---". j THE S MI-WEEKLY ROBESON IAN. THE ROBESONI AN. C BUSHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913. BUSINESS , BUILDERS . FOR SALE Athens Cafe at Seaboard station. Good location, paying busi ness. Apply at Cafe, Lumberton, N C. 4171t FOR SALE Parlor Grand Piano by Hallet & Davis, Boston. Sweet tone and in fine condition. Cost $800 cash, and will be sold at a -bargain as owner is leaving Maxton. -J McCombie Murray. 4172t 4 PERSONAL . Gibson of Maxton, is in of St. Paul, run ball o-room cottage corner 17th and Cedar streets. Quarter acre lot. Price right. Geo. M. Whitfield, real estate and insurance 414. IF YOU want green asparagus for dinner call Mrs. Nanny W. Crump, Phone No. 2402.. 4142t A LIMITED AMOUNT of select cot ton seed "Bates-Brown Seed" and "Simpkin's Improved" 2 years old. $1 per bushel F. O. B. Maxton, N. C. H. C. MacNair. 474t FOR SALE Eggs, Rhode Island Red. price $1.00 for 15. D. E. & G. W. Nance, Lumberton, N. C. 436t FOR SALE Eggs, fine white Or pington $1.50 per 15; white Wyan dotts $1.25 per 15. R. P. Kinlaw, Tar Heel, N. C. 327tf. Dr. M. R town today. Mr. J. G. Blanchard is in town today. . Mr. David Willis, of Dublin, is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. D. F .Allen, of Howellsville, is among the visitors in town today. Mr. J. H. Smith of Raleigh, field agent for The Progressive Farmer, is spending today in Lumberton . Mr. T. Wright Hester, of Board- manwas among the guests registered at the Waverly hotel yesterday. Mr. F. A. Faulk of route 2 from Fairmont, is among the visitors town' today. Mr. W. H. Turlington, of Maxton was among the guests registered the Waverly hotel yesterday. Mrs. Rebecca J. Smith, of Shannon is a guest at the home of her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Alf. H. McLeod. Mr. T. Edward Bessellieu, of Wilm ington, spent Tuesday in Lumberton Miss Grace Ransom of Raleieh. is spending today in town a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDonald4 at IN SOCIAL CIRCLES. A STORE HOUSE and several dwell ings in St 'Paul for sale. Apply to St. Paul's Cash Store. 327tf FRESH GROCERIES at M. M. Leg gett 8 store on Fourth street near The Robesonian office. We pay the highest prices for country produce. We also buy crossties. Wanted Orders for safes and van't doors. O. B. Barnes Safe Company, Greensboro, N. i; Box 457. 6-20 NANCY HALL and other sweet po tato plants, tomatoes and other plants. Free price list Wakefield Farms, Charlotte, N. C. Try Rosowa-Cola, a guatnteed harm less, pleasant and invigorating bev erage made by the Robeson Soda Water Co. 127 FOR SALE 216 acres, ten minutes from city, 150 acres in high state of cultivation, ten room dwelling, four tenant dwellings, barns, silos, water works, plen ty wood, price $75.00 per acre. 175 acres, three miles out, good building, first class farm, $4, 000. i 78 acres, two miles from city, public road, level land, good shape. $3500. J 933 acres 15 miles from Mon roe, on Brown creek, as good land as there is anywhere, buildings and timber, $25,000. G B. CALDWELL, Monroe, N. C. Advertised Letters. The following letters remain un claimed in the Lumberton N. C, post office for the week ending April 14, 1913: Miss Jane Batten, Miss Lillie Lewi3, Mrs. A. Ward Lee, Miss Pattie J. Mc Millan, Mrs. T. B. McNeill, Miss Lou McKoy, Miss Agnes McRae, Mrs Cor nelia Merrit, Miss Emma Rico, Mrs. Julia Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. J"s. Steward, Miss Annie Singletary, Miss Ora Singletary, Mrs. Kirceny Taylor, Miss Addie est, S. G. Burwell, H. B. Byrd, Julius Collins, Sil George, Chal ery George, Neaters Inman, William KotchE. D. Leson, Rev. H. Melvin, Ben Mason, Will Moore, Geo. Powers, W. B. Philips, Casioell Pridgen, Miss Sallie Peters, Wilbeit Robison, (2), GHes L. Toole, Chas. W. Winter, Thos. Wooten. Mrs. James D. Proctor Entertains in Honor of Mrs. J. D. Kernodle of Graham . Reported for The Robesonian: At her home in North Lumberton Wednesday afternoon. April 9. from four to 6, Mrs. James D. Proctor gave a most enjoyable reception in honor of her mother, Mrs. John D Kernodle, of Graham. Beautiful flowers were artistically arranged aooui uie nome while an orchestra played throughout the afternoon. At the etor the callers were welcomed by Mrs. Tlugh M. McAllister and invited to the library, where the punch ta b!c had been tastefully placed, in, punch fcowl encircled with a wreath of roses and ferns, filled with delicious fruit punch, being in charge of Misses Jane Carlyle and Lillian Proctor. The guests vere directed from here across the hall and presented to the receiving line, competed of the hostess, taa hoii nee, and Ms. Lizzie G. Proct;r. each handsomely gowned. After exchang ing greetings and many ''pleasantries" they were shown into the d:n :ig ?. -Lily Mrs. R. II. Crichton, In tha ren ter of the round mahogany ta'i'i wits a haiuloome Jace cov and vase cf pink carnations encircled wi'-'i a wroith, cf tiny rose buds. Missss Cammie McNeill and Leslie Pr ictor served a cc 'nty ice-crenni com sc. con cluded with chocolr tes. Many wl'ers enjoyed Mrs. Proc tor's nospitslity, provin r herself a roht giacious and clurminc hostess. An Ugly Witapen. When boxers and fighters came to gether In the old days of Greece they wore upon their hands the cestus, which was In Itself a terrible adjunct to any fighter. But there was some times attached to the cestus a deadlier weapon, consisting of a three pronged fork of bronze, known as the myrmex Classical literature has frequent ref erences to the myrmex, which is de scribed as the deadliest weapon of the ancient pugilist. The right band wns swathed in tough hide, bound in place with thongs and supplemented by small knobs of lead or iron. This was the cestus, to which was affixed the myrmex. Combats in those days were much more brutal and dangerous than those of the modern prize ring It is easily seen that a single blow of the myrmex might cause death or perma nent injury. DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. C. Oflices upstairs in Weinstein building. 417 For Burns, Bruises and Sores. The quickest and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflam mation and all skin diseases is Buck len's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sere on his ankle which pained him se he could hardly walk. Should be in every house. Only 25c. Recom meie4 by all dealers. The funeral of J. Pierpont Morgan was held Monday in New York in St. George's Episcopal church, where he had worshiped for half a century. A special train afterward conveyed the funeral party to Hartford, Conn., for final services at the Morgan Mauso leum in Cedar Hill cemetery. The coffin was blanketed in 500 red roses as it left the library of the Morgan home. Among the floral tributes were orchids and prim leaves from the German Emperor and a gold mal tese cross beneath palms from the French Republic. Heed the Cough that Hangs On. The seeds of consumption may be the cause, and a cough that hangs on weakens the system. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound checks the cough, "heals the " inflamed -membranes and strengthens the lungs. E. D. Roun tree, Stillmore, Ga., says: "Lagrippe left me a deep seated, hacking, pain ful cough which Foley's Honey and Tar completely cured." For sale by U dealrt.,,. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Snow fell to a depth of three inches Monday at Ceasar's Head Mountian in South Carolina, about 25 miles from Greenville, the first snow recorded in April in that section in 23 years. Florida proposes to issue $50,000, 000 in bonds for the purpose of cov ering the State with a network of good roads. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Richmond, Va., April 16 On the theory that the farmers of Dixie an nually lose six billion dollars which they might receive for their crops un der the proper systems of production and marketing, a great co-operative movement was launched here today at farmers' conference, the six teenth educational meeting of its kind to be held in the South. In the two day program will appear two score authorities on agriculture, finance and general organization, many of them successful farmers themselves . ROYAL Baking Powder W is the greatest of modern time helps to perfect cake and biscuit making. Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. It renders the food more digestible and guarantees it safe from alum and all adulterants. Willing to Oblige. Lawyer We want you to be willing to waive immunity in this case. Wit nessAll right; hand the old rag here. I'll wave anything to oblige yon. Bal timore American. Tempting Fate. what does tempting fate "Pop, mean?" "Tempting Tate, my son, means wear ing a high hat in snowballing time." Judge. No Longer Cranky About His Meals Has Perfect Digestion From Use' of A Well Known Remedy that All Can Obtain. The temper of the family and the good cheer around the table, depend so much on the good digestion of each individual present that the experien ces of some former dyspeptics who overcame their trouble should be of 'erest to those now suffering in this way. The best advice on can give but it is advice that is seldom heehed is to eat slowly and masticate each mouth ful carefully. However, if slow eatine and careful mastication fail the next aid is one close to nature, Dr. Cald well's byrup epsin. This remedy is an excellent digestant, and in addition to helping i nthe digestion of the food, acts gently on the liver and bowels, ridding them of the accumulation of waste that should long have passed off. It is safe, reliable. Dleasant tast ing, and results are guaranteed. in the opinion of such Deonle as Mr. L. J. Quinn, 117 Newport Ave., Chi cago, it is the Ideal remedy for indi gestion, no matter how severe, consti pation no matter how chronic, bilious ness, headaches, gas on stomach, drow siness after eating and similar annoyances. Mr. Quinn says: "We use Dr. Caldwell's Syrup epsin as a family remedy and every member of the fam ily from the five-year-old, who is the youngest of six children, to Mr. Ouinn and myself, use it for stomach trou ble, sick headache and to regulate the bowels . " You can obtain Dr. Caldwell's Svr up Pepsin at any drug store for fifty -g: - V"'.' 1 Wis Mr. L. J. Quinn. cents or one dollar, the latter size being bought by heads of families al ready familiar with its merits. Results mre always guaranteed or money will be refunded. When you use Syrup Pepsin you will see the fallacy of chewing mints and tablets or of taking cathartics, salts, pills and similar drastic medicines. Unlike these, Syrup pepsin does not lose its good effect, and by automati cally training the stomach and bowel muscles to do their work, soon re stores these organs to normal. If no member of your family has ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personal trial of it before buying i$ in the regular way of a druggist, send your address a postal will do to Dr. W. B. aid well, 417 Washington street, Monticello, 111., and a free sample bottle will be mailed to you. S84F BROS Knives and Forks Regular price 5.00 at BOYLIN'S JEWELRY $3.90 STORE. THE IMPROVED CIRCLE BRACE Diverse Cultivator and Spring Tooth Harrow O V J3 " 5 A H N. JACOBI Hardware Company, 10 and 12 South Front Street, Wilmington, North Carolina Ms! its! Hats ! You will find them on exhibition at my store in all the lateit styles, shapes and sizes. My score is the place to find what you want in up to-date . . . MflLLINEMY . . . MISS JOSEPINE BREECE Lumberton, N. C Whon W. Would All Be Miionrie. A well known agnostic was present at one of Henry Ward Beecber's lec tures, and after the address the man presented one of his daughters a beau tiful girl to Mr. Beecher, saying, "Mr. Beecher, here is a girl who. according to your ideas, is a heathen." 'Well, my dear," said Mr. Beecher. If all heathens were as pretty as yon are we would nil become missionaries." Ladles' Home Journal. Pains in the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, dia betes or Bright's disease. Thousands recommend Electric Bitters as the best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C. who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bitters was recommended and I im proved from the first dose. I now feel likke a new man." It will improve you, too. Only 50c and 1.00. Recom mended by all dealers. - Fire in the heart of- the -business district of Columbia, S. C, Tuesday caused damage estimated at $200,000. The Columbia hotel which had been closed for repairs was practically de stroyed with ail its furnishings. Dth T WAIT for a statement of the amount you are due on subscrip tion. Watch the label on you- nantr, That is statement enough. If renewals are not in by date on label paper will be stopped. I IS) IT fH A 0 B m fei i& ' Wk g we nave a special ot- fer to customers buying a -ouggy, w agon or Har ness from us on - - M APRIL 25TH., THE BIG SALES DAY ml ZT w e naye a very com plete line and will appre ciate your patronage. - CM. Fuller & Son. 11 mi aw Lumberton, N. C. ill SI Weeders, Transplanters CULTIVATORS The Keystone adjustable Weeder used after packing rains, prevents crust forming, thereby aUowicg the cotton to com up. Adjusts from 2 1 2 to 7 12 ft Also makes an excellent shal low Cul!i valor, Price $12.50 The Littfe Grant Plant Setter, sets out plants and Waters ihem at same time, Price $3.75. All styles of Cultivators and Harrows. L. H. CALDWELL Hardware Department. . Be Sure to call when in town on Special Sales Day, April 25th. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF McDONALDS, In the State of North Carolina, at Resources. Loans and Discounts $17,312.79 Furniture and Fixtures .. 375.25 Due from banks and bank ers 4,535.20 Cash items Gold coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency . . , Expense account McDonalds. N. C. the close of business April 4th, 1913. Liabilities. Capital stock paid in .. ..$ 10,000.00 Undivided profits, les3 cur rent expenses and taxes paid 991.99 Time certificates of deposit 4,967.55 Deposits subject to check 7,828.54 Certified checks 145.53 11.00 25.00 802.36 872.01 Total 23,933.61 State of North Carolina, County of I, Total $23,933.61 Robeson, ss L. B. Townsend, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly ..... . . ... 1 1J 1 swear that the above statement is true to tne Desi oi my unowieuge aim belief. Lv B. TOWNSEND, Cashier. Subscribed to and sworn to before me, this 14th day of April 1913. "THOS. L, JOHNSON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: D. H. Britt, Jr., D.A. McCormick. S. Mcean. irectors. Subscribe for The Robesonian