THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBEbuNIAN V Ida 2,000 Fans to Give Away nn M EOT 55 Men's 25 Cent Silk Ties, 10c The ireaiesi Oash Mercantile Establis j : hmenf in North Carolina J We extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our store whether you buy or not. You are always welcome. We want your business, we appreciate your business, we believe if you will investigate our methods you will readily agree that we are worthy of your business. Space will not permit the advertising of hundreds of bargains which will be found when you come. Note Just a Pew items of interest Quoted Beow WOOL AND COTTON MIXTURES NEW OEEPE effects in wool and cotton dress goods, white and colors 49c SERGES in blacks, .cream navy, white, tan &c, 36-inches.wool 49c .ALL STAPLES in wool dress goods too many things tf mention, tee costs nothing to look, we, are glad .to show you through. SILK YA&DiXJOODS TUB SILKS for waists and dresses full 36 . inches wide..... . ... 98c CHARMUSE SILKS if o r waists and dresses, light and dark stripes, full 36-in. wide, great value . : 98c MESSALINES in solids and stripes, light and dark, 36 inches wide 98c DSAZIAN SILKS, beautif ul m .stripe and floral effects, wortll 39c but we got .a bargain, you get Jthem for 25c , WE ARE SURE we 'have the most attractive line of, silks in this part of the country, we as kyou talook them over, see if we are cor rect ift our opinion? THIN GOODS SWISSES in dots, figures, embroidery effects and all the nw designs, 10c to 19c GALLETEA CLOTH or skirts, child's dresses, wear for small boys &c, goods that will wear, and hold their color 12 c BERLIN LAWNS and Batiste all colors 9c MEN'S GOODS A GREAT SACRIFICE in the matter of price. The lines, will spealc for themselves, no space to describe. $ BOYS" PANTS, MEN'S PANTS, etc. Come and J see. We will tell you in our next ad. FOUR THOUSAND SHIRTS, all kinds. TWO HUNDRED DOZEN SUSPENDERS. SILK TIES in -bow and four-in-hand, the 25c f kind for 10c. Pity cent kind 39c HOSIERY in great variety, colors and kinds. CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES WE HAVE several hundred dozen dresses for Misses and Children, a neat Gingham Dress for the little ones for 19c and 25c, a better one alid extra value at 29 and 49c A MISSES' DRESS light and dark colors, per cale and gingham, nicely trimmed, for girls 6 to 14 years old 49 to 63c CHILD'S white Embroidered Dresses 79 & 98c THE CHILD'S NEW TWO-IN-ONE DRESS at 79 and98c. Has no equal. FIVE CASES OF DRESS GINGHAMS, in the new wide kind, no cheap and shoddy, but goods worth 15c for 10c yd. COTTON GOODS ABSOLUTELY the greatest line ever shown in the town of Lumberton or in this part of the State. LINENS the new and stylish things, full width, 12i2 to 15 and 19c WHITE LINENS at same prices, great values. COLORED LINENS in all shades. Special bar gains 23e SEE THE NEW VALISE TISSUES in stripes and plaids, 25c value for 19c NO SUCH LINE OF COTTON YARD GOODS IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA BEDFORD CORDS, in white and colors, also the linen effects, 25c value . . 19c THE NEW CROTONA POPLINS, special . .25c PRICILLA Pongees, Soisettes, and Satin Stripe effects all 25c value for 19c THIS WILL BE ANOTHER GREAT REASON for white goods. Our line is so immense it will we impossible to describe, we bid you come in and see for yourself. NEW WOVEN fast colors in 36-inch Madras, stripe and figures 10c NEW DESIGNS in 36-inch fine Percales, light and darks, stripes and floral figures 9 to 12 THE NEW CORDUROY effect in cottons, satin stripes, just what you want-something new 19c RATINE, all the go, we have re-ordered several times. White and colors, 19 to 25c, the new . est out, . , ......... ' YOU KNOW what the new crepe and crinkles effects are, hard to get, several orders by ex press, big line on hand, prices 10 to .... 19c EXTRA SPECIAL A line of the new 25c Flaxons, the newest summer fabric, sold everywhere at 25c, while they last 15c. We cannot get any more. Come Early. IRISH DIMITY, dots and stripes. Great . .10e LACES AND EMBROIDERY NO SUCH STOCK EVER SHOWN in this part of the State, more than $2,000 worth of all me new things for your inspection. See the new all-over Baby Irish, worth in any city $4.00 per yard, our price .$1.98 (It costs nothing to look.) BABY IRISH AND LINEN LACES and all over goods, Swiss and Orientals, Valencien nes and English Torchons, Swiss edges, All Overs, Baby Irish Flouncings in widths from 17, 27 and 45 inches. German bands, corset cover widths, &c. Impossible to describe on paper. You will find the goods more beauti ful and cheaper than your fondest dreams. AN EXTRA SPECIAL in embroidery at 49c, worth by some $1 HOUSE FURNISHINGS TABLE DAMASK in white and colors, elegant mercerized table damask 25c SOMETHING BETTER in full width .... 39c BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS, all new at 49c TURKEY REDS AND BLUES, 25c, 39c arid' 49 cts. lace and Buster Brown designs, 10 19, 39 and 49c. Each piece a special bargain. 100 DOZEN TOWELS, Extra Special, . .5 & 10c LINEN TOWELS at 10, 19 and 25c, best value ever shown. 50 ROLLS TABLE OIL CLOTH, full width 19c LINEN SHADES for windows, spring rollers, extra heavy and special values 24c 50 PIECES OF CURTAIN GOODS including national drapery, shadow laces, Swisses, Silk olines, Pongenettes, Nottinghams, all bought at special prices and you will reap the benefit. LACE CURTAINS in the new patterns, part on hand, some to arrive, 39, 63, 79 and 98c. See us if you want beauty and value. LADIES' NECKWEAR THE BEAUTIES and attractions of this line are uch that you must see to appreciate. Dutch Collars in Shirt Waists, the new Styles, Pon gee, Finer goods up to each $1.98 NEW WINDSOR TIES for middy and street wear, newest and prettiest, more than 300 dozen. We will be glad to show the line. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR-READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS are coming in on every train. Voille, Rattine and Em broidery dresses for Ladies, Misses and Chil dren. AMERICAN LADY House Dresses. AMERICAN LADY Corsets. AMERICAN LADY Kimonos, Long and Short. AMERICAN LADY Shirt waists. See the new things in Shirt Waists, the new styles, the Pon . ge and Charmuse trimmings, the Batiste with Linen trimmings. Blacks with embroidery 49c 500 WASH SKIRTS in the very newest and most attractive styles. Linens, cords, piquas, voilles, the best 79c Wash Skirt ever shown. A line of drop skirts not surpassed anywhere 39, 79 and 98c. Others will ask you a great deal more. LADIES' GLOVES GREAT VALUES in the long and short silk and Chamoise goods, a nice 16-button all-silk glove 9Se ELEGANT 16-BUTTON CHAMOISE, s.,rae will ask you $1 . 50. Our price 98c THE SHORT GLOVES at 25 to 49c. Not an item that is not worth more than ve ask MUSLIN UNDERWEAR WHEN WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION to this line we know you are interested. We ask you to see the goods, you can compare with any catalogue house in the business. We buy of the factories direct, for the spot cash, no one can buy cheaper, the designs are up to the minute. Everything for Ladies, "Misses and Children. The prices are lower and you will agree with us when you see the goods. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT WHY PAY MORE for the same goods else where? We are daily saving money for oth ers, why not you ? Why pay $3 for a hat you can buy of us for $1.49? To guarantee to you that we have the right kind for street and dress we have already ordered some styles four times. Our styles are right, our prices lower, otherwise people would not buy. A SAMPLE LINE of Misses' and Children's very fine goods in Milan and other fine straws, some worth as much as $4.25 each, none less than $1.00. Our prices run from 39c to $1.39. This is just about 25c on the dollar, manufacturers cost. All new goods for this spring's trade, about 800 in the lot. You need not buy if the goods do not suit, But an investigation will cost nothing and may save you many dollars. SHOE DEPARTMENT NO SPACE TO DESCRIBE THIS STOCK, A twenty thousand dolar line from which to make your selection. Everything in Men'-s and Women's, Boys' and Girls', Children's and Infants', High and Low Cuts, White and Colors, patent and Gun Metal, Russia Calf, Vici, button, lace. If we cannot suit you it will be hard to find what you want. Our prices are less, else you ned not buy. GROCERY DEPARTMENT EXTRA SPECIAL! Why pay more when you can get the kind of tobacco you want for 25c pound. We have received a solid ear load, all the popular brands, never before did any firm ship a solid car load of tobacco to this part of the State. 100 CASES HORSFORD'S BAKING POW DERS, wholesale prices. 100 CASES OCTAGON SOAP wholesale prices 100 CASES Rough Rider Baking Powders, wholesale price. 300 CASES of all kinds of canned goods,, oys- ters, meats, &c. 200 CASES TOMATOES, wholesale price, the hand packed 3-pound cans we retail at 10c WHOLESALE BUYERS WILL DO WELL TO SEE US ON ANYTHING JN THE GRO CERY UNE. G16 SITTER dT)l Tit" ? We are going to discontinue the line of Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Glassware, in fact we have a icusc ituc ui uic guuua. iuu tail oupuij yuui liuiuc ai uiiucaiu ui pitted. lie uaic iiu auatc iu taiiv the goods, our store being packed from floor to ceiling. We bid each and every one a hearty welcome to visit our Great Bargain Emporium, give us a chance to save you money. : : : : . : : . Sole Agents ! for little Tudors d n IL Solid Car Load 1 Tobacco 25 Cents Pound Greatest Bargain Givers in the Two Carolinas 3 I