THE EOBESONIAN j MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1914.. SCHEDULE, LOCAL RAILROAD Arrival and Departure of Trains at Lumberton. '. SEABOARD A1E UME.' ' Train No. 19, west-bound Lvs 7:11a.m. Train No. 13, West-bound Lvs 5:53pm Train No. 23, west-bound Lvs 7:59pm Train No. 24, east-bound Lvs 7:47am Train No. 14 east-bound Lvs; 9:48am Train No. 20, east-bound Lvt 9:47pm YA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN " From Hope Mills. Train No. 79 arrives 8:55am Train No. 64, leaves 9:50am -'Train No. 65 arrives 6:25pm Train No. 78, . leaves 8:20pm ELIZABETHTOWN BRANCH. . Between St. Paul and Elizabethtown. (Mixed Trains Daily Except Sunday) Train No. 7, leaves St. Paul 9:05pm Train No. 7, leaves Tar Heel 9:55pm Train No. 7, leaves Dublin 10:25pm Train No. 7, ar. Elizab'tht'n 10:45pm Train No. 8, arrives St Paul 8:00am Train No. 8 lv. Tar Heel Train No. 8, leaves Dublin Train No. 8, lv Elifab'tht'wn 7:15am 6:30am 6:00am RALEIGH & CHARLESTON Train No. 1 Leaves 10:20am Train No. 2 arrives 5:40pm Special Notices DONT FAIL TO SEE the Cincinnati Tailor at our store to-day and se lect the goods for THAT EASTER SUIT early.i-Chas. P. McAllister..; ' i " ' BEEF CATTLE Will pay highest prices for good beef cattle, on foot or dressed. A. H. Hinds, Lumber- ... ton, N. C, Phone 53. . ROOMS FOR RENT, unfurnished, corner. Sixth and Pine streets. FOR SALE Gasoline Engine, 8 H. P. Apply J. M. Powell, Buie, N. C. RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME to select your Easter Suit. Our Cincinnati Tailor is waiting to show you th lat est patterns with the tariff off! Chas. P. MacAllister. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFI cient. Ask your grocer for Lum berton baked bread, then you know you are getting the best and the freshest Lumberton Bakery. FOR RENT Good 2-horse farm, good dwelling and outhouses, for stated rent. Part of Gregory place, 4 miles west of Lumberton. Apply to Mrs. Mollie R. Norment, Lum berton, N. C. I SHOULD WORRY if you failed to get the goods you wanted for THAT Easter Suit! See Mr.. MacLeod at our store today. He will show you what it takes to make it. Chas. P. MacAllister. FOR SALE EGGS for hatching from prize-winning S. C. White Or pingtons. Kellerstrass strain. $1.50 per setting of 13. G. R. Thaggard, St. Paul's, N. C. FOR FEED phone 66. H. M. Beasley & Bro.j Lumberton, N. C. DR. TEBEAU wishes to announce that he has returned to Lumberton, where he will remain for several weeks for the practice of osteopa thy. Leave calls at McDonald Drug Co., or Mr. Lloyd Town send's. FURS We are still in the market to buy all kinds of furs and pay the highest prices. Blacker Bros., Lumberton, N. C. MULES AND HORSES I have just received a car load of nice mules and horses. See them before buy ing. O. C. Deese, Lumberton. FOR SALE EGGSfrom S. C. Rhode Island Reds at $1 per 15 W. G. Nance, Lumberton, N. C. IF IN NEED OF ANY KIND OF ROUGH LUMBER, see me. I en: supply your wants. Prices attra? tive. A. J. Smith, Lumberton, 1 BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN and GRO- t Saturdxa binder will please re- ceries from K. M. Biggs. to N. A. Thompson, Lumberton, JIFINS andke?s? Si SzeVSeTy i"OR THE FARMERS We offer for lined and trimmed, covered in white sale big lot steel 2-horse plows. Jno. and black Broadcloth, plush, lambs- T. Biggs Co., Lumberton, N. C. wool and English-Crepe. Also steel : vaults, and metalic Caskets. We LOST OR STOLEN One Female are prepared to take care of any puppy, color black and white, very business in the undertaking line, little tan. Four months oFage. Every call will have our personal Please notify R. A. McLean, Lum- attention. Stephens & Barnes, fu-. berton, N. C. ' neral Directors & Embalmers. Day ' phone No. 62, Night Phones, 185- WANTED Position as Stenographer 164 ; Can give good references. Employ- ' ed at present but desire o change. IF YOU HAVE NOT TRIED OUR Would be willing to work for BREAD ask your grocer for Lum- sman saary at first if work is light, berton Baked Bread next time, and "Address Box 791, Lumberton, N. C. be convinced. Lumberton Bakery. i - SALESMAN WANTED to look after DUROC JERSEY PIGS FOR SALEr our interest in Robeson and adja- Four pigs of same breed dressed on cent counties. Salary or Commis- the 16th inst, 7 monthe and 10 days sion. Address The Harvey Oil Co. old, weighed 138, 146, 150, 152, net. Cleveland, 0. Apply E. L. Odum, Pembroke, N. C. IT NOT ONLY HELPS THE BAKER j I . . GREENSBORO but you get the best bread when! rsr you ask-for the Home Baked Bread.; 0J)mt. )fJrt Lumberton Bakery. j KfM??.m22CC Barber Shop. Graduate of Rich- j mond Barber School. Apply to J.I D. Odin, Buie, N. C. Route 1. i IN SOCIAL CIRCLES. Mrs. IL T. Pop Entertains in Honor oT Mrs. Keyfauer of FayetteviHe. Renorfed for the Robesonian. j One of the most delightful social events of the season was given Thurs - 'day afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock by Mrs. II. T. Pope, when she j was at home to her friends in honor iof her house guest Mrs. Keyfauer of ,, ' in pink, yellow, green and white soft- jly - ahaded candles and lights through- out the house. Guests were received at the door by ! Messr8. A. P. Page and J. E. Phil Mrs. L. T. Townsend, cards being re- spent yesterday at Clarkton. seived ry little Miss Amanda AUen ... , . and thewere then ushered into the ! U Jear,le Humphrey spent the parlor, which was lovely in pink and week-end with relatives at St. Pauls, ereen. Mrs. Irvin Jenkins nresented' Mr. E. M. Johnson spent Satur- the lad'f to the receiving line. In day at Red bpnngs on legal business ing the climax together. The thi3 were Mrs. Pope, Mrs. Keyfauer , Mr. j. T. Hamilton of Marietta is Maymbaphone played by Mr. Jordan and Mrs. '. K. Proctor. They were among the business visitors in town and Miss Wells in duets was a decicf then shown into the tea roor.. The today. edly new instrument for this place, color scheme here was yellow, de-ora-: Mr. J. T. Davis, who lives on route n Friday, the 27th, there will be lions jonquils and yellow chryssMh !i from Buie is a Lumberton visitor anotner entertainment at the high mums. tidames J. A. Sharpe,!' today. ' : school building. The principal fea- P. Gray end R. R. Carl.'.j served : T v0 . wn. ture will be a debate, "Resolved, That tea and ranches, assisted by Miss- ilf! hLJStoSPS ' th.e Constitution should, be so amend- es wyrue ana Marparet rope. At the door leading into the hall, Mrs. D. D. French directed the guests I v,. omncnara oi ou ruition." Messrs. Gualtney McDowell to the dining room, where Mrs. A. E. was g the visitors m town this i and Luther Britt will uphold the affir White received at the door. The deco- j morning. t mative side of the argument, while rations here were lovely in green and ! Mr. and Mrs. Stinson Powell of 'Messrs. George Nye and W. Y. white. The centerpiece was a large1 ! Orrum are spending the day in town j Floyd will do battle for the negative, basket of white, carnations and ferns i with relatives. j The debate promises to be interesting that was most beautiful. Mesdames - Messrs. Scott and Joel Stone of Mc-' ant the entertainment good. The N. A. Thompson and J. D. McAllis- j Donalds were among tne visitors in ' judges have been selected from the ter receiving, delightful refreshments J town Saturday. 1 Lumberton bar. were servd by Misses Sadie Thompson, j Pmctnr nri r a 1 0n March 2ndf tn Alkahest Ly- ma Higley. Lee Pope, and Sadie Ray Pope. Misses Ethel Williams and Mayce Glasgow furnished music for the afternoon with violin, piano and vocal selections. i During the afternoon one hundred guests called. "; The Philatheas of the First Bap tist Sunday school will entertain the Baracas tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the ladies' parlor, at vthe First Baptist " church. This soT rial .was to have been eiven last Fri- count oi tne weatner. Mesdames M. F. Caldwell and C. V. "'""! win ciiLciuaiii hi me none 01 i r o tj v t t iA Mrs. CaldwelUUCaldwell street, this!,nMr8' S; U Kefauver of Fayette evening in hor of their Quests ! Sfeek ln t0Wn Misses Annie Bailev Jones and Lucile Marshall of Raleigh. Notices of New Advertisements. A. H. Hinds will pay highest prices for beef cattle. . Rooms for rent. "Cooper's Tobacco Special grows icoacco witn quality and weight. a i -j- i r . mige siuck oi muies, Duggies, C ,vf ,Zl I Ifn " anU it v u . . , - w,7er n.. ' " 1 Townsend Bros J. D. Bardin, lawyer, of Red Springs has his professional card in this issue. "He banked his moneey and became a partner in the business" First Na tional Bank. "A farmer without a farm" Bank of Lumberton. Frost-Proof cabbage plants for sale C. F. Hethington. Salesmen wanted. Now is the time to select your Eas ter suit. Chas. P. MacAllister. , Waterman fountain peen lost N. A. Thompson. Opportunity for young ladies who want to become trained nurses. rur v euKiicsb mm i-ubs ot Appeuio The Old Standard trncrel etrenethenin tonic w , . . - SSrS ndinreApr'. . I children. 50c A Horrible Threat. Dillon Herald. It is bad enough for Editor Sharpe, cf the Lumberton Robesonian, to persist in writing it "Dillon, S. C." and for the sake of peace in the fam ily we are willing to orerlook the in sinuation, but when he writes it "Dillon county South Carolina," for bearance ceases to be a virtue, and if we ever catch him across "the line" what we'll do for him will be a. plen ty. Two years in the South Carolina Legislature is mild punishment for such an offense. Subscribe to The Robesonian. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A TRAINED NURSES The Thompson Hospital wants ten young ladies who want to become trained nurses. Apply to Dr. N. A. Thompson, Lum berton, N. C. Bookkespmtf, Skort!inl, Touck Type writing", Penmanship. Write for catalog PR R'S (IN A . f " " " w " " "T ' Mr J. D. McLean of Fairmont is a Lumberton visitor today... j T n t , ; fVl ,J;tZZ" R tne v,8,Wrs tn.xowa tooay. ; Mr Jerry Moore of Wilmington spent yesterday in town with friends. LSu'TO ff K ' j Mr. J. R. Lawson of Orrum is among the visitors in town today. " ,7" I Alienton. Bnttn s,hHau t 5 Pnni'iceum bureau will present Mr. Denton on legal business. Mr. Gilbert Lovett of route 4 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. J. S. Walker left yesterday for Winston-Salem where he will spend a week or ten days. Messrs. Okey Stephens and Thad ,5tone of Mt. tiliam were among the .visitors in town Saturday. Mr. W. K. Culbreth business agent Robeson County Farmers' Union was Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. I. P. Graham, cashier of the Bank of Proctorville, is among the ousiness visitors in town todav. a guest of Mrs. H. T. Pope Mr. S. S. Stephens of Chattanooo-a. Tenn, arrived Saturday and will spend a few days in town on business Miss Lizzie Hamilton, who is teach ing at Smith's, spent the week-end in town a guest of Miss Kajie Stone. Mr. W. B. Home, of the bureau of I information. Washington. D. C. . Rnont ' .... . . ' . r- r part oi last week here on business. Prof- J; F- Johnson, principal of the iscnooi at Banter s spent Saturday ; and yeseray m town with relatives, Mrs. J. W. Craven of Marion, S. C, , ton-McArthur Case, spent Saturday and yesterday here : Messrs. A. W. McLean and L. R. visiting her sister Mrs. J. W.-Mor-j Varser, of counsel for the defense in ris. the Newton-McArthur case on trial Mr. C. T. McDonaJd arrived Satur-! in the Federal Court at Raleigh, which day and will spend some time in town ! is attracting wide attention, being per visiting his brother Mr. J. S. Mc-! haPs tne bi&est cage ever tried in Donald. j the State, came home Saturday night Mrs. A. H. Elmore of Brvson Citv is spendin gsome rsome time at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and : Mrs. J. S. McDonald. Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor and small j daughter, Elizabeth, will leave tomor- j row for Graham, where they will visit ' j at the home of Mrs. Proctor's par-! ents. , I assistant Mr. A. K. Robertson. . ., . . . . - ; in tne Doys' corn club work in North ! Carolina, with headauarters at Ra- the note of $25,000 in question Misses Flora Bunchan and Lee Mar- tin, teachers at Marietta, spent yes - tarday in town, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. McKenzie, Elm street. Miss Christine Gower of Clayton returned home this morning after spendine some time in town a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S Mc- Intyre Messrs. C. H. Howard and J. M. 0. Denmark, carriers on rural routes 3 and 2, respectively, from St. Pauls, were among the visitors in town this morning. Miss Mary Powell of Bladenboro, and Miss Ina Edwards, who is teach ing at Orrum, spent the week-end in town guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Johnson. Mr. E. E. Page, secretary-treas urer or tne Laiayette Mutual Life In Ct 11-a fist a pAmrMi v J.I. 1 for"leig"h 'buThimT wto S I will spend the week on business. Church Services. At Chestnut Street Methodist church j yesterday the pastor, Rev. Dr. W. B. j North, preached two excellent ser-! mons, nis text at the morning service being "We shall know as we are known'f and a tthe evening hour "Feed my Lambs." There has been a marked- increase- In "attendance at "ser vices at this church during the short time Dr. North has been pastor. At iae morning service yesterday Miss i TttalL' i guest at the home of Dr B. W. Page, sang a solo which was greatly enjoyed by the congregation. At the First Baptist church yester day the pastor, Rev. C. H. Durham, preached two excellent sermons, his aiiu iurs. i subject at the morning hour being ' "The keepers of the base" and at the j evening service "Some lessons from the life of Martin Luther." At the i morning service Mr. J. P. Snead of Rappahannock county, Va., who is vis iting at the home of his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Varser, sang a solo and at the evening service Miss Julia Culbreth, director nf vnifA or CafcMa rvn nf ' . i. 7r -r sister oi Mrs. ts. v. fage of Lumber ton, also sang a solo, both these spec ial features being greatly enjoyed. fxtt VI Seres, Otter Itcaeftes Rac't Curt .lje worst cases, no matter of horr lonj standing, .ire cured by athe wonderful, old reliable Dr. i'orter"s Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieves Pai-J and Meals at the same timew SZcJfic, $LCi Subscribe for The Robesonian. ORRUM OCCURRENCES. Debate at School IIous February 27 Lyceum Course Entcrtainmenta Pciacnal Mention. - '""Correspondence of The Robesonian. Orrum, Feb. 20 The Alkahest Ly- ceum Bureau presented the Boston Lyrics at the high school audito- ,rium Tuesday evening, this being the second number of the series. for this IS SfSSiSSKt'T to its usual high standards. Mr. Jorf dan's solos were highly appreciated ana miss wells pleased im mensely in her m o n o l,o g s, musical reading and pastel readings. The last was decidedly good, the readings being, illustrated by pastel drawings done by Mr. Jordan, both reader and artist reach- ;ea as to nave tne initiative ana re- i ferendum form of dirertino leirisla- j . in tne lamous Sam Jones Mr. Crowl is not an imi tator, but what is called a "portrayal ist," and reproduces Sam Jones lec turers as Sam Jones delivered them and is the only person who does. The Misses Johnson from Bloom ingdale, Miss Maur front Barnesville and Messrs. Roger Pitman and Pit man Barnes from' Barnesville attend ed the Lyceum entertainment. J3r. W. A. McPhaul of Lumberton ws a welcome visitor in our midst Tuesday evening. Misses Asheraft and Edwards visited Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Haynes at Bloomingdale Thursday evening. Misses Edwards, Huntley and Pre vatte will attend the teachers meet ing at Lumberton tomorrow. Mr. K. Y. Prevatte, who had been spending some time here with home j folk3 returned today to Florence, o. wnere ne nas a position. Mr. B. L. Floyd wfas a business vis itor in Fairmont Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stinson Powell spent yesterday at Lumberton with friends and relatives. Misses Leon and Myrtle Leggette of Nye's were pleasant visitors in town Tuesday evening. i Lccal Counsel and Witnesses in New- ?"a a w KaieiKn im? morning. ! T;' l frown' casn,erJ 01 " ank ui. iuniuci tun, Bujiuiiuneu in mis case as a hand-writing expert, was detain ed in Raleigh all last week without be ing placed on the stand. He came home Saturday morning and returned to Raleigh this morning, expecting to be able to return home tomorrow. Mr. i Frank Gough, also summoned as a : hanHwritincr nnort foctifio EVi-j.r , ft r --' -'- . j and returned home aSturday. Mr. nnno-h is rnnfiHpnt that tha cirrnotnc are aorereries, and so testified. The I famous handwriting expert Carvalho, : whose testimony is reported elsewhere this issue, also is of the opinion; that the signatures are forgeries. Mr.; , Gough was one of the very few men i ' Desides bank cashiers that were able ! to qualify as experts, others being j turned down. Mr. Gough's extensive experience as a railroad man and gen-1 1 eral merchant enabled him to qualify, aifo ine tact mat ne had qualified and testified as an expert in other court cases. Mr. Gough when on the stand asked to be excused from giv ing names in other cases in which he testified, iri order not to bring up old matters, and' the court excused him from giving names. It is probable that this impoitant case will last through this week. Among,- the Sick. Mr, H. McE. McMillan has beet 1 t k' b4 .his W'7 iu u..i.Vv:u to- The condition of Mrs Rowland Dees. who Underwent a sprinna nnoratinn in Highsmith's hospital, Fayetteville, Friday is as favorable as could be expected. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Ititopathe Coueh and Headache and works oft the rnM iDruEgists refund- money it it faila to cure. n. w. okuvb s denature on each box. 25c According in noliop Mrs Anschnft that she had taken pa in many burg lanes for whirh hr. hnehnnH whn is 19 years old, was arrested Dressed as a boy, the hair cut short, the ro lice say, she stood guard outside the houses with a revolver hidden under her coat, while her husband robbed them. - Paint or Not Is a horse worth more or less after feed? Hav and oats are hio-h tnrlav shall I wait today and feed him tomorrow? That's how men do about naintine their houses anH hnma ' anA fonz-oo , - : Paint has been high for several years Leaders: Votan, Filsen Club, Chal and so they have waited. Some arelene Morara, Pendennis All Rich still waiting 'Blends of Select Coffees. Our Oys- Their property drops a trifle a!ters, Received Daily. Compare the year and the next job of paint creeps-. Taste w,ith Others. "There s a Dif up, creeps-up, creeps-up; .it'll i fcrence." take more paint by a gallon a I. - n y .f j year; they don't save a cent, and'the-. KCCllTlOriCl property goes-on sunenng. DEVOE McAllister Hdw. Co., sells it. Diamonds I u We have a few Diamonds we are anxious to sell. Will give bargain prices. Boylin's Jewelry Store, LUMBERTON, N. C. The Great K. v V'JTttxi - N. Jacobi Hardware Co. SOLE SELLING AGENTS WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. YOUR CONVENIENCE! Our Drug Store affords many conveniences not found elsewhere. Drug Stores have character just the same as people. We want you to visit our store and judge it by its conveniences, serivec, quality of goods and right prices. COME IN AND WAIT FOR A FRIEND, WAIT FOR THE MAILS TO OPEN, USE OUR 'PHONE, HAVE PARCELS WRAPPED, BUY YOUR POSTAGE STAMPS. We want you to feel perfectly free to use these conveniences at any time. Come in at any time and wa it for a friend. We have ample room and do not want you to feel that your waiting is an imposition. We sell postage stamps as cheerfully as drugs. Bring your parcels and have them weighed. The Pope Drug Company Monday Our Cincinnati Tailor will be at our store with the latest display of Woolens for your inspection. Order that EASTER SUIT early and be sure of prompt delivery. Very truly yours, Charles P. MacAllister Just Arrived ! The best car of Mules shipped this season. They are strong, fat and well broke. Right prices and easy terms. See us before buying. W. I. LINKHAW, Home of the Hackney Buggy and Wagon. GOOD THINGS TO EAT THE Parlor Grocrery HEADQUARTERS PURE FOODS ANDTABLE DELICACIES. Specials this Week! Ripe Tomatoes, Florida Potatoes, j iUCet Winesap and Albemarle Pippin Apples, Select Juicy Grapefruit, Ho nda Russet Oranges, Dried Figs, Dates, Prunes, Peaches and Apples. Premier Canned Lima Beans, Extra Sifted Peas, Sliced or Grated Pine apples, Canned Whole Tomatoes, Ten der Maine Sugar Corn, Nabob Cali fornia Lemon Cling Peaches. Bone less Breakfast Bacon, Kingan's Su ?ar Cured Smoked Hams and Ba con, All-Pigmeat Sausage, Frankfurt ' Smoked Sausage, Pig Souce, Sauer Kraut, New Codfish. Headquarters ! f or Fine Coffees. A lew ot Our 1 '1urth PHONE 113. Street. Lumberton, N. C. P. Distributor ; ECONOMICAL AND EFFI- CIENT. LASTS LONGEST trf For Sale by LEADING MERCHANTS THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY 3f -I f.- . February 23rd. JOB THE ROBESONIAN IS NOW PREPARED TO Do Job Printing A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED : : : : J. D. BARDIN, Lawyer. Red Springs, N. C. General Practice in all courts, and especially in those of Robeson, Hoke, Scotland and Cumberland Counties. 22 years experience. References: Any citizen of Wilson, N. .C. Phone 80.

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