. FELL DEAD IN FURY. T 1 r r . r i . rt -i , If you want a Becoming Hat What lady does not? You'll find it here. Carefully selected stock of High-class Millinery, latest styles. Miss JosepMinie Bireece Elm Sti-eet . Special Notices LOST ON STREETS OF LUMBER. .TON yesterday, three $5 bills. Re ward if returned to The Robeson ian office. . FOR SALE OR RENT, NEW NINE room two-story in town of Lumber ton. Will sell cheap for cash or on asy terms. "Apply to A. S. Pitt man, Lumberton, N. C. FOR RENT A FIVE ROOM HOUSE corner Walnut and Second streets. E?jrFope, tumDerxon," ntgt- l HAVE OPENED UP A BLACK -" smith's shop on First street, next to " Morrison's stables. When in nesd of work give me a trial. F. A. Wishart. WANTED TO GIVE AWAY A num ber of good old magazines. So many have accumulated have not room to keep them. Apply at Robesonian office. FOR RENT A SIX ROOM HOUSE with modern equipment on Fourth tlrett, between Chestnut and Wal nut. Apply to Dr. W. 0. Edmund, Lumberton, N. C. GOOD HORSE FOR SALE -1 am go ing jjway to a hospital and offer my horse and buggy for sale. T. R. fo lar, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED BOARDERS WANT 4 or five regular boarders April first or later, $16 per month, just good walk from business part of town. For further information call at res idence or see me down towfl. E. Meares, 13th and Cedar Street. I HAVE THE MAIL BOXES, BOTH city and rural. Good profits; fast sellers. Write for the prices. The Mail Box Man, 1-1803 N. Fairfield Ave., Chicago, 111. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CORN, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Hams and all country produce. K. M. BIGGS. AT THE STORE OF THEIR DEAL, er, Parkton Pharmacy, Inc., April 9th-10th. A. K. Hawkes Co's. ex pert optician will test eyes to fit glasses. He will give the same splendid up-to-date service and reasonable prices as obtained at their Atlanta establishment, and which has given this firm a national reputation. FOR HAY, Grain, Cow Feed, Heavy and Fancy Groceries 'phone or :all on K. M. Biggs, Phone 80. DON'T FORGET THE ENGAGE ment of A. K. Hawkes, expert op tician at the store of Parkton Phar macy, Inc., April 9th-10th. Glasses fitted correctly in up-to-date styles at reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. FOR SALE! AT A BARGAIN AND . on easy terms,one second-hand $350 piano. Apply at this office. FOR FEED phone 66. H. M. Beasley & Bro., Lumberton, N. C. 4 FINE SLECTION OF LADIES' and Gents' furnishings. K. M. Biggs. DR. T. A. NORMENT Announces his return to practice. Special AUention to Diseases of Di gestion and all chronic diseases. OFFICE: POPE DRUG STORE. Red Springs Citizen: We are glad to notef that Lumberton will soon build a modern hotel. This is good news, and is entirely in peeping with Other progressive industrial move ments now going on in that live city. ' fi ' f- -Stomach Trouble Cured. . 'MVS. H. G. Cleveland, Arnold, P. A., ' writes, "For some time I suffered from 6tomach trouble. Nothing benefitted me until I got Chamberlain's Tablets. I would have sour stomach and feel bloated after eating. After taking 2 bottles of them I vis cured"." For sale by all dealers. The Robesonian does Job Printing. Among the Sick Mr. Tom Tolar Will Go to Chicago For An Operation. Mr. Tom Tolar, who was serious ly injured in a fall from a street car in Richmond some months ago and who has been suffering with his left leg ever since he returned recently from Richmond, whre he was under treatment for these injuries for some weeks, learned Tuesday in Fayette ville, where an X-Ray examination was made, that his left thigh bone is broken and that his best hope for a successful operation is wiwth Dr. Mur- phjya specialist of Chicago. Mr. Tolar week. "He has suspected that his leg was broken for some time but the doctors at the hospital in Richmond did not think so, though they did not make an X-Ray examination, and as sured him that they thought his leg would get all right. Mr. Tolar was accompanied to Fayetteville Tues day by Dr. T. C. Johnson. The condition of Mrs. Lina McLean, who has been sick at the home of her son, Mr. A. W. McLean, Chestnut street, for several weeks, is thought to be slightly improved today. Mr. O. W. Williamson of route 4 from Lumberton underwent an opera tion for apendicitus at the Cumber land General hospital, Fayetteville, this morning. A message received by his physician, Dr. W. A. McPhaul, this morning says that he is getting along as well as could be expected. Superior Court. Civil court has been grinding away slowly since Monday. The following cases have been disposed of: Arthur Hunt vs. Peyrie Hunt, a divorce case, judgment for plaintiff. ' Judgment has been granted in the following cases: Mary J. McNeill et al vs. Anna J. Buie et al, Ludden & Bates vs. J. J. Barrows, W. B. Brice vs. A. C. L. R. R. Co., M. M. Leggett vs. S. A. L. R. R. Co., Isaac Wilkins vs. Beau fort County Lumber Co., C. A. Oats vs. Ai C. L. R. R. Co., A. J. Mc Kinnon Company vs. M. A. Monroe, Currie-Patterson Co. Vs. R. C. Town send, J. W, Carter vs. E. L. Austin. The case of Katie Ann Locklear vs. W. A. Savage et al seems to be tak ing up considerable time. The case was taken up yesterday morning and had not been finished up tonoon to day. Not Disturbed About Late Spring. Mr. J. L. Monroe, who lives near Elrod, was a Lumberton visitor yes terday. He was here in connection with a long-drawn-out land suit, A. E. Monroe and B. F. McLean vs. J. L. and T. P. Monoe. The case was set tled outside of c6urt. Mr. Monroe says he is not disturbed about the late spring. He thinks that, generally speaking, farmers are prone to get in ibo big a hurry and that nothing is ever lost by spending plenty of time in preparation, in getting good and ready before planting. No use fretting and trying to get ahead of the sea sons, Mr. Monroe thinks. No Move For Union Station Yet. The Corporation Commission order ed some time ago , that Lumberton have a union passenger station after April 1, the iVrginia & Carolina Southern to extend its track to the Seaboard station, but up to this time nothing has been done. Mr. J. P. Rus sell, general superintendent of the V. & C. S., says he is waiting on the Corporation Commission to open the way so they can extend the track. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 50c a box at all stores. Miss Mary Surles of Bloomingdale is among the shoppers in town today. THE K0BES0NIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No, 20. THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1914. PERS ONAL Mr. A. L. Stone of Long Branch was in town -yesterday. Mr. Stinson Powell of Orrum is a Lumberton. visitor today. Mr. R. S. Bond of Rowland was a Mr. Henry Leggett of Nye's was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. Walter Watts of Raynham was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. Haynes Prevatt of Orrum was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Walker Cobb of Maxton, route 2, was a Lumberton visitor Moiv day. Mr. H. C. Conn of Pembroke was among the visitors in town yesterl day. Mr. 0 ton Prevatt of 3v.iv Swamp was among -the visitors in town yes terday. Mr. N. A. Kinlaw of Howellsville was among the visitors in town yes terday. Mr. E. L. Haynes of Bloomingdale is among the business visitors in town today. Mr. Nathan Andrews of Fairmont was among the visitors in town yes terday. Mr. C. P. Grantham of Fairmont, route 3 , was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. J. M. Powell of Mars Bluff, S. C, is among the business visitors in town today. J Mr. W. S. Stone of route 4 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mesdames Nathan and Albert Britt of Hog Swamp are among the shop pers in town today. Messrs. V. A. Bullock and W. H. Prevatt of Center are among the vis itors in town today. Mr. J. M. Martin, a young civil engineer of Maxton, was a Lumber, ton visitor Monday. Messrs. P. P. Smith and Haynes Barnes of Proctorville were Lumber ton visitors yesterday. Messrs. June Ivey and W. C. Britt of Proctorville were among the visi tors in town yesterday. Messrs. W. B. Ivey and A. J. Smith of Long Branch were among the visitors in town today. Messrs. W. H. McMillan and Am brose Kinlaw of St Pauls, route 1, are among the visitors, in town to day. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Hilburn of La Grange arrived Tuesday and will spend some time in town visiting rel atives. Mrs. R. M. Normentwho had been visiting relatives here for some time, left this morning for her home at Columbia, S. C. Miss Maude Stewart of John's Sta tion is spending some time in town a guest at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. W. P. McAllister.' Mr. B. A. Anderson returned to his home, at Fair Bluff yesterday after spending several days here with his son Mr. H. H. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whaley of Charlotte arrived" Tuesday and are visiting at the home of Mr. Whaley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Whaley. Thly will return to Charlotte tomor row. " , l i Constipation causes headache, indi-' gestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For a i mild opening medicine, use Doan's1 Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. Veteran, Struck a Comrade at SoL diera Home at Raleigh Sunday Then Fell On the Floor and Died in Two Hours. Raleigh News and Observer, March 31. John P. McLendon, Robeson county veteran, struck his comrade, James Ray, Sunday evening with a cane, then ! fell on the floor dying within two I hour?. The story leaked out yesterday morning when Coroner Charles Separk ; went out to investigate the death,' which was not known until yesterday. The c.oroner found nothing that could I ;be charged against the management. of the home and all the witnesses ' gave abundant proof that the old sol-! dier died in a fit of temper. S Mr. McLendon was a crippled man j and had to be rolled in a chair. Sun- I day evening the dead man rolled him- i self up behind his mate and rapped the j Infirm old gentleman over the head j with a stick. Mr. Ray says he had no idea what moved the Robesonian to strike him; that the same cane was twice used. Mr. Ray then causrht it. pulled the wielder of the stick and Mr. McLendon fell over on his face, "I did not strike him at all," the comrade said yesterday. "I did not try to hit him. I wasn't; mad even when the stick hit me and hurt me,! I Other soldiers say the dead man had ; an ungovernable temper and that his J injuries naa worked to greater child- j ishness. He was regarded harmless j all the same. The coroner examined several wit nesses who told the same story and ! there was nothing to do. The cause ' of the dead man's death came from a ! ruptured blood vessel and this came from the temper. r -He.waa ope of ;the most enthusiastic o'eiCmf ederate rooters at the ball game and is remembered well by many of the fans. Notices of New Advertisements. New lot of mules has just arrived C. M. Fuller; pleasure vehicles, all 1914 models C. M. Fuller & Son. Auction sales at Lumber Bridge and Parkton April 8, valuable hotel, busi ness and residence lots and some ideal small tracts Atlantic Coast Realty Co. Mail boxes, both city and rural The Mail Box Man. Tobacco flues everything in hard ware McAllister Hdw. Co. Opportunity and the bank account Bank of Lumberton. R. D. Caldwell & Son discuss spring styles and tell about their complete stocks. Practical benefits of building & loan associations. Easter dyes, flowers, candies, eggs McDonald Drug Co. Residence in Lumberton for sale or rent. A. S. Pittman. F. A. Wishart has opened up a blacksmith shop. M. G. McKenzie announces candi dacy for re-election. House for rent Dr. W. O. Ed mund. . Horse and buggy for sale T. R. To lar. "What the Gods Decree," special feature at Pastime next Monday night. Money lost. Dr. T. A. Norment announces his return to practice. Circus in moving pictures at Pas time Saturday. House for rent E. J. Pope. G. C. Fisher to the Soldiers Home. Maxton Scottish Chief. Hon. G. C. Fisher, a prominent cit izen who has represented Robeson in the General Assembly, and was a brave Confederate soldier, left Wed resday morning for Raleigh' to enter the Soldiers Home. He is about sev. cnty years of age, and though his general health is good, he does not hve the control over his locomotion that has heretofore permitted him to lead an , active life. We trust that he ma yw find his surroundings at the home such as may contribute to his happiness and thatwe may have the plea jure of meeting him often yet. Circus Pictures Coming Back. The Hagenbach and Wallace circus pictures which were shown here sev- jeral weeks ago have been secured for a return engagement and will be run ; Saturday afternoon and nighty These ! pictures are in 4 reels and in addition to them two other feels will be run, making a six-reel show two hours long, the prices for which will be 10 and 20 cents. Mrs. Graham McKinnon and Miss Maggie McKinnon of Rowland were among the out-of-town shoppers in Lumberton Tuesday The Robesonian does Job Printing. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO RIA S i l v e r w are For a limited time 1847 Rogers Bros. Knives and Forks at $3.75 a set Boylin's Jewelry Store, LUMBERTON, N. C. The Great K. fK x rv ; ; f VCjliV: 1 -.-: - X "' .,' N. Jacobi Hardware Co. Sole selling agents WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. Cf3P Rpsnrl mill V U U for all fiats, Gaps and Dry Goods . . Notions, Heavy and Fancy Groceries. M. W. FLOYD, - - Lumberton, N. t Flower Seed, Garden Seed, Field Seed "AS YOU SOW SO sm nv lien uuviiik dccu vuu diivsuvi CO Q U3 U3 CO waste of time, labor and money to plant poor seeds,' ana u mere folly to do so when you can buy our goods, guaranteed pj seeds at the same price. WE CAN FURNISH SEEDS IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES. Our full assortment of seeds are all guaranteed to be of last year's crop and true to the name. "BE CAREFUL IN PLANTING, AND THE HARVEST WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF. The Pope Drug Company "THE NYAL STORE. Seconds the Motion. Red Springs Citizen. The Robesonian of yesterday men tions in most favorable terms Mr. S. B. McLean's candidacy as solicitor of this, the ninth, judicial district, and suggests Red Springs as the place for holding the convention. To all of which we second the motion. Now it's up to us to go, to work and get it. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO RIA THE PURE FOOD STORE Redmond's Parlor Grocery New arrivals. Pick out your bill of fare. Fancy California dried peaches, large juicy prunes, evaporated apples, finest layer figs, Fard dates, select cluster raisins, new walnuts, butter nuts, pecans, almonds and fancy se lected mixed nuts, cranberries and celery, fresh shipment shelled walnuts, Pecans and almonds, new sauer kraut, fancy sweet pickles by the quart; new large dill and plain sour pickles. ' Headquarters for fancy cheeses, new imported, Swiss, Edam, Pineapple and Pimento and olive cheese, sweet Florida oranges, Jersey grape fruit, select Winesap and Albemarle pippin apples, new Spanish onions, green cabbage, ripe tomatoes, new potatoes, select line fancy pickles, preserves, jellies and sauces in glass. Premier brand canned goods. Oysters received daily. C. B. Redmond PHONE 113. Fourth Street.- Lumberton, N. C P. Distributor , ri ECONOMICAL AND effi - -J CIENT. LASTS LONGEST For Sale by LEADING MERCHANTS THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY OXFORDS and SHOES -.--.-'35. ' the family. m mam., R. D. CALDWELL & SON, Inc. Lumberton, if. C. Funeral Directors. Embalming. One of the most complete stocks in North Carolina. Newest styles in all kinds of Hard Wood and Metallic Cas kets. Sozonian Vaults, Armour Plate Vaults. Sole Agents for the Origi nal Lead-Coated-Solid Steel non rust ing Belmont Casket. Telegraph and Telephone orders get prompt attention. Day Phone 119. Night Phone 82. R. D. CALDWELL & SON, Inc. Lumberton, N. C Opera House Friday Night, OrI The Powerful and Pathetic Play Dora Thome A Thrilling fflay of intense dramatic power from the famous novel by Ber tha M. Clay. A story of unusual interest. The play has humor and pathos. Unusual ly picturesque and pleasing. Seats on sale at McMillan's Tues day. Prices 25, 50, 75 and $1. . i ORIGINAL UAXAT1VE COUGH SYRUP KCMDY'S LAXATiYE HOKEYTAR C'or-r B!om in a Hooey 3 trtry BnffU I

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