THE SEMI-WEEKL Y ROBESONIAN. 3 Bowels Get Weak As Age Advances The First Necessity is to Keep the Bowels Gently "Open With a Mild Lavative Tonic Healthy old age is so absolutely de pendent upon the cor.ditin of tj,c" bowels that great care should be liken to see that they act regularly. The fact is thatas age advances the stomach muscles become weak and in active and the liver does not store up the juices that are necessary to prompt digestion. Some help can be obtained by eat ing easily digested foods and by plenty of exercise, but this latter is irksome to most elderly people. One thing is certain that a state of con stipation should always be avoided as it is dangerous to life and health. The best plan is to take a mild lax ative as often as is deemed neces sary. But with equal certainty it is suggested that Cathartics, purgatives, physics, salts and pills be avoided, as they do but temporary good and are so harsh as to be a shock to a delicate system. A nneh better plan and one that thousands of elderly people are fol lowing, is to" take a gentle laxative tonic like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin, which acts as nearly like na ture as possible. In fact the tendency of this remedy is to strengthen the stomach and bowel muscles and so train them to act naturally again, when medicines of all kinds can usu ally be dispensed with. This is the opinion of many people of different ages, among them Mr. O. P. Miller, Baroda, Mich., who writes: "I am 80 years old and have been constipat ed for many years. Since receiving your sample bottle I have procured (, " , V- r v ' ' vi V,, - v J'J V-tt ii " i if Infill- V V - riT-Vi ,w itl.'.-J-A.W,-, t. ., -k. Mr. O. P. Miller. two 50c bottles and find that it is the best remery I ever used and does just what you claim for it to tiij very letter. I cannot recommend it too highly. A bottle can be bought at any druggist's at 50 cents or one dollar. People usually buy the 50 cent size first and then, having convinced themselves of its merits they buy the dollar size which is more economical. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. Any elderly person can follow these suggestions with safety and assurances of ood results. If no member of your family has ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personal trial of it be fore buying it in the regular way of a druggist, send your address a postal will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 417 Washington St., Monticello, 111., and a free sample bottle will be mailed you. BARNES VILLE NEWS NOTES. The Thrice-a-Week Fdiffbn ''' of the NEW YORK WORLD. Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No Other Newspaper in the World Gives so Much at So Low a Price. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats for the first time in sixteen years will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The political news is sure to be of ab sorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, as you may read of the ex tinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe, just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and any body can affort its thirce-a-week edi- ticktvwhich.cvraes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a l first class daily. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and The Robesonian to gether for one year for $2.15. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Mothers Can Safely Buy Dr. King's New Discovery and give it to their little ones when ailing and suffering with colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles, tastes nice, harmless, once used, always used. Mrs. Bruce Crawford, Niagra, Mo. writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery changed our boy from a pale weak sick boy to the picture of health." Always helps. Buy a at all druggisl.s. More Thorough Preparation of Soil For Coming Crop Than Usual New Feature Added at School Corresponaence of The Robesonian. Barnesville, Feb. 8 Never before as this year have we seen so much real interest manifested in the thorough preparation of the soil for the coming crop. From present indications it seems that the crops will be divided among the three principal crops, corn cotton, and tobacco. The soil of our section is especially suited to the pro duction of the last-named plant. Among other things of which we boast is our school. The work con tinues to move along, and it seems that an honest effort is being made to accomplish the most possible. A new feature has been added to the school, which will mean much to the student body, and the community at large, a lecture course for the spring term. The first lecture will be de livered on Friday night, March 7th, by Rev. A. H. Porter of Whiteville. Mr. Porter, it is said, is a good speak er, and we are looking forward to his lecture with a great deal of pleasure. Following this will be another lec ture by Prof. Owens on a subject deal ing in history and economics. The lecture.which will follow that has not been arranged, and will be announced later. These lectures are free and it is hoped that everybody will avail themselves of this opportunity to in form themselves on the subjects which will be discussed. Much preparation is being made for the debate on woman suffrage to be held on the night of the 22nd of Feb ruary. This promises to be the live liest discussion of the year. The speakers are determined to win at all hazards. In view of the rapid pro paganda of the woman's right to the ballot, this promises to be instructive as well as interesting. , Lat Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs. Owen Powers of Chadbourn were the guests of Mrs. II. V. Powers, their mother. The Misses Carmichael, of Fork, S. C, are visiting their cousin Miss Alice Floyd for a few days. Today Miss Keetcr, Misses Blanch and Ellen Powers, and Prof. Owens were delightfully entertained at din ner by Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Hedg peth. Are You a Cold Sufferer? Take Dr. King's New Discovery. The Best Cough, Cold, Throat and Lung medicine made. Money refund ed if it fails to cure you. Do not hes itate take it at our risk. . First dose helps. J. R. Wells, Floydada, Texas, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds. Buy it at all drug gists. Subscribe for The Robesonian. No Time to Lose Things Must Move Rapidly A Few Remarks by R. D. Caldwell & Son February and March are months of great importance to farmers. Crops must be fully planned, fertilizers bought, contracts made for year's supply of furnishings, so there is No Time to Lose Things Must Move Rapidly. There is much to be done. The successful farmer gets busy now. Stalks must be cut We sell the genuine Mc Kay Stalk Cutters and the International Stalk Cutters Plows must turn the soil this is easy with a genuine Oliver Plow, either one or two-horse. We have received a car load of these plows. We sell also Blounts "Daisy" one horse plow, and Blounts "True Blue" Middle Busters. Mules and horses get fat plowing with these plows, and the farmer gets rich. We sell Cotton King Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Etc. No Time to Lose Things Must Move Rapidly ! Fertilizers must be bought We make it a point to. sell Fertilizers that we have good reason to believe will give good results. If our customers prosper, we prosper--if they lose, we lose. So we study and plan to help our cus tomers in their efforts to succeed. We can supply most any demand made on us. Great stock of goods. Try us the year 1913. Our old friends stick to us and we have a glad hand to welcome other friends. Come to see us. R . D, Lumberton, Caldwell & Son, Incorporated $50,000.00 Paid in Capital - - - - North Carolina SBZBBB To the Progressive Farmers of Robeson County- We take pleasure in placing before you for the third time a Guano that already needs no introduction to a vast number of the best cotton and corn farmers of our county and adjoining counties. We know there is none superior and very few that equal our brands. Ask your dealer for them not by grades but by name. This is what they are: Gold Dollar . . Silver Dollar .... Cotton Aid Blood Mixture Standby- Blood Mixture v Eureka . . . . Globe For Tobacco Robeson Special Homerun - - Top Dresser Made in Lumberton Don't forget the Names. Take this paper along when you go to trade for your fertilizers. t If you have not been fortunate enough in the past to have used them see that you do not miss the opportunity that is offered you NOW. There is nothing that hurts worse than lc&t opportunity. Ask your neighbor what it has done for him. Yours for progress, l ROBESON MANUFACTURING CO., Lumberton, North Carolina. P. S. We gin cotton on Tuesday and Friday of each week. 8-4-4 8-3-3 8-3-3 8-4-4 1 0-4-5 8-3-5 8-2-3 3-8-5