PAGEjSEYEN. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Woodberry Lenaon H. E. Stacy LENNON fe STACY Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Lumberton, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. DR. R. T ALLEN Dentists LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Office" Over Bank ef Lumberton. 827tf R. A. McLEAN, t Attorney-at-lawr Lumberton, - - - - North Carolina Office in Weinsteln building. 9-18 DR. JOHN KNOX, JR. Physician and Surgeon, Lomberton, - - - - North Garolins Residence 'phone No. 54, at Mrs, N A. McLean'. Office 'phone No. 26, Thomas L. iohnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counselors at Law Lumberton, N. C Practice in State and Federal Courts. Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. J. M. MARTIN. Land Surveying, Map Drawing, Blueprint Making and Civil Engineer, tog in general Office formerly oc. copied by Mr. J. C. Parish, Maxton, N. C. 825. btephen Mclntyre, jl. C Lawrencs James D. Proctor. Mdotm, Lawrence 4 Prodor, Attorneys and Counselors st Law, LUMBERTON, - - N. C. -Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. IRA B. MULLIS, Civil Engineer. FOR THE GRIP . Peruna Is Sometimes Uied Wttb V. Good RetelU . . A crt&t many. people as Peru na. for the grtpu. Borne use It aa eon as the grip begins, taking it during the acute stage of the dis ease, claiming tor it great em eacy In shorten ing the disease, and especially in shortening tne alter stages. i ' l il Mrs. Jane Gifi HERO OF THE DURHAM FIRE. .1, ' ' ill Trinity College Student' Risked Life to Rescue Others From Burning Building. The following story of heroic work of a student at Trinity during the re cent disastrous fire at Durham is told in a special to the Greensboro News: F. A. Whitesides, a Trinity College senior, was the hero of the fierce fire which destroyed more than $600,000 worth of property here last night, and his daring possibly saved the lives of six or eight persons who had been asleep on the fourth and fifth floors of the Brodie L. Duke building. Jumping into an elevator that had been deserted by the operator this colleg youth ran it up YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT Many people take It after they have and down its shaft through heat and Sand-Clay and Gravel Roads; Pave ments, Bridges, Sewers, Drainage and General Surveying. DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. C. Offices upstairs in Weinsteln building. had the grip. . Their convalescence fa slow. They have suffered along for a raonin or two, without any signs of complete recovery. Then they resort to Peruna as tonic with enlendid results. Mrs. Jane Gift, R. F. D. I. Athens, uniob wnois portrait appears above, writes: 1 think X would hare been dead long ago If it had not been for reruna. six years ago Z had la arlDoe very bad. .The doctor came to see me every day, hut I gradually grew worse. X told my husband I thought i wouia sureiy aie u i did not get reuez soon. ' "One day X picked up the news- paper and accidentally found a testi monial of a woman who had been cured of grip by Peruna. X told my husband I wanted to try it He went directly to the drug store and got a Dotue or reruns, x could see the to' provement in a very short time ana was soon able to do my work. X con tinued using- it until X was entlrelr curea." Mr. Victor Patneaude. 128 Madison St, Topeka, Kas., writes: "Twelve years ago X had a severe attack of la grippe and X never really recovered my health and strength, but -grew weaaer every year, until I was unable to work. "Two years ago X began uslnsr Pe runa and It built up my strength so mat in a couple or months I was able to go to work asain. This wlntsr x had another attack of la grippe, but Peruna soon drove It out of my sys tem. My wife and X consider It a household remedy." . ,iu wuu uuiock in i nuin mam. -rMnee can new .ostein Peruh Tablets. DR. W. L. GRANTHAM Physician and Surgeon Office at McDonald Ttrug Company Office phone No. 26. Resideuce phone No. 49 7-4tf Dr.W.O. EDMUND Veterinary Surgeon. Manufacturer of horse Remedies. Lumberton, N. C. Phone No. 52. Calls filled promptly. 8-1 1 FIRE" INSURANCE Place your fire insurance with J. BROWNE EVANS, St. Pauls, North Carolina. The best of OLD LINE Companies represented. 65tf Dr. W. W. Parker "OPTOMETRIST" EYE DEFECTS Treated and Corrected by Glasses Modernly Equipped Office with Every Facility for Expert WorkConsul tation Invited and Free. LUMBERTON, N. C DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. Lumberton, N. C Specialties : Surgery, . . Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1217 smok until th last prson was down and until there was nothing left for the elevator to move on. The last time, indeed, he could only go to the fourth floor to go higher he would have been compelled to run into flam ing air. When he came down this last (rip the elevator wavered and shook with tne rumblings of the flames, and when within eight feet of the bottom the car had practically nothing to move on, part of the woodwork having oeen burned and charred, and it all but fell with a crash. But on this last trip made through smoke and flame, with death playinsr in lurid form all about, risking his life to death as the solemn reward, with his nose and mouth covered by one hand and with the other hand piloting the elevator upward, the new elevator boy found one last man, the only man left in tne Duuaing, and broueht him to the cherished earth, Thus he became a hero and after his duty was done he sunned awav. ew people knew of his excellence until late tnis morning, it was known that some, one had run the elevator until the last man was out. but who it was lor several hours proved a mystery ' When finally discovered he pleaded an engagement and hurried off thru a crowd. Findinsr this was useless he admitted he had run the elevator but didn't know how many times "l was just passintr. and the eleva tor was not runnincr." he said l he information was finally nulled from him. that he had never run an elevator before; that he asked the ele l At.- f r s vawr iotv uie ugnc'to ie i .aeeuv mat ne ran. tne elevator ud to one HftT? rvni TiVMow mmmtaA n i;f floor and back 'down to make ure how imprisonment the death sentence of the business was done. Then he went James Bolejack, who killed his wife uv X? "T w? "u as long in Charlotte. The date set for the s th elevator would run. At times, electrocution was April 4. The Gover- un?Jfr, hls "PraJrra others went up nor gives as his reasons that the man "," .... . . is old and broken in mind and bodv . ine. last trip he had considerable anA ma nnf fi,iiw ooi;. i,- ,o irouDie in reacnine tne tourth floor. ama.j Vl niiuil 11C TV DQ I j j - , , . . doing, that the jury recommended ,"a" lu 'Kner, ne caiiea up to mercy, and that the judge, solicitor " vaum, ana men and. other good citizens recommended rescued the nearly suffocated man on commutation. Lfading Drugget Will Refund Pur. chase Price of Dod son's Liver Tone if You're Dissatisfied " J. D. McMillan & Son may not be wining to guarantee the safety and reliability of calomel for constipation and sluggish liver, but this store will : and does stand back of Dodson'a Liver I Tone with an unconditional guaran tee to refund the full purchase price (due.) instantly without question if you are not satisfied in every way :.L T ! f I ii w wim litver lone ana its results. If VOU take calomel, nerhana vou will seem to get temporary relief, but it often happens that the after-effects are at least unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Calomel in large doses is a poison and actually deadly to some perhaps to you and hence its use means taking chances. With Dodson's Liver Tone you are always safe. Its reliability is ho cer tain that it can be sold with the mon ey back guarantee. It is a vegetable liquid pleasant to take, and it cannot harm. It clears up the dulled and aching head and cleans out the cloe- .i i . . Kcu oysiem in wnat many nave found to be a wonderful way. Dodson's Liv er Tone will do for you what it has done for thousands and you run no nsK in iryinsr it. A8K J. U. McMillan & aon about Dodson s and the guarantee. Words of Praise . THOS. C. JOHNSON, M. D.. Calls Answered Day or Night. Resi dence 'Phone No. 175. Office 'Phone No. 47. '- E. M. Britt W..S. Britt Britt & Britt Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. All business given prompt and ear fnl attention. Office upstairs in Ari Buildinsr. 9-H W. UcLean L. S. Yar Mt J. D. KeLaaa McLean, Varser & McLean Attorneys at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C Offices on 2nd floor offBank of Lom berton Building, Rooms, 1, 2 8, audi ilT E. J. BRITT, Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, N. C. Offices over Pope Drug Co. Prompt attention given all business. DR. RUSSELL S. BEAM Lomberton,- N. C Office over McMillan's Drug Store - Phones, office 196, Residence 167 Please leave calls at McMillan's Drug Store. - J. D. BARDIN. Lawyer. Red Springs, N. C. General Practice in all courts, and especially in those of Robeson, Hoke, Scotland and Cumberland Counties. 28 .years experience. References: Any citizen of Wilson, N. C. Phone, 80. the fourth floor. Young Whitesides is barelv over five feet nine inches in height and weigns aoout 13U sounds. His eves are blue and his hair is lieht. The steady gleam of his eye, the quickness of his voice and a sorie-htlv sten . 1 1 . . 1 Cm mtm.m.t matK n,m as 8 raan i the nerve and FOr niayf'S WOnderfUl decision he displayed last night. Stomach Remedy xhe ADril AmeriMn Ma. Howthnkfulwaratfl The April American Magazine con- you for getting: a hold ol tains the first installment of a new WXSSthSi serial story entitled "Bamby," by Ma had bat a short time to live Jorie Benton Cooke. No country buv ia., Si!?J5? America could produce a eirl like nviiuciiui tvciiiouy WI1CU rL . - , w shedid. One moreof those Bamby a creature oi buoyant splen- paroxysm paina he was did spirit and ingenious wit. "Bam. having would have killed .. . i?r . her without a doubt. Now 3 s"s out iiKe a real svory a she is free from all pain, captivating love story full of come- freefromhearttroubleand Jv nnH nHventnro free from that disturbing yAana aaventure. . Neuralgia-ail the results A remarkable contribution to the of five treatments nnrl nanr inuno rf Am;a ; tt the expuUion of five or six hundred Gall Stof a r . TW- "ThT y i, I Nowsheisabletoeatanythmgshewanuandher Antms article They who knock at appetiteiirfoodandbeforetakingyourmedicine our Gates." Mary Antin is a brilliant she had no appetite and when she ate anything voumr PnaHinn Toitooao vuhn hn fthewouldsufferdeaihforsodoingandcouldnot younS. KUSSian Jewess WHO has only sleep at nigl.t; since taking your treatment she been in this country a few years, sleeps well all night long. T. A. Neall, Roanoke, She gives in this article a wonder- xas. .i. a.: il. it , The ahnvfl rtl,r .Wlrl rnnvinn- mn ,r. ul i mctt uiafc our than anything we could say in behalf of Mayr'almmlSran have courage and faith wonderat stomacn Kmay. butterers should oi pioneers and they are in manv tryoneaoseottnisKemeay oneaosesnouiacon- aravn tha. Kocf Mi4 f i- " vincethem that they can be restored to health. ways .tft.e Yest Part of our population Nearly all Stomach Ailments are caused by the an intusion 01 new blood of lnestl- ciogging ot tne intestinal tract witn mucoid and ma hla s nn t A n-..l..l .; u . . I tmv. w H1UC1 into the stomach and otherwise deranging the Other articles are "American Gam- digestiva system. Mayr't Wondmrful Stomach bhng and Gamblers," by Hugh S. Ful Remepainlessly removes these accretions ,rtn. sooinw A,oi-a K.. r without a surgical operation and puts an end to Colic Attacks, Gases in the Stomach and Intes tines and all of the usual symptoms ot Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments. Ask vour cruar gist about Mayr't Wonderful Stomach Rtmady or Send to Geo. H. Mayr. Mfg. Chemist, 154 whiting bt., Chicago, 111., for tree booklet on Stomach Ailments and many grateful letter! trora people who nave oeen restored. I - For Sale in Lumberton, N. C. by j. d. McMillan & son. A MESSAGE TO BOYS AND GIRLS. School Children Urged to Help Protect Forests and Protect Birds. I would like to visit the schools and see every boy and eirl in the State. Since I cannot do this, I am sending each of you a message I trust you will remember. I want all the school children to help Governpr Craig and all good citizens to preserve our for. ests and protect our birds. How help ful our teachers could be if they would plan to observe "Arbor Dav" and organize Audubon Clubs in every school. If every boy and girl' would plant a tree and protect a bird, lum ber would be cheaper and homes less expensive and our little feathred fam ily will again form th rainbow colors in our forests. It is claimed by those who are in vij knowttha fire, is -the- "worst-enjemy to euf1 mrtlrHJarolina forests, and -that the largest part of these firw are caused by careless ness. Our children must not only be taught the value and beauty of forests, but also must be trained t be more careful about the use of matches and fires. A most helpful and impressive illustrated leaflet, enforc ing just these points, in language which the children can understand is being distribued by the Carolina For estry Association free of charge to all schools, in sufficient quantities for every child to have one. A simple ap plication to the secretary of the Asso ciated at Chapel Hill, N. C.,-will se cure these. . . MRS. LAURA J. INGRAM. Chairman of Conservation of Woman's Clubs. Wadesboro, N. C. This is one of the Hundred Smart, Practical Styles rn the Special April Fashion Number of THE DELINEATOR Important changes of style are taking placa right now. Every woman must have reliable information on these changes. The April number of THE DELINEATOR shows you every thing and tells you everything about them. It contains over 1 00 beautiful Spring and early Summer designs. The very latest Butterick styles. Descriptions of all the newest materials! The special April number of THE DELINEATOR is the roost important Fashion announcement of the year. 15 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER l.lalduell &M Department Store s ki DR. ROWLAND DEESE Veterinary Surgeon, Lumberton - - - - - N. Calls answered promptly day or night 3-23-tf Pifone No. 197. JAMES M. RUSSELL Architect. LnmbertonN. C. JOB rinfing! THE ROBESONIAN IS NOW PREPARED TO Do Job Printing A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED : i : : Subscribe to The Robesonian. lerton; "Seeing America," by Ray annnara uaKer; "An Adventure in Education," by Albert Jay Nock; and "ine Slump in tne Theatrical Busi ness," by Walter Prichard Eaton. Edna Ferber tell3 a new Emma Mc Chesney story; Brand Whitlock, for merly mayor of Toledo, Ohio,, tells a gou siory; ana otner fiction is contri buted by Clarence B. Kelland, Philip Curtiss and Maravene Thompson. James Montgomery Flagg contrib utes an amusing piece in words and pictures entitled "The Care' and Feed ing of Husbands," and prize-winning letters are puDiisned in the contest entitled "What I Would Do With a W.ilion Dolars." The "Interesting People" department completes a live ly numner. Floating Churches. rour coiporcage automobiles are now carrying religion to the homes in outlying districts in the West. Many people on tne racinc Coast can be reached for the present only by water transportation. A cruiser was built of sufficient size to accommodate a missionary and hisfamily. and if nec essary to provide a chapel sufficiently large to accommodate an audience of fifty people. The first of these boats were assigned to the Coos Bav. retrion of Western Oregon and was named the Life Line: the second is known as the Osceola and operates in the waterways oi oan r rancisco cay and the dike re gion of the Sacramento and San Joa quin rivers. Another boat is now be ing built for service in Puget Sound, and will serve 75,000 people along' 2, 000 miles of shore line. The WorlH'a Work. The Best Security. Greensboro News. Morgan said that he had loaned a million dollars at a tim to men who to his certain knowWcro aa have a cent. But for all that the bank er felt that he had a surety better than government bonds he had his debtor's character to secure him. That the financier's rule may work both ways is srraDhicallv illustrate hu f Via affair at Goldsboro, where a cashier aeiaicatea with ?70,000, and far from wrecking the bank, appeared hardly to cause a riple of uneasiness among the depositors: those dennsitors hnH i . a man oi cnaracter to fall back on. In deed before the news of the shortage had reached the nublic. th of the bank had put up the money to guarantee the depositors against any loss. People learned that George Nor wood was on the job and went about their business, perfectly satisfied. In all likelihood Mr. Norwood will jjet his mony back and even if he should lose every cent of it we hazard the asser tion that the time will come when he will find that the confidence and es teem of his fellow-townsmon nn wbrth every cent of the $50,000 he put up. Gets-It" for Corns On Your Piggy-VYiggios! Quit Puttering With Corns. Use This Sure, New-Plan Corn Cure. A. lew drops Of GETS-IT." the hlirirpat Buer in ine woria today of any corn remedy, is enough to gnell Doaitive doom tn the fiercest corn that ever cemented Itself TJmm Ettl torn The Ettk toa hd "GETS-IT hIooo. to a toe. It's rood-bye Johnnie. Ton aonl GETS-IT" in two seconds no foaalna wna piasters that dont tay rut. with salves that make corns "pull" and make I tne toe beefy and raw. with knives, scissors, razors ana aig-gen mat make corns grow faster and that may cause blood oolaon from corn-cut tin ar and oorn-biAdiniL I sari re Is op corns, they cornel runt orr. That the new principle. Ifs lust common sense. No more corn-pains. I tti!,is-iT" la safe, and never hurts the Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser. Flush out the acciimnlt1 mst on1 rr l'onno u : . n j Oesn. Get rid of corns and c&llnsea. cleanse vour stomach 1 W ,3 w5' 1 TGETS-IT- i. sold at S5o a bottle by all 5 IlutCKl"i3: ! Sww. or direct W you wish, from 'j " "ii(juijLica. late vi. njng a ; e. xAwrence co Chicago. Jew Life Pills: nothing better for purifying-the blood. Mild, non-griping laxative. Cures constipation; you feel fine. Take no other. 25c. at your druggists. Uucklen's Arnica Salve for all hurts. GETS-IT" is sold in Lumberton bv rUI'lS DKLlr tUMPAA I. The bright days of spring bring renewed life ai.d bright prospects and people feel like "getting in the race." We are in the race and in winning: condition. Our aim is to do the hrgest and most satisfactory spring and summer business ever experienced by our customers and ourselves. We are ready to do our part.. We are ready to take care of all customers WE ARE READY TO WIN. Our customers know our past record straight, fair, square business. The people who trade with us are not the .kind to be trifled with they know some things themselves. We would as soon try to fly in a wash pot as to try to pass shoddy, old stock, out of date goods on our customers. No sir'ee!. None of that "Cheap John" Stuff for our trade. Our customers want quality equal to price and they shall have it. What is price when quality is lacking an unsatisfactory trade. A QUESTION. Think about it and see what your answer would be. Did you ever cast your eye-sight over our stock of goods and see how clean and perfect every article seemed to be? Did you notice our SHOE DEPART ment and see that every pair of Shoeswas BACKED UP AS TO QUALITY BY THE MAKERS of them ? Yes,Sir'ee, you will find just that thing. We sell shoes that the makers are willing to1 be judged by and they put their own individual, honest, intelligent character in the shoes they make. These men know how to make shoes to wear they are judges of leather they have abundant capital they have experience they have achieved success by their straight forward business methods we are following them we would not "Stoop to Conquer." We do not want to eat "Apples of Sodom" which turn to ashes on the lip, but rather enjoy a divided loaf with our customers that is our idea, "give and take" but give full value for every penny received. THESE FACTORIES MAKE ANDGUARANTEE SHOES WE SELL Hamilton-Brown Shoe Co., ZEIGLER BROS., HOWARD & FOSTER SHOE CO. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO, RICE &HUTCHINS, Makers of the "Educator" line of children Shoes. We have a great assortment of these various makes now in stock. NOW, ASK YOURSELF ANOTHE QUESTION Where can be found an assortment of goods equal to the selection shown in oar Dry Goods, No tion and millinery Departments? Examine our stock and arrive at con clusions. In our Dress Goods Department will be found good3 of latest styles, ranging in price from 10c to $1.50 per yard. We call attention to only a few real bargains, as follows, viz: Crepe Dolly Varden styles 10c yard lupieis stripes and soud colors 15c Yard WINDSOR PLISSE all colors 20c Yard Tango Chiffon, Dolly Varden style... 20c Yard Windsor Plisse, all colors 20c Yard Dotted Plisse, all colors ..20c Yard Butterfly Embroidery Crepe 25c Yard Satin Stripe Poplins 25c Yard Egyptian Tissues ..25e Yard Ratines 25c to $1.00 Yard Silk Figured Poplin ..50c Yard A great assortment of the leading makes of Dress Ginghams, Utilities, "Red Seal," "A. F. C," "Sun and Tub Proof," "Toile du Nord" &c, Linen Dress Goods in Natural and Blue and Pink Colors. SPECIAL Inspect our select line of Ladies Coat Suits for Spring aad Summer Wear very latest styles and reasonable prices. A fine assortment of one-piece dresses, $1 to $3 also a splendid line of one-piece silk dresses from $7.50 to 2.50. See our large assortment of Extra Skirts $3.00 to $8 each. Wash Skirts from 50c to $2.50. Don't fail to visit our Millinery Department as you can see the latest styles Hats and other articles in that line. This is House-Cleaning time come to us for some new "Fixings" Lace Curtains, curtain goods, Table Linen, Bed Sheets, Pillow cases, Towels and etc., Notions and small wares in great abundance Dress Trimmings, Fancy Collars, all latest styles. CORSETS The Famous "W. B." Corsets from 50c to $5 very latest lengths we can show the goods better than tell about them. We cannot mention allthe great lines carried in our Department Store We should take a whole page to tellabout the splendid selection of Men's, boys and children's clothing we will have to tell about this splendid stock at another time, but we say now, that men will do right by themselves by inspecting our great line of Spring and summer clothing, and that Ladies can get the very things needed for the boys in summer suits, Pants, etc. NOW, OUR INVITATION IS COME AND SPEND ONE OF THE FINE SPRING DAYS, WE ARE TO HAVE IN OUR STORE and we believe we can please your fancy in many things. REMEMBER OUR STATEMENT WE WOULD AS SOON TRY TO FLY IN A WASH POT AS TO TRY TO PASS SHODDY, OLD STOCK, OUT.OF DATE GOODS ON OUR CUSTOMERS. We stand where we have stood for thirty years the best is none too good for our customers. PAY US A VISIT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Respectfully, ' ' R. D. Caldwell & Son roiFKTOKJft;PlUSf (Incorporated. $50,000.00 Paid CapitaL) LUMBERTON, N. C.

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