THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. THE ROBESONiAN, CJULISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAY?. MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1912. BUSINESS BUILDERS Notice of Sale All the property of Marietta Ginning Co. will be sold at auction to the highest bidder at Marietta on December 23, at 12 o'clock noon. ll-25-4mon Wanted A position as barber in a white barber shop. Apply to Box 19, Buie, N. C. 12-5-2t For Rent A good one-horse farm near Lowe, N. C. Apply to N. C. Stubbs, Buie, N. C, R. F. D. No. 1. 12-5-4t Wanted 1500 live quail. Will pay 25 cents eacn. n.. a. MciNem, L,umDer ton, R. F. D. No. 6. 12-5-6t For Sale I will between this date and the 12th inst at private sale dispose of all my household and kitchen furniture in Lumber ton. Leaving city. Stuff must be sold at reduced price. Call at resi dence, Needham Thompson house, Walnut and Second streets. A. Col lins. 12-5-2t. For Sale Milch cow with calf. F. P. Humphrey, Lumberton, R. F. D. No. 2. 12-5-2t Money to loan on improved real es tate. Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor. 12-2-tf. Wanted Orders for finest frost proof cabbage plants, all varieties, 1.25 per 1000, cheaper in larger lots. Satisfaction guaranteed. F. S. Cannon, Meggett's, S. C. 12-2-4mos. Hogs for Sale I'm going out of the business and have to offer several Berkshire Gilt bred to big Berk shire boar, several young boars, all full blood. Half price. Geo. G. French, Lumberton, N. C. ll-28-8t. Wanted White lady to assist in all kinds of domestic work. Good sal ary and good home. Address "La dy Wanted," care The Robesonian, Lumberton, N. C. 11-21-tf. For Sale A nice cottage and 5 acres of improved land. Ideal location for trucking, within two miles of Lumberton and near the Lumber ton and Dresden cotton mills. For terms apply to A. B. Mercer, Lum berton, N. C. 11-25-8L A two-horse farm for rent quarter of mile from Back Swamp Church and "school. Price place. See Stephen Mclntyre. 11-25-tf. Wanted A farmer who can furnish his own stock and supplies. Have good house and 40 acres of land to rent. Apply to F. P. Huinphery, Lumberton, N. C, R. F. D. No. 2. ll-18-8t Wanted Prices on 4-ft. split pine wood F. O. B. shipping point. Ent wistle Mfg. Co., W. A. Childers, Supt., Rokingham, N. C. ll-18-8t. pood ProposUlons We have some excellent real estate propositions. The following are among those we have that are especially interesting. 1J0 acres near bt rau'. adjoining the land of Willis White, VV. T. Coving ton and others. Within one and a half miles of the court house we have 50 acres, practically all cleared, that is a line proposition. See ua at once. The A. K. J. W. Company, Lumber ton, N, C. 1024 Slacker Bros, buy furs of all kinds, coons, minks, o possoms, foxes, skunks, otters, muskrats and wild cats. Will pay highest market price. 10-21-tf. ?or Rent 6-room house, corner 6th and Willow streets. Apply to J. H. Floyd. 9-ZB-tf Too. T. Bigg Co. pays best prices for cotton and cotton seed. 9-5 tf n order to better improve my farm i lands I have decided to Bell all my town property, consistingof 21 houses and lots. If interested, see me. Geo. G. French, Lumberton, N. C. 6 24-tf Vanted Orders for safes and vault doors. O. B. Barnes Safe Company, Greensboro, N. k . Box 457. 6-20 i'or Sale House and lot in town of Lumberton. House bas three-rooms with kitchen. Lot contains acre and half. Near graded school. Ideal place for truck garden. Terms easy and reasonable. Apply to T. A. Mc Neill, Jr. 9-5 G. E. RANCKE ii still in the race for taking orders for ranite and Marble of any description iid for any purposes, principally Tomb lones nnd Monuments. Satisfaction laaranteed. Office in Lumberton, N. i-leeting of the Robeson County Med- ical Society. Seported for The Robesonian. . jety met in regular session in luid sjrton last Thursday. The session jas principally a business one Offi irs for the ensuing year were elected, jhe public health work in the county .as endorsed. The society earnestly quests our representatives to the ixt General Assembly to use their jfluence for the passage of a vital atistic law for recording of all j;aths and births in the State. I The next meeting of the society will ,) held on the first Wednesday in abruary at Maxton. I . I For dyspepsia, our national ail jent, use Burdock's Blood Bitters, jecommended for strengthening di lution, purifying the blood. At all irg stores. $1.00 a bottle. t 1 I PERSONAL ; Mr. James Shelby spent yesterday in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Britt, of Back SwampAare in town today. Mr. K. M. Barnes spent Friday in Wilmington on business. Mr. W. F. Webb, of St. Paul, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. S. N. Martin, of St. Paul, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. A. M. Stubbs, of Parkton, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Rev. R. L. Byrd, of Tolarsville, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. N. Mclnnis, of Pembroke, was among the visitors in town Friday. Mr. C. W. Sessoms, of route 1 from Howellsville, was in town Saturday. Mr. J. B. Underwood, of route 1 from St. Paul, was in town Satur day. Dr. T. L. Northrop and Mr. J. A. Johnson, of St. Paul, were in town Saturday. Mr. Harrison Watts, of route 1 from Fairmont, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. A. H. Rozier, of Howellsville, was among the visitors in town Sat urday. Messrs Frank Wishart and Walter Bowden spent yesterday in Warning ton. Mr. J. M. Andrews, of rural route No. 2 from Fairmont, was a Lumber ton visitor Saturday. Mr. S. A. Willis, who lives on rural route No. 2 from Lumberton, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Messrs. S. Mclntyre and R. C. Law rence went this morning to Reaford on legal business. Messrs. N. A. Townsend and Ed W. M'White, of Ten Mile, are among the business visitors in town today. Miss Podie Tood, a salslady in R D. Caldwell & Son's department store, spent yesterday at Bellamy on a visit to home rolks. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Morris return ed yesterday from Fair Bluft, where they spent several days at the nome of Mr. Morris parents. Mrs. A. T. McLean and son, Master Archibald Wilton, returned this morn ing from Maxton, where they had been on a visit to relatives. Mr. Earl Biggs, who had been spending a day or so in town a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shelby, left yesterday for his home in Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. D. S.McRae and son, Master Rozier, who since Saturday had been guests at the home of Mrs. Mollie R. Norment, left this morning for their home in Fayetteville. Mr. L. S. Townsend of Union, S. C, has been visiting his brothers Messrs. C. B. and L. T. Townsend here since Saturday. He spent part of last week with relatives at Kayn ham. Notices of New Advertisements, Walk-Over shoes for fall and win ter Coley-McEaehern Co., St. Paul. Holiday goods at White & Cough's big department store. The best styles of the season Tovnsend Bros. Entire stock of Jno. T. Biggs to be turned loose at public sale. Important meeting tonight of Unity Lodge No. 202, K. of P. A great Christmas sale at A Woin stein's department store. The question of Christmas presents W. W. Parker, jeweler and optome trist. Notice of administration, Ira Mc lntyre, administrator. Commissioner's sale of land, J. P. Wiggins, commissioner. Sale of real estate, R. C. Lawrence, commissioner. Christmas goods Lumberton Drug Co. Money in Charlotte real estate. Headquarters for holiday goods Crump & Floyd Hardware in car-load lots L. II. Caldwell. "The Rosary" at opera house Fri day night. The members of the Congressional State delegation at a meeting held in Senator Overman's office in Washing ton on the night of the 7th, unani mously agreed to endorse Josephus Daniels, of Raleigh, for a place in President-elect Wilson's Cabinet. A letter was drawn up and signed by every member present. Charlotte Observer, Nov. 29: An ticipating a mammoth industrial devel opment in Piedmont North Carolina, the Southern Power Company will proceed at once to expend $1,000,000 in the development of hydro-electric power at Lookout Shoals, on the Ca tawba river, 12 miles west of States ville, and about 60 miles from Charlotte. AHinaon Mafcb Factory The body contains phosphorus sufficient (o make 483,000 matches. Phos phorus is one of fourteen elements composing t'.e body divided among hones, flesh, nervous system and other organs. The perfect health of body requires a perfect babnci of the elements. These elements come from the food we eat the stomuch exlracts and distributes them. But if stomach is deranged the balance of health is destroyed and the blood does not carry the proper elements to the different organs, and there is blood trouble nerve trouble heart trouble. Pain is the hungry cry of starved organs. Put the liver, storr.a;h and organs of digestion and nutri tion into a condition of health. That is just what is done by dh. piehcivc GQLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY which has been so favorably known for over 43 years. It is now put up in tablet form, as well as llqulJ, and can b3 obtained of medicine dealers everywhere or by mall by sending 50 cents i:i 1; stamps Icr trial box address R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y. THB COMMON SENSE FJEDICAL ADVISER la book of 1008 pages'l." bound la cloth-treats of Physiology Hygiene, Anaioiny, ieoicine and is a complete Ham Pkjriciaa-Sen4 G 1, i c eUunpa to It. V.I'L;rctUiutf aio, N.Y. Foils a Foul Plot. When a shameful plot exists be tween liver and bowels to cause dis tress by refusing to act, take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and end such abuse of vour system. They gently compel'right action of stomach, liver and bowels, and restore your health and all good feehngs. 25c at all druggists. Report of Women's Missionary Union of Robeson Baptist Association for Quarter Ending November 30. The quarterly report of the Wo men's Missionary Union of Robeson Baptist Association for quarter end ing November 30th, 1912, shows that $435.19 has been contributed by the following societies: Women's Missionary Societies Antioch, Ashpole, Back Swamp, Beulah, Bethany, Baltimore, Big Branch, Clyborn, Lumberton, East Lumberton, West Lumberton, Lumber Bridge, Long Branch, Maxton, Mt. Moriah, Oak Grove, Oakton, Parkton, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Hope, Rae ford, Raft Swamp, Red Springs, Row land, Rozier, Saddle Tree, Smyrna, Singletary's X Roads, Zion's Hill. Young Women's Auxiliaries Lum berton, Red Springs. Sunbeam Bands Ashpole, Bethany, Baltimore, Back Swamp, Bear Swamp, Big Branch, Beulah, Cedar Grove, Great Marsh, Long Branch, Lumberton, East Lumberton, Max ton, Oakton, Oak Grove, Parkton, Pleasant Grove, Raeford, Raft Swamp, Rowland, St. Paul, Rozier, Singletary's X Roads, Saddle Tree, Pleasant Hope. Royal Ambassadors Lumberton. MRS. R. D. CALDWELL, r Vice President, Robeson Asso. W. M. U. MRS. I. P. HEDGEPETH, Band Supt. A bill empowering the Inter-State Commerce Commission to make a physical valuation of the property of railroads and other common carriers was passed by the Hose of Congress Thursday. List of Letters. Following is a list of letters remain ing in the postofnee at Lumberton, N. C, for the week ending Dec. 2, 1912 Arch Brigman, Miss Mollie, Can ady, Mr. J.Jl. McDuffie, Mr. Troy Graham, Miss Lane Graham, Mr. C. L. Griffin, Miss Annie Garnett, H. J. Groves, Mr. W. H. Godwin, Mr. Cuf fered High, Mr. W. D. Johnson, Mrs. Lizzie McEachern, Mrs. Mary Mc Kee, Mrs. Jerry McLean, Mr. T. A. McGinnis, Mr. David Nixon, Mr. Charlie Noble, Miss M. B. Powell, J. R. Watts, Mr. B. D. Ward, Mr. N. H. Waddel, J. B. McKens, Lena Wil liams, Mr. Conde McLean, Mr. E. P. McLean, Miss Edna Gregory, Miss Rolina Kirk. Persons calline for anv of the above wiU please call for "advertised let- MRS. MAGGIE NORMENT, Acting t. M. ters.'! Subscribe for The Robesonian. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of authority vested in me under a judgment of the superior court of Robeson County encered at September (Special) .Term of said court, 1911, entered in a civil action therein pending wherein Elias Bul lard was plaintiff and J. S. Mac Rae was defendant, I will, on Mon day the 6th day of January, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in Robeson County olFer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following described lands to-wit First tract: Burnt Swamp town ship, Robesor County, on the East side of Bear Swamp, adjoining the lands of Dial and others, beginnnig at a stake in an old field about 250 yards East of Bear Swamp, the East corner of 100 acre survey of Solomon Locklear and runs North 25 West 22 chains and 3(5 links to a stake thence South 65 West 22 chains and 06 links to a stake, thence direct to the beginning, containing fifty acres, more or less, see deed from Solomon Locklear to Elias Bullard registered in book N. N. page 517. Second tract: Adjoining the first tract, and on the East side of Bear Swamp, adjoining the lands of Dial and others, beginning at the run of Bear Swamp and running with the Brown line North 69 1-2 East 23.34 chains to a lightwood stump, Elias Bullard's corner of his Neill Mc Laughlin land, then with the line 6f that land South 19 1-2 East 18.50 chains to a pine, corner of the Sol Locklear land, thence with the line of that land South 69 1-2 West 23.34 chains to the run of Bear SwamD. thence up the run of said swamp to the beginning, containing forty acres, see deed from Sol Locklear to Elias Bullard, registered in book A. A. A. page 148. Ihird tract: Adjoining the above mentioned tracts, on the East side of Bear Swamp, adjoining- the lands of Joe Locklear, Rebecca Dial. Ben Chavis and John Locklear, and a 37 1-2 acre tract belonging to Elias Bullard and being the same land con veyed to Elias Bullard by Neill Mc laughlin and containing; two hun dred acres, more or less. lime of Sales: Mondav the 6th dav of January 1913 at 12 o'clock noon. Place of sale: Court house door Lumberton, N. C. Terms of sale: Cash. Dated this December 5th, 1912i ' R. C. LAWRENCE, Commissioner. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, Attroney for Defendants. 12-9-4 mon. Lumberton Opera House FRIDAY NIGHT, December 1 3 Ed. W. Rowland & Edwin Clifford, Inc. OFFERS Phe Great New York, -Chicago and Boston Success. THE ROSARY By Edward E. Rose LIKE THE POEM AND SONG It Will Live Forever THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SET TINGS EVER SEEN ON ANY STAGE. Large Company . of Exceptional Ability. Seats on sale at McMillan's Tuesday. Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Headquarters for Holiday Goods Handsomely hound editions of Shakespeare, Tenny w.'i. Is.mteW )w. Burns. Scott, McNeill and other Pot's. Classics, Gift Books, Toy Books, Bibles, CcK-k Books, f tc. Good selection of very latest books puSHslu-d. !'ig lot Standard Copyright Books. Popular Bfki iion of Sheet Music. Christmas Cards, Stationary hr.d Crepe Paper. Gift Goods in Holly Boxes Cut Gias?, Toilet Sets, Photo Frames. Beautiful China Cake Patu, Salad Bowls. Shaving Cups, Vases, Cups and Snuaers, etc. Dolls, Drums, Trum pets, Horns, Flutes, Balls, Tops and numerous other Toys. Christmas Tree Ornaments Candles, CKnstmas Snow, Velocipeden, Rocking Horses, Doll Carriages. Good assortment nf Mechanical Toys, Apples, Orart. Nuts, PiHfr.s. Candies, etc. Christmas presents for all at prices , that will please. CRUMP & FLOYD, General Merchants. Lumberton, : : : : North Carolina W 'iiiTifiTrwfffffWjriiiMuiwaxsas It Stands to Reason that the merchant w.ho buys in car load lots will sell you cheaper. We buy all our heavy hardware this way. 1 car load of Crescent Stoves and Ranges No matter what you pay for it, you won't get anything better than a Crescent. 2 car loads of Ellwood Hog and Cattle Fencing in 26, 34, 42 and 50 inch heights. I car load of Plows and repairs. Disc Harrow and Stalk Cutter One-half car load Rubber Roofing ranging from I 25 to 2.50 per square. L. H. CALDWELL Hardware Denartmenf. GOODS ! i Millinery i The last word in style. Reasonable in price. ML Exclusive Millinery Store. Mice In lit del eJUeJ Dnine Breeoe t CMSTMAS At our store we have endeavored to com bine the useful with the ornamental. In purchasing our Christmas stock we have bought the class and quality of goods that will be a reminder of the giver for many Christmases to come. Such as Gut Glass, Silver and Plated Ware China, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Gent's and Ladies' Traveling rases in Silver, - Ebony and Persian Ivory, Eastman Kodaks, Waterman Fountain Pens. Pipes and Cigars in Christmas packages. Also a new line of Jewelry and Diamonds 2 to select from. Last and are right. best the prices Lest You Forget "H u y 1 e r s When in doubt try us. Phone No. 26. Tlhe LeiMbertom Bra 9? i Co