THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN - i I . Tf stment in Health. fl r'Ba,HBiHBK','MBBWlWWBBMMMiMWWMMi' j -; i3L II Mesdames R. D. Caldwell and E. K. 1 II il yiASh i THFOIDE5TA Proctor, of the Civic Association, or- i II Sn1 ll II! IfR i i ADrrcTDiuv dered 500 Red Cross Seals the other fl 4 ON SAVINCS COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY THE OLDEST & LARGEST BANK. IN ROBESON COUNTY One Hundred Dollars in Gold to be given by The Bank of Lumberton We have decided to conduct a Corn Contest during the coming year and we cordially invite the farmers of Robeson county to enter and compete for the prizes. If you wish to enter the contest; let us have your name on a postal card. Particulars will be gladly furnished on request. C. V. BROWN, Cashier. Mesdames R. D. Caldwell and E. K. Proctor, of the Civic Association, or dered 500 Red Cross Seals the other day and sold them out immediately and have ordered 10,000 more, which they expect to receive in a few days. They sell for one cent each and 75 per cent of the proceeds are to be used locally in figming tuberculosis. Red Cross Christmas Seals are the best investment in health any one can make. Science has demonstrated con clusively that tuberculosis, the world's greatest pl'ue, of which we now have over 1,000,000 cases in the United States alone, can be prevented if these consumptives are properly r .rrl for. I.. her v.-o"ds, eery con- as Headquarters for Holiday Goods Handsomely bound editions of Shakespeare. Tenny son, Longfellow, Burns, Scott, McNeill and other Poets. Classics, Gift Books, Toy Books, Bibles, Cook Books, etc. Good selection of very latest books published. Big lot Standard Copyright Books. Popular selection of Sheet Music. Christmas Cards, 1 V-r-i. Stationary andXrepe Paper. " .'mSv . r ijm Gift Goods in Holly Boxes Cut Glass, Toilet Sets, Photo Frames. Beautiful China Cake Pates, Salad Bowls. Shaving Cups, . Vases, Cups and Sausers, etc. Dolls, Drums, Trum pets, Horns, Flutes, Balls, Tops and numerous other Toys. Christmas Tree Ornaments Candles, Christmas Snow, Velocipedes, Rocking Horses, Doll Carriages. Good assortment of Mechanical Toys, Apples, Oranges, Nuts, Raisins, Candies, etc. Christmas presents for all at prices that will please. CRUMP & FLOYD, General Merchants. Lumberton, : : : : North Carolina EST 831 It Stands to Reason that the merchant who bn.vs in car load lots will sell you cheaper. We buy all our heavy herd ware this way I 1 car load of Crescent Stoves and Ranges No matter what you pay for it, you won't get anything better than a Crescent. 2 car loads of Ellwood Hog and Cattle Fencing in 26, 34. 42 and 50 inch heights. I car load of Plows and repairs Disc Harrow and Stalk Cutter One-half "car load Rustier R ofig ranging from I 25 to 2 50 per square L. H. CALDWELL Hardwttre Department. f . V 3.', Thompson Hospital ! For the treatment . m-riical and surgical ca-es. 0mie'f" i corps of trnined nursep, ftam re'.-d build ing with electric , Hi -h, etc - In fad, everv ' hinv i- it-qir- ed to equip a modern hnppttal. DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Supt. I J. W. Murchisn & Co Importer and Johr - Hard ware,Tin wareAg ricul tu r Implements, Stove, Ranges, Etc, tc.s . ... 109 and 11 lJMortb trtmt 'trtw' WILMINGTON -Wrll lwr tricet. , ,v sumptive properly cared for insures your life against tuberculosis by the prevention of further infection from that source. Red Cross Seal3 help to provide hospitals, day camps, sana toria, dispensaries, open-air schools and visiting nurses for the care, cure and prevention of tuberculosis in this community. Every seal you buy, then, is a sound investment in your own health and in that of your family. Buy your Red Cross Seals now and help to protect your home from disease. China Suppressing the Opium Habit. The establishment of the Chinese Rftpublic- haledmanyaqfyeals tg cumijft: tiieir opinion as 10 me lethargy and inertia which they sup posed characteristic of the inhabit ants of the celestial empire. There is another story of accomplishment in China, however, during the past five years, which makes it even clearer than the recent revolution that there are undreamed of springs of energy in the Chinese people. About fiye years ago the Chinese government de cided that opium smoking, which had become the national vice of Chine, even to a greater extent than alchol ism is of the Western nations, must stop, and that within ten years. It is scarcely to be wondered at that when this government edict was is sued it was greeted with smiles ev erywhere; five years have passed and now the world knows that success in the great national crusade seems al most assured. The method that China is pursuing is interestine'. Five vears aro China and Great Britain made what is known as "the ten years' agreement," by which the British government under took to reduce the amount of opium sold in Calcutta on government ac count for export to China by 10 per cent, every year until the traffic had ceased. On her part China agreed to diminish her own production in a corresponding way. Measures were to be taken to reduce the growth of opium in China 10 per cent, each year until at the end of ten years no more would be raised. With supplies from incua cut on ana tiie nome crop re duced and eventually suppressed alto gether, the opium habit must neces sarily disappear. The results ac complished thus far are promising. Travelers report that it is no longer common to see men smoking opium at their own doors. Even two years after the edict, those who smoked did so in secret. The edict is beine en forced. The agricultural map of China shows after five years that there has been an actual reduction of 50 per cent, in the production of opium, there has been as great a reduction in its use. All the world will watch with interest this other awakening of China, and the oriental method of solving a great social ques tion, says The Journal of the Ameri can Medical Association. In the West we have our social problems of a sim ilar nature and China's example may prove illuminating and helpful. List of Letters. Following is a list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C, for the week ending Dec. 5, 1912: Mrs. Bowden Ward, Mrs. Bessie Thompson, Mr. Lester Thompson, Mr. H. M. Ihomas, Mr. Dock smith, Mr. E. Shepherd,- Mr. Frank Stokes, Mr Dallie Shore, Miss O. F. Hors toke, Mr. Percy Taylor, Miss Ella Robeson, Miss Delia Royal, Mr. G. B. Privit, Mr. Charlie Pleasant, Miss Jane Party, Mr. J. C. Murry, Master Johnny Moore, Miss N. E. Monroe, Mr. Chas. H. Miler,. Messrs. Myers & Scott, Miss Bessie McArthur, Miss H. B. McNeil, Mr. Luther McCall, Mr. J. O. Ivey, Mr. Alex Hunt, Mr. Spencer Huggins, Mr. C. H. Harden, Mr. Jno. W. Hamilton, Mr. Joe Harrelson, Mr. J. b. Lockwood, Mr. Joda Jones, Miss Janie Lennon, Mr. Bard Keller, Mr. Lon Johnson. Miss Amanda Wil liams, Mr. Ernest Gaines, Miss Yerve Wilcox, Mrs. R. W. Hankton, Miss Lua Muse, Mr. Lessy McLaunn, Mr. Hurbard Hammon, Mr. Arthur D. Harvey, Mr. M. Harden. Persons calling for any of the above will please call for "advertised letters.'' MRS. MAGGIE NORMENT, I Acting . M. CRISTMAS GOODS! At our store we have endeavored to com bine the useful with the ornamental. In ' purchasing our Christmas stock we have bought the class and quality of goods that will be a reminder of the giver for many Christmases to come. Such as 6ut Glass, Silver and Plated Ware China, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Gent's and Ladies' Traveling Cases in Silver, Ebony and Persian Ivory, Eastman Kodaks, Waterman Fountain Pens. Pipes and Cigars in Christmas packages. Also a new line of Jewelry and Diamonds are right. Lest You Forget "Huylers" When in doubt try us. Phone No. 26. Tine Liinmtoertoe JJrag Co conn . . . The Question of . . . Christmas Presents ! Let us lettle it for you. Come and look et ou line of jewelry, the finest and most attractive in Lumberton. We are j?wrl-rs profession and expert train ng and not by chance. Wh-n we re commend a piece of jewelry to you, we know how it is made and what it is made of; is this not worth your consi eralion ? F o r H i m A watch, chain, fob, cuff buttons, a ring, diamond, Parker fountain pen, stick pin, military set, shaving set, umbrella, etc. Could Shout for Joy. "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart," wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewisburp, W. Va., "for the won derful double benefit I got from Elec tric Bitters, in curiner me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as thouph made just for me.'' Vnr dys pepsia, indigestion, jau ndice, and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism. Electric Bit ters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50 cents at all druggists- For He r Silver comb, brush and mirror set, ster ling silver desk and manicure sets, a gold locket and chain, a bracelet, watch, cameo biooch, gold waist sets, bracelets, eye glasses or spectacles. It is easy to select presents here, we have so manv beautitu things at such reasonable prices. Artistic Engraving Done FREE While You Wait For a small deposit, we will be pleased to lay any thing aside y u may wish to call for later, so select early. Our phone No 126 W. W. PARKER, Leading Jeweler and Optometrist. t "a