THE ROBESOXIAX. MONDAY, MARCH 30. 191 PAGE THUKJfi. What is Woman's Beauty biit Health DEMOCRATIC 51 ASS MEETING And the Basis of Her Health and Vig or Lies in the Careful Regulation of the Bowels. If woman's beauty depended upon cosmetics, every woman would be a picture of loveliness. But beauty lies deeper than that. It lies in health. In the majority of cases the basis of health, and the cause of sickness, can be traced to the action of the. bow els. - The headaches, the lassitude, the sallow skin and the lusterless eyes are usually due to constipation. So many things that 'women do habitually con duce to this trouble. They do not eat carefully, they eat indigestible foods because the foods are served daintily and they do not exercise enough. But whatever the particular cause may be it is important that the condition should be corrected. An ideal remedy for women and one especially suited to their delicate re quirements, is Dr. Caldwll's Syrup Pepsin, which thousands of women en dorse highly, among them Mrs. C. S. Vance, of 511 S. Ray St, New Castle, Pa. At times she had spells of indiges tion so severe that she thought she would die. Syrup Pepsin regulated her stomach and bowels, and she at tributes her excellent health today to this remedy. All the family can "use Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, for thousands of mothers give it to babies and chil dren. It is also admirably suited to the .requirements of elderly people, in fact of all who by reason of age or infirmity cannot stand harsh salts, ca- V: -J? MRS. C. S. VANCE, thartics, pills or purgatives. These should always be avoided for at best their effect is only for that day, while a genuine remedy like Syrup Pepsin acta mildly but permanently. It can be conveniently obtained -at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar a bottle. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refund ed. You will find it gentle in action, pleasant in taste, and free from grip ing, and its tonic properties have a distinct value to women. It is the most widely used laxative-tonic in America today and thousands of fami lies are now never without it. Families wishing to try a free sam ple bottle can obtain it postpaid by addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington St., Monticello, 111. A postal card with your name and ad dress on it will do. Fidelity Insurance and Realty Company, Inc. General Fire Insurance Accident, Health and Liability Insurance. - Fidelity and Casualty Bonds Dealers in cotton mill stocks. Real Estate Bought and Sold. A. T. McLEAN, President' and Manager You'll find it on the top of genuine CORTRIGHT Metal Shingle It is put there to protect you as well as us from the imitator. Roofs covered with these shingles 27 years ego are good today, and nave never needed re pairs. That's why- they're imitated. Therefore, look for this stamp. For Sale by McAllister Hardware Co. LUMBER TON, N. C. each I II . II Gold Medal Brand Sold by R. D. Caldwell & Son, Lumberton, N. C. ATTENTION-SHRINERS "Shrine Special" Operated VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway TO , Atlanta, Ga., and Return SUNDAY, MAY 10TH, 1914. LEAVE P3I. RALEIGH .. -.. 6:07 WILMINGTON ... 3:45 CHARLOTTE 8:20 - FAYETTEVJLLE, (A.&R.RY) 4:50 HAMLET -4... 9:10 MONROE A '. 10:10 WADESBORO 9:56 WINSTON-SALEM (WSSB RY.) . : 5 :15 SPECIAL TRAIN, ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT Special Train will be Parked at Inman Park Siding on Seaboard, the safest, quietest and cleanest location in Atlanta. -Write at once for detailed information and Pullmai Reservations to F. A. Fetter, (for committee), Raleigh,, 'or ; , f JOHN T. WEST, Division Passenger Agent. RALEIGH, N. C. Subscribe for The Robesonian 'Call for a Popular Meeting to Launch a Constructive Programme for 1914 in Matters of a Public Character. i Mr. Clarence Poe of Raleigh, editor ! - n. - : T r T W. VI l lie nureasive runner, mr. v. tt . Bailey of Raleigh and Pr. II. Q. Al. exander ofrifrscklenburg county, pres- ! ident of jhe State Division of the I Farmersunion, have mailed to Dem ocrats throughout the State a circu- ! lar letter containing a copy of a call : for a Democratic mass meeting to be i held in Raleigh some time next month. the date to be fixed later, and an invi tation to those who received the let ter to sign the call. In the call is giv en a list of some subjects for consid- eration at the proposed convention. signified his intention of attending the conference and bringing with him Sec retary Bryan, if possible. Gov. Craig is reported as saying that he will at tend the meeting and take part and as stating that in his opinion almost all the things proposed for consideration at this meeting should be in the next Democratic State platform. The letter sent out by Messrs. Poe, Bailey and Alexander is as follows: Invitation to Sign CalL "At an informal meeting of Dem ocratic citizens a few weeks ago the undersigned were named as a sub committee to prepare a call for a pop ular meeting for the purpose of put ting before our people a constructive program for 1914 in matters of public character. After careful delibera tion we have prepared the enclosed and we are submitting it to you in the hope that you will sign it and get oth ers to sign with you. "The meeting has no other purpose or motive but to serve the State and the Democratic party by providing means for increasing public interest and .getting some concert of action inside the party in behalf of. such measures for the upbuilding of North Carolina as the convention may ap prove. It' is not even understood that each signer favors all the items in the list of subjects suggested for discus sion ; he only advises that they have consideration at the meeting. "Wm. J. Bryan, Josephus Daniels, Gov. Craig and numerous State Demo cratic leaders are expected as speak ers, and men foremost in the coun cils of the party will be signers. We ask you, however, as a man who will act on his own judgment, and you need only advise us that you wish or do not wish" to have your name included. But in any case we shall appreciate the kindness of a prompt reply on the card which we enclose herewith, to gether with any other earnest and j faithful Democrats who will join you in .signing tne can. The call for the mass meeting is as follows: Call for Democratic Mass Meeting in Kaleigh. "To the Democratic Voters of North Carolina: "Whereas we have come upon a sig nal hour of Democratic achievement in our State and the Republic, an hour wnen the people havme wearied of the standpatism of its opponents have giv en leaaersnip to the Democratic party, and the party in return is demon strating its power and readiness as the champion of the masses, the foe of privilege, and the vehicle of general puDiic progress; and Whereas, the widespread and deen felt interest in certain great measures tor the further UDbuildin? of North Carolina and the inspiring record of progress our Conmmonwealth has al ready made under Democratic admin istration alike indicate that the Demo cratic voters of our State are athrob with the same passion for large and historic service that is distinguishing the Democracy throughout the United States and ejpecralfyThlNadministra- tion of President Wilson :V and "Whereas, there i3 a general de mand tnat tne Democrats of North Carolina shall now take counsel to gether in order to put before their party for consideration in due season a definite program of constructive legislation for the immediate future; now therefore The undersigned do hereby call a mass meeting of Democratic Citizens to be held in Raleigh on April , 1914, at noon, for the purpose of giv ing expression to such a program of constructive measures for considera tion by our people in all sections of the State; and Whereas, as it is desirable to give more definiteness tp this call we here to append one statement which has been made and widely commended of measures and policies which should have consideration at such a meeting our purpose being not to commit the meeting hereby called to these poli cies, nor to limit its deliberations, but to suegest a basis for a meeting and for discussion by the voters: , S6meSuhfrctsfor-Constderatron."'-I. Legalized State'-wide primiary; covering all elective offices and all I parties, with a powerful corrupt prac- i uces act. II. Revision of our system of tax ation a more just and equitable sys tem along lines contemplated in the i Constitutional Amendment proposed on this subject. j III. The adoption of other propos- lea-onsuiuuonai Amendments as fol- lows: I (a) Restricting private, local and . special legislation, and thus enabling me uenerai Assembly to attend to Im portant matters. (b) Giving more elasticity to our judicial circuit system. (c) Preventing special charters ti corporations by General Assembly. IV. Strengthening and enlarging wherever we wisely can, our works in: (a) Public education and public health in which great things are being done; .V- (b) Public roads,, including wiser expenditure of funds and putting con victs on roads instead of giving away their labor for worthless railroad stock. i j (c). Public industry, "including the 'advertising of the State's resources and the development of agricultural land manufacturing interests. FIVE MINUTE CURE IF STOMACH IS BAD When "Pape'a Diapepsin" Reaches Stomach all Indigestion, Gas and Sourness Disappears.' You don't want a alow remedy when your stomach is bad? or an un certain one or a harmful one your stomach is too valuable; you musn't injure it with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmless ness; its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy, stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor in your home keep it handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't-agree with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headaches and dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undi gested food-r-remember as soon as Fane's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it. (d) Public morals, including rig id enforcement of existing statutes and such advances in legislation as localities may demand for themselves. V. Unrelenting fidelity to the posi tion already taken with respect to freight rates and the discriminations against North Carolina, and searching investigation of insurance rates and discriminations. VI. Earnest consideration of the demands of the organized farmers of the State (1) for rural credits, (2) for the segregation of lands between the races wherever it may be demand ed, and (3) for agriculture in the schools. VII. An improved child labor law. VIII. A better business system for the State, insuring economical ex penditure of appropriations and a bet ter co-ordination of the activities of State institutions. President Approves State-wide Pri mary Plank. . . ' . A letter from President Wilson was received Monday by Mr. Clarence Poe as head of the special committee soon to call the Progressive Democratic convention to assemble in Raleigh, the President endorsing unqualifiedly the plank in the call that demands a State wide primary law. The letter by the President follows : "My Dear Mr. Poe: I have noticed with a great deal of interest the move ment inaugurated by yourself and oth ers to secure a law for Statewide primaries in North Carolina. I must admit that I was very much surprised to learn that so great and progress ive a State was so far behind the pro- cesion in a matter of such capital lm portance to the people. i M Jfriting Desk Combinations F)R the Rome or used in conjunction with the Individual Library the value t and convenience of a 9lott?Vtri)icke Writing Desk Unit is recognized by all. When furnishing or refurnishing the library of your home why not be sure of this desired feature in the bookcase of your choice by choosing from this store's display of Sl6tcVcrt)ickc Bookcases brHomeorlndividualUbraries SUUrWJrnUk Writing Desk Units may be quickly combined with two or more Bookcase Units yet allow for any new arrangement later, that the increased number of your books may require. W thow wide dnrenay of style and hotthe in SlW "V&raUW Bookcase and will alto furauh Free cm requot a richly illustrated Ait Catalogue ol Horn Library ugge botu that will be valuable to you in selecting furniture of this character Scad of call (or you copy today.. Lumberton Furniture Store. Lumberton, N. C press my deep interest in your efforts to bring-about the necessary legisla tion? lam sure it would cheer Demo crats everywhere to. see this done by North Carolina." Just Right for Backache and Rheuma tism Foley Kidney Pills are so thorough ly effective for backache, rheumatism, swollen, aching joints, kidney and bladder ailments that they are re commended everywhere. A. A. Jef fords, McGrew, Nebr., says: "My druggist recommended Foley Kidney Pills for pains in my back, and be fore I finished one bottle, my old trou ble entirely disappeared." For sale May 1 not ex- ' by all druggists. It is said that Judge Frank B. Gary of Abbeville, S. C, will be in the race for the United States Senate. He was in the Senate a short time just prior to the nomination of Senator E. D. Smith. ' Plain Truth That'i Worth Money. Using Foley's Honey and Tar for cough or cold may save you both sickness and money. F. F. Mona. han, Menomonie, Wis., says: "I am exposed to all kinds of weather and I find Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound always fixes me up in good shape when I catch cold or have a bad cough. I recommend it gladly." Re fuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. Labor-Saving Cole Planters and Distributors SJSLs Every fanner in this section should own one of these Cole Planters and Distributors. few days in the field. The planter plants better and cheaper than any other planter ever built. The distributor makes one trip do for two doubles the good irom guano, cole nanters ana utstnoutors are tne farmer s mend. North Carolina farm. You'll find them so downright useful and reliable that you'll wonder how yoa ever got along without them why you were ever con tent to put up with out-oftiate machines, when you coulJ own a Cole! ' i ney positively pay for themselves after a 1 hey were "born and raised on a The Cole Planter SAVES Labor 01 1 Man ,nd MuIe ii i rar-a Plants Cotton, Cora, Peas, Bean, Peaaota aad other Seed The Cole Spreader and Cultivator lister and Side Dresser At one trip the Cole Planter smooths the bed, opens a furrow, euano with the soil. covers it, opens aain, plants the seed and covers th em in the most accurate man ner. The g uano being mixed with the toil directlyundertheseed. feeds the plants as toon as the seed sprout. You get a quick start, get two chances at a big crop. The Cole Planter plants the seed in a straight line at the same depth. The depth is easily regulated. Cotton comes up in a straight line without bunches. It can be chopped to a stand cheaper, cost of cultivation is less. The seed fall in plain sight. The wind can't blow them away none are wasted at the end of the rows. Doesn't skip or bunch the seed as far ahead of the old style planters as the old style way is ahead of hand planting. Works perfectly on any kind of land, where other planters are unsatisfactory. The Cole 7? Distributor Opens a Furrow and Sows Guano at Oue Trio - Here s a Cole Distributors, with opening plow in front, which many r . - Very Useful for IMVU p"r Can run off rows, CrODS Vv gjLL- open a furrow, and tow euano at the tame time. Itll tare the work of one man and mule every planting day. Especially good for side-dresing can be run right up alongside plant. Strongly made thruout, large hopper, strong plow wheel with steel spokes. Convenient lever, cuts off flow of guano. Has the reliable Cole force feed, noiseless as a bicycle. Swivel rod holds distributor rigid while yoa fill the hopper. m www ., -Wf--- tw m l. -Jl -rl"'': -fa I Sows Guano and Throw List iifti ...t. rFV sum. With this ma chine you can feed guano to growing crops get more good out of it spread guano at the right .time to make fruit. right where a net work o f roots need it. By feeding the guano during the growth instead of all at one time but little is washed away. The plant receives all the benefits of the plant food. With cultivator attached (as shown in the cut) you can sow guano and effectively cultivate at the tame time save the worst of one man and one mule. Two strong universal plow feet are furnished free. By re moving cultivator and attaching plow feet, you have the best ma chine for sowing guano and throwing two good furrows upon it. . The hopper holds sack, and spreads uniformly any quantity from 100 lbs. to 2000 lbs. to the acre. - Pays for itself in labor saved doubles the good from guano. The Cole Distributor Sows Guano in Open rxirrowrTiirows 2 Good Furrows Upon If The form of spout used on. this machine spreads the guano, instead of putting it in a small stream. The fertilizer feeds ' more plant roots gets more good from. guano. Positive force feed sows from 100 to 1,500 lbs. of guano to the 'acre. Instantly regulated. The plow feet throw two good furrows upon guano at the same time. Plow feet are strongly attached to side beams, so that good plowing can be done. You can leave it without danger of its falling. Graduated hitch post adjusts the weight on the plows. rSave Labor Other Styles of Planters and Distributors to Meet Every Need Besides these niachines we ha the Universal Single. Foot (either force feedor, Knocker). Universal Doable Foot Knocker, and other stjjis suitci to different ases. Discard your old out-of-date trouble making planter or distributor, bitch up to one of these labor saving Coles! Come and see them ow, " Guaranteed By Us and By The Cole Mfg. Co. The Cole is doubly guaranteed. The maker guarantees it. We guarantee it. Every machine must pve a practical daily Working success in your field, no matter if the soil is rough or smooth, level or hilly, with crooked rows or straight. They are made as good as money and brains can make them soid at a fair price to everybody. Come and see these machine. Get ready for planting time. McAllister Hardware Company, Lumberton, N.

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