PAGE FOUR THE ROBESONIAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By nUESOXIAN PCBLISHIXG CO. J. A. SHARPE President Office 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. Entered as. second class mail matter at the ppstoffice at Lumberton, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES On Year $150 gtx Months v Three Months FLAG .RAISED AT VERA CRUZ Ctremony Indicating Formal Occupa tion of Town Five Americans Ex pelled by Huerta Big Parade Shows Disapproval of Huirta's At. Utude. Vera Cruz Dispatch, 27th. With all ceremony, ihe firing of a salute and dress parade, the American fjag was raised today over the diyis ORRUM OCCURRENCES Orrum Defeats Boardman in a Fast Game Baraca Class Doing Good WorkNew Store Building Per sonal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Orrum, April 28 Miss Jessie Pre. vatte and brother, Fred were visi tors in Lumberton Friday afternoon. Air. A. M. Floyd was a business visitor at Fairmont Saturday. Mr, inn Admiral Gwaltney McDowell has accepted a headquarters of Kear Frank F. Fletcher. the customs position as traveling salesman with house tne nag nas ueen iiying since. the Havana Ciear Co 75 40 A I 1 mcr iidicatig .'i? iormui occupa tion of Vera Cruz thf Kir Jing of the American forces, I xhe Orrum ball team went over to but until now theru .ui been no cere- Boardman aSturday afternoon and defeated the" last Boardman team by a score of 6 to 4. The whole Orrum Five Americans, who arrived by team hit and fielded like giants. Spiv- train from Mexico Uty today, yinuai- ey and McDowell, the speedy twirl !y were expelled by General Huerta. Jer3i had the Boardman sluggers at They had been arrested at Pachuca their mercy, allowing only three clean for no known cause. They are Dr. hits. Hopkins, R. Chattion, J. Punstion, Mrs. Marion Ballon Fisk the car We are to infer from hints thrown g. Smith and Mr. Maddox. Dr. toonist-lecturer of the Atlanta Alka out by The Liunbvrton Robesonian Hoskins was subjected to rougher hest Lyceum Bureau, entertained a that war in Mexico has not interfered treatment than the others because in large crowd last Saturday Evening in with the plans for a new hotel for its his possession were found papers in. ( the high school auditorium. The many town. Charlotte Observer. dicating that he had once served as who heard Mrs. Fisk talk, and saw Not any. Plans for the new hotel surgeon in the United btates army on j her make good pictures as she talk THURSDAY. APRIL 30. 1014. are coming along fine. . -o The record in office of public official ought to be bonk, known and read of men; and it is nothing more than fair to the sovereigns whose votes are so licited for a public official who offers for re-election to be willing to stand or fall on his record. , () the capital from Pachuca and Huerta ordered them to leave the country. a The more friendly attitude display- an ed in the Capital towards foreigners all in the last day or two was explain ed when it was learned from refugees that rebel supporters in Mexico City had taken steps to change public opinion. lney circulated nand bills calling upon the people to protect the Americans and denouncing Huerta as tht c;inse of the landinir of thp. Ampri- The Wilmington Morning Star is- can navaj forces at Vera Cruz and sued Tuesday its first edition from its also as the author of inflammatory new and completely equipped plant statements published in Mexico City. j v.. ; o- ft,.Q I" the hand bills the people were and announces that in the near iuture ,, , .... u- j " , , called upon to join in a big parade it will be issued every day in the in order to show disapproval of Hu- week. The Star has been coming out erta's attitude and to indicate their every day since the Mexican trouble own friendliness towards Americans, reached an acute stage, even while ! The parade took place Saturday. The moving into its new quarters hand- fact that it was permitted by Huerta ling war news in excellent shape. The was construed as an indication of the Star is one of the best and is getting weakening of his power, better all the while. The rebels are said to have been gaining ground in the territory close Now that candidates for office are , to Mexico City. Four 'hundred coming to the front it is perhaps just Federal wounded were brought into as well for The Robesonian-' to state cap1 f rAd,ay from nearby poin . .. ... , . , .. , Where the battle was fought the refu- again its position in regard to political fgees not knQW communtfatfons. Any communication Some of the refugees are respon. of a general nature discussing policies sible for an unconfirmed report, tffifk, will be published free of charge as a after a demonstration, Huerta be matter of interest and of course, just : came 'so frightened that he hid in a as the paper has always done, but any foreign legation, fearing assassina- communications boosting for orhce any- tion. particular candidate must be paid for - at regular advertising rates. We Strengthens Weak and Tired Women, should not object to publishing boosts ; T was under a gteBt strain nursing from the friends of each candidate, ia relative through three months' sick but that would place upon the paper neS8 writeg Mrs j. c Dan De Sande a greater burden that it should be 0f Kirkland, 111., and "Electric Bitters expected to bear, and by charging for kept me from breaking down. I will all and treating all absolutely alike never be without it." Do you feel tir no one cap have reason to complain. , ed and worn out? No aJppetite and r u i j n .u food won't digest? It isn't the spring One hundred and eighty-three eggs iweather. You need Electric Bitters real hen eggs for a speech! What; Start a month's treatment today; do you think of that? That is the nothing better for stomach, liver and honorarium Mr. Woodberry Lennon, a "eys. The great spring tonic. Re fx i . lief or money back. 50c and $100. at ycung attorney of Lumberton, receiv- jyour drUggistg. ' ed the other day for delivering the " ' - - address at the closing of a Robeson county colored school. Each pupil in the school brought an egg for the .speaker. If that had happened a time ago when eggs were a most expensive- article of food Mr. Lennon might have swapped the eggs for gilt-edged bonds and put himself in the class of bloated bondholders. But any old time more than a gross of ejrgs for a speech is not to be sneezed at. Thus at a bound Mr. Lennon leaps into the class of speakers who received princely honoraria. -o Mr. "C" Wishart thinks he has had j a sample of how woman suffrage j would work, and he doesn't like it. ! Mr. Wishart was a candidate for the ! office of town commissioner but Mrs. ; Wishart was not at all keen for 'him to land the job. So while Mr. "C." Mas bruising around the polls and about during the primary Monday I Mrs. Wishart put in somelicks on the ! other side "C" says he heard she was ! setting up to cold drinks the "boys" j who would promise not to vote for the other member of the firm so of 1 course "C" got left. Mrs. "C" de-: feated Mr. "C" in the primary. No,' Mr. Wishart hasn't got any time at all for this woman suffrage business if ! that is the way it is going to work, j o I Two Affidavits in Frank Case Repu diated. Atlanta, Ga., Dispatch, 28th. j Two affidavits in which the Rev. C. ! B. Ragsdale and R. L. Barber as. ' serted they had heard James Conley, a ! negro factory sweeper, confess to the ; murder of Mary Phagan, the 14-year- : old factory girl, have been repudiated by the affiants, it was announced to day. Superior Court Judge HilLat- the request of attorneys for Leo. M. Frank, the factory superintendent un der sentence of .death for the murder today signed an' order eliminating: the affidavits from the pending extraordi nary motion for a new trial for Frank. Masonic Banquet May 7. St. Alban's Lodge No. 114, A. F. & A. M., will give its annual banquet in the Masonic lodge in Lumberton Thursday 'evening of next week. May 7th. All Masonic lodges and Masons in good standing in the county are in vited to attend. volunteers. These men were sent to led, decided that she was -witty in speech and most artistic with chalk. Our Baraca class is doing better work now than ever before, we or. ganized with 15 members and we have on roll 50. All who are not members are invited to join us, as they are missing a good thing. Messrs. M. Shepherd and Condary Britt are business visitors in Lumber ton today. Mrs. Edna Spivey spent the week-end with relatives at Page's Mill, S. C. Mr. I. II . Warwick's new store building on North Main street is near ing completion, and adds much to the appearance of that part- of our lit tle village. The Robesonian has come forth sev eral times lately with 10 pages of good reading matter. Congratula tions. Many Injured in A. C. L. Wreck at Content nea. Thirty or ore people were injured, eight of them seriously enough to be taken to hospitals in Wilson, when a northbound passenger, train on the At lantic Coast Ldn wscwrsclEed Morii day afternoon at Contentnea creek, 4 miles south of Wilson. While run ning at 50 miles an hour, say some passengers, the engineer suddenly at tempted to slow up for a signal tower, when the tram buckled and the sec ond-class car left the train, tearing up track, rwo ' hrst-class coaches and the Pullman chair car turned over down an embankment 30 feet. All the people injured were in these cars Mrs. N. A. Cujbreth of Wilmington, a sister-in-law of Mrs. B. W. Page of Lumberton, was among the injur ed. ' She was injured internally, ser iously, it is feared. "Had dyspepsia or indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters reached the cause." J. H. Walker, Sunbury, Ohio. Subscribe to The Robesonian. CASTOR I A . For Infanta and Children. Th8 Kind You Haie Always Bcnghi Bears the Signature of DATES WHEN COUNTY PRIMA RIES, PRECICT MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS WILL BE HELD May 16-i-Precinct meetings to nom inate Candidates for State, congress ional, judicial and State senatorial olnces. May .23 County convention to elect delegates to btate, congressional and judicial conventions. Chairman coun ty Democratic executive committee will be chosen. August 13 Primary returns will be county and township officers. August 18 Primary returns will be canvassed. August 22 Second primary, if ne cessary. August 27 Second primary returns will be canvassed. Rheumatic Pains Relieved. Why suffer fsom rheumatism when relief may be had at so small a cost? Mrs. Elmer Hatch, Peru, Ind., writes, "I have been subject to attacks of rheumatism for years. Chamberlain's Liniment always relieves me imme diately, and I take pleasure in recom mending it to others." By 25 and 50 cent bottles, b or sale by all dealers. The Unveiled Truth No Merchant Can Sell STANDARD GOODS without a fair profit if he pays his HONEST QEBTS : y-o . We give you STANDARD GOODS for your HONEST DO i LARS WHITFIELD & FRENCH, Inc. Wholesale Grocers. Money's worth or money back Mail Orders given special attention $5 ,000.00 Purchase of . Catarrh Cannot Be Cured -lth LOCAL APPLICATION'S, as thej cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in ordtr to cure It you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upr.n the blood and mucoas surface . Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It ; vas prescribed by one nf the best phy sicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. I t is "composed of the best tonics-kno.wn, combined wlth'tho ' best blodd purifiers, acting directly on the . mucous surfaces. The prfpct combina- tion of the two Inpredlcnts is -what pro- 1 duces such wonderful results in curing j catarrh. Send for testimonials, fre". F. 3: CHENEY & CO., Props.. Toledo. O Sold by Drurgists. price 75". Take HU Family Pills for ccnutlpatlo". JAPANESE CHINA Lumberton Store for its portion Woirth from 50c to $2.50 Special Tuesday, May 5, at 9:30 a. m. 2 5 - G-e-n -ts E a c h Each piece hand painted. See the Window Display and be here when the bell taps 9:30 Shadow Flouncing 15 to 22 inches wide, O Cf the yard - - - - - French and German Vals O 1! O -fl-irv the yard from .. - & 119 tPL Shadow Torchon and other designs, 11 fh the yard - - - - - -B-HJML, PtiPrJI mjm ma A National Bank, before being permitted to do business, must first receive n CHARTER from the UNITED STATUS GOVERXMEXT. The Govern ment is always sure that there is both CHARAC TER and financial responsibility behind a bank before they grant a charter. A National Bank must operate under strong.restrictions for safety, laid down by the Government at Washington. Do YOUR banking with US We pay 4 per cent interest compounded quax terly First National Bank, ' Lumberton, N. C Your Nickles and Dimes will look like real money by and bye and it won't be so long if you salt them down in ' Building and Loan Shares Your small change will make money for you while you sleep if you will let it. It's just as easy. Robeson Building and Loan Association C V. BROWN, Sec At the Bank of Lumberton. WHAT MUST I DO FIRST? First of all open a Savings Account at The Bank of Lumberton. Bring or mail $1. That is all you need to make your start here. 1,800 people carry accounts here and our resources have grown to over $500,000.00. May we hear from you? THE BANK OF LUMBERTON, Lumberton, N. C. Slight Change in R. & C Schedule. A slight change in the Raleigh & Charleston schedule will go into effect Monday, May 4, at 12:01 a. m. Train No. 1, for Marion, S. C, will leave at 10:05 a. m. instead of 10:20 as heretofore. This will insure connec. tion with the A. C. L. at Proctor ville. Train No. 2 from Marion will arrive at 5:35 p. m. instead of 5:30. -The Robesonian does Job Printing. R. D. CALDWELL & SON, Inc. Lumberton, N. C. Funeral Directors. Embalming'. One of the most complete stocks in North Carolina. Newest styles in all kind3 of Hard Wood and Metallic Cas kets. Sozonian Vaults, Armour Plate Vaults. Scfe Agents for the Origi nal Lead-O6ated-Solid Steel non rust ing Belmont Casket. Telegraph and Telephone orders get prompt attention. Day Phone 119. Night Phone 82. R. P. CALDWELL & SON, Inc. Lumberton, N. C GREENSBORO K.r1. tlEHfjSGf'O N '- B i J.kccoir-tf. Si-rtliai'd i cr' yp-- I Wfllll' j Brick! Brick! Brick! The Acme Brick plant is now in operation and prepar ed to take care of all who desire the best Brick. We are prepared to furnish the finest building brick. The best red brick for fronts. The best paving brick for side walks and streets and fire brick. Let us have your orders. Acme BrlcK Works ACME, N. C.

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