THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. TN TT 17 Lumberton, North Carolina We extend greetings to the good people of Robeson and adjoining counties, and a hearty welcome to our GO Big Depart ttient tore Where Christmas shopping will be a pleasure to the hundreds who visit us daily. Here you will find everything-, and for less, and then there is one thing about the White & Goug-h store, says a woman, if you read about some thing1 in the Store news and then-go and buy it, you always find it comes up to the expectation when you get it home. Of course it does. The store holds its special place in this entire section because of the thousands of friends that it has made and keeps, and the way to make friends isn't to "fool" them on something that they pay out their money for. As the Christmas season draws on it is well to remember these things, and to depend on the Store that you know is dependable. A great deal of Christmas shopping is done in a rush, there isn't time to think over things, and to make comparisons as at other seasons. So it is the everyday-in-the-year dependable store that is safest to pin faith to at this season. A good beginning makes a good ending to Christmas shopping. Shop early, the morning is the best time, days are flying as they always fly when Yuletide season comes around, when there is so much to do in preparation. Christmas Eve will soon be here, almost before you know it, only a few shopping days left, if you haven't begun your Christmas shopping begin now, help us, help yourselves, help our Sales-people. Shop early in the month, early in the day. First week of December Chsistmas shopping is a pleasure, second week it may be satisfactory, third, week it will be a whirl, the last half of week it will be a Crush. Come, get your pick. We do not pay Railroad fare, whoever does certainly adds the same to the price of Merchandise you buy. We guarantee to save you more than this item. Dress Goods Department Finest Woolen Mixtures for Suits and Skirts 49c. Fine 36 inch Wool Dress goods, various cloths, all worth 50c for 39c. Storm Serges wool, staple colors for 49c, Finest 56 inch Storm Serge, value 1,50 our price 98c. Fine 54 inch Serge worth 1.25, our price 89c. All cotton goods at old prices, sell your cotton on a 12 cent basis, buy your cotton goods of as on the basis of 9 cents. 18 cent Galatea at 2 cents. All Calicoes 5 cents. Plaids and sheetings in the same low price propor tions. Millinery Department Everything in the line at closing-out prices, now in the middle of the season. Now is the time to save 50c on every dollar's worth of Millinery goods. Full and handsome line for Ladies, Misses and Children. Very Latest and Newest styles. Men's Department Our line of Men's Clothing is equal to that found in a regular clothing store, bought at closing-out prices, all the newest things out. 100 men's Extra fine suits worth 20.00 to 25.00 bought at a special bargain, you can get what you want at 12.49. 2000 pairs Men's Pants, all kinds. Bovs' and Children's clothing, every imaginable kind. 300 dozen Men's and Boys' Dress and Negligee Shirts. 400 dozen Underwear. Wrights goods, worth 1.00 for 69c, all 50c goods for 39c. You will save money in this department. Shoe Department. From now until Christmas we are going to our Wholesale Rooms and load our Retail Counters and shelves to the limit, and you can get just what you want at about Wholesale prices, a stock of more than 10.000 pairs. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear From now until Christmas we shall feature this line of Merchandise, and offer surprising values, a general Reduction in Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Silk Drop Skirts, Long Coats, Furs, Bear Skin Caps etc. Elegant line Fine Furs in Sets and single pieces, nothing more appropriate than a gift of this kind. Holiday Hosiery Ladies' silk goods in black, tan and white. The celebrated "Buster Brown" line, nothing bet ter, a stock of One Thousand Dozen. See our line of Holiday handkerchiefs. Ladies' newest neckwear, collars, bows &c. Table linen, Towels, Napkins and all Household goods at reduced prices. See the line of fine imported Table Covers, Scarfs, Squares and Mats, direct from Japan. Holiday Goods ! We have the reputation of carrying more holiday goods than any store in Eastern North Carolina. . This time we have surpassed ourselves, we cannot begin, nor will we attempt, to describe our stock, simply come and see for yourself. Extra Special ! Beginning with Saturday, December 21st, Santa Clause in all his glory and mystery can be seen at our store. Bring the children, they will enjoy shaking his hand. Don't Forget! Many of our most attractive bargains are not advertised, space will not permit. Come, you will then verify our each and every statement. Join our army of regular and appreciative customers. WH1 GOUGH 9 tic Carolina's Greatest Bargain Givers Lumberton, N. C. Fairmont, N. C. ZSBSS ass