THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1914 PAGE THREE.. How to Overcome i a Bad Constipation There is a Mild Laiatire That Will Bring Safe and Pleasant Relief Oreraight. It is only natural that the sim plest of ailments should be the" most general, and so we have a whole na tion suffering from constipation and indigestion, for they are closely al lied. But common, as constipation is many people do not seem to know they have it. They will complain of headache, drowsiness or" biliousness, all unconscious of the cause of the trouble. " You should have a full and free movement at Jeast once a day. If you pass a day you are constipated, and the result will be that you will catch a cold easily or have a more serious ailment. To cure the consti. pation and forestall still graver trou-) ble take a dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syr- up Pepsin at. night before retiring and by morning relief will come, : without disturbance from sleep or any inconvenience. Legions of peopje use it regularly in such emergencies, some of them formerly chronic invalids, who had suffered from constipation all their ; lives. Mrs. N. Frantz, 67 Eighth St, j Salem, Ohio, took physics for years, i and worst of all, without much avail. I Finally, she began to take Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin and today she is no longer troubled and eats what 'she likes. Many others will tell you that thejr have-tried most things re commended for this purpose but have found Syrup Pepsin the only one al ways reliable. A bottle can be ob- MRS. N. FRANTZ. tained at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar, the latter size being bought by families already fa miliar with its merits. Syrup Pepsin is mild, pleasant-tasting and non-griping. Mothers give it to tiny infants, and yet it is effective in grownups. It is for everyone who suffers 'from any form of Btomach, liver or bowel trouble, constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, etc. Its ac tion will so delight you that you will for ever avoid harsh cathartics, pur. gatives, pills and salts. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing-Dr WV B.- ald weH419 Washington St., Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad dress on it will do. News Notes from Carolina College, sermon in the college auditorium Correspondence of The Robesonian. j Sunday, May 17. Maxton, Feb. 17 Carolina College! Let every one who possibly can do has had a good year, so far. well so hear Hon. Joseph G. Camp next over a hundred students have been ' Monday night at the college audito entered in the various departments. I num. He isundoubtedly the South's The health of the student bodv has ' greatest orator. The Atlanta Consti- been remarkably good this winter, 1 tution says of him: "His oratory is for which we are very thankful. Rev. S. E. Mercer will leave for Nashville, Tenn. next week to be present at the meeting of the college presidents which convenes February 27. Calls for catalogs for the fall term are coming right along. The out look now is that unless we get our new dormitory we shall not be able to acommodate all who desire to come, by half. Basket ball seems to be the order of the day among the students these days. The Y. W. C. A. is doing good work among the students, and is a great factor for the uplift of the students. We are glad to say that almost every student belongs to this association. The art class now numbers eigh teen. I his department is doing some splendid work this year. Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Smoot, the popular pastor of Epworth church, Norfolk, Va, will preach the annual equal to that of a Clay or a Webster." ihe Atlanta Journal says: As a lec turer he is the equal of Gov. Bob Taylor." Clark Howell, editor of The At lanta Constitution says: "I consider him the mt finished orator the South has ever produced, and as an eloquent speaker he cannot be sur passed. "The Leader, (Missouri), says of him, "Jos. G. Camp proved himself to be the greatest orator that ever stood upon the platform in our city." And thus evidence of his greatness as an orator and of his ability to hold complete sway over his audience, might be multiplied. Come and hear him. This splendid attraction will close the series of attractions that have been given from time to time this term in the auditorium and which have proved to be the highest class of entertainments ever given in this part of the country. Remember the date, Monday night, Feb. 23, college auditorium. ANOTHER WAREHOUSE Will be Built at Fairmont Lot Pur chased and Necessary Capital Sub. scribed or Assured. To the Editor of The Robesonian: In looking over your issue of the 10th we noticed an interesting article and also an editorial dealing with' the same subject. We beg space in your columns to offer a few remarks which I think necessary because of the fact that if nothing be said in answer the impression might go forth that nothing was being done. to meet the difficulty which your correspondent suggests. The writer of this communication has talked to several men who are in a position to know what is doing. So what I shall say is not here say, but facts. The correspondent was correct in saying that the warehouses here were taxed to their limits, but should have added "at times," for only one day was the situation such as to go beyond the limit. But to get to the point. A company has been formed, composed of business men of Fairmont and farmers in this section, to build a third warehouse. This warehouse will have a capacity equal to or greater than either one of the other two houses. The lot has been purchased and the necessary capital to build and operate this warehouse has been subscribed or assured, mak ing the warehouse a certainty. The Fairmont tobacco market has gone beyond the experimental stage. It is a great success an dthe addition of this warehouse will make it a greater success. Naturally more and better buyers will be drawn here year by-year andthis means greaterconu petition; and this you know is the life oftrade. We have here warehouse men second to none, who have not only their own personal interest but the interest of the farmer at heart. So we feel that the above proposition answers the difficulty suggested by your correspondent. There need be no fear as to the ability of the Fairmont market handling all the tobacco brought here. ONE WHO KNOWS. Fairmont, Feb. 16, 1914. S. M. McKendree, a well-to-do coal salesman of Savannah and Atlanta, committed suicide at the Buford ho tel at Charlotte Wednesday by shoot ing himself through the head. His body was not discovered until the fol lowing day. He was to have been married in four days to Miss Rosa M. Brinsfield of Rockmart, Ga. Ill health and financial worries are pre sumed to have been the motives. FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bot tle of Danderine Right Now Also Stop Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful sCurf. There is nothing so destructive to the. hair as dandruff. It robs the J hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a fev erishness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die then the hair falls out fast A little Dan derine tonight now any-time will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of K no wl ton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and after the first ap plication your hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which is so beautiful.- It will become wavy and fluffy and have the appearance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use. when you will actually see a lot of fine downy hair new hair grow ing all over the scalp. How to Prevent Bilious Attacks. "Coming events cast their shadows before.' This is especially true of bil ious attacks. Your appetite will fail, you will feel dull and languid. If you are subject to bilious attacks take three of Chamberlain's Tablets as soon as these symptoms appear and the attack may bewarded off. For sale by all dealers. High School Triangular Debates. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Chapel Hill, Feb. 13 The high school activitiesof the University for this spring are gathering interest and momentum, as the time for the ap proaching State-wide contests draw nearer. First among these comes the High School Debating Union, which is carried on under the auspices of the "Di" and "PhiT Literary Societies and theBureait of-Extensionof -the University. One hundred and fifty of the leading secondary and high schools of the State have enrolled in the Union and have been arranged in triangles. The triangular debates will be held throughout the State on March 20, and the final contest for the Aycock Memorial Cup will be held at Chapel Hill on April 3. The querry that will be discussed by all of these schools is, "Resolved, That the Constitution of North Carolina should be so amended as to allow the Initia. tive and Referendum in State-wide legislation." Lumberton is in the tri angle with Sanford and Laurinburg. God gives strength to bear a great deal if we only try ourselves to en dure. Hans Andersen. Recognized Advantages. You will find that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has recognized ad vantages over most medicines in use for coughs and colds.,, It does not suppress a cough but loosens and re lieves it. It aids expectoration and opens the secretions,, which enables the system to throw off a cold. It counteracts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumonia. It contains no opium or other narcotic, and may be given to a child as confidently as "to an adult. For sale by all dealers. Doctors Like to Have Us Coma potamd Their Prescriptions Because they know how careful we are about the absolute purity and freshness of our drugs, and that we never substitute or guess. THE SAME CARE THAT WE GIVE TO OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT is shown in everything elseVe buy and sell, from the quality of our Rubber Goods and sick room Supplies to the kind of Syrup we use at the soda fountain. SAFETY means satisfaction, and your satis faction means our success. McMlLLAN'S The Old Reliable Drug Store SUNSET IS AN 8-3-3 C. S. M. complete Fertilizer suited to nearly all crops and is a special Favorite among Farmers. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR NEAREST DEALER WRITE TO US AND WE WILL TELL YOU. Cooper Guano Company WILMINGTON, N. C. Subscribe for The Robesoain $ 1 .50 I SB to ID o -rvo A. o THE ROBESONIAN is now prepared to do Job Printing and solicits a share of your business. All work carefully and promptly done. flOffift M Ifl n n n mi jvi U liv This paper covers its territory well and has no superior as an adverts Eastern North Carolina. Advertising rates reasonable. It is worth much more than it costs to talk to the large family of people who read The Robesonian twice a week. Subscribe for THE ROBESONIAN .'!'- . Do it today. Don't wait. You can't keep up with what is going on in Robeson county - without reading this paper. Besides giving a complete record of the happenings of interest in Robeson county twice a week, all the State and General News worth while is given. Subscription price only $1.50 the year. D O IT NOW!

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