.j , ir V.;'.,: r-. f ; : ; , ., ' v , . ' . - - V 1 ' . IT : - J t; - -. . .1 . . i7in, v 1- - - VI. Ml m V lit. M IWk'S 4 mmmm aotes presents "i -1- i lteB hy the. Band upcrinttvn4pnO( Tlra Ilaef ord SunWamsare niueh ishiners. State mission lay observed by -Sunday school and' church," . Col lection $12.20. Their teacher,' Mrs . J. "M . McDuflRe pave a birthday par ty the following afternoon and everx one had a royal "good time. This lead er thinks her band the best in the You can best buy prcsencsror yuu. qentlemcn friends at a MEN S stor. If in doubt buy "HIM" half a dozen of cur fine neckties. We have these in every shade of the rainbow and scores of others things your friends will like. Our .high quality goods and our reasonable pricestie our custo mers to us. ... Bring the BOYS along. They 11 like new Overeats and Suits for Christ mas. J- b Owing to the fact that we have to move our Stock fance of staniplDgJt Out Not Safe , a0 our new quatfers where the FarmerB and Mer? :3crrouiji tcst Almost Wholly Re. Sponsible f or Short DsttOn Cf op thia :ear-How'. the Disease First Ap pears and liow it Spreads Import- OUTFITTERS mm Lumberton, North Carolina ' CCD 008C8 00 O f5 We are Headquar ters for this especial Line. :: State, though a small band but so willinj? to 'respond to any specialjcall. Mrs, Joe Biggs "reports $11.50 from I t..e faithful little yorK&ra aj.lozier, ; We rejojee with Miss 'Marie An rfrews and her bnd at Pleasant Hope in the $"1.52 ottering. This is one of the new bands. They are oing to try to catch up withV their plans. The newly organized band at Ren nert has begun tb plan wisely for the coming year. Mrs. & F. Tolar, their new leader, risnot only stressing the Bible way of giving but filling the minds with missionary information. Contribution, $3.31.. Miss Sallie I'revatte of, Clyborn writes, "We Carried out your Birthday State mission exercise in full. Col lection $11. Dinner was served on the ground. In the afternoon Rev W. R. Davis cave a splendid talK on missions which was enjoyed by all." Miss Mamie Britt reports a very en joyable occasion on State missibn day at Beulah! Collection, $3.88. This is a new band and vith such a wise leader, vwe expect success." ,'Miss Zillie Walters is the faithful leader of the Oaktbn band. The band and church observed the Special State mission day. Collection $3.31. These .little follis. deserye a great deal of praise and their leader i.i very proud I of their success Mrs. A. R.Hedg-, j peth reports S5.!0 from the Rowland ! Sunbeams. They hd friends invited to hear their exercises unci a special I speaker for thq day. " Mrs. John Singlctary invited flu Sunbeams of Bad; Swamp to her hon.e I and entertained - them, with games -and I served ice cteanl, cake and eautty . The I mothers came and tool, part and ail seemed to enjoy the" afternoon to-geth'er-immen; e'ly. More interest was aroused than any effort made here tofore." The contribution was $5 jiiv en to the.J'uddson Centennial fund. Nearly every child earned their mon ey by some individual effort. State Mission Day was observed al- Mr. L. R. Varser told us all alout the Kennedy farm and all en joyed ij. Collection $6.60. Miss Belle Tyner gives a very fa vorable account of, the' Raft Swamp Sunbeams. Her untiring efforts to train the children for future "leaders toVQrder Seed, Tc the Editdr of The Robesonian; , i For the benefit of the several larm- ers who have asked me to do so, I. will tr' to tell you something about the life, history and control of cotton anthracnose. I am sure that the majority of our farmers realize the seriousness of this pest Thifsonevdisease is almost whol ly responsible for our short crop this yeai I have-viite4 farms this year where the yield was reduced at least 50 per. cent from anthracnose infec-. tion. - i Anthracnose, js a fungus disease and once cotton becomes infested with spores, there 3 no treatment thatwill kill the spores without destroying the vitality of the seed, and the absolute preventative is to plant seed ree from this disease on land where dissased cotton did not grow the previous year. It has been proven that, the anthrac nose fungus may live on diseased bolls in the soil for 12 months, but under no case has it been known to live lon ger under field conditions. Where rotation cannot be practiced the only partial remedy the depart? ment of agriculture offers is to break the old cotton stubble deep as early has possible. " ' Anthracnose or pink boll .rot is a fungu.5 which causes the bolls to rot and"is more or less prevalent (and more prevalent in Robeson county) in all parts of the cotton belt, and no variety of cotton is entirely free from tlii-, disease. This disease first ap piws.in the 'bolls as very small dark snots, vv.;i( v. ci.Jarge and become some what -su nken Lr.tlie Venires which are brtu.ii. The disease is w - cnanis canK now is ve are going iu kh uur wiiui; jf ma Stock of Good for just about what they cost u. . We do this as we have to move right away and we prefer to sell the Christmas stock , rather' than move it Therefore he Sacri fice. Our loss)is your gain. It is better to .shop early and save . money thanit is to wait later and pay" more for your Christmas gifts. We'have a large stock that was purchased from the larg est Northern House. . SALE IS NOW ON. - M Mcdonald drug company in Waverly Hotel Building. M'UOUGALD i KITCHEN CABINETS There is nothing better than a Handsome piece of Furniture for a CHRISTMAS PRESENT. We Have most anything in the Furni ture Line that one could desire. Come to see us. y . formed Osi the dis- o a m e o o o o .. o o If it is a GUN, SHELLS, RIFLE, or in fact ANY THING of this nature let us know. O o Q O O O O O O O O O () o o C) () o () o o I so. m the Kingdom ot tjod is a worK wor thy of- commendation. Collection $8.71. Miss Beulah Prevatt is doing splen did work with the Orrum Sunbeams. Reports $2.50. She is planning for a special ! Christmas offering. Mrs. H. T. Pope and Mrs. R. T. Allen are progressing nicely with the Sunbeams at Lumberton. Report $59.-. 69 for State missions and $28.95 for home mission box. : MRS. I. P. HEDGPETH, Band. Supt. of Robeson Assn. 1 McAllister Hardware Co., Jnc. 8 o o o ceo coco coo coco ccooccco coo Be Sure You Get a Pure Leather Shoe cf a.l shoc3 cold for less than .00 coa:ai.T eub?t2.ut9 for leaiher ia J&gm V-$4.C X?3&. miiMTFa "V r - -jbi Why juiy pure lcT.iP.c.r prices for s'ich shoes when you never !::iov.ihcy c .adulterated' i- I". ! ...,! i' --r. f'-t,i ThcTii unsatistuc'orv, , sou un;,tt scus wrts?805f c: ItfVin. wi n rrt. Bfdd dnrinr'1912. r.venr ta'r is boner4 .:T.-:n hone t t -., t-'.'ni. I i.V, !y ;u;!. f r lo of R-oil lclW. No HwUtUiUtCS for "' -r Jr. :i i" t(s t .' j tip s'-ar oa Do l-.v:'-r n,'.0 cv.'.; V . v,i i . ,. ... - Mar Lrunti chow arc mauo n over j J .'.'' "?fc" ' '1C . rfvk-5 :-i tU lire dl.T.-uit .-fir Hrtt.'f ' h 1-r-f-t soiiin.t lino f,f i :it, tp.m ami ehi!Jn'a. A fhipfl t- ri? rfwra h t!5irar;J. wsT.wt'jriurrr'm l-f.ini every rircarti.-bo'tlj cs ta sj-lu nn-J-CLflc. Ucji't pay. I V--" "prices -icr rscr rhoes. A.lvr.irs z'.Zt for r.nd irslst v.rwi 'STtrs t l,s',,'r ?-. Kc- ' r''t r-srccwr.t.5 eett ttitr v. D-a't t ... 'yisi ritit'.o ;. ;. '..re, tui cdio crcci us. ,c ais tpeciil asca ''Hf "' '-' '" ' "Star Bran J Shoes Are' Better" CHICHESTER S PILLS ; eL3S a L?.6SIPPR iff ri 1iliiti It 4 t l Ooia i iv vf- f(V 1 iU J1UC n. I'fl. DUUMVn bKAMt I' I I.I i eartcni1hrst1 Safest. Alwrtf;rtn: ie r or Ci gcscs 000 will break Vnv casa of Chiils & .Fever, Coldi & LaGriUoe: it acts ca the liver better than' Calomel and does not Cares Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Con The worst cases, no matter of how long standing. are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing OiL lf. relieve! Pain and Heal3 at the same time. 25c. 50c. JLUUt Sit fc . - ) .k' " ' 4 Sill ,r-" i . . -' fcr; J.i life. Jii4l'MSiW BETWEEN SAFETY AND DANGER The Wise Man Secures Protection of . FIRE INSURANCE When fire occurs, the most valuable paper a man has Is a policy in a good company. We represent some of the best companies in existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incurred. Some day you may be sor ry you didn't let us write a policy today. Q. T. WILLIAMS TOWN TAX PAYERS LOOK The tax books ere in my -hands and the town ?orely needs the money! The day for payment is here!. If you do not desire me tp all on you, come to ee me and and get your receipt. We must have money at once. 'w H. H. REDFERN, Collector. P : li t ' iir i Cc ii ..-pi ::.'!.! ' y :-r o'C5 .cu::.'J. ;-' a o and is vcaTied oVei' wintct' in infested seed and in old cot ton boll; iind stalks. . Ar.thi acnosc net only attacks tbo cotton bolls but it attacks the young plants and stems. I have seen voung scedfinu's killed by anthracnose before they appeared above fheg round and in cold .weather not favorable to the growth of cotton, it will-cause dani.r, ii:g off near the soil of plants 2 to I inches high. -I hive nlowad up and planted cot ton over again where it had died from attacks of anthracnose, and I thought it was natural for young cotton seed lings to die. when the spring happened to be very cold and wet, but I found out later that I was entirely , mistaken and that it was-anthracnose fungus that" had killed my cotton instead of the cool nights. A healthy young cot ton seedling will stand a1 good bit of of cool weather without apparent in jury to the plant. I want to say from my own experience that where badly infested seed from anthracnose are planted that in every case the stand will be broken very badly, and if the weather is unfavorable when it is try ing to come up, in every case it will be to plant over again. , Anthracnose is spread in several ways, which are as follows: by means of the fungus in the form of thread like mycelium and spores in and on the seed and on diseased bolls or stems left in the field in the fall. Dur ing the growing period of the cotton plant the spores are spread more by the raindrops than from any other source. Insects are also instrumen tal in carrying the spores from plant to plant as the sticky masses readily ad- f here to their feet arid mouth parts. , Anthracnose is worse in wet than in dry seasons, and the disease will be less prevalent by giving the cotton plenty of space to let in sun light and air. As a general rule we do not give our cotton space enough to make the largest yields any- way regardless of the pest. Our cottofi farmers t cannot afford to , ignore, the importance of stamp ing out' this disease before it spreads any more. Anthracnose was first shipped into Robeson county and many of our na tive varieties have become infected from those diseased seed shipped into thecounty. It is not safe to or der cotton seed any more, even if they could be had without paying a prem ium for them. ' We have several good farmers in the county who have several good varieties of . seed already acclimated and it is almost entirely free from the dreadful pest Anthracnose,, and the benefit of seveVal farmers-- 'o have asked me to do so, I have taken note of those farms free from anthrac nose, but I have not been able to find enough "seed f ree"Tfom anfhf iicnose t to anything like plant our crop for an other year. It is . very important to plant, a good variety of cotton already accli mated. Most of those so-called big yielding varieties advertised so gen erally are fakes even if they could be had free from anthracnose It is an undisputed fact that cotton seed ship ped from any distance will not produce Lumberton Furniture Lumberton,N; C. and Buggies Mules and Wagons We Save You Money I. Li Heme of 'the Hackney Bilggy and Wa.sror. The Supply House - FOR THE FARMER ' it waller not what you reed in the wa of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Vagon, Buggies, farm impleou tits, etc., We can Snpply Your Wants , .'.. We have everything for everybody ' - at the right prices. Call and let us snow you. McEacbern, Johnson & McGeachy Co. . - - - - - N. C SL Pauls, Don t Give Useless Christinas WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING WHICH MAKES MOST ACCEPTA ' , BLE PRESENTS. POCKET KNIVES, in nice cases ALL KINS SCISSORS, Gold and nickel plate. ALL SIZE PERCOLATORS 4 SAFETY RAZORS, $1, $2,' $2.50 and $5. I NGERSOLL WATCHES, $1.00, $1.50, and $2.0S. MANICURE SETS, $2.50 to $10.00. '-. BRASS FIRE SETS, . COALVASES AIR RIFLES; 50c, $1 and $10. ALL THER KINDS RIFLES and GUNS, GUN CASES Ac. r.Oc to $2. L. H. CALDWELL HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. a nornu.l " - t r I year they have got 'to become -acclimated, and r . t- '-v?-i f j: cotton is much, more suojecu ur ease before it becomes thoroughly adapted to its new environments. In buying cotton seed, jt is very imr portant that the farmer should know what .type of soil the cotton grew on the previous year and what type of soil would best suit it. This is im Dortant as some of our experimental stations, found the difference in value . $19.25 per acre of the best acclimated varies ties over, the Poorest was one year and $2G.81 another This- wide, range of varieties year, would certainly indicate indicate that ascer taining theVproper variety and type of soil adapted '.o 'its peculiar needs was absolutely necessary for success. '. .. J. A. BOONE JR. . ' Farm Demonstration Agent. SOLD tr DaJOfilSTS RIRVAHLRE oe or sicken. Price 25c. I - v.. V. :?