8 Mtales M tales Anofhtr Car Load of Moles Arrived From St. Louis, Missouri Monday, December 15th You.'will find a good assortment at my barn. Good terms and prices to offer. C. M. FULLER LUMBERTON You will find about 125 Tyson &Joncs, Oxford's and Kinston Buggies. Virginia and Chase City Wagons at CM. FULLER & SON'S repositary. WITHIN THE STATE. Minor Matters of News Gathered From AH Over North Carolina. William K. McCombs gave his rea sons the other day for declining tne appointment as .Ambassador to France. The post entails'-the expen diture of about $150,000 a year,", he said. "It pays $17,600. I could not affqrd to accept it. I am going back to the practice of law and I hope to make some money." Washington, Dec. 18 House lead ers admitted today that tentative preparations had been made for con sideration at this session of govern ment ownership of telephone and telegraph lines. I Washington, Dec. 18 President Wilson will take a three weeks' vaca tion immediately after he signs the currency bill, which is ;expected to be on Monday or Tuesday. Where he will go has not yet been announced, though it is said he and his 'family will select a quiet spot on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans. It is known however that Asheville, N. C. and. several other places have been considered. Washington, December 18 The first Cabinet dinner under the present ad ministration was given by President rand Mrs. Wilson at the White House tonight. Besides members of the' Cabinet and their wives or daughters, "the Vice President and Mrs. Marshall, Secretary Tumulty and some close friends of the Wilson family were invited. Covers were laid for fifty. Governor Craig expects to be in the executive office at Raleigh tomorrow to resume his duties. lie has been greatly-improved through the special treatment for rheumatism received at Hot Springs, Ark. Lieutenant Gov ernor Daughtridge, acting Governor while he was away, declined to consid er general applications, for pardons or to transact any business that could wait for the Governor's return. Crocodile Tears. Charity and Children. At a meeting of cranks in Philadel phia last week an anti-vivipectionist named Frank Stephens took occasion to attack Dr. von Ruck of the city of Asheville, NT. C, by holding up the poor children of the Baptist Orphan s' ?? a? ToT'-a.-vi!' an f ri-V.tfiil exam ples of the brutality that is practiced for "the sake of medical investigation. We hold no brief for Dr. von Ruck or Dr. Julian the perpetrators of this diabolical deed. They are able to take good care of themselves and . have already done sq; but when a long haired dreamer of dreams steps out of his way to discredit this" insti tution and throw out dark hints as to he incompetence of its management, it becomes time for us to submit a few feeble remarks. - "If this man Stephens had .wanted tne truth he could have secured it But the truth is what he did not want A postal card to the general manager would have carried him all the infor mation he needed, but he did not write the postal or ask for the information. Information was precisely what he did not want, for it would have spoiled Ma JUtUe plan. . . Not a child of the 262 . inoculated has suffered the least inconvenience. The serum mayJejgood thing or it may be a fraud but It has not hurt anybody. There hag been no funerals and nobody has missed a meal on account -of it. Mr. Stephens is shed ding. his tears n vain. His sweliine ieart has swelled for" nothing.. We 1 ' v NORTH CAROLINA. HOW TO TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR HAIR Nothing spoils your good looks so much as homely hair stringy, dull colored, harsh. Nothing adds to good looks so much as beautiful hair soft, silky, wavy and glossy. No mat ter how beautiful your hair is now, you can improve its good looks-- by using Harmony Hair Beautifier. If your hair is homely and ugly now, Harmony Hair Beautifier will make it softer, silkier, glossier, more beautiful in every way. It also makes it easier to put up and helps it "stay put." Its rich rose odor hides the unpleas ant, oily smell of the hair. Harmony Hair Beautifier is rightly named; it beautifies 'the hair. Very easy to apply simply sprin kle a little on your hair each time be fore brushing it. It contains no oil, and will not change the. color of the hair, nor darken gray hair, To keep your hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous mch lather that immediately penetrates to every part of the hair and scalp, insuring a quick and- thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments, pntains nothing that can harm the hair; leaves no harshness or stickiness just a sweet smelling cleanliness. Both preparations come in odd shaped, ery ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beau tifier, $1.00. Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or your money back: Sold :n this community only at our store The Rexall Store one of the more than 7,000 leading, drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own the big Harmony lalwratories in Boston, where the many celebrated Harmony perfumes and toilet preparations are made. J. D. McMillan & Son, Lumberton, N. C. . Notices New Advertisements. A handsome piece of furniture as a Christmas present. Lumberton Furniture- Store. Three-horse-farm for rent or sale. Umbrella lost. Many presents for men. Townsend Bros. Auction sale of cht ice lots and small farms near-Parktpn. Offerings for acceptable presents L. H. Caldwell". Sale of valuable real estate. J. S.; Oliver executor of Isaac Snive'v. Sr.. deceased. Easy termfcson Inman farm, to be Isold at auction December 24. Christmas and New Year's, greet ings Whitfield & French. hope that he has not put crepe on his hat and that the vision of child corps- e" Pikd S feet high has not haunted h& dreams. v - This man simply wanted to strike a blow at another and he thought he could use the orphanage to carry out his unholy purpose. f The general manager has crushed his fond hopes and put him in a deep dark hole. Constipation Poisons Yon.; If you ire constipated, our entire system is poisoned by the waste mat ter kept in the body serious results rften follow.- Use Dr. Kind's Ncv I. 'fo Tills and you will soon ret rid of constipation, headache and other tro"bl.. 25c at Drufrjrfsts or bv mail. H.'E. Bucklen & Co. Phila and St. Louis. , . ' ' ; SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE. ; By virtue of authority vested in me, under the will of Isaac Spivey, Sr., de ceased, I will," on .Wednesday the 21st day of January, 1914, at 12 o'clock noon, at the door of the store house of J. S. Oliver Co., in the town of Marietta, N. C, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real es tate, to-wit: In White House township Robeson county: . - First tract: Adjoining the lands of Johnn A. Hill etals: Beginning at the juncture of Big and Little Alliga ,tor, then up Big, Alligator, to a large ditchfthen with said ditch through th? plantation to end of ditch; then direct line to a stake on head of little alliga- I ifrr;. the Evans corner; thence various leourses of little alligator to 'the be- ginnning, containing thirty-eeven fbo if rj i z u SHEE I P f J ft . if 7t .s 3 li 1 ED wJ-S O 52 z as 5 Has been appointed the authorized distributors for Lumberton and vicinity Every member of the family can now have his or of this Bible , THIS ILLUSTRATION The Exact Size of 51-2x 8 1-4 This photoprraph jriveg but a of this Bible. It is bound in Genuine French Seal Leather, has overlapping covers, red-under-gold edges, round corners, "headband and marker. International Bible League presentation plate free wjth Bible. Ask to see this Bible offer means to you.- ' 1 THIS BIBLE ONTAINS: The Authorized Version of the OLD TESTAMENT and NEW TESTAMENT HAS Self -Pronouncing Text . All the proper words being accented and divided into syllables for quick and easy pronunciation. It also contains A New Series of Helps lo Bible Staiiy including 4000 Questions and An3vvers which unfold the Scriptuies. 31 Beautiful Illustrations shewing sceres and incidents of Bible History. 13 maps of Bible lands in colors. Large clear tvper Pine Papen Each Bible supplied with elastic band and packsd in neat box. HOW TO GET THIS BIBE In the corner of this announcement you will find a Bible coupon. Return this coupon to THE ROBESON IAN, .with 98 cents (which covers the items of cost of packing, transportation from, factory, checking, clerk hire and other necessary expense items) and this mstr. nificent Bible will be delivered to you; If the Bible ii t be mailed, send 15 cents extra to cover postage ' 1 1 tsj r 1 r f b rQK a Yiifi THE ROBESONIAN, Lumbertn. N. C, j r .-. ..- , . ff , acrea and a half. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of J. T. Ford, Q, Evans, and others: Beginning at astake D. Evans, J." T Fprd corner arid runs D. -Evans line to J. P. Spivey's line; thence J.i P Spivey's line to Jessey Spivey's line; thence Jessey Spivey's line to J.'.T. Ford's line; thence J. - T. Ford's line to the beginning, contain ing fifty acres, more or less. " - Third Tract: Adjoining the lands of A. N. Mitchell, Watson-heir and others, and more fully described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a liht- wood knot in. Ashpole and runs A. N. Mitchell's line to a knot, Mrs. Mitch ell's corner; thence with her Una to a lightwood knot, dividing corner be tween D. M. Watson and T. D. Wat son; thence with her line to a light wood knot in edge of Ashpole Swamp: thence a straight line to the begin ning, containing sixty acres, more or I 1A0P06C0 D1Dy The International Bible League aims to create asWider use of the Bible by making it possible for every man, woman and child to possess an attractive edition of the Scriptures like that shown in the illustra tration. To accomplish this end the League proposes to appoint in each locality 'a prominent" house to act as distributors through whom the people can obtain this beautiful Bible practically free. For the sake, of convenience, and in order to obtain the widest possible distribution of these Bibles, THE ROBESON! AN her own copy REPRESENTS This Bible, Inches faint idea of the beauty and realize what this fDjnliY less.1 4-h- t. - 'zr Fourth tract: Adjoining the lands ofW. B. Grantham, J. M. Oliver and others: Beginning at a stake in Alii gator .swamp where the old stape road crosses the same and runs alort; said road, to a stake at the end of a ditch near the 18th mile post on' said rtad; thence as said ditch to a s take in the "edge" ql "a branchy thence with the edge of said branch to a north course to a stake in J. M. Oliver's line; thence as his line to W. B. Grantham's line to a stake in the run of Alligator Swamp; thence down the run of sad swamp to the beginning, containing sixty-seven acres more or less. Also at the same ijrw and place I will offer for sale the following per sonal property, to-wit: .', THREE MULES This 18th day of eDcember. 191.3. m - Practl- ,r 6a lu I "" 1 ,n,ij in,, mum, ),i,ui. ' '"."'T'!- 'z -'-fZ. V J""11 1 "fH3 ?', ,vAtv? CAVILS- ' ' t v M i-f?ii -,-' '';f Jt' , r Vv' I X : . . : INTERNATIONAL BIBLE. LEAGUE COUPON The return of this coupon with 98 cents (to cover the Items of cost of packing, transportation from factory, checking, clerk hire , and other necessary expense Uems) entitles the holder to a copy of the International Bible .League Bible. Re mit lcents postage. If 'Bible is to be sent by mail; ktM4 OVER 65 YEARS' . t EXPERIENCE VfT . ? D aw A Trade Marks . r'HfH CoevmoHTsAc Any on sendlnf a skeirh mid description mmy Qnlokly ascertain our opinion frea whether tm liireiitlon Is probably pmeiitnhle. Commrmfte. tlons strictly coiiUOoiit lot. HANDBOOK on Patau , tent free. Oldest sifeiier for securing patents. Patent taken through Mann Co. receive tpteial notice, without chars. In the Scientific Jimcricat). A handsome! Illnst rated weekly. T .arrest elr cnlatlon of an scientlilo Journal. Terms. SS a rear; I oof months, L 8oMb7Jt newsdealers. Branch OOloe. (3s T fit, Washington. U. G. J, S. OLIVER, Executor of c Spiver, Sr., deceased. M'INTYRE, LAWRENCE & PROC TOR, Attys. fdr Executor. 12-9-12225Mon. Not. 27, 1912