THE SEMl-WEOO-Y ROOESONIAN. PARKTON PARAGRAPHS Graded School Start Off Nicely Splendid Fox Hunt Cotton Mar. ket Take a Spurt Plan FaU Tur. nips New 'Phone Line Peraonal and Other Items. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Parkten, Sept. 19 Mr. J. B. McCor. mick and Mr. D. C. Culbreth have at tended court in Fayetteville well nigh every day this week. Mrs. Maggie Small and daughter Mrs. White of Fayetteville, came down yesterday evening and are visiting Mrs Small's sister, Mrs. Annie Hay wood. Mr. S. M. Davis and son Malloy, left for their home in Gainesville, Fla., also Mrs. J. P. McMillan left for her home in Lake Joe, Fla. Mrs. McMil lan spent the summer visiting rela tives in Robeson, Cumberland and Sampson counties. The following have left for school since our last letter: John D. McCor mick, Davidson College; Prentiss Stanton, A. and M., Raleigh; Miss Roena Odom, Carolina College, Max ton; Miss Carrie McMillan, Statesville, and her sister, Miss Henrietta the State Normal, Greensboro. Miss Mary McMillan returned home Saturday from an extended trip to friends in Lincolnton. Miss Effie McMillan has accepted a position to teach at Liberty. Rev. E. L. Stack left Monday morn ing to be gone a couple of weeks hold ing revival meetings in the Eastern part of the State. Miss Neal Roseman of Lincoltori arrived tonight to spend a few days with friends here on her way to Lin den, where she will teach school. Mr. Heary Ammons is fast erecting a nice cottage in the southern part of town. Miss Cora Gainy has tendered her ressignation as music teacher at the graded school. This is to the sorrow of the school and community and a damper on the school as we see it. It is up to the board to straighten up ,the crooks and see if Miss Gainey can't be prevailed on to remain, as she is one of the best qualified teach ers that ever taught in our town, and highly recommended from former schools where she has taught. There are some things going, or existing too shameful to make public. Work the golden rule a while and see if the crooks cannot be amended. I am speaking to the board and not the school. The school has started off nicely, with the best faculty, that could be obtained anywhere, and no damper should ever be reported on this school. 'The Parkton band gave a moonlight serenade on Wednesday night in hon or of the new school faculty which was highly appreciated. The band has received five or six cells this week, mostly for auction sales. Also, they "wffl be with the Fayetteville Boosters ton October 15 and 16, with 10 pieces. A word about some splendid fox Ihunts, Caught three last week. One race 2 1-2 hours, the second, 40 min utes; and the third race, only 30 min utes. All grown foxes,, but remem ber there were 12 in first, 22 in the econd, and 24Mn the'tWrd raeer-Mr? ' T.JL Bullard and Mr. Shufford of Fay etteville and a sportsman from Che, i 1 ier'fteia, S. C, were in the latter race, also came down from Fayetteville last night and joined the chase, but for some unknown reason failed to catch; i but we b&d jl line chase with 24 fine i hounds. 'This is fine sport, nothing to equal it if you enjoy good music Two of this pack, according to town Caws were electrocuted on Tuesday. Dog muzzles must appear on the head of each dog, or go to the Jpck-up, and if the owner fails to come across the dog must die. The question arises, is this a just and honorable law? To be decided later. The cotton market picked up a little this evening: plenty room. An agent from Dillon, S. C, was in the mar ket. We would not object if he stays in our toown through the season. Fall turnips should be sowed, if not already', immediately. Also rye for chickens, and pasturage. Rack your hay and you will sure save it. We are glad to see Mr. Norman Perry able to be at his post of duty as bookkeeDer of the firm of T. W. Thompson & Co. Mr. J. O. Culbreth has built a neat new brick beef market on Mr. H. C McMillan's lot. We gladly welcome him as he is an experienced beef man and will have beef and fish six days in the week. The Garage & Novelty Works have not opened up yet but we have been .advised will be ready for business .boon. A new phone line is being installed trom Mr. F. N. McMillan's in lower Cumberland to McMillan's Station, hence when completed will entitle the people of that section to full 'phone service. A mighty good move. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite TTh Old Standard general strengthening tonic. CaOVB'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and boilda up the system. A true tonic Jul sure Appetizer. For adults and children. 50c 'paddojs oq jjim pqwj uo jep iq ui jou sjs sieauaj jj iadsd DEATHS. I Jail senienee ot nuung negro om. Mrs. Hattie Breed a. Red Springs Citizen, 19th. Mrs. Hattie Breeden, formerly of Marlbooro county, S. C, but for the past five years living in Cooley, Ga., died last Friday night at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. J. D. Odom, aged 52 years. The funeral took place Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at Lum ber Bridge attended by many sorrow ing relatives and friends. Mrs. Breeden was a member of the Methodist church, and was a consis tent Christian woman. She is sur vived by six children, one of whom, Mrs. J. D. Odom, she was visiting at the time of her fatal illness. Mr. Angus Evander McLean. Red Springs Citizen, 19th. Mr. Antrus Evander McLean, 80 years old, a life-long resident of Red Springs township died last Sunday afternoon, and the funeral was held on Monday in the presence of many sorrowing relatives and friends. OLD PROVERB. (From Bailey's Dictionary, 1766.) If you trust before you try, You may repent before you die. Under this proverbial Distich is couched a good Lesson of Caution and Circumspection, not to choose a Friend on a sudden, or make Persons our Intimates, and repose a Confidence in them by entrusting them with our Secrets and private Concerns, be fore we have experienced their integ rity; it also cautions Persons against too easy a Credulity in buying upon the Credit of Persons unknown, with out deliberately weighing in their Mind whether the Things are equal ,in value to me rnce oi wm tux- chase. The Longest Word. Biblical Recorder. A little town in North Wales is said to have for its name the longest word in the world. A writer in the Philadelphia Press tells us that it is Llanfairpwllgwyngllgogerychwyrandr obwlldullandisiliegogoch. Think of it, and pronounce it, if you can. On an address it is usually written Llanfair P. G., for short. Our authority says that its meaning is to this effect: "St Mary's Church by the white hazel pool nearby the black whirlpool by St. Teilo's Church near the red cave." No wonder it takes a word of fifty-eight letters to give all this information! Safest Laxative for Women. Nearly every woman needs a good laxative. Dr. King's New Life Fills are good because they are prompt. nafe. and do not cause pain. Mrs. Al. C. Dunlap, of Leadill, Tenn. says: "Dr. Kine's New Life Pills helped her trou bles greatly."." Get a box today.. Price, 25c. Recommended by all deal ers. Champion Cotton Picker. Master Ben Frank Stanton is again to the front as a champion cotton pick er of this section. Last year, he pick ed in one day 310 pounds, this year fte'toeat his - own ' record ' with 331 pounds in one day. Ben is 14 years old, weighs only 190 pounds, and is the son of Mr. H5- M. Stanton, one of our most progressive and success ful farmers. v Ben'.ehaHenges any boy of a lile age- W a cotton-picking con test. '.--;' The healing demulcent qualities of Foley's. Honey and Tar Compound are not duplicated in any other medicine lor cougns ana cuius. rmy auuau. tute offered you is an inferior article. Refuse to accept it for ,it can not pro duce the healing and soothing effect of Foley's Honey and Tar Compoupd. Insist upon the genuine wnicn con tains no opiates. Good Road Work. Fairmont Messenger. There, has recently been some fine road work done in Thompson township from McDonald's in the di rection of Rowland, Elrod and Rayn ham. Not only is it more pleasant to travel over such roads but the coun try has a better appearance. Chattanooga, Tenn., dispatch, 19th: Washington Gardner of Albion, Mich., today was elected commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic at the final business session of the forty- seventh annual encampment. Detroit, Mich., earlier inthe day was selected for the meeting place for the 1914 encampment. Dont Let Baby Suffer with Eczema and Skin Eruptions. Babies need a perfect skin-covering Skin eruntions cause them not only intenss suffering:, but hinder their growth. Dr. Hobson's Eczema Oint ment can be relied upon for relief and nermanent cure of suffering babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. "Our baby was afflict ed with breaking out of the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists failed to help. We tried Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment and were overioyed to see baby com pletely cured before one box was used" writes Mrs. Strubler. uuouque, lowa All druccists. or bv mail. 50c. PFEIFFER CHEMICAL COMPANY Jail Sentence of Killing Negro Sua. pended, Raleigh Times, 19th. Judge C. M. Cooke today suspended the four months jail sentence im posed last week on J. J. Holland for the killing of Van Stewart, colored, and allowed Mr. Holland to pay the costs. Petitions carrying the signa tures of eight hundred persons, fifty of whom were colored citizens of Milbrook section were filed with the court today. Annie Stewart of Peters burg, Va., made affidavit that the ne gro lawyer, Burgess, was not retained by her to prosecute, and she wrote a letter to the court saying that she understood the provocation under which her son was shot and asking for mercy for the defendant. The homicide occurred at Millbrook three weeks ago. Stewart exposed his person in an in decent manner in front of Mr. Hol land's home, and the white man fired at him with a shot gun. A buckshot entered the head and caused death. Southern Presbyterian College and Conservatory of Music. Special to The Robesonian. Red Springs, Sept. 20 On Monday, September 15th, when the president called the officers and the faculty of the Southern Presbyterian College and Conservatory of Music together, all the faculty, thirty in number, and all of the officers, were present and readv for dutv. At the opening the registration went at once to 205, with quite a number to come in. The stu dent body comes to us from eleven States and two foreign countries, and is a fine and, earnest set of young wo men Jh& wprk has begun very smoothly. A number -of improve ments have been made. Among these may bp mentioned the rebuilding of the pipe organ, the completion of the gymnasium; and the college is now thoroughly organized for work, and bids fair to have a very pleasant and prosperous year. No Punishment for Death of Madero. Mexico City Dispatch, 19th.. The deaths of the late President Francisco I. Madero and Vice-President Jose Maria Pino Suarez were not brought about by a punishable crime, according to a decision pronounced by the military court here today. The investigation lasted six months. It was started by the military command dant of the Federal district imme diately on the conclusion of the 10 days' battle in the streets of Mexico last February which resulted in Pro visional President Huerta coming into power. Report, of Military Tribunal a Farce. Washington Dispatch, 19th. Senor Perez-Romero, brother-in-law of the late President Madero, and con fidential agent here of the Mexican Constitutionalists, today characterized as a "farce" the report of the mili tary tribunal on the killing of Madero and Suarez. From independent channels and from all the evidence that we nave gathered," he said, i(we have learned that Major Francisco Cardenas fre quently has boasted in many' public places that he killed Madero himself, yet he was never taken into custody. All our evidence shows that both President Madero and Vice President Suarez were assassinated in the Na tional Palace before being taken to thfe. penitentiary." t i COMING MUTT and JEFF MUTT and JEFF Lumber ton Opera House Friday Night October 3rd. MUTT AND JEFF COMING Who can tell? You may have fam ily troubles and you don't know it Take a chance and go see "Mutt and Jeff" and laugh "your blamed head" off at the opera house, Friday night, October 3rd. adv. MILLINERY OPENING Ladies' -:- SEPTEMBER -:- I. WJ ( INCORPORATED ) LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA More Than $50,000,000 If Needed Two Parcel-Post Terminals. Washington Cor., 19th, Charlotte Observer. John Skelton Williams, assistant Secretary of the Treasury, today in formed a North Carotin delegation that the department would be ex tremely liberal in responding to ap plications for money by Southern banks to move the cotton crop. If the $50,000,000 already set aside for this purpose is not sufficient, more Government funds will be deposited. moreover the time for repayment will be extended. This assurance was given by Mr. WilHams"t6 Representatives' Stenn and Doughton, who called at Treas ury 'Department, accompanied by 8. C. Hobbsof Clinton, and J.C. Kennett of Greensboro, members of the com mittee from the Farmers' Union. They went away wett satisfied with the attitude of the department toward the farmers. It now 6eems that twe terminals for distribution of parcel post packages will be established n North Carolina, at Charlotte and Raleigh. Represen tative Webb was reassured today that Charlotte will be made one of the depots of the State, if satisfactory rentals can be arranged! Governor Grants Rev. R. L. Davis Un conditional Pardon. Raleigh Times, 19th. Governor Craig this afternoon granted an unconditional pardon to Rev. R. L. Davis, superintendent of the North Carolina Anti-Saloon League, who was convicted at the July term of assaulting Wiley Straughan with a liquor bottle. After hearing the petition and affidavits Governor Craig promptly granted the pardon on the ground that Mr. Davis was an innocent man. Judge C. M. Cooke and Solicitor H. E. Norris, after reading the affidavits, wrote letters to the Governor asking him for the pardon, and Secretaryof the Navy Daniels and Senators Simmons- and Overman were among the host of prominent North Carolinians urging a clean bill of health. A conspiracy to discredit the anti-salopn league lead er was charged by the defense. Do You Fear Consumption? No matter how chronic your cough or how severe your throat or lung ail ment is,Dr, King's New Discovery will sureiy neip you: u may save your mr, Stillman Green, of Malichite, Col wries: "Two doctors said I had con- sumDtion and could not live two years I used Dr. King's New Discovery and am alive and well." Your money re funded if it fails to benefit you. The best home remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lune troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed by all drug AND Medy-to-Weair Display 25 and 26 Quarterly Report of Woman's Mis. sionary Union. To the Editor of The Robesonian: The quarterly . report of the Wo. man's Missionary Union of Robeson Baptist Association for the quarter ending Aug. 31, 1913, shows that $295.31 had been contributed by thej following societies: Woman's Missionary Societies Ash. pole, Back Swamp, Bear Swamp, Beth any, Baltimore, Centerville, Great Marsh, Lumberton, East Lumberton, West Lumberton, Lumber Bridge, Long Branch, Pleasant Hill, Raeford, Raft Swamp, Rowland, Saddle Tree, St. Paul's, Ten Mile. Singletary'a JC Koads $223.37. Sunbeam Bands Cedar Grove1 Raft "" Swamp, "Bethany, Bear Swamp, Rowland, Great Marsh, Rao... I ford, Lumber Bridge, Baltimore, Big Branch, Barnesville, Long Branch, Beulah, Lumberton, Rozier, Back Swamp, Oakton, Maxton, WestLynr. berton, Tolarsville, Saddle Tree St. Paul's, Red .Springs, Pleasant Hill, Raynham $67.49. Young Woman's Auxiliaries, Lum. berton. We desire to thank each society wfcich reported. It shows that they were at work even if the weather was warm. " . We want to asfy each Society to have a special exercise and take a collec tion for State missions. This is State mission quarter; MRS. R. D. CALDWELL, Vice Pres. Mrs, I. P. HEDGPETH, Band Supt. Princess Commits Suicide Love Af. fair. Heidelberg,. Germany, Dispatch, 18th. Princess Sophia of ' Saxe-Weimar. Eissenach, a beautiful young woman, unusually popular, of sunny disposi tion and much courted by the officers with whom she often rode behind the hounds of the Baden Court hunts, committed suicide early this morning. Her body with a bullet wound in the temple, was found this morning in her room in the palace of her father, Prince William. The death of the Princess was due to a love affair. She was engaged to Hans Von Bleichroeder, the elder son of the senior member of one of the most powerful banking houses in Ger many. When the engagement was an. nounced prematurely some months ago, it was learned that the reigning Grand Duke, Prince William Ernest, strenously prohibited the union, unless the Princess renounced all her titles and dignities. This she refused to do. WATCH Watch the label on your paper. If renewals are not in by date on label will be stopped. I SO WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED TO FIT YOUR EYES CORRECTLY. Our Optical Department is fully equipped with all the newest and most scientific instruments necessary for a thorough test and satisfactory diag nosis of your trouble. We use abso. lut'ety" no medicines or "drops" what ever, and will not subject you to any annoyance or injury while testing your 'eyes. .: No expense has been spared to make ours the finest Optical Parlor in the city, or in this section of the country, for that matter. ' The very best authorities on the science of Op tometry, recommend the . ystern , f or testing eyes, which we use' (exclusively. xou. run aDsoiuieiy nonsK. in cum ingltU8 about your eyes as we guar antee every pain of glasses we fit to give entire satisfaction! "Properly," or "correctly" fitted glasses means more than the average individual realizes. -To be properly fitted, the glasses should give com plete relief, as soon as the eyes have become accustomed to the correction. The lenses should put the muscles of the eye at rest, besides supplying any deficiency in the vision. Great eare should be exercised in keeping glasses in proper condition. If they get bent or out of sKape they will not afford you that relief desired. Es pecially is that true of cylindrical or prismatic lenses which aggravate the trouble if they do not set properly upon the features. We are pleased to straighten your glasses at any time without charge if you will but come in and see us. ' ' COME TO US TO GET READY RE LIEF FROM EYE TROUBLES DR. W. W. PARKER Get Rid of Torment of Rheumatism. That you can do by ridding yourself of the cause. Weak and inactive kid. neys allow uric acid poisons to remain in the blood and rheumatic Pfns swollen and aching joints follow. Take Foley Kidney Pills to ease you of the pain and torment. They will positive ly and permanently build up the kid neys, restore their normal action and keep the uric acid crystals out of the blood and body. Try them. For sale by all dealers. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable PR. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL. a sur gical dressing- that relieves pain and heals al the same time. -Not a liniment. 25c. SO?. 1-0& ;JE'liilajllpViaJPj gists. ... .. '

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