o Success depends largely upon Good Health Ia your nice for success don't cc3Q sight of the fact that only through good health can you attain fuccces. The tension you must necessarily place uprm your nerves, and the sacrifice of proper exercise yea liava to makes at times must be balanced in some way. Dr. Pierce's Golgen Medical Discovery y m the balancing power a vitalizing power. It act3 on the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, thus aerifjing the blood and giving strength to the nerves, Indirectly aiding the liver to perform its very important Yrk. Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery has been successful or a generation as atonic and body builder. 8e!d by medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form trial box of "Tablets" mailed on receipt of 50 one. I atampe. If in failing health write Dr. R. V. Pierce's faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buff&Io, New Ycrk. CR. PIERCE'S CHEAT FAMILY DOCTOR BOOK, The People' Common Seiuc Medical Adriaer newly rerued up-to-date edition of 100S page, uuwtn host of delicate quetfioaa which ever? woman, insleormarried,ooRht to know. Seat FREE in cloth binding to any eddrem on receipt of 31 one-cent (tamp, to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only. IMUKTON PARAGRAPHS. Fiae Pota'o Crop Prospects Improv ed Method -j of Farminjr Plowing Into Kosds New Houses Being Hull! --Who Mill Be Mayor Per uana! Mention. C.-rosia:ui.ncj of The Rob":oniaa. Parklon, April 1 -1 Another week htM elapsed since our last letter se rmj tii.my ihaipr a i lx i events siace w? jjst can't keep up with them. !T haTe lost from ourr towa M. J. MeDa&t and family, who have moved tok te Fayetteville. We regret U leae them, while we have gained oae larga tti interestiaf family, Mr. mi1 Mr.. Inman and children, who leave aaove4 her from Lumbertea agai have charge of the Parktoa hotel, laor are experience hotel people aae! at tenet will serve the public aatii aactorly. Mr. A. A. Wright has avevea back to his farm" near towa. Since the splendid rain the potate ret tuts greatly improved and the prefect ia for a record breaker as tVere are more thaa 100 acre fre ir ate n4 around Park ton and Lum ber Bridge and Rex. Park ton ia kead ejaarters, as the barrel factory is here t several car Ior$ Vl nUtiattl fit reee for putting up the barrel. The factory ia in the old school building. The farmers are very busy plant ing cottoa. Not much planted so far. We ebserve that the method of farrn aac is more of the "demonstration" year than ever. Nearly every faraaer is scientific. 1 want to mention something in regjare to the roads. You hear about e new road law and that it will go fcU tfWt the first of June. What the use of lepslation when every farmer i allowed to plow up the reads when the road has been put in Irst class condition '.' 1 know whereof I speak. I have known many miles at roads in different parts of the eeuniry where the sandy roads have bee clayed and just as good road as eeuM be wished for, and since then the tame roads have been plowed up imi the sand washed back on the road nWt today you can't tell it was even eiayei. is this right and just? Every wU say no, but if you speak to Sheen about ploughing up the road VShejr re liable to get offended. I Mey tke road law should be carried at ia this particular respect; if not, yea aae! just as well stop working aheaa. I think I am entitled to men tieni some parties, especially in St. Paul's towaship. Look at the public renal leading by Joe Waters and son, Water the road today is obstructed, aae! if you should meet an automobile far a few hundred yards, you would leave a breakdown sure, as there is where to turn off at all. The piece ef? read I mention is a disgrace to Xaaesoa county, much less to St lad's township. I can't say who ia tit Warn, but I guess things will etui sooa. Look at the old plankroad m Parkton township, you will al- aaeat get lost. The road is plowed so it leeks like a road through some in eKvidual's field. Instead of being 20 feet broad it is hardly 12 feet. I eeoU mention several other places. bait yeur readers all know this is erae. I am heartily in favor of car rying out the new road law with re tard te ploughing in the bounds of e road, which forbids plowing aere thaa 10 feet from the center of fce ioa. I just feel that when our eiew road supervisors, Messrs. E. K. Campbell, P. H .Fisher and J. D. McArthur, get in authoritv over raifcUn town-hip that the road law wll u obrvol I could fill more ipec oa this important subject but vSJ have to eio-e for t lie present. Mr. i . D. McArthur has purchas soiae fancy lots and is having uenae houses built. Mr. J. C. Webb says he will sooa maaufacturing shingles in town. Mr. Leo Johnson come up front Ulereetce, S. C, Sunday and was shak ikag hands with his many friends. Mia. Flora Currie from Maxton it tapeaaie a few" days with her brother Or. D. S. Currie Miss Bessie eVuJarweU, who has been teaching neai wtaja mi era "eame home " Satur-W- Mrs. Henry Welch from Mc (3aSL Si Ci, ia on a visit - to her laughter Mrs. T. W. Thompson. Air. eatt lira. W. EL Biddell and ekl- f Bed Springs spent Sunday visiting friends in town. Miss Eth el Williamson speaf Saturday aae" Sunday with home folks returning Sunday p. m. to her school at Alien-to-. Prof R. A. Pope went to Red Springs Friday night and re turned Sunday night. The Parkton school baseball tea will ro to Fairmont Thursday p. m. to play three games. Mrs. II. C. Jones, who has been in a hospital for several weeks re turned home Sunday night to the de light of her husband and her many friends. Mr. rl . V. Jones has beam quite sick for some days but we glad to report him somewhat better and trust he may eoon be able te be at his post of duty at the drug store. It is of much interest to our town cititzena who will be our next mayor, as the election draws near aae a our present mayor says he will not run agaia. We must have a good man for this all-important plae. Mrs. Jane McCall is quite ill. We are glad to report Mr. A. Parham somewhat better. We greatly miss his presence from ua while he has bee shut ta. We ferael he may eoon be able to be out again. Rev. E. L. Stack preached to a large congregation Sunday night, as there was no preaching at the Baptist church. He gave as a fine aae ia teresting sermon. The ehoia waa strong and inspiring. There was a fine male quartett by Messrs McCor mick, Williamson, Stubbs and Hod ges. Why not have them often? Space will not permit of mentiem of Mr. J. B. McCormick's fine Jersey milch cows, but he has one, especially the finest in the county, without a i doubt, and pidgeois by the huadrels. Get your screens . Subscribe for The Kobesoniaa. m Poll's 8 ' V "SCEf I -a. i I R. i D. CALDWELL & SON, lac. LUMBERTON, N. a r Greensboro Daily News: Within few months Greensboro is to have the distinction of possessing the Irs modern indigo dye and printing ea tablishment in the South, according to plans announced yesterday by Cae sar Cone, of the Proximity Manufac turing Company. Orders hare al ready been placed for the machinery, which is promised within four months, and the plant will be in operation ia from four to six months. . Dr. F. F. Friedmann of Berlia, whose claim to have discovered a cure for tuberculosis has attract wide attention recently, visited the White House Monday after holdinr a clinic at George Washington Uaiter'-sity. Get More Eggs fV a r . aw IW, I "Mnu I ff fails.- r rev- V. 1. I L" the an AWk. 1 be extra mm . .it 1 ProU The miliar au 1 of Pratra Poultry , nesuiarnr Will keep yon. sent bur bellia taanoj Booklet. Seld by all elealera everywhere. it: j Buggies, Wagons, Carriages and Harness VALUE OUR MOTTO 1 .. - fj Not hot air We have the best for the t least money. Our itoclc i complete. New J styles, all guaranteed. Call and see us. I . ' IW. I. LINK HAW,. Home of the Hackney Buggy and Wagon. DEALERS" Above is a pictnre of our new store at the foot of Chestnut Street, where we will be glad to have you call on us and see lev well we are prepared to handle your buairjfgp. Write ler our prices and mail us your orders.. J. W. MURCHISON & CO, Wholesale Hardware " r Wi'mington, N. C. -'ut'tj wr far -aPS3l SSSFs THE SEVENTH SERIES OF STOCK in the Robeson Building and Loan Association is now being sold. Have you bought yours? Take stock now and own your own home when you are old and no longer able to pay rent Any information about the Building and Loan plan cheerfully furnished. Yours to serve, C. V. BROWN, Sec. and Treas. fttaCC flues 8 Now is the time for you to place that order for tobacco flues for this season. Whether you need a full set, fire-joints, elbows or anything else in this line, let us know, and we will have your order filled and waiting for you when you need them. Don't Place your order NOW. wait. The Problem of Saving Money ! If The problem of'savi?;ft'. mosey enters' into your ' life from any r.rg;e, yra ate doing your self an in justice no lor tf. y- 'd fe.ll to sfrt a bank a count. vvatcn in? r.irk!c-s ?.nd dimes e id awav frnm They are blind, but they need no help to find way oui or your pocket. you. their The Results of a Growing Bank Account are so sure, and the satisfaction so great, that any v man may well think it his beet policy to own one. - OUR SLOGAN Yea Bank With Us, We Bank sn You Farmers and Merchants Bank, Lumberton, N. C T. A. McNEILL. SR., President K. M. BARNES, Cashier Have your clothes seam i reietu ' u it done right. Phone No. 155. National Pressing Club A BUSTER BROWN WATCHi AND FOB- A Buster Brown Watch and Fob will be friven uway FREE each week to the. holder of the lurky numbered! Coupon Riven away with each pair of ' Buster Brown Shoes. See our Show Windows every Sat urday for the winning number. John T. Lumbeitort, - S COe, Norn Carolina ladder discac that is net btytmd tbsi reach of mdl t&am, Tak it at one. Dt tt risk havin$ Brig hf DUk tsM et Diabetea. Thara Is csdlinj; gained by delay. 3. asxd 91.09 aottlea. aXMarrtvTaaw in i n Mofllllster Hflw. 6o. ? Thompson Hospital! r For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Competent corps of trained nurses, steam heated build- insr with electric lights, hot bath, In fact, everything that is requir ed to eqt:ip a modern hospital. . m. N. A. THOMPSON, Sapt. ;:.v New Oxfords just received latest styles in Tan, Gun Metal, Patent Leather, White Buck and Canvass for men, ladies and children. M. W. FLOYD, Lumberton, N. C I 4 f j i BUILT BY H. G. JONES, Contractor and builder. Contracts Taken lor Both Wood and Brick : Rnlldinns. Plans and Specifications Furnished on short Notice

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