THE SEMUWEitSL ftOfiESONIAN CALOMEL OUT OF A JOB People Coming for Miles Around for Wonderful Cartwell'a Liver-Aid. Setter, Safer, Sorer, Than Calomel. Drnggists Sell This New Discov ery on Money Back if Dissatis fied Plan. Fix up jour Ever; clean your bowels of foul waste; drive poisonous gases from yeur" stomach, end eonstipation and fee! e and dandy in twenty-four Ihoura. Throw away calomel; it's danger ous; yon know it; everybody knows it. CABSWELL'S LIVER-AID is differ nt. It's a pleasant, harmless remedy that acts gently, surely, and does not cause a bit of after miseryt It's a joyful laxative and more; it's fine for kidney disease and malaria and is as safe and splendid for children as for grown p people. Fifty cents secures a generous bottle. Dealer: M'MILLAN'S PHARMACY Needed in Robeson! We see it stated that a movemVKt is on foot to settle fifty families of tobacco growers in Hoke county. A large tobacco warehouse is to be built at Raeford and arrangements will be made between now and the coming year for the .planting of from 700 to l,000acres of tobacco by these fami lies. Sanford Express. This is just what we need in Robe son county. Our lands will grow as fine tobacco as can be found anywhere and we hope our farmers will wake up and get out of the one crop rut. Let them raise all the supplies for home consumption possible, and the balance of their crop in corn, cotton and tobacco, and in a year or so they can pay cash for their supplies and have money to loan. Maxton Scottish Chief. HEALTH AND HYGIENE. NOTICE OF SALE. "Under and by virtue of authority given iria certain mortgage deed executed by F. A. Bracy and wife, Nannie Bracy to The Stone Company, a corporation, which is recorded in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 26, at page 231, office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county, the Under signed will on Tuesday the 12th day of August, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in the town of Lumberton, offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described ' lands and premises, situated in Alfordsville township, Robeson county, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: One store lot with brick store house on same, said lot measuring 30 by 120 feet, and is situated in the pro posed town of "Bracey," , a station of the Maxton, Alma Railway Com pany's road, running from Alma, N. C. to Rowland, N. C, and being the same store and lot the said F. A. Bracey now occupies, and is a part of the lands said F. A. Bracy received -as his share of the estate lands of Alex Bracy, deceased, as shown in the office of Register of Deeds, Lum berton, N. C. in Book 5-Z, page 220. This the 12th day of July, 1913. THE STONE COMPANY. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, 7144mon. Attys for The Stone Co. 1 ORIGINAL LAXATIVE CvL'Ch SYRUP KWEDTS LAXATIVE HGREYHTAB Subscribe for The Robesonian The generality of men - expend the early part of their lives in contrib uting to render the latter part miser able Le Bruyere. 1 HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Tears of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bollock Gave Up in Despair. Husband . Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky. In an interesting letter from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows : "I suffered for four years, with womanly troubles, and during this time, I could only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, I would have severe pains In my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treat ment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and I gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of wonderful success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend it Begin taking Cardui today. ' Write to: Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Ladles Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Sjvcial Inttrucliont on your case and M-pat book, ' Horns jreaimcm rar women, mn in pwin wrapper, env-a How to Purify Water. N. CV State Board of Health. The best thing to do with polluted water is to keep it out of your mouth and wait until yon can get some pure water. ' Of course a man might starve to death in some places following that advice, so here is the next best thing to do. Disinfect the dangerous water. Here is the way to do it. Dissolve a teaspoonful of chloride of lime in a cupful of water, making sure that all lumps are thoroughly broken up, then add three more cupfuls of water. Stir the mix ture well and allow to stand for a few seconds in order that any solid particle may settle. This mixture if kept in a tightly stoppered bottle, may be used for four or five days, when a new solution should be prepar ed. Add one teaspoonful of this mil ky looking solution to each two gal Jons of (water to be purified and stir thoroughly in order that the weak chlorine solution will come in contact with all the bacteria which may be present. Allow this to stand for ten minutes. This will give approximate ly one-half part of free chlorine to 1, 000,000 parts of water, and will effec tually destroy all typhoid and colon bacilli or other disease germs in the water. The water will be without taste or odor and the trace of free chlorine will rapidly disappear. This method is one which is now recom mended in the health literature of the country. On account of its simplici ty, effectiveness and small cost, it is particularly well adapted for use by private families, campers, and those living in summer resorts. Water so disinfected is not dan gerous so far as the chlodide of lime is concerned,, if allowed to stand for ten or fifteen minutes after applying. The chief danger is that not enough disinfectant will be applied to render the water safe in all instances. OLD PROVERBS. From Bailey's Dictionary 1776. As Wise As a Man of Gotham. This Proverb passes for the Peri phrasis of a Fool, as an hundred Fop peries are feigned and fathered on the Townsfolk of Gotham Nottinghamshire. a Village in Chance will not do the work Chance sends the breeze; But if the pilot slumber at the helm, The very wind that wafts us to wards the port May dash us on the shelves. The steersman's part is vigilance. Blow it rough or smooth. Scott It is better to screen the cradle and wear a smile than scoff at the precau tion and wear mourning. Flies in the dining room usually precede nurses in the sick room. Flies as well as bad water, spread typhoid. Prepared. Laurinburg Exchange. In view of the war talk with Mex ico, Fort Lumberton has added two cannons which command the entrance up the Lumber river. Subscribe for The Robesonian. It is the divine attribute of the im agination that it is irrepressible, un confinable; that it can create a world for itself, and with a necromantic power can conjure up glorious shapes and forms; brilliant visions to make solitude populous and irradiate the gloom of a dungeon. Washington Irving. Tobacco Market! THE ROBESON COUNTY WAREHOUSE THE LARGEST AND BEST LIGHTED IN THE COUNTY; Has over 16.000 feet sales floor; the farmers favorite. Help us to make Fairmont the largest market east of the Pee Dee. We believe it is the best now. The farmers who sell here say it is and we believe It. WHY? Because the tobacco sold here has the reputation of being the best and the buyers like it, and we have the beat bunch that can be gotten together and compe tition makes the price. No farmerwants to sell at the barn door after seeing our prices. Your lands grow good tobacco. Bring ns your to bacco. We can help you and need your patronage. Those who have been selling withus are still our customers, and if you have never tried us ask your Neighbor or better still bring us your next load and we will make a customer of you. Prices are th highest we have ever seen them and look for this crop to sell well throughout. We want 6,000,000 lbs. for our market this year. Remember, Fairmont is your best market and no set of warehouse men can get you better prices. Wishing to each and every one the best of health and to see you soon. E. J. Davis & Sons How happy is he born or taught, That serveth not another's will; Whose armor is his honest thought, And simple truth his utmost skill. Sir Henry Wotton. LIVER GETTING LAZY? DON'T STOP WORKING Take Dodson's Liver Tone and Go About Your Business. It will Liven Up Your Liver Without Harm. A bilious attack or constipation can be relieved in a short while by a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone the mild, vegetable remedy that eVery druggist guarantees. Just ask J. D. McMillan & Son about Dodson's Liver Tone. They know that it is a harmless prepara tion that starts the liver without vio lence and puts you into shape without interfering with your habits. This store guarantees it to be all that, and will give you your money back if you don't find Dodson's Liver Tone gives you quick, easy relief. Dodson's Liver Tone is for both grown-ups and children. It has a pleasant taste, and is safe and reli able. The price is 50 cents for a large bottle and your fifty cents back to you if you tell J. D. McMillan & Son that it hasn't benefitted you. Don't take calomel and don't buy imitations of Dodson's Liver Tone you may run into danger if you do. Buy Dodson's, the medicine that J. D. McMillan & Son recommends and guarantees. adv. Subscribe for The Robesonian. Buggies and laps ! When you want a Buggy, Wagon or Harness see C. M. Fuller & Son We have 91 buggies and wagons in stock and will have not later than August 15 th, 1 70 Vehicles 1 70 to make your selections from. We have bought these Buggies and Wagons in extra large quantities and we can sell you a bargain. We want your trade. C. M. Fuller & Son Lumberton. N. C 1 " Sow - if You Would Reap ! 0 t . What would a merchant think of the farmer who should sit down in the spring and say: "No use to sow and plant now. for there will be no harvest until the fall Til just wait until fall and then get busy." Mr. Fanner and every other man who purchases goods, What do you think of the merchant who sits down during' the sunmr and does cot advertise because be does not think you have any money to buy with? You Can Depend Upon This -it..' It is always safest to trade WitH lie merchant who keeps his ilcime kfore yoa all the time, who in season and out of season, summer and winter and fall and spring, rain' or shine, seed time or harvest, talks to you through the paper and tells you where you can find him and what her lias to offer whenever you want to buy. You can depend upon a merchant Jike that- ' . But if you tave any regard wheo yon buy, shun the merchant who never ' advertises. 1 i i