pkufessional cards: Woodberry Lennon E. Stacy - LENNON & STACY Attorneys and Counsellors at Law , Lumberton, N. C r' Practice in State and Federal Courts. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist i ifuDfDTnv vnoTU r a am TV A Om Ov Rank ef Lumberton. 327tf R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-la Lumberton, North Carolina Office in Weinstein building 9-1K T. A. McNeill, T. A. McNeill Jr. - M'NEILL & M'NEILL, Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Will Practice Law in aU the Courts. Business . Attended to Prom- DR. JOHN KNOX, JR. Physician and Surgeon, Lumberton, - - - North Garoiln Residence 'phone No 64, at Mrs A. McLean's. Office 'phone No 26 s-s-tf Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counselors at Law Lumberton, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. J. M. MARTIN. Land ' Surveying, Map Drawing, Blueprint Making and Civil Engineer lag in generaL Office formerly oc. copied by Mr. J. C. Parish, Maxton, N. C 825. btephen Mclntyre, C. Lawrence .. James D. Proctor. atclntne, Lawrence ft Proctor, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. LUMBERTON. N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all basinets. DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. C. Offices upstairs in Wcinstein building. DR. W. L. GRAN THAN Physician and Surgeon Office at McDonald Trug Company Office phone No. 26. Resideuce phone No. 49 7-4tf Dr. W. O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon.. Manufacturer of horse Remedies Lumberton, N. C Phone No. 68. Calls filled promptly. S- I FIRE INSURANCE Place your fire insurance with J. BROWNE EVANS, St. Paula, North Carolina. The best of OLD LINE Companies represented. 65tf Dr. W. W. Parker "OPTOMETRIST" EYE DEFECTS Treated and Corrected by Glasses Modernly Equipped Office with Every Facility for Expert Work Consul tation Invited and Free. LUMBERTON, N. a DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. Lumberton, N. C Specialties : Surgery, . . Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1217 THOS. C. JOHNSON, M. D. Calls Answered Day or Night Resi dence 'Phone No. 175. Office 'Phone No. 47. E. M. Britt W. S. Britt Britt & JJritt. Attorneys at XSw, LUMBERTON. N. C All business given prompt and car ful attention. Office upstairs in Argr Building. 9-lf W.McLaan L. ft. Vrsr J. D. McLean McLean, Varser & McLean Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C Offices berton 417 . on 2nd floor ofBank of Law Building, Rooms, 1, 2 8, and 4 E. J, BRITT, Lumberton, N. C Office over Pope Drug Co. J. M. MOSS, Rowland, N.C 'Office-over Bank of Rowland. BRITT & MOSS,' Attorneys-at-Law Prompt attention given to aU business. DR. RUSSELL S BEAM Lumberton, N. C Office' over McMillan's Drug Store Phones, office 196, Residence 167, Please leave calls at McMillan's Drug Store. THIS WOMAN'S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. ;PmkhamV Vegetable Compound. Baltimore, McL "1 am more than K,ad to teU wh Lydia E. Pinkham 8 Vegetable Com- pound did for me. t T.wi AAt a uuciou uicouiui r",. r. . Lyma rwKnam s Vegetable Um - pouna. iwoKiireg - nlarly until 1 was without a cramp or pain and felt like another person, and it has now been six months since I took .nT mHrimi at alL I hope mv httle tfon tn hetnlmr other wo- men. T now feel nerfectlv well and in the best of health." - Mrs, " - auuuoa A it, iron W. KONDNER, 1632 Hollins Street, Bal- umure, iuu. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots andi herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc If yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Tour letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Immigration Bill passed by House. The Burnett Immigration prescrib. ing a literacy test for applicants for admission to the United States was passed by the House last Wednes day. All proposed amendments relat ing to the exclusion of Asiatic im migrants previously had been elim inated. As the bill passed it provides that every immigrant atmitted to the Unit ed States must be able to read "the English language or some other lan guage or dialect, including Hebrew or Yiddish." It prescribes the meth od of testing immigrants, providing that each applicant for admission must read a slip on which is printed between 30 and 40 words. In its present form this measura passed the House and Senate in last Congress but was vetoed by President Taf t. A similar bill was vetoed dur ing President Cleveland's second Ad ministration. The supporters of the bill are confident that it again will pass the Senate although President Wilson has let it be known that he does not approve the literacy test RUB-CIY-TISdl tWill cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insect9 Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in lernally and externally. Price 25?. IRA B. MULLIS, Civil Engineer. McNeill Bldg. Lumberton, N. C. Sand-Clay and Gravel Roads, Pave ments, Bridges, Sewers, Drainage and General Surveying. DB. ROWLAND DEES Veterinary Surgeon, Lumberton - ... - N. C Calls answered promptly day or night. 3-23-tf Puone No. 197. JAMES M. RUSSELL Architect Lumberton, N. C. A SHREWD BUYER. knows by experience that "the best is always the cheapest" and that is why we call your attention to the fact that in the line of general merchandise we give the best of value. Nothing trashy here, only the best combination of material and workmanship. At our low prices you are sure to get your money's worth every time. JohnT. INC. X CY THE ROBESONI AN, $52,0(50.000 IN COTTON MILLS. More Than That Amount Now Invest- cd in Cotton Manufacturing Industry : in North Carolina. ' oi:u xt-... j nu , J Z . . Reports from two hundred and c.g.nty -seven cotton mills m rviortn Carolina .made to Commissioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman, chow that more than fifty-two million dollars are now invested in' the cotton manufacturing industry in this State. j The figures do not indicate the in- " w .L. - .f. r .l- -.!.. j , ; ... . . ivniiici a owamp-tvuut, so many pains ana was very . yar, if there was an increase, though . people say soon heals and strength ureguiar. jl Decame j Jt is 8Uppose( tnat comparison with , ens the kidneys after an attack of : crease in we capital block lor me i th rnort. for 1913 would show a j jK - "' - . , i wo ewu both in wages paid and hours of j WOrk required of the operatives, i thouo-h th hour, for nftrht work form . .: t) j . .l?"uu U1 UU""K 1 ine a&y snut- i The total number of employes :r ' the mills reported is 56,332. - OT AnA .VA. i MAuiv una 11 Ui uic ate uici'. ... .. . . , .. . J wiiiie wicn uiiiuer 01 ciiuurcn caictus , eighteen thousand. There are over j 5,000 children employed in the facto rigg t,at sent reports. The advanc , . u r missioner Shipman constitutes Chap ter V in the forthcoming report which he wil make this year, and which will soon be issued from the press. The information as given out yesterday follows: "The number of cotton mills re ported is two hundred and eighty-seven. Of this number two hundred and sixty-five show an authorized capital of $52,351,800. The number of spin dles reported is 3,515,822; looms, 63, 122; .cards, 8,704, employing 136,536 horsepower. The approximate amount of raw material used, 372,907,046 pounds; estimated value of yearly output, $71,306,223. The total num ber of employes reported is 56,332. Of these 27,896 are males; 18,361 are females; 5,591 children; twenty-two mills, employing 4,484, do not classify employes. The estimated number de pendent on. these mills and on the 56, 332 employes for a livelihood is 150, 993. The per cent of operatives who read and write is given as eighty four and two-tenths. . "The, high average wage for males is $2.82; low average 94 cents. High average for females, $1.47; low aver age, 80 cents. "One hundred and fifty-three mills pay wages weekly; one hundred and thirteen pay "wages twice a month; nine pay monthly eight mills do not give this information. .The average number of hours con stituting a day's workk is 10 hours and 4 minutes. The average hours for the mHls doing night work is 10 hours and 20 minutes. "Ninety-one of the two hundred and eighty-four mills reporting use steam as motive power; eighty-nine use electricity; 31, steam and water; tlwenty-eight, water; thirty, steam and electric;; six, steam, watr and electric; seven, water and electric; 2 do not report this." 'WARE THE SEED FAKER. Keep Your Eye On the Fellow Who Comes With New Kind of Seed That Make Miraculous Yields. Look out for the seed fakir! He has for the past few weeks been ope rating in the central part of the State, and has deceived and defrauded farmer after farmer, selling them or dinary seed from $4 to $6 per bushel that were not worth more than from $1 to $1.50 per bushel. Keep your eye on the fellow who comes to your house with his new kind of seed for spring or fall sow ing seed that makes miraculous yields. Ask him to show his license to sell seed in North Carolina. If he cannot show the receipt of the Commission er of Agriculture for money paid for such a license, get his name and ad dress and send them to us at once and we will make an effort to get in touch with him. It will pay you TTo wr1teKe!Afe"ep"art"menfof Agriculture before buying seed from these seed peddlers. Last year these seed fakirs did much damage in Wilkes and other counties in that section and finally the farmers cried out against their dir ty business, but the cry reached us too late to do them any good it was a case of locking the stable after the horse is stolen. We have just received a complaint that these fakirs are in the State again, selling seeds for spring sow ing at ridiculously high prices, and we are aiier mem, Dut tney may get you before we can get them. There fore, be on the lookout for them. JAMES L. BURGESS, Agronomist and!. Botanist. In-, charge Seed Laboratory. Approved: W, A. GRAHAM, Commissioner of Agriculture. State Dept. Agriculture, Raleigh. Many Ills come from impure blood. Can't have pure blood with falty di gestion, laty liver and sluggish bow els. Burdock Blood bitters is "regu lated for strengthening stomach, bow els and liver and purifying the blood. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914. PECULIAR AFTER EFFECTS OF GRIPPE THIS YEAR. Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condi diticn. Doctors in all parta'of the country nave been kept Busy with the epide mic of grip which has vi3itcd ao m , nome8. The symptoms of grip this year are often very distressing, and leave the system in a run down condi tion, particularly the kidneys which seem to suffer most, as almost every victim complains of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signals of- i A 1 . ieaa to aangerous money troubles ; uruirjcisis report a laree saie on ur, rr;i o t-. . EP- Swamp-Roct is a great kid . ney, liver and bladder remedy, and j being an herbal compound, has a gen- , tle neauns, effect on. the kidneys, j which is almost immediately noticed j in most cases by those v,-ho try it Dr. I K'Jmer & Co., Binghampton, N. Y., I offer to send a sample size bottle of i Swamp-Root, on receipt of ten cents 1 to. every sufferer who requests it A i trial will convince any one who W neea pi it neguiar sue Lhntt z.. c en4 ii nn 1 . uu rui wic uy u uruKRuu. e sure to mention mis ( n . . ti . ... papei. Next Important Historical Event in Robeson. "Contributed" to Red Springs Citizen, Teacher to Little Boy Jonnie what is it that makes Robeson fa mous ? Johnnie Her fertile soil, her good schools, her clever people. Right, answered the teacher. Now, Johnnie, tell me what it was that once made her famous in history? The outlaws, said Johnnie. , Correct, said the teacher. Now, Johnnie, just one more question What in your mind will be the next and most important historical event in Robeson ? That. said Johnnie, will be when she furnishes North Carolina her next Governor. And who will this be, Johnnie ? "Wilton McLean, said Johnnie. Now. there is a moral to this lit tle incident, that is, that Robeson boys not only study the record of past events in their county, but also have a prophetic eye. "He who runs may read." Subscribe for The Robesonian. NOW HER FRIENDS HARDLYJCNOW HER Bat Tbis Does Not Bother Mr. Barton, Under the Circumstances. Houston, Texas. In an interesting letter from this city, Mrs. S. C Burton writes as follows : "I think it is my duty to tell you what your medicine, Cardui, the woman's tonic, has done for me. I was down sick with womanly trouble, and my mother advised several different treatments, but they didn't seem to do me any good. I lingered along for three or four months, and for three weeks, J was in bed, so sick I couldn't bear for any one to walk across the floor. My husband advised me to try Cardui, the woman's tonic. I have taken two bottles of Cardui, am feeling fine, gained 15 pounds and do all of my housework. Friends hardly know me, I am so well." If you suffer from any of the ailments to common to women, don't allow the trouble to become chronic. Begin taking Cardui to-day. It is purely vegetable. its ingredients acting in a gentle, natural way on the weakened womanly constitu tion. You run no risk in trying Cardui. It has been helping weak women back to health and strength for more than 50 years. It will help you. At all dealers. Write to l Chattanooga Mealcln Co., Ladle Advisory Dept., Chattanooga. Tenn.. for Special Iiutmetions en your case and 64-pase book. ' Home treatment for Wamen." tent in plain wrapper. E9B NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Robeson county, made . in the special proceeding enti tled L. H. Townsend, administrator of Thomas Anderson, deceased vs, MaggieTfalyes7"eral7nlrr-s?rme" belvrH No. 649, upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 16th day of February, 1914, at 12 o'clock M., at the court house door in Lumberton, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in St. Paul's township, Robeson county, North Carolina, said lands lying east of the Little Marsh and on the Northern side of the St Paul's and Mills Creek road, adjoining lands of Joseph Walters and Jane Hellen Walters, Lock Shaw and others. Be- ginning the fourth corner of the said iS8 J?ZS part) runs as the road north 50 1-2 east 5.50 chains; thence north 37 1-2, east 17.60 chains to a small pine; thence north 5.65 chains to a stake at the bend of a ditch; thence north 861-2, west 12.60 chains to a stake; thence south 6 west 23.90 chains to, the beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less, and being the eastern part of a 129 acre survey purchased by the said Jdseph Walters from D. L. Dew and Joanna Dew, 22nd day of March, 1906, which said deed is duly recorded in Book 5 A, at page 373, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county. - This 16th day of January, 1914. W. S. BRITT, Commissioner. BRITT & BRITT, Attys. 1194Mon Some Things if ing of a House ! Of course, it is not our intention to give advise and instruction in detail as to how to build a house of any kind, but to call attention to some few things about building houses. In the first place we believe in having the serivee of an Architect in planning a. house, then good workmen and good material should produce a god building.. We do not furnish the Architect or the builders. But We Do Furnish Some Good Building Material in fact, we think we furnish the best building materials in soaae special lines. Take the Matter of Building Lime This is an important item. We hare the-agency for the tip-top, cel ebrated "ANCHOR BRAND" lime of which we have sold 20,000 bar. rels in the last few years.. It is real economy to use this lime aa many of the best workmen prefer it to any brand of LIME. The reason is simple it is the best lime. Remember the name Anchor Brand Lime it is good for all purposes, building, plastering, sanitary and other uses. : We sell a specially prepared LIME for fine interior finishing of walla the .... . 'Tiger Brand" Hydrated lime put up in 401b. sacks, good and convenient for sanitary purposes also. A very desirable feature of any building is the interior walls it is possible to have perfect walls by using the WALL PLASTER sold by usthe Ivory Cement Plaster This makes walls without a crack, with smooth surface, easily cleans ed by using ordinary home cleansing methods, can be finished in any tints or colors. It is economical as it has great spreading capacity and makes a wall as hard as a rock.. Nearly all the better grades of buildings now being erected have walls made of IVORY CEMENT PLASTER. Walls of this plaster can be seen in nearly every nice building erected in the town of Lumberton. SEE WALLS MADE OF IVORY CEMENT FOLLOWING NAMED BUILDINGS: COUNTY COURT HOUSE, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, METHODIST CHURCH. AND THE FOLLOWING RESIDENCES; A. W. M'LEAN H. M. M'ALLISTER, A. E. WHITE, DR. W. A. M'PHAUL H. a JENNINGS, L. C. TOWNSEND J. D. PROCTOR, AND OTHERS For Foundation Work, or concrete work generally, we sell as good Portland Cement as we know Alpha Portland Cement we know of nothing better. We sell building material in general, including HARDWARE, DOORS, BLINDS AND SASH, and we carry a good assortment of these goods always in our WAREHOUSES. We ask that BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS call on us and let us figure cost of any and all materials specified for buildings to be erected. After a House is Built The next thing after building a house should be the proper care in order to preserve it and protect it against damages by bad weath er. This can be done to a great extent by PAINT, but remember all paints are not alike some makes are better than others vvTlMnuaeBe1EerKiia We can prove this by examination of the buildings where our paint was used and comparing the same with buildings upon which other makes of paint was used. We carry a large stock of Paint and Paint Materials and they have the guarantee as to QUALITY. - Now is a good time to apply PAINT, as it will protect the house against the hot trying summer weather and will last longer than when applied in hot weather. Now, we believe there. will be nothing lost, but much may be gained by considering the above suggestion about building and pre serving houses. Call on us and let us talk face to face about these matters. - . R .1. GbMdo Won (INCORPORATED $50,000 PAID IN CAPITAL) LUMBERTON..... .. ........ ... ... .NORTn CAROLINA. . . ' ..... PACE SEVEN. About the Build PLASTER IN THE COTTON MILLS OFFICE BLDG., FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK. 7 ' '

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