THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. o 1 HE ROBESONIAN H7LHHED MONDAYS AND THUKSDATS BT tPONIAN PUBLISHING CO. 4 SBARPE, - - Prldnt. tt'HS-TKlFriON RATES: ' - t "fir f i- - Month 11.60 .75 .40 MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1912. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. The Rnbesunian ha nceivd a reminder of the ram of (- Postoffice Dspartment which prohibits .newspapers from sending pap-ra through the mails at regular rates to sub scribers who are more than a year in arrears. This is not a matter of choice but of neces sity, so we shall Have to dis continue sending the paper to subscribers who are in arrears We do not want to lose a single subscriber by reason of this law. Look at the label on your paper and be sure not to. let your time run over. A REFORM WORTH WHILE Under the above caption the Bal tlmore Sun copies the following Dlede-e which members of "The Sensible Christian League" take: "I will be brave enough to give only where love and sympathy and help IUlness mane giving worm wnne. will not turn Christmas Day into dav of barter and exchange. I will make those whom I love and who love me happy, and bring joy, as far as I am able, to those who otherwise would have no joy to the poor, the lonely, the ill, the old, the friendless and the helpless. And The Sun exclaims, "May strength descend upon the arm which started 'The Sensible Christian League.' Amen and Amen. If every body would take such a pledge as that and live up to it, how much more like what it was meant to be Christ mas would be. A MASS MEETING. While the mayor and town commis sioners are considering the advisabil ity of selling the town's power plant to the Yadkin River Power Co., why not call a mass meeting of the cit izens of the town and find out where they stand on this matter? It is a matter in which every citizen is interested. Coleblease may not shine much in a conference of respectable Governors, but he would make an arch light in a conference of thugs and cutthroats. We bet that coleblease convinced the conference of Governor's that at least it would be a pious and holy deed to lynch the Gov ernor of South Carolina, whether any other lynching would ever be jus tifiable or not. Clarence H. Poe, editor of The Progressive Farmer, who has been persistently mentioned as a probable member of President Wilson's Cabinet as Secretary of Agriculture, has come out in a letter saying that he is not a candidate for any appoint ment under Wilson and that he will support Editor Josephus Daniels of The News and Observer for a Cabi net position. Mr. Daniels' prospects for landing a position in the Cabinet seem particularly bright. The Scottish Chief thinks that the "eood authority" from which we quoted in a recent editorial about a certain vote in Maxton township "was loaded." Nay, he was not load ed when we saw him. But The Chief was loaded to the extent of nearly a column and we hope it feels better after getting that out of its system. For our part, we care nothing about it. Our reference to the senatorial vote was merely to show that all three of the candidates for the Sen ate in the recent primary in this State were voted for by former Republicans and that it was not worth quarreling about. The Chief is welcome to all the comfort it can get in quarreling with itself about the mat ter. We only care to remark in pass ing, in reference to an absurd refer ence of The Chief to what a busi ness associate of the editor did, that no business associate of the editor is responsible for the policy of this paper, nor does any business associate of the editor seek to influence the paper's policy. For that the editor alone is responsible. We hope Mayor Caldwell and the town commissioners will not delay admitting the Yadkin River Power Co. to town longer than is absolutely necessary. We hope they will re member that every day of delay is standing just that much in the way of Lumberton's growth in the way of greater Lumberton. overdrawals of his personal account. All of these acts, it is alleged, were committed during a period ranging from December zith, l'Mif, to Aug ust, 1910. In September, 1910, Car ter resigned the presidency of the bank and has. it is said Daid back to its directors approximately $40,000 of I II J ' 1 UT1 n8 auegea misappropriations. ms dealings,' said District Attorney A. E. Holton, "were similar in character to those for which the banker Morse was convicted in New Yor. President Taft and Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson, after months of consideration, have decided upon the appointment of Dr. Carl Alsberg, a chemist in the Bureau of Drugs and Plants, as chief of the Bu reau of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture, a position that has been vacant since thq resignation last spring of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the famous defender of the pure food law. Mr. D. Scott Poole, editor of the St. Paul Messenger, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Croupy Coughs and Wheezy Colds. The quickest simplest way to rid the children of dangerous croupy coughs and wheezy, stuffy colds is to give them Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It gives almost instant relief and stops a cough promptly. It soothes and heals. Contains no opi ates. For sale by all dealers. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Any skin itching is a temper tester. The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan's Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. 50c at all drug stores. Knights of Pythias ATTENTION All members Unity Lodge No. 2 It is absolutely essential that you attend a meeting tonight (Monday, Dec. 9th), Castle Hall, third floor Jno. P. McNeill store, 7:30 o'clock sharp. Matters for consideration that cannot be ignored. GEO. M. WHITFIELD, C. C. LAND POSTED. Any persons caught hunting or otherwise trespassing on the lands of the undersigned in Britt's Town ship will be prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. J. A. McAllister, H. T. POPE, JOSEPH PREVATT, G. W. POPE. 12-4-4 w. Money in Charlotte Real Estate $10.00 down and $10 00 a month for lots in Lakewood Addition! Write tor particulars. THE INTERSTATE IMPROVEMENT CO. Charlotte, N. C. Large Fortune start by Small Savings Charlotte Real Estate has made jour neighbor rich $10.00 down and $10.00 a month will start you right For particulars write THE INTERSTATE IMPROVEMENT CO. Charlotte, N. C. Be Independent in your Old Aae We will start you $10.00 dawn and $10.00 per monih will buy a lot in Lakewood, Charlotte. For par ticulars write THE INTERSTATE IMPROVEMENT CO. Charlotte, N. C. The annual convention of the North Carolina Farmers' Union will be held in Raleigh, in the city audi torium, this week, beginning at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow. Subscribe for The Robesonian. A household remdy in America for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, bruises. 25c and 50. At all drug stores, i Subscribe for The Robesonian. 22B5CE J5B32 5sKr2EtJE3iKS!2! Attention ! Landsee rcer ! The Supreme Court opinion, men tioned elsewhere in this paper, hold ing that an act exempting bonds of a drainage company from taxation is invalid, does rot a fleet the bonds of the Back and Jacobs Swamp drainage distric in this county, which bonds have been sold outside the State. The only effect that opinion will have, ac cording to Mr. T. L. Johnson, who is attorney for this drainage district will be to keep the banks within the State from bidding on bonds of any drain age district within the State. The Pity and Hopelessness of it All Oppresses Judge Connor. Raleigh Dispatch, 5th. There was a distinct sensation in the Federal court this morning, when, in the midst of the trial of a decrepit prisoner charged with sell ing whiskey at Wake Forest, Judge 11. G. Connor completely gave way to pent-up emotions and declared in broken sentences that he wished so much that everybody had that grace of God in their hearts that would make them orderly and law-abiding citizens. The trials, he said, to which he as a judge was put in dealing with the great number of liquor sell ing -and blockading cases seemed to him at times unbearable and he felt like quitting the bench. Already at this term of the court he has, he said, practically made more than 40 orphans and numbers of widows by having to send hus bands and fathers to prison for these offenses, applying, at the same time, the most humane sentences. The case under trial was that of Lonnie Whitley, who is drawn with rheuma-J tism and has a large family. The high and noble Chief Executive of South Carolina, with ears set vil lianous low, regaled the Governors in conference assembled at Rich mond last week with some choice stuff. He gave notice that in South Carolina lynching of negro assailants of white women would go unpunished and he professed particular pride in his par don record, declaring tha,t in 22 months he had pardoned or pa- roiea approximately wo persons i and that he hoped the num- j ber at the end of his second term j would be 800. Gov. Blease is a perpet Rarnesville News Batch. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Barnesville, Dec. 6. The Sunday school of the Methodist church will give the following programme Christ mas Eve night: Song Scatter Gladness. the Sunshine of Address of Welcome. Song O Silent Night. Recitation Christmas. Song O Little Town of Bethele hem. Recitation A Christmag Carol. Solo Star of Glory. Recitation A Christmas Song. Song Hark the Herald Angels. Recitation A Merry Christmas to All. Cantata Santa Clausr Double. The public is cordially invited. There will be services at the Metho- ilwf fhnrfli tVio rlV .unHrnr of 11 ual joy to upright and sober minded j o'clock. people. Of course it has a most up- So news much, but getting married, lifting effect upon people to en- j Seems there is plenty of that going gage in lynching bees they ought ! n' to be substituted, whenever possible, j for church services and everybody knows it is a beastl An Abbeville Banker Charged With Defalcation. shame to put ; Grensboro Dispatch, 7th. a man behind prison bars because he ! An indictment against John H. happens to get caught in a crimp. ("arte:-, former president of the Amer- The victims of crime have no claim at all on anybody's sympathy and so ciety does not deserve to be protected against criminals. Away with courts of justice and let's coleblease every - criminal. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury wil! ruroly destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whele system when ertenr.g it through the mucous si.rfr.iea. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions fram reputable physicians, as the damage thev wi!l do is ten fold to the good you can posibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manu facturei i,y F. J. Cb ney & Co., Toledo, O., contains, no mercury, and is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucois surf-ic: of the snstem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get thr genuine. It is taken intern ally and made in Toledo, Ohio, ty F. J. Cheney fc Co. Testimonials free. Sold bv rruggiHta. Price 7oc rer bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. lean .National liank, of Asheville, charin the misappropriation and dcfalcixn of funds approximating ?H.'O.O0() during a period of seven mo!:.!i.', was returned by a Federal grand jury here today. There are 51 seperate and specific counts. It is alleged, Carter, as president of the Asheville bank, deliberately, wil fully and wrongfully misapplied the funds of the bank by drawing ex change drafts on its New York cor respondents, these being made pay able to himself and for which he placed no funds in the Asheville bank. Other counts charge false enterics to cover alleged misapplications and defalcations, false reports to the comp troller of the currency and large Famous Stage Beauties look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores or Pimples, They don't have them, nor will any one, who uses Uucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or S;lt Rheum vanish before it. It cures sore lips, ch'apped hands, chilblains; heals burns, cuts and bruises. Ur eoualfd for piles. Only 2-c at all druggists. . hex-.':".: OUR REPUTATION thrusrhout this country is that v. e have proven ourselves to be a howiinjr success in the Mercan tile business, and the reasons are' plain. Hone&t defclinps, no mis representations, fresh goods, lowest prices, courteous treat ment to high and low, rich or poor. -If yf.u have not yet become a customer, do so at once, and learn that it is a pleasure to do business with us. 11-9-tf NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having qualified as administrator of the late N. A. Mclntyre, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit same to me at my residence near Rennert, North Carolina, or to my attorney, Thomas L. Johnson, at Lumberton, North Carolina, on or before the 9th day of December, 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will plase make immediate settle ment. IRA McINTYRE, " Administrator. Thomas L. Johnson, Attorney for Administrator. 12-9-G mon. Many valuable farms for sale. We beg to announce that we have Twelve Valuable Farms for sale in Robeson and Bladen counties, ranging from 50 acres to 500 acres in each tract Five 1 0-Horse Farms in the Lot These farms are all highly improved, now raising fine crops. Can supply any size from a 1 hdrse to a 10- v horse farm of the finest lands. Also Much Valuable Town Property in the town of Lumberton. For further information, call or write for descriptive booklet. ROBESON DEVELOPMENT COMP'Y., 11-13 mons Incorporated ArT. McLEAN, General Manager, Lumberton, N. C. John T. Biggs Co. BmBssaeasraa Christ SALE OF COMMISSIONER'S LAND. Unde rand by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Robeson County, rendered at the April Term, 1912, in a foreclosure action wherein J. S. McRae was the plaintiff and R. F. Groves and wife Laura Groves were the defendants, the said judg ments having afterwards been trans ferred and assigned to T. L. Johnson, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday the 6th day of January, 1913, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Lumberton, N. C, the following de scribed real estate: In Smith's Township, Robeson Countv, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: East of Ixng Swamp, beginning at a stake, McEachin's and Johnson's corner, and runs with said Mc Eachin's line North GO West 91,0 chains to a stake; thence South 13 West 28.50 chains to a stake by three short strawed pines in the line of the 48 acres deeded by W. D. McLean to Albert Buie, by deed recorded in book ."'-II, page 737, office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, thence as its line South 45 East 9.50 chains; thence North 14 East 22 chains, North .',7 West 5 chains; North 53 East 3 chains to the beginning, containing 23 acres, more or less, it being a part of the 48 acre survey. SECOND TRACT: In said County and Township, beginning at a stake by 4 pines in the North edge of the Mill Branch, McEachin's corner, and runs South 45 East 13 chains to said Grove's corner; thence South 13 East 28.50 chains to a cypress stake in McEachin's line; thence North 57 West 9 chains to a stake and sweet gum in a pond, McEachin's corner; thence as his line South 15 West 26.50 chains to thebeginnnig, containing 30 acres, more qr less, and being the same land deeded by Alber Buie and wife to said R. F. Groves on the 20th day of November, 1897, by deed recorded in book 4-H, page 257. of fice of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County. This the 4th day of December, 11)12. J. P. WIGGINS, Commissioner. T. L. Johnson and J. I'. Wiggins, Attbrnevs for the l'laintiff. 12-7-4 mon. The Question of . . . mas irreseocs Let us fettle it for you. Come and look at our line of jewelry, the finest and most attractive in Lumberton. We are jewelers by profession and expert training and not by chance. When we re commend a piece of jewelry to you, we know how it is made and what it is made of; is this not worth your consideration ? For Hi m A watch, chain, fob, cuff buttons, a ring, diamond, Parker fountain pen, stick pin, military set, shaving set, umbrella, etc. For He r Silver comb, brush and mirror set, ster ling silver desk and manicure sets, a gold locket and chain, a bracelet, watch, cameo brooch, gold waist sets, bracelets eye glasses or spectacles. 1 It is easy to select presents here, we have things at such reasonable prices. so many beautiful Artistic Engraving Done FREE While You Wait For a small deposit, ve will be pleased to lay any thing aside you may wish to call for later, so select early. Our 'phone No. is 126. W. W. PARKER, Leading Jeweler and Optometrist.,