THE SEMI WEEKLY ROBESONIAN - -. . o i WjmZf Correct aS8k clothes No matter how symmetrical nature has made a man he cannot appear graceful unless he is properly dressed in good fitting clothing made of first quality materials. Poor fitting clothes make a man LOOK awkward; poor quality clothes make a man FEEL awkward, Why spoil the joy of living, when WE can clothe you neatly in garments that will make you both look, feel and BE graceful and prosperous. qJ outfitters CLP Lumberton, North Carolina COO CCCCCCCO COCO CCO CCOCOI ceo coco porting Hoods o ) o o C) CI o n o o o 8 o o a a o o a to o 8 8 O O o o We are Headquar ters for this especial Line. If it is a GUN, SHELLS, RIFLE, or in fact ANY THING of this nature let us know. McAllister Hardware Co., Inc. o o o o o o o 100000 coo coco coocooo cooooooo coo Be Sure You Get a Pure Leather Shoe VER 90 of all shoes sold for less than w$4.00 contain substitutes for leather in the heels, counters and soles. Why pay pure leather prices for such shoes when you never know they are adulterated until you wear them and find them unsatisfactory. Titers ia ooe way to be tare joa are get iing an honest leather ahoa. Simply aak fof "Star Brand" aboea with the tar oa the heel and the nam on th. sole. , Star Brand" is the largest adling Una of boea in tha world. Over aeres million paira dim 'k. SMI fit Wl-EHHEU 'SOU lUTHEa HEELS J0UJ4OHU Don I saw laathar nrlnaa for nanar r AarU - tar Brand" aboea. Kaarly 90,1 A - Just Into ANT atera, but " f nr t naaa wall Iftrnm inn MOOF CORanEllT FHUK Bold dorinc Every pair ia honestly tnada of good leather. No fubstitutea foe leatber ara erer used. "Star Brand" ahoas ara made la over 750 atyfaa ia aB iba different leather for omen maa cnuareo. a anoa to meea luraann. both aa to style and grade. Always ask for and Insist upon 4 marehanta sail them. Don't act to us. W an (paO aetata boat. M. W. FLOYD, Lmnberton ASHEVILLE WHISKEY CASES. Judge Carter Orders Arrest of Prom inent Hotel and Drug Store Men on Charge of Retailing. Some time ago, as noted at the time, Judge Frank Carter, holding court of Asheville directed the Buncombe county grand jury to investigate alleged whiskey sellers, and when the jury failed to make any indictment against those suspected Judge Carter declared that he would investigate the cases himself, acting as an investigating or committing magistrate. This he did and the sec ond chapter was written Monday when Judge Carter ordered the immediate arrest of John H. Lange and Gay Green, owners and proprietors of the Langren hotel and the" Century Drug Store; J. L. Alexander, proprietor of the Battery Park hotel, and J. Baylis Rector, manager of the Langren, to gether with one other man, Isadore Grant, colored, alleged agent of one of the first four named. The arrests followed immediately and the de fendants were placed under heavy bonds. These men are charged with Bell ing whiskey directly or indirectly and a few of them with aiding and abet ting in the traffic through their agents. Three of the defendants, Messrs. Lange, Green and Alexander, were re quired by Judge Carter to furnish bond for their appearance from day to day in the sum of $3,000 each. Mr. Rector was required to furnish bond in the sum of $1,000, and a similar bond was named for the negro Grant. There was a warrant issued for Vance L. Wells, but he was reported by the officers, to be out of the city. The charges against him are similar to those against Grant. Against John H. Lange there are two indictments including three counts. The first of these counts is made under section two, chapter 44 of the Public Laws of 1913, and charg es the defendant with "selling, ex changing, bartering, giving away for the purpose of direct or indirect gain and otherwise handling spiritous, vi nous and malt liquors in the State of North Carolina." sThe second and third counts charge that he "unlawfully, aided and abet ted the sale for gain of spirituous vi nous and male liquors to John Doe, a person unknown to the affiant, there by becoming a principal to said sale." The same charges are made against Mr. Alexander, Gay Green and J. Balis Rector, although there are only two counts against each of these in cluded in one indictment. Vance L. Wells and Isadore Grant are charged with a direct sale to a person "un known to the affiant" At the same time that the order was issued for the arrest of these men Judge Carter issued capiases ad testificandum for Pete Sevier, W. R. Messer, night watchman at the Bat tery Park hotel; Charles Nichols, a clerk at the hotel; George Albea, G. W. Tift and P. A. Hansom, clerks at the Langren hotel; O. E. Franklin, formerly manager of the Century Drug store, in whose name a license for the sale of liquor on prescrip tion was held held by the store, and Will W. Patton, formerly a book keeper at the Glen Rock hotel, of which J. H. Lange is owner. Developmeryts Wednesday were: the seizure of approximately 250 gallons of intoxicating liquors at the place , of business of the Owl Drug Store, in the depot section, and the storing of the v.hiskej in the county jail, the plac ing of J. C. Moore, a South Main street furniture dealer, under a bond of $1,000 to appear before Judge Car ter to tell what he knows about alleg ed violations of the prohibition laws, the ssuanos of approximately 50 warrants for witnesses, whose testi mony will be needed in the investiga tion now under way. Governor Craig authorized a special criminal term of court, to begin De cember 15, to try the cases. This was opposed on the ground that Judge Carter having instituted the prosecu tions some other judge should come on the scene to try the cases, so Gov. Craig has decided to allow a civil term, for which the criminal term was substituted, to stand, so that Judge Carter will not try the cases. MOTHER! IF CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED WU17 DnnCCnNIAN Subscription VI JUL IVULILfjJUlllflll, $1.50 year If Cross, Feverish, Constipated, Bil ious, Stomach Sour, Give "Califor nia Syrup of Figs." A laxative toaay saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simplywill not take the time from play to emp ty their bowels, which Decome clog ged up with waste,liver gets slug gish; stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother!- If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other of children's ail ment, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry because it is perfectly harmless and in a few hours all tnis constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough inside cleansing" is oftimes all that is ne cessary. It should be the first treat ment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully, and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Com pany." Don't be fooled! IFF DOWN WHITE POND WAY Oyster Supper Friday Night Baraca Class Organized Raising a "Paint Fund." Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont, Nov. 27 There will be an oyster and fruit supper at White Pond on Friday night, December 5th. The proceeds will go toward painting the school building. The public is cordially invited to attend. Our school is progressing splendid ly under the management of Miss Docia Watson and Miss Ora Pitman. Nearly all the children in the dis trict are enrolled and all seem to be greatly interested in the work. The Sunday school here is rapid ly coming to the front. A Baraca class was organized last Sunday with eigh teen members, and the membership committee has secured eight or ten new members this week.' Mr. H. L. Britt was elected president of the class and Miss Docia Watson teach er. Miss Docia is a great help in the Sunday school, and we are glad in deed to have her with us. It was good of the Philathea class at Oak dale to agree to give her up for a while so she could help. us. We ap preciate it very much. Miss Dovie Britt is teaching the Oakdale Phila thea class, and it is better than ever. The money for the library has been raised and the books are ordered. Come on folks and let's raise money to paint the building just as easily as we raised that. Mr. Burnice Willoughby spent Sat urday and Sunday with friends below Page's MUL Miss Ora Pitman sDent Sundav in Ihe Pleasant Grove section. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Horne visited relatives at daddy's Mill last Sun day. 1 BETHESDA NEWS BATCH. mil GBfflE cf c7 cunB vest tc Cztxt tbstbest UcJ reach cf oc a Tar It at one. V c3 cf Dlabctsa. .Them b rj calatd by dtlay CSa. aad 91.03 DettW. Sunday and Day Schools Progressing Nicely Death of Mrs. D. B. Lewis Potato Crop Short. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont' R. 2, Nov. 27 Quite a number fro mthis place are attend ing court at Laurinburg this week. Our Sunday school is progressing nicely now under the supervision of our young superintendent, Mr. Mar gie Ivey. Look out Barnesville! We are go ing to play a game of ball in the near future. You can come and spectate the game if you wish, as you do not care about playing us yourselves. The entire community was shocked by the sad and almost sudden death of Mrs. D. B. Lewis who died at the Thompson hospital Tuesday, Novem ber 25. She was a devoted Christian and a member of Barnesville First Baptist church, where she gave her heart to God. Several years ago and has trusted him as her only divine leader ever since. She leaves a hus band and several children. The re mains were interred in the cemetery beside Mr. Lewis' former wife who died in 1892. Funeral was conducted by Rev. D. P. Bridges, who delivered the sermon to a well filled church. Mrs. Lewis had been in failing health for a considerable time and returned to the hospital not many days ago for her last time. Although she had been in declining health, her death was unexpected. Digging "taters" is a thing of the past in these parts and the crop seems toie on the short list this time. The school here is making nice pro gress now under tha leadership of Miss Bessie Johnson and Miss Dora King, our charming young teachers. e Coughs That Prevent Sleep, "These coughs are wearing and if they hang cn," can run one down phy sically and lower the vital resistance to disease. Mr. Bob Ferguson, 319 Pine street, Green Bay, Wise, writes: "I was greatly troubled with a bad cough that kept me awake nights. Two small bottles of Foley's Honey & Tar Compound completely cured me." For sale by all dealers. M MOVING SALE Owing to the fact that We have to move our Stock into our new quarters where the Farmers and Mer chants Bank now is We are going to sell our Christ mas Stock of Goods for just about what they cost us. We do this as we have to move right away and we prefer to sell the Christmas stock rather than move it Therefore the Sacri. fice. Our loss is your gain. It is better to shop early and save money than it is to wait later and pay more for your Christmas gifts. We have a large stock that was purchased from the larg. est Northern House. . SALE IS NOW ON. Mcdonald drug company Waverly Hotel Building. S3 Thompson Hospital ! For the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Competent corps of ' trained nurses, steam heated build ing with electric lights, hot bath, etc In fact, everything that is requir ed to equip a modern hospital. DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Supt. C. M. FULLER AND SON One hundred and twenty-three 1 23 Bnggies and Wagons for sale today We can sell you a Robe or Blanket at very low prices. Our stock is COMPLETE. We will be glad to show yon our " HARNESS Horse V Clothing J WAGONS All Grades and Sizes. 1914 Terms to Offer. C. M. FULLER HAS A CAR LOAD OF HORSES AND MULES. I AM IN POSI TION TO SELL YOU MULES AND HORSES ON LONG TIME. I WANT YOUR TRADE. SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY. 'aaSEEEBSSSSEXI TSie Supply House FOR THE FARMER It matters not what you need in the way of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Wagons. Buggies, farm implements, etc, Wc can Snpply Your Wants We have everything for everybody -at the right prices. Call and let us show you. filcEachern, Johnson & McGeachy Co. St Pauls, - - - N. C. 9-9 What Would You Think IF YOUR BUTCHER SHOULD GIVE YOB THREE POUNDS OF STEAK FOR THE PRICE OF ONE? Still, that is our proposition exact, ly we give you three times the amount ef Ught--nd better light, at no greater cost than you have been paying lor the old inferior Wni. How do we do it! Through the Fostoria Mazda Lamp whose brilliant rays will flood your home with the light like sunshine. Then, two, its drawn wire, filament means ruggedness and is insurance against shock and vibration. .... .. L. H. CALDWELL HARDWARE DEPT.

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