THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 191. PAGE FIVE. THE BOBESONIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914. SCHEDULE. LOCAL RAILROAD - Arrival and Departure of Train, at Lumberton. atiAtJUAKU A1K LJNfc.. """here. But honestly, if anything bet - TTain No. 19, westbound Lvs 7:11a.m. ; ter hag ever fceld the boards at the Train No. 23, west-bound Lvs 7:59pm Train No. 24, east-bound Lvs 7:47am j raid For' the attraction here rn Train No. 14 east-bound Lvs 9:48am; day evening, it would be mighty hard Train No. 20, east-bound Lvs 9:47pm ; for anybody who has seen every I play of any merit presented here in VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN : JJ yeaa to say Pwhjch ane it was. From Hope Mills. Train No. 79 Train No. 64, Train No. 65 Train No. 78, arrives 8:55am leaves 9:50am arrives 6:25pm leaves 8:20pm ELIZABETHTOWN BRANCH. Between St. Paul and Elizabeth town. (Mixed Trains Daily "Except Sunday) Train No. 7, leaves St Paul 9:05pm Train No. 7, leaves Tar Heel 9:55pm Train No. 7, leaves Dublin 10:25pm Train No. 7, ar. Elizab'tht'n 10:45pm Train No. 8, arrives St. Paul 8:00am Train No. 8 lv. Tar Heel Train No. 8, leaves Dublin Train No. 8, lv Elifabtht'wn 7:15am 6:30am 6:00am 'RALEIGH & CHARLESTON Train No. 1 Leaves 10:20am Train No. 2 arrives 5:40pra i . - Special Notices FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from prize-winning barred Plymouth Rocks $1 for setting of 13 eggs. Address Mrs. Cora E. Gerrald, St. Paul's, N. C. . , DR. TEBEAU wishes to announce that he has returned to Lumberton, where he will remain for several weeks for the practice of osteopa thy. Leave calls - at McDonald Drug Co., or Mr."- Lloyd Town send's. LOST in town of Lumberton Satur- day, $42 in currency $10 reward j if returned to Will Jones, Jr. Lumber- j jQn HQ It i ' I FOR RENT Farm in Howellsville township. One dwelling. R. M. i Lewis place. 100 acres cleared. Ap- j ply E. G. C. Mitchell, Fairmont, N. It JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD . .horses and mules. Prices and terms right. W. F. French & Co. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD mules and horses. Prices and terms j right. W. F. French & Co. WANTED I want three good farm ers with enough force to run a one horse crop each. Good reference re quired; I also want three good plow boys, I have good land, teams and tools, with deep wells affording absolutely pure water; good com fortable buildings with 4 to o rooms. J. M. Smith, Elkton. N. C. FURS We are still in the market to buy all kinds of furs and pay the highest prices. Blanker Bros., Lumberton, N. C. FOR THE FARMERS We offer for sale big lot steel two-horse plows, ! also plenty of canvas for tobacco beds. Jno. T. Biggs Company, Lumberton, ; N.C. MULES AND HORSES I have just ; received a car load of nice mules j and horses. See them before buy- i ing. O. C. Deese, Lumberton. I SPECIAL VALUES in Furniture and house furnishings at K. M. M. BIGGS.' BUY YOUR FERTILIZER from K. M. Biggs and get goods that will make a big crop. Box Supper at Long Branch. Come to tne box supper, we snail expect the students, patrons, and of course the teacher of each of our neighboring districts. Twill be at Long Branch on the evening of Feb. 21. We have FOUND it best not to advertise every feature. Expect more and be DEAD sure to come. PROGRAMME COMMITTEE, LONG BRANCH SCHOOL, EMORY PREVATT, Sec'y. Indian Teachers Meeting February 13. A meeting of the Robeson county Indian teachers will be held in the In dian Normal building, at Pembroke Friday, February 13, 10:30 a. m. Mr. E. E. Sams of the State Depart ment of Education wilL be with us at this meeting. Supt. Poole is to be with us and is very anxious that all the teachers should attend. E. LOWRY, Chm. Valentin Piirtv and Fruit Sunnor. ! There will be a valentine party and fruit supper at White Pond school house on Friday night, February 19th. The public is cordially invited. Children Cry ' FOR FLETCHER'S CA ' ' "T" r- ' A 9. I S.J IX I J. A SPLENDID PLAY. -Bought and Paid For Perhaps the ! Best Play Ever Presented in Lum- i berton. - One hesitates to speak in superla- ; r.iv tirm of nlavs o-iven at the onera house for Jn the yery nature of things one could not expect many su-' perlatively good plays to stop off local Pera house than "Bought and( Keeping in mind the fact that what impresses one as exceptionally good In a town too small to get what are con sidered 'the best attractions on the road might not every time impress one as good at all in a larger place, still, when all is said and all allow ances made, it is a fact that "Bought and Paid For" was most admirably presented here. Every member of the cast interpretted her or his part with consummate are and held the mirror up to nature with a truth that left nothing to be desired. It's a simple little story: Robert Stafford is a millionaire who has won his way to wealth from poverty. He falls in love with and marries Virginia Blairie, " a beautiful, noble-spirited ipoor girl whom he met when she was a telephone girl at a hotel. Stafford's -j coarseness when drunk tortures his I pure-minded wife and at the end of " i two vpars after n crenp when Staf ford came home dnjnk and trampled j ruthlessly upon every refined sense of his wifCf brutaiiy telling her, when She revolted, that he bought and paid i for her. she leaves him. Three months of separation, during which Virginia I suffers alI the hardships possible to , B- delicate woman who fMa from the i, - , . . ,.- . lO U Ul 1 UAlil V UU VV11 LU 1.1113 lll.t3 ut a seven-dollars-a-week shop girl, and then the Deus ex machina in the per son of James Gilley, a cheerful idiot who is the husband of Virginia's sis- ,VCI' wm ls to reconciliation; and everybody 18 ijappy .agam- M , Tnere 18 room for plenty of good acting in the four nets, and good act- mS was done by every member of the castTNot once in a blue moon do Lumberton people have opportu- nity of seeing such a play under their own vine and fig tree, so to speak. And the play teaches a les son, withal; it is the best sort of a sermon. Manager Wishart certainly got the best going on this circuit when he booked "Bought and Paid For." A large audience greeted the perform- ance. Notices of New Advertisements. The First National Bank tells you what kind of Valentine the girls like. Everything men and boys wear at bottom prices Townsend Bros. The Bank of Lumberton advises you to take the same care in selecting your bank that you tak'e in planting melons and cucumbers. "Fire in the McDonald Drug Store." "The best is always cheapest" Jno. T. Biggs Co. What you want in mules, buggies, i carriages, wagons and harness. W. r . . f , ' L- Inh-nw. Contractor M. B. Sutton offers to pave your sidewalks for less. Dr, A. C. Tebeau has returned to Lumberton for the practice of osteo- pathy. Farm in Howelsville township for refit. Ira B. Mullis, civil engineer, has office in McNeill building. Eggs for hatching from prize-win- ning Barred Plymouth Rocks. Public auction of choice early peach trees at court house February 23. County Board of Education gives notice to high schools that it will receive bids for location of farm-life school. Reward for return of lost money. ! Bar Meeting to Arrange Court Calen- dar. A meeting of members of the bar of tMfe county will be held here to j morrow, afternoon at 3 o'clock to ar range the calendar for the term of j Robeson Superior Court which will begin February 23d. Mr. T. A. McNeill, Jr., has in his possession an old Spanish coin of the vintage of 1719. It was brought to town Saturday by Mr. D. L. Edge of Howellsvile township and was found in Beaverdam township, Cumberland county, under the founda tion of an old chimney. On one side it has a Maltese cross and the in- ,i. '7 ' the other a crown, and some jnsenp- tion ut "Rex" is onlY ri that ' can be deciphered. i ' , After a hearty meal, take Doan's F?ooniloto an1 aucief I'finr ctimath ! liver and bowels. Regulets are a mild r j laxative. 25c at all stores. ; j " j To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxatitebromo Quinine. ittopthe; Coueh and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund moSrjr il it fails to care. , B. W. GROVE-S signature on each box. 25c PERSONAL Mr. Daniel Smith of Long Branch is in town today Mr. N. A. Townsend of Ten Mile ; was in town Saturday. Mr. J. P.. Wiggins of Maxton is ; a Lumberton visitor today j , Miss Cora Page spent yesterday at j Barnesville visiting relatives. Mr. Frank Bethune of Ten Mile is,Blinn Owen, teacher of organ at St. among the visitors in town today. Mr. R. F. Gregory of route 6 from Lumberton was in town Saturday. Mr. R. F. Kinlaw of route 7 from Lumberton was in town Saturday. Mr. Okey Stephens of Mt. Eliam was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. 1 pjpe organ recently installed at- this Night Policeman D. Berry spent ' church through all its paces. He yesterday at Marion with his fam- j made it whisper so low at times that ily. j the ear was strained to catch the Mr. Kelly Johnson of Barnesville "concord of sweet sounds"; and then ia amono- the visitors in town to;a&aln he made in thunder day. Mr. E. G. Mitchell of Fairmont was among the visitorsln town Sat urday. Mr. Grady Frink of Bladenboro was among the visitors in town Sat urday. Mr. D. B. Mclntyre of Back Swamp is among the visitors in town today. Mr. G. L. Robertson of Rowland is among the business visitors in town today. Mr, Jasper Humphrey of Orrum was amon gthe visitors in town this morning. Mr. Jno. C. Stout of Rocky Mount is mong the business visitors in town today. Mr. M. H. Edmund of route 4 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. G. L. Townsend of route 6 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Thursday. Mr. Wesley Kinlaw of route 7 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Thad Stone, principal of the school at Mt. Eliam, was a Lumber ton visitor Saturday. Mr. Rossie Britt of Bloomingdale passed through town Saturday en route to Bladenboro. Messrs. W. J. Wilkerson and E. H. Prevatt of Center are among the visitors in tow ntoday. .Mr. W. G. Pope and son, Mr. Grady of Pope's crossing were among visitors in town this morning. Mr. V. B. McMillan spent yester day at Southern Pines and Aberdeen, making the trip in an auto. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lawrence will leave this evening for Baltimore, Md., where they will spend a few days. Mrs. A. H. McLeod left Saturday morning for Henderson, where she will spend some time visiting rela tives. Mr. J. A. Boone, Jr., county farm demonstrator, left this morning for Rowland where he will spend the day on business. Miss Flora Bunchan, teacher at Marietta, spent the week-end in town j Wake Forest, which will be held Fri a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j day afternoon and evnening, February M. G. McKenzie, Elm street. ! 13. Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Miss Sarah Stone of Mt. Eliam j there will be a debate on the query, spent Saturday and yesterday in j "Resolved, That the provision of the town visiting her sisters Misses Katie j Panama Canal Act exernpting coast- and Nora Stone. Miss Agnes Johnson, who is teach ing on Broad Ridge, and Miss Lula May Johnson, who is teaching at Bloomingdale, spent the week-end in town with home folks. Miss Ola Fleming, who had been visiting for some time at the home of her uncle Rev. J. M. Fleming, near the county home, left Saturday for her home at Haskell, S. C. Mr. W. K. Bethune, clerk to the House of Congress committee on re form in the Civil Service, left yes terday for Washington after spending a week at home on business. Miss Annie Lee McArthur, teacher of the school at Buck Horn, Parkton, route 1, spent Saturday "and yester day in Lumberton a guest at the home of Miss Laura Prevatt, Pine and Third streets. Mr. Stephen Mclntyre, who is a member of, the board of trustees of the Baptist orphanage at Thomasville and attorney for the board, spent Friday at Thomasville on business pertaining to the orphanage. Miss Nealie McLean,-who is teach-; ing. This catalog is issued by T. W. ing at the Meadows school house, I Wood & Son'3 of Richmond, Va., and about three miles from town, on the j contains up-to-date and useful infor Meadows road, spent the week-end at mation. Red Springs, visiting relatives. She ; returned to Lumberton last evening and spent last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Barnes. License has been issuedfor the marriage, of J. L. Powers and Lula Kinlaw. ' ' Contractor J . I. Newberry began j this morning the erection of a two-j story, seven-room residence for Mr r v r p,no nH ' ':L . u.':u: .-n i. blXth Streets r font Ior renc- "C & "V;":; without erinintr and without bad af- iter effects. 25c at all drug stores. ORGAN RECITAL. Recital Given at Chestnut Street Methodist Church Thursday Eve ning Greatly Enjoyed by a Large Audience, The organ recital given at Chest nut Street Methodist church Thurs day eVening was attended by a repre sentative crowd of Lumberton people that comfortable filled the main auditorium of the church. Mr. R. Mary's and organist at Christ church, Raleigh, who presided at the organ, is ; well known in musical circles throughout the South. He is a musi , cian who knows how to play classical ! music in a way that appeals to the j uncultivated ear. He put the splendid tones. And if he missed anything be tween the two extremes it missed this reporter. The large audience thoroughly en joyed every selection rendered by Mr. Owen, also vocal solos faultlessly ren dered by Mesdames R. R. Carlyle and B. W. Page. Mr. Carlyle played vio lin accompaniment when Mrs. Caryle sang. There was great disappoint ment that the condition of Mrs. Var ser's throat rendered it impossible for her and Mrs. J. Q. Beckwith to take part in the programme, which was carnea oui as given oeiow wun uus ; excePton: 1 . 1 A - itf i Togrimmc I. (a) Prelude and Fuga in D flat Bach (b) Pastorale in G Scarlatti (c) Walter's Prize Song, from The Master Singers Wagner This is the now famous and univer sally familiar song by which Walter in the last scene of the opera finally triumphs in the contest for the hand of Eva.- II O, Divine Redeemer Gunod Mrs. R. R. Carlyle. III (a) Introduction from Faust, - Gunod (b) Cantilene Nupitiale .. Dubois (c) Melody in F flat .... Shelley IV. I Waited for the Lord Mendelssohn Mrs. L. R. Varser, Mrs. J. Q. Beckwith. V. (a) Meditation Owen (b) Largo from New World Sym phony Dvorak VI. "I Will Extol Thee, O Lord" from Eli Costa Mrs. B. W. Page VII. Recessional .. .. .. Guilmant Mr. Owen was a guest while here at the home of Mayor and Mrs. A. E. White, returning to Raleigh Fri day. His kindness in coming to give this recital, asking nothing except his expenses, is greatly appreciated. Offerings taken at the door amounted to $30. Annual Celebration of Literary Socie ties at Wake Forest. The Robesonian acknowledges re ceipt of an invitation to the 79th an nual celebration of the Euzelian and Philomathesian Literary Societies of wise shipping of the United States from the payment of tolls should be repealed." In the evening at 8 o'clock there will be orationsl The orator fofc the Philomathesian Society is Mr. W. Mac. Johnson of Robeson county, whose subject will be "The Con servation of the Home." Marriage of Miss Hannah J. Lewis and Mr. Grover C. Frink. Reported for The Robesonian. On February 8th, at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. W. E. Levns, near Bladenboro, Miss Hannah J. Lewis and Mr. Grover C. Frink were united in marriage by Rev. I. P. Hedgpeth in the presence of a number of friends. After the. ceremony, togeth er with a few friends, they were en tertained at the home of Mr. J. M. Frink, father of the groom. This popular young couple have the best wishes of their numerous friends. Wood's Garden Guide for 1914. Receipt of a copy of Wood's Garden Guide for 1914 reminds one that ! it is time to get busy about garden- The King of All Laxatives. For constipation, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y.j says they are the King oi au laxatives, ihey are a blessing to all my family and Talways keep a box at home." Get a box and Pet well again. Price 25c. At Drug- glStS Or Dy mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co, Philadelphia or . St. Lo'jls. " . ., . . .. . . Doan's Reeulets are recommended by mary who say they operate easily. TO OUR PATRONS Esoeciallv and to the readers of thU nn M. 0 . w - m - v m r m v . per generally we wish all a happy and prosperous New Year. In order o furth er decrease our m large stock we will give any and all customers bargain prices. BOYLIN'S JEWELRY STORE The Great K. T t III ill ifiWn '- -I N. Jacobi Hardware Co. WILMINGTON YOUR CONVENIENCE! Our Drug Store affords many conveniences not found elsewherei Drug Stores have character just the same as people. We want yea to visit our store and judge it by its conveniences, serivec, qualify of goods and right prices. ; COME IN AND WAIT FOR A FRIEND, WAIT FOR THE MAILS TO OPEN, USE OUR 'PHONE, HAVE PARCELS WRAPPED, BUY YOUR POSTAGE STAMPS. We want you to feel perfectly free to use these conveniences at any time. Come in at any time and wa it for a friend. We have ample room and do not want you to feel that your waiting is an imposition. We sell postage stamps as cheerfully as drugs. Bring your parcels and have them' weighed. The Pope Drug Company Frank P. Glass of Alabama, editor of the Birmingham News, last week lost his fight for a seat in the United States Senate. The vote sustained the recommendation of the commit tee on privileges and elections, which held that Mr. Glass was not entitled to be seated because his appointment by Governor O'Neal to succeed the late Senator Joseph F. Johnston was made after the 17th amendment to the constitution, directing election of Sen ators by the people, had been pro claimed in full effect. Colds and Croup in Children. Many people rely upon Chamber lain's Cough Remedy implicitly in cases of colds and croup, and it never disappoints them. Mrs. E. H. Thom as, Logansport, Ind., writes: "I have found Chamberlain's cough Remedy to be the best medicine for colds and croup I have ever used, and never tire of recommending it jto my neighbors and friends. I have al ways given it to my children when offering from croup and it h;i never failed to give them prompt relief." For sale by all dealers. Unqualified endorsement from Pres ident Wilson is behind the two-battleship programme proposed by Secre tary Daniels for the coming naval ap propriation bill, according to a Wash ington dispatch. Everybody's friend Dr. Thompas' Electric Oil, the greatest household remedy for toothache, earake, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at all drug stores. 25c and 50c Subscribe for The" Robesonian. NOTICE T O - Property Owners! I understand that the property owners on Chestnut and all cross streets from First to Sixth street will be given 20 days to let their contracts for paving sidewalks. After 20 days all who have not let their contracts will be required to let same to Robt. G. Lassiter at 95 cents per square yard, in accordance with notice. This is to advise all property own ers that I will contract for all side walk work at 90 cents per square yard ,and if necessary I S11 put up certified checks of $1,000. You will save money by seeing me. ' Give your work to your home con tractor. Same will be appreciated. M. B. SUTTON, Contractor. P. Distributor ECONOMICAL AXD EFFI CIENT. LASTS LONGEST For Sale by LEADING MERCHANTS THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY 1 i SOLE SELLING AGENTS . NORTH CAROLINA. President Wilson has made it clear that he approved the candidacy of Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania for the United States Senate and that of Vance McConniek for Governor. He let it be known that he had not selected any ticket but that he believed in the men the State leaders had chosen. He again made known his unwillingness to Torre Secretary Wilson leave the Cabinet. "The Best Laxative I Know Of." "I have sold Chamberlain's Tablets for several years. People who have used them will take nothing else. I can recommend them to my customers as the best laxative and cure for con stipation that I know of," writes Frank Strouse, Fruitland, Iowa. For sale by all dealers. If we did not take greet pains, and were not. at great expense to corrupt our natures, our natures would never corrupt us. Lord Clarendon. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GREENSBORO l,HEENSBORO. N.C. Bookkeeping, SliortkanJ, Touch 'fj writing, PenmaiubiB. Writ lorcatalsf THE PURE FOOD STORE Specials this Week! Select Apples from the Valley of Virginia, Winesaps, Pilots, Pippins, Limbertwigs. Sultana Pure Olhrc Oil in Original Packages. Hawaian sliced and grated pine apple in Heavy Syrup. Shelled Al monds, Peanuts, Walnuts, Chrystal ized Fruits and Pine apple, dates, figs, large prunes, Cali fornia Evaporated Peaches, White Evaporated Apples. ' Pure Maple Syrup, Mountain Buck wheat, Pin-Money Pickles, Red snd Green Cherries in Cream De Menthe, Oscar Sauce, Guava Jelly, Florida Comquots Preserved. Fancy Dutch Cabbage (hard heads) at 3c. Sweet Juicy Florida Oranges, 25c Doz. T T 1 J Km LJm IXCUIIIUIIU PHONE 113. Fourth Street. Lumberton, N. C Redmond