THE 'SEMt-WJ LY R02ESONIAN. WHY NOT? Prices are right Quality is right Service is right One trial will convince THE POPE DRUG CO. Just received one car load of McCor mick Mowing Machines and RI as. Place your orders early and avoid delay R. D. Caldwell Sr Son Inc. Lumberton, North Carolina Farms for Sale I KNOW OF TWO GOOD FARMS FOR SALE. ONE CONTAIN. ING 527 ACRES AND THE OTHER CONTAINING 130 ACRES. THESE FARMS CAN BE BOUGHT, EITHER ONE OF THEM FOR LESS THAN ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE. BOTH ARE IN GOOD LOCALITIES, NEAR GOOD CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. IF YOU WANT A HOME AT A BARGAIN, WRITE OR SEE ME AT ONCE. E. E. PAGE LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA The October Americas Magazine. One of the most astonishing contri butions to the October American Mag. a zine is an article by a Yale teacher entitled "The Village of a Thousand Souls." Author of the article, Arnold L. Gesell, has made a complete inves tigation of the 220 families that con. stitute a certain small village in the Middle West. His investigation reach, es back through one whole generation thirty-three years. The results of his investigation indicate an appalling amount of feeble-mindedness, insan. ity, alcoholism and general delinquen. cy in small villages, in the same issue Ray Stannard Baker writes a really wonderful ar-1 tide about Colonel George W. Goe. thals, the builder of the Panama Ca nal. It is an article containing more specific and interesting information about the Canal and its remarkable builder, that has been collected before. Another iteresting artyie in the number is atrue story of a morphine fiend who reformed. This article is in a series entitled "Those Who Have Come Back" a series of true stories of people who, failures or disgraced at forty, have succeeded in coming back" to lives of usefulness. Fiction is contributed by Ines Haynes Gillmore, Henry Wallace Phil lips, Leonard Hatch, John Taintor Foote and Clifford S. Raymond. James Montgomery Flagg and Stephen Leacock write humorous pieces. David Grayson contributes another of his "Friendly Road sketches. The regular departments, "Interesting People," "The Theatre" and "The Interpreter's House" are included. The prize winning letters in a con test entitled "Kow I Saved My First $100" complete an unusually spirited jiasribcrf. - NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA, GAS OR INDIGESTION Each Tape Diapepsin" Digests 3000 Grains Food, Ending Al' Stomach Misery in Five Minutes. Time it! Pape's Diapepsin will di. gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your meals don'; fit comfort ably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you havj heartburn, that is a sign of indiges tion. Get from your fharmacist a fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belch, ing of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stom ach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or ii.testinal imping. Thisl will all go, and besides, there will be no sour food left in the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of. rder stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is awaiting you at any drug store. These large fifty cent cases contain enough "Papil's Diapepsin to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many moat.,.-;. It belongs in your home, ad 0 .VS B io..- K mm . Between! Safely sad Danger Tb wise man secures the protection o FIRS INSURANCE. flThen fire occurs, the moat valuable pa per a man hae U a policy in a good com pmy. We represent some of the bat companies In existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incur. Jed. Some day yon may be sorry you didn't let us write a policy twday. Shoe Reoair Work I do all kinds of shoe repair work, and I make a specialty of cleaning ladies' ahoea, . f Can take an old pair of shoes and make them good as new. All I ask is a chance at your basinets. Yon will find me back of White Goagh's a tore. WILL F. EDWARDS, Lumberton, N. C. ARE YOU lSTCD Q. T. WILLIAMS 1-0 THE National Pressing Club CLEANS AND PRESS UN EN AND ISLE OF PALM SUITS TO THE QUEEN'S TASTE. Let Ds Fix Dp Yours . . . WE FIX THEM TO LOOK BET TER THAN WHEN YOU FIRST PUT THEM ON FRESH AND CLEAN AND NICELY PRESS ED. WILL FAULK, Proprietor DONT WAIT for a statement of the amount you are due on subscrip tion. Watch the label on you- paper. That is statement enough. If renewals are not in by date on label paper will If NTH Can't Afford to Have Kidney Trouble. No man with a family to support can afford to have kidney trouble, nor need he fear it with such a remedy as Foley's Kidney Pills. An honest medicine, safe and reliable, costing little but doing much good. Foley's Kidney Pills eliminate backache and rheumatism, tone up the system and restore normal action of kidney and bladder. For sale by all dealers. COMMISSIONER'S SLE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior court of Robeson county rendered at the May term, 1913, wherein . H. J. Wessel was the plaintifT and Make McNeill and wife, Viola McNeill were the defendants, and also by virtue of a certain judg ment rendered at the April term, 1912, of Superior Court, of Kobeson county, wherein E . D . McNeill was the plaintiff and Make McNeill and wife, Violet McNeill were the defendants, which said latter judgment has been duly transferred and assigned to H. J. Wessell, the undersigned commis. sioner will on oMnday the 6th day of October, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door in the town of Lumberton, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands and premises: Adjoining the lands of Make McNeill William Townsend and others, being the same land' conveyed to aMke McNeill by L. A. Powell and wife, duly registered. n the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, containing fifty acres more or less. Also another tract adjoining the lands . of Make McNeill, William TownsenoTand others, and being the same land conveyed by L. A. Powell and wife, to Make McNeill, containing fifty acres, more or less. Also a tract of land adjoining the lands of W. C. Townsend, Bright Atl kinson and others containing 2814 acres more or less, and being the same land conveyed by R. F. Gregory and William Townsend to Malcolm Mc. Neill, duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county. This the 8th day of September, 1913.. " T. L. JOHNSON, Commissioner. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, 984Mon Attys. for Plaintiff. WHEN WE ADVERTISE anything as an especial Bargain, it is because we have marked the price on that article lower than we have here, tofore sold it, and it is therefore for a genuine Bargain, as our prices are never high. We are offering just such bargains in . GENERAL MERCHANDISE and you will do well to take advan tage of this sale. Everything will be found to be exactly as represented or money refunded. John T. Biggs Co CHICHESTER S PILLS y"-y'N tdlf AiiW y.r UrtIM for A Aii &- M-ofrs-Wr I'iMninod HraiV J"- 'HI in l d iinl mruUicVV ' V'J b",r. Blue Ril.tom. !. --J Tui. in other, liwr f Tsar 1 t.H ' i-.-'xtt IIM IIEM-TEKf IU Jf :iAv,(i.! l"n;i r SOLD SY CCSSSTSBIRVlMiaJf Tiie Lighting of School Rooms. Public school children's eyes are of ten seriously damaged by poorly light ed school rooms. This fact should be remembered in building school hous es. . Modern school architects ana hygenists have worked out some defi nite plans to conserve eyesight, which should not be forgotten. For instance, in Northern countries, where sunlight is less prevalent than in Southern countries, and where fog clouds and smoke are common, school-rooms should have one fourth as much win. as there is floor space. In Southern 'countries, where the amos phere is clear, one-sixth window-glass space is sufficient. The bottom of the windows should be four feet above the floor. Windows should be as numer ous as is consistent with safe con. struction. They should be as far back in the rooms as possible, ann to the left of the pupils. The win dows should be contained between iron or stetl mullians, and their edges should be rounded, to permit the in gress of light and its useful distri bution, and to prevent shadows falling the esks. As the best light should extend to the ceilings. If hills or tall buildipgs are close to the school prismatic or ribbed glass should be used in the upper portions .of the win. dows, but not in the lower portions, as too much glare is produced. Slid ing or slat blinds should not be used. They are expensive and inefficient. Use double shades, so large that chinks of light cannot enter. They should be fastened in the center of the of the window and should roll up or down, so that light can be admitted from either above or below. Curtains should be light green in color. Black, boards absorb much light, and should be covered by light curtains on dark days arid when not in 'use. . Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness, We have a complete assortment of Horses and , Mules just in from St Louis, Mo. Our stock of Buggies, Carriages and Wagons will surprise you. We have any thing you want in the Vehicle and Harness Line. Our Easy Payment plan will please you. Come in to see us when in town and we ' II show you our goods C. M. FodIot A NEW PARLOR CAR LINE HAS BEEN INAUGURATED VIA. SEABOARD AIR LINE BY, BETWEEN CHARLOTTE AND RALEIGH ON THE NEW SEABOARD TRAIN. Lv Raleigh 8:00am Ar Charlotte .... 2:40pm Lv Charlotte 1C :10am Ar Raleigh 4:48pm . This train runs solid between Ra leigh and Rutherfordton; Parlor Car is operated between Raleigh and Edgemont, N. C "In the Heart of the Mountains" Write for schedules. JOHN T. WEST. D. P. A. Raleith. N. C JAMES KER, JR, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A I Backache Miss Myrtle Co thrum, of Russellrille, Ala,, says: For nearly a year, 1 suf fered with terrible back ache, pains in my limbs, and my head ached nearly all the time. Our family doctor treated me, but only gave me temporary relief. 1 was certainly in bad health. My school teacher advised me to TAKE Oardui The Woman's Tonic I took two bottles, in an, and was cured. I shall always praise Cardui to Sick and suffering wo men." If you suffer from pains peculiar to weak women, such as head ache, backache, or other symptoms of womanly trouble, or if you merely need a tonic for that tired, nervous, worn-out feel ing, try Cardui. e-O -pi Sffi WATCH Watch the label on your paper. If renewals are not in by date on label will be stopped. am c. M. Fuller & Son. Lumberton, North Carolina awl i hi i 1 i 1 1 ip hii i miyw i mi amm Thompson Hospital ! For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Competent corps of trained nurses, steam heated build ing with electric lights, hot bath, etc In fact, everything that is requir ed to equip a modern hospital. DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Supt. zsxsvaam Bsarari East Carolina Teachers Training School A State School to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. 17rAr Vnarmr 8 directed to-this one purpose. nveiy energy Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins September 23, 1913. For catalogue and other informa tion address, ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President, Greenville, N. C T Colonial Four Fbsten , The place to tret yoor Furniture la the LUMBERTON FU BNITUBE STORE, Lumber ton, N. C RIGHT! PRICES-TERMS EASY WE SAVE YOU MONEY Mules Wagons Horses Harness Buggies Saddlery W. I. LINKHAW, Home of the Hackney Buggy and Wagon. 1 be stopped. Subscribe for The Robesonian. 4