baptisms 26,899; total added to church during year 47,728: volunteers fof ministry and mission work 683; churches built 234; Sunday schools organized 754; baptised by evangelists, 5,381; num ber of people in mountain districts, in 178 counties, including 76,592 square miles, 11,680,000. In North Carolina about 1,700 of the 1,953 Baptist churches have preacihng only once a month; not more than one in 50 congregations have a pastor in their community. Long Branch Locals. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. F. D. 4., Dec. 3. Since our last letter to The Robeson ian we have been visited by a little snow, which some of us were glad to see. Thanks riving passed off very quiet ly here. Th2 general sport was hunting Because of the inclement weather church service was not large ly attended. Although the crowd was 5mall, a liberal collection for the or phanage was realized. Miss Lmnia Roberts of Lumberton s spending this week here on a visit to f riends. Our school is progressing nicelv under the efficient management of Miss Nellie Steele of Lumberton as principal and Miss McLean of Red Springs as assistant. Sunt. Steele and Dr. Page visited the school last week. We heard of a boy recently who took his best girl out to prayermeet- mg and belore thev got to church the horse took a running notion and trotted right off and left the boy with his girl sitting in the buggv. Miss Lee Pone spent Thanksgiving at Rosinrlale. Miss Addie Ed munds is spending a while at Lumberton. C5ZS2 EEEX2 3 Boylin's Jewelry Store FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS g The PrOCTGSsivP SfnrP where tfaey believe in goods at small profits instead of a few goods at big profits. Boylin's Jewelry Store, Lumberton, N. C. Harper s Sanitarium Wilmington, N. C. A modern and homelike re-i treat for medical and surgi cal cases only. DRUG HABITUES AND ALCOHOLICS not received for cure. Train ing school for nurses. For information write Gliarles T. Harper, M. D. CSS Dynamite For stumping and ditching. Subsoiling and tree planting. Booklets fully describ ing its uses sent free on application,' The trade supplied by N. JACOB1 Hardware Company, 10 and 12 South Front Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Believest Thou in Equal Opportunity? Are you struggling honestly, intelligently for your own betterment? Does the future happiness of wife and chil dren enter into your financial calculations? Is it your pur pose to educate that son and daughter? Surelv you expect to make provision for a "rainy day. Ought not you to think upon thes things? DESTROYED BY FIRE and no insurance. DON'T let this happen to you.' Insure today. 1-19-tf S. H. HAMILTON. DR. ROWLAND DEES Veterinary Surgeon, Lumberton N. C. Calls answered promptly day or night. 3-23-tf WOODBERRY LENNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW Lumberton, N. C. Office over Post Office. THE RIVER SIDE A private home nicely fitted up for the care of a limited number of patients. Medical and obstetrical. H. T. POPE, M. D. Dr. W. O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon. Manufacturer of horse Remedies. Lumberton, N. C. CaHs filled promptly. Phone No. 62. 3-2 E.. J. BRITT; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. DR. CLAUD T. POOLE. Physician and Surgeon, St PauL - - - - N. C. 8-4tf The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York OUt U America. Stoniest in the World ImnmA mmount of dividends paid to p&llcy hold n of any company hi existence. AueU U.73.000.0OO. I. A. Barker. Manafrer Wilmlnfrton dlntrict. OfBca rooms 304-305 Southern building. Wilming ton. N.C . . f 25 tit. Democrats Will Block Appointments by Taft. Washington Dispatch, ."rd. President Taft sent more than 200 recess appointments to the Senate today and immediately indications of a movement among some of the Democratic Senators to prevent their confirmation became evident. Senator Gore, it was said, would have the ac tive support of several colleagues in heading the movement. The campaign was directed espec ially against nominations, it was said, which would have been postponed from time to time thus bringing the new terms close to the beginning of the Democratic Administration. Democratic Senators claimed that the President already had deprived the Democrats of the privilege of ap pointing 50,000 postmasters by plac ing them within the Civil Service law by a single order. Your Resolution should be a plain, simple, earnest struggle for a competency and ultimate success will be yours. The Equal Opportunity use us to take care of your savings. Start a savings account with us now. You bank with us. We bank on you. Farmers and Merchants Bank, t. a. McNeill, sr. Lumberton, N. President. K. M. BARNES, Cashier nnii in iiiMra ii I'TniMi mm-m i i n rnr r mwf S5SS7tu Subscribe for The Robesonian, $1.50 (II Work I do all kinds of Tin and Metal Work and will greatly appreciate any business given me. P P. 7-6-ft GREEN 'Phone 60. , Lumberton, N. C. We Knock K Ladies' and Gent's Garments Cleaned and Dyed in a superior manner. Send ua your garments and have them cleaned CLEAN. Lumberton Pressing Club Telephone No. 10. Packages called for and delivered. Our guarantee your satisfaction. Also agent for the Charlotte Steam Laundry. SLL CUfiJ YOU of any cms of Kldvzj at Bl&A&wt disease that la &ts$ boyoad &o reach of mc&U t&aa. Tsiko it at ones. Do not t&k having Bright Di t&3 or Dfcbetes. Tbora is octhteg gained by delay. and 91.09 l&oitttae NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Robeson county made in the special proceed ings entitled Mrs. Lilhe Nance et al., vs Lillian Nance et al., the same being No. 35U7 upon tne special proceedings docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday the 6, day of Jan. 1913, at 12 o'clock, M at the court house door in Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash that certain tract of land lying and. being in Lumberton town ship, Robeson county, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stake, 0. C. Nor ments south-east corner on the Whiteville Road about li east of the town of Lumberton and runs north 20 east 446.50 chains to a stake in the Harden line; thence as the Harden line east 10.50 chains to a stake in said line and in Jack's Bay; thence on the divkhng line between lots No. 2 and 3 in the division of the lands of T. A. Norment, deceased, now B. Stansel and J. A. Branch's south 37.50 chains to a stake by a short leaf pine and at the public road; thence as said road north 77 west 6 chain r thence south 65 west 5 chains; thence south 25 west 8 chains to the WTute ville Road; thence as said Whiteville Road to the beginning, containing 70 acres, it being the same lands con veyed by deed from O. a Norment. and wife, to J. J. Nance. This Nov 30, 1912. E. J. BRITT, 12-2-4-mon. Commissioner. r 11 - 1 COMMISSIONERS SALE OF . LAND. Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, in a special pro ceedings therein pending, entitled Kate Sinclair and others, plaintiffs vs. Mrs. Margaret Evans and others, defendants, the undersigned com missioner will on Monday, the 6th day of January, 1913, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the Court House door in the Town of Lumberton, the fol lowing described real estate: In the aforesaid County and State and in St. Paul's Township, bounded on the South by the Elizabeth Road; on the East by the lands belonging to the heirs of Archibald McMillan, deceased, also by the lands belonging to the heirs of John McKinnon, de ceased; on the North by the meander ings of the run of the Big Marsh; on the West by the lands belonging to the said A. McMillan's heirs. The above lands include several surveys, ag gregating in all 250 acres, all of said surveys being duly registered in the office of the register of deeds of Robeson Countv. See book of wills No. 3, page 204. This the 2nd day of December, 1912. THOMAS L. JOHNSON, 12-2-4mon. Commissioner. FOLEY mfMTiP$l' ZS K55ZSSES3E&2r!tt)C3 Rfnte EES? In the Mayor's Court. Frank Morrison and John Pope were before Mayor Caldwell Wednes day on the charge of being drunk and disorderly at the Waverly hotel Tuesday night. Fines and costs for the two amounted to about $20 and they were bound to court to answer the charge of disorderly. Charles P. Taft of Cincinnatti, led the contribution to the Republican campaign fund with $150,000 accord ing to the final statement of the Re publican National Committee filed with the clerk of the House of Con gress. The total contributions reach ed $D04,828. The expenditures were $900,303 for speakers, salaries, ad vertising:, rent and other purposes, in cluding $75,000 to the American As sociation of Foreign Newspapers. Senator McCumber Tuesday intro duced a bill in the upper House pro viding pensions for former Presidents of the United States as Commander-in-Chief of the Army at $10,000 an nually, and $5,000 for former Presi dents' v.ijows. Jere Carewe, a young contractor for tile and mantle work, was shot and seriously, but not fatally, wounded Sunday night a week afro in Wilming ton by J. M. Leasia, a well-known business man of that city. Carewe's attentions to Leasia's wife are under stood to have been at the bottom of the trouble. Dr. Wm. Sadler, author of "The Cause and Cure of Colds," says that common colds should be taken seri ously, especially when thev "hang on." Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound is a rt4;alle household medicine for coutrhs and colds equally effective for children and grown persons. Take it when you feel a cold coining on. It will avert darker of serious results and cure quickly. No harmful drugs. For sale by all dealers. Subscribe for The Robesonian. VrtTT Can Write Photo Plays and 1 xJ U arn $25 or More Weekly WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW! If you have ideas if you can THINKwe will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Positively no exper ience or literary excellence necessary, fso "flowery language" is wanted. The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturers are "moving heaven and earth" in their at tempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100, and more, for single scenarios, ' or written ideas. Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers of photoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the sopt, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted bythe producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. We have received many letters from the pig film manufactur ers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON, ESSANY. LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELIANCE, CHAMPION, COMET. MELIES, ETC., urging us to send photoplays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secret of success. We are selling photoplays written by people who "never before wrote a line for publication " Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week, and will write it out as directed by us, and it sells for only $25., a low figure, You will earn $100 monthly for spare time work. FREE Send your name and address at ancrfor free copy illustrated book, "Moving Picture Playwriting." of our Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write now and learn just what this new profession may mean for you and your future. f " - National Authors' Institute 1543 Broadway : : : : : New York City - a

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