THE SEMI WEEKLY ROBESONIAN o COO ccccccco cooo ceo cccccc CI o o o 11 o o O o o o 8 o ) a A FEW CHRISTMAS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF, CIGARS EVER SOLD IN LUMBERTON. PUT I P IN BOXES OF 25; 50 AND 100 IN CHRISTMAS BOXES, ALL THE STANDARD BRANDS. WE HAVE A VERY SELECT LINE OF STATIONERY IN CHRISTMAS BOXES, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. PERFUMERY WE HAV ETHE MOST c6mPLETE LINE OF PERFUMERY AND TOILET WATERS AND TOILET PREPARATIONS EVER CARRIED BEFORE H U DN UTS, SPIEHLER, ETC MANICURE AND TOILET SETS IN LEATHER, ETC. WE HAVE A FEW OF THESE SETS THAT ABE OF THE VERY EEST. PARISIAN IVORY. WE HAVE .AS UNUSUAL PRETTY SELECTION OF THIS IN SETS AND INDIVIDUAL PIECES. IT IS OF THE BEST GRADE AND ABSOLUTELY GENUINE. CANDY OUR LINE OF CHRISTMAS CANDI.KS IS BEST WE HAVE EVER . HANDLED, WE HAVE ALL SIZES IN PRETTY DESIGNS FROM 50 CENTS TO $10.00 PUT UP ESPEC 4 I ALLY FOR THE BEST CHRISTMAS TRADE. FOUNTAIN PENS WE HAVE ALL SIZES AND DESIGNS IN THE PAUL E. WIRT PEN PUT UP IN CHRISTMAS BOXES. AN INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE LINES WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THEY ARE AS ADVERTISED. - SUGGESTIONS fjeco COCCCCCO COCO NOTICE. Commissioner's Re-Sale of Land Under and by virtue of a decree lately rendered by the Superior Court of Robeson county in the case of E. D. McNeill vs. D. W. Millsaps and wife, Stella Millsaps the undersigned .Com missioner will On the Fifth Day of January, 1914. same being the first Monday in Jan uary, 1914, at about 12 o'clock M., ex pose to sale for cash to the highest bidder at public outcry at the Court House door in Lumberton, North Caro lina, the folowing described land situated in the town of Lumberton. Lumberton township said county and State, descried as foVows: Beginning at an iron stake, R. P Caldwell's corner in the Northern lino of the Eliraheth road near the' south edge of the gulley, and runs as said Caldwell's line north 26 -2 west 1 82 1-2 feet to an irbn stake on the northern edge of said gulley; thence pouth 66 degrees and 15 minutes west, 99.66 feet to the center of a sweet gum tree, said Caldwell's corner p.nd corner of McQueen's land; thence south 30, east 10Q feet from the cen ter of said gum to the northern line of said Elizabeth, road; thence as the , line of said road, north 56 1-2, east 93.77 ft. to the beginning, containing 87.54 square feet, and being designa ted as lot number 694 on the k map of the town of Lumberton made by J. E. Purcell, Civil Engineer, approved and adopted by the Board of Commis sioners of the town of Lumberton as the official map thereof, and being the same lot formerly known as the Mc Neill stable lot, and conveyed by Ed mund McQueen to William B. Thom son, and and by Mary Troy to Con dary Godwin, and by W. F. French, Assignee of Condary Godwin to J. T. Petteway and by Petteway to J. W. McNeill and by J. W. McNeill and wife to D. W: Millsaps, it being the same lot upon which the dwelling house formerly occupied by D. W. Millsaps is situated. Said sale will be made for the pur pose of said decree, free and clear of all encumbrances. This, 19th day of December, 1913. J. D. McLean, Commissioner. v M'LEAN, VARSER & M'LEAN, 1222-2Mon. Attorneys. it, f, Th RohrforiiHn Another Car Load of Male Arrived Yenwill find a good assortment at Mules Mules Monday e M. FULLER LUMBERTON Yob will find about 125 Tyson &Jones, Oxford's and Kinston Buggies. Yb'giHia and Chase City Wagons at CM. FULLER & SON'S repositaryt THE POPE DRUG COPANY 'The House of Quality." CCD ccccccco cccoccco ccocccco ceo WHEN I HAD CROUP MAMMA USED AND CURED ME. I h ve i'wd Cowans Preparation extensively in Pneumonia casts, both children ai.d adults, and hava found it entirely satisfactory. As an ex tenal drtssing-, I And it the best thin I hare ev.r uucd. K. K. YELLOTT. M D. St. Stephens. S. C. V: Drusslsts Sell Cowans 3 S:ZE3, 25c. E0 AND $1.00 "3 'VAN MEDICAL CO. ONCORD, M C. Founder of Removed. George Junior Republic New York Dispatch, 18th. Removal of William R. George from active participation in the affairs of George Junior Republic at Freeville, N. Y., founded by him more than ten years ago is recommended by the State board of charities in a report adopted by the board yesterday after noon and made public today. George's moral conduct is severely condemn ed. An investigation begun more than six months ago resulted in the recom mendation. More than fifty witnesses in six states were examined with re gard to charges of loose living made against George by three young wo men, former members of the repub lic. The oldest of these charges dated back to 1904. The most recent was several years old. The .testimony was unprintable and no verdict as to whether the charges were proved was was rendered by the committna under whose directionjthe investigation was was made. " From St- Louis, Missouri 15th IT - my barn. Good terms and prices to Offer. - . .. NORTH CAROLINA. 'A VISIT TO CHARLESTON, Some Interesting Observations About the Historic Old City A Native of Robeson Who is Making Good There. To the Editor of. The Robesonian; The writer took a, few day.i off a short time since and visited the old and historic city of Charleston, S. C and these notes are simply given as a slight sketch of a city that that was once prominent in the eyes of the world. Fort Sumpter, that little fort that brought on all our woes and troubles, lies now unknown and unnoticed in the entiance of the harbor. The firing on the fort by the Confederates raised a furor in the North. Up to that time, there had been, outside of the radical newspapers, comparative little in terest concerning Lincoln's doings. He forced the issue by letting Davis start the ball. He did it sherwdly and premeditatedly. Davis, we sup pose was carried away by the force of the hot headed secessionists, who crowded to Charleston from all parts ef!the South. "Find out what your enemy wants you to do and then don't do it," is an old military adage that our govern ment overlooked. Had Davis permits ted Lincoln to fire the first shot, then the hue and cry raised by Lincoln about "firing on the flag," would have never been. Lincoln was a shrewd old coon. He had great tact, and himself was the best general in the North. The beautiful Isle of Palms was vis ited, also Sullivan's He, which is now a government station, and which was used during the war as a prison, when 400 Confederates were daily .ex posed to the shells of the Yankees, and from which hell only 25 survived the ordeal. (Excuse this rambling nar- rative, for when we start on such things we don't know when to stop.) Charleston is certainly a place of absorbing interest. Her people keep true to their Southern heritage. Here character, morality and worth are superior to ' the North ern influx of money, bags and her old families are 'impervious to the gilt and tinsel of money, unless ac companied by worth and-virtue. When a hoy we remember reading in the old Fayetteville Observer (and I wish it could be reproduced) an account of M'Alpiris visit to Charleston, said to have been written by the late Judge French. It was a most amusing ac count of a Mr. McAlpin's, of Robeson first visit to Charleston. Probably some of your older citizens remember. As this was not the writer's first visit, he must not be compared to McAlpin. Charleston has a great many place.' of interest, and among these are her many hospitals and sanatoriums A Robeson county boy, raised under the regime of the Lowrey gang, wher life TSd"DroT5ertv"W,erB"-nTiRafj in that section is now the proprietor of one of t,he finest sanatoriums in the city. Nothing but the unyielding in tegrity and honesty of the father and the progress and hopefulness of the mother could have raised up and edu cated a family of boys and girls, and to send them out to do the world's work. One of the results of such training in the Baker Sanatorium and surgical hospital owned and conducted by Dr. A. McE. Baker, one " of Charleston's foremost surgeons. What an instructive and interesting biographycouldsuch ajife afford! To a friend enquiring as to what he most admired, jn Baker's sanatorium, the reply was the executive ability that planned and controlled the plant, and .the womanly wife that had the other end of the stick. He is a pro duct of North Carolina and she the product of South Carolina, one being the complement of the other! snyder: Red Springs, N. C. There's a whole day tomorrow that ain't been tetched OH Southern coo ccccocco coco coo ccccocco coco ceo cooooooo coesj Worn Out? No doubt you are, if you suffer from anyof the numerous ailments to , which an women are sub ject. Headache, back . ache, sideache, nervous-i 4 ness, weak, tired feeling, are some of the symp toms, and you must rid yourself of them in order to feel well. Thousands of women, who have been benefited by this remedy, urge you to . Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., says: "Before taking C a r d u i , I was, at times, so weak I could hardly walk, and , the pain in my back and head nearly killed me. After taking three bottles of Cardui, the pains dis appeared. Now I feel as well as I ever did. Every suffering woman should try Cardui." Get a bottle today. -68 Alexander Should Resign. Monroe Enquirer. It is up to Mr. J. L Alexander of Asheville to resign as a member of Gvenor Craig's staff. Alexander v as appointed a member of the Govcror's taff in ggod faith, the Governor net knowing that the Asheville cit'zen on his staff was keeping, large quantities of liquor for sale, but at the liquor selling investigation held in Asheville recently, Alexander a big hotel man and a member of the Governor's staff was one of the number canp-ht in the net and who had to come across with a fine for violating the prohibi tion law. Alexander to relieve Gover nor, Craig's embarrassment should, resign and if he does not resign he deserves to be called down. DANGER AFTER GRIPPE Lies in Poor Blood, Cough and Worn-Out Condition. unppe, pleurisy, pneumonia are greatly to be feared at this season. To prevent grippe from being fol- lwsd--byHb?sf3rty-.opjmeujac)-. jnia, It is important to drive the last traces of it out of the- system. Our advice Is to take VInoL oar delicious cod liver and iron prepara tion without oil, and get your strength and vitality back quickly. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen. Miss., says: Grippe left me weak, run-down and with a severe cough from which I suffered for a long time. I tried different remedies, but nothing seem ed to do me any good until. I took Vinol from which I received great benefit My cough Is almost entirely gone and I am strong and well again." Try Vinol "with the certainty that If Jtdpes not benefit yog. we will giro back your money. "' - "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday, and it never happen ed." Anon, It is usually not se nvicn the great ness of our trouble as the littleness of our spirit which makes us complain. lereroy Taylor. : . Dyspepsia is America's curve. To restore" dige?tion, - ri'mal wtighr, 'ood health and purify the blood, use Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold at all! TAKE Mi The Woman's Tonic , i barnesville news batch. f Public Debate Christ mas rcrcisef in.l Tre at ri Chnrh d04.ll. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Barnesville, Dec. l'J Rev. M. A. Stephens filled his regular , appoint ment here Saturday and Sunday. We are glad to see our girls who have been away at school return home for Christmas. They make our little town brighter. The Barnesville band filled an en gagement with P. A. Hodges and Watson of Columbia, S. C, at Pages Mill Saturday, 13th. Jhe public debate here Friday night was good. We are proud of the work being .done this school year. We have a competent set of teachers and they are using their talents. The Christmas exercises and tree of the Baptisf church will be given Christmas Eve at 7 o'clock. We hope to entertain a large crowd with an interesting exercise. All have a cor dial invitation. . We are sorry to report the condition of Mr. B. S. Yates unimproved. He is seriously ill. ..... Mr. Will Barnes is moving here again. He will occupy the house for merly ocupied by Mr. E. T. Lewis. We welcome the new comers. Miss Martie Walters and newphew Jeootha Floyd, have been spending a few days in Wilmington with the bro ther of the latter, Mr. W. O. Floyd How are you going to spend Christ mas? Would you spend it as your Master would have you do it? If so, do not stoop low enough to touch strong drink. It is a shame t cele brate the birth of the Saviour of the world under the influence of strong drink, and God is .not pleased with it. We begin by believing that the way of life is by acquisition. We live to learn that it, is by abandonment. The Evolution of a Girl's Ideal. We all have need of the prayer of the British mariner: "Save us, O God, Thine ocean is so large, and our little boat so small." Canon Farrar. A FRIEND TO THE WORKING MAN Five years ago I was so troubled with kidney trouble and in flammation of the bladder that I had to lease working my farm. Life looked dark to me until I heard of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root through a cured friend. I tried a bottle and began to feel better at once. After using five or six bottles I felt fine and nave continued to work as I had before my affliction. I want to state that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is a kidney medicine th?.t will cure and I owe my good work during the past nve or six years to it Yours very truly, , i C W. MORRIS, Prescott. Arkv- Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 27th day . of March, 1912. O. B. GORDON, Notary Public. This is to certify that Mr. C. W. Morris has bought Swamp-Root at this store in the past. ADAM GUTHRIE, Jr. fins?; Letter to -Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do ; For You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kithier & Co, Binghamton, N. Y, for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You- wJl also, receive, a , booklet of valuable- information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writ ing be sure and mention the Lum berton ' Semi-Weekly Robesonian. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Constipation Poisons You. If you are constipated, your entire. system is poisoned by the waste mat ter kept in the body serious results rf ten follows Use Dr. King's New Jafe Pills and you will soon ' get. rid of- constipation, headache and utlrer troubles. 25c at Druggists or by mail. H. E. Buckleo & Co. Phils and Contest Over Trusteeship of Ceetrar Hospital for Insane. Raleigh Special, 18th, to Charlotte Observer. It develops that there is to be a contest after all for membership--the Board of Trustees of the Central Hospital for Insane here between It. H. Salisbury of Martin County a A. B. Croom of Burgaw, Mr. Salisbury being an appointee of Governor Kites- in and MrCroom of Governor Craig to the same place. Mr. Croom has the advantage of having a Senate con firmation of the appointment he holds from Governor Craig. It was thought last May that Mr. Salisbury had given up his fight, bot he presented himself at the annual meeting of Directors, just held aaa demanded recognition, which was re fused. Superintendent Anderson also declined to sign his voucher for $9.5 per diem and expenses. Mr. Salisbury claims his commis sion from Governor Kitchin to suc ceed Dr. John D. Briggs was for the unexpired term extending to 1917. Governor Craig when he succeeded Governor Kitchin exercised the right of appointing another on the ground that Mr. Kitchjn's appointment eouW only hold until the next Legislature. Indications are that a suit will, be started to test the matter in the courts at once. Raleigh and CAarleston Kiilrc:! TIME TABLE NO, 3 TAKING E NOV. 50. 1I FECT SUNDAY, 12:01 A. M. SOUTH BOUND No. 5 No. 1 Lv: Lumberton 1:00 pm 10:20 a. sa " Pope 1:10 10:30 Kingsdale 1:15 44 10:36 - , " Proctorville 1:35 " 10:55 u " Barnesville 2:00 " 11:10 " Flowers 2:0 11:18 " Marietta 2:25 " 11:23 " " Homesville 2:32 " 11:27 " " Pages Mill 3:00 ' 11:33 f " Kemper 3:20 " 11:39 " May 3:25 11:42 " " Mellier 3:30 ".-11:44 " " Squires 3:35 " 11:48 " Fork 4:05 " 11:52 " Smithboro 4:15 " 11:56 " " Zion 4:20 " 11:59" M " Rogers 4:35 " 12:06 p r Ar. Marion 5:00 " 12:20 ' NORTH BOUND No. 2 No. 6 Lv. Marion 3:35 p m 6:40 a r " Rogers 3:48 " 7:00 " " Zion 3:55 " 7:10 " " Smithboro 4:00 " 7:20 Fork 4;05 M 7:30 " Squires 4:08 M 7:34 " " Mellier, 4:11 " 7:38 " " May .l4:i5u."XL43 ' Kemper 4:18 " 7:48 " " Pages Mill 4:24 " 7:55 " " Holmesville 4:30 " 8:05 " " Marietta 4:37 " 8:15 " " Flowers 4:44 " 8:25 44 " Barnesville 4:52 44 8:35 44 w Proctorville 5:06 44 9:09 44 M, "Kingsdale 5:20 44 9:20 44 44 Pope 5:25 44 9:30 44 Ar. Lumberon 5;40 44 9:45 "! LANE, Siperin'endent 'WOVEReSYMar j , CXPCRICNCC D Tradk Maims - Dcsicns COPYHtGKTa Ac Y V BBBBSBSBSBBBBBMBJBJBJBSaBtSBBBBBBBB Atrven Mndtkf a ke.ii an4 imariMUm m ajttekly aaenin cur o,ui frM it other aa InveuUoa u prubabir uif iM. Coataiaiilm. UonaMrteOrroafetontlal. HANObOOK ruiali Mnt fraa. Olilcat iMlicf tor acsrinf patwua. Fataata taaaa taroac ti Mann A Co. nuatra ajwriai aoUca, wtthoat cinrwa. In tba Scientific JTmcrican. A kaadatmalf lllaatratml 1tlT. iMrwmt ear. Blatle ( aa Hnut lonrvaJ. Tnraia. S3 pr: foaraoBlaa,l. Soid ay ail aaaaJ'Hara. ' BiaaaSCa.arsuWaBBhwtaa,lXC. . ft ft- -Yl s drug stores. Price 1.00 I St. Louis. 1 1