THE ROBESONIAN, PAGE SIX . i i i Writing Desk Combinations F)R the home or used in conjunction with the Individual Library the value and convenience of a DlobtVtifaicfcc Writing Desk Unit is recognized by all. When furnishing or refurnishing the library of your home why not be sure of this desired feature in the bookcase of your choice by choosing from this store's display of SlobeWcrntcke Bookcases for Home or Individual Libraries StotVrntck Writing Desk Unit may be quickly combined with two or more Bookcase Unks yet allow for any new arrangement later, that the increased number of jrouf books may require. We show wide divernty of styles and finitkes in 6lW 'Vtrnlrlrt Bookcase and Mill alto furnish Free on request richly illustrated Art Catalogue Home Library sugges tion! that will be valuable to you in selecting furniture of this character. Send or call for your copy today. Lumberton furniture Store, j Lumberton, N. C. WITH, COUNTY PAPERS. How Fairmont UaVg rown. During the past two and one- years Fairmont has made rer RUM WOMEN Find Health in a Simple Tonic. How msmv wnmen An irmi Vnnv progress, nere is some or iu injWho perfectly well, strong and handsome Jones building contining two large store rooms, bank and post office on the first floor. Several of fices and large theater on second floor. Masonic temple on third. Mr. heallly as a woman should be? They may not be sick enough to lie In bed but they are run-down, thin, nerv ous, tired and devitalized. women are so active nowadays. Jones deserves credit for building j and so much Is expected of them, such a house. Messrs. E, G. Floyd j that they constantly overdo and uf and Marvin Floyd have added a j fer from headache, backache, nervous handsome 2-story building, which is I ness and kindred Ills, a credit to the city. Dr. Brown has Such women need VInoL our dell built four other store rooms. Dr. F. clous cod liver and Iron tonic with H . Pitman has recently completed a out oil which will create an appetite, nice two-story building and Messrs. tone tip the digestive organs, make toaud Floyd and W. A. Griffin have contributed each a store house. W. B. Brice & Son have added another brick addition to their business house. Mr. E. G. Floyd has -erected a brick building which he uses as a picture show theatre. Then the two stores partially and wholly destroyed by fire have been rebuilt and improvement made on store houses by Messrs. Sam Dunie and E. V. McDaniel. Then a handsome brick church has been erected by the Baptists and practically a new building made out of the Presbyterian church. A large tobacco warehouse built and another in course of erection. A two-story concrete building erected by the Wil son Printing Co.,. for, their business. Then we will not stop to tell about the long stretches of concrete pavement, electric lights, numerous residences, etc. Fairmont grows. i pure blood and create strength. Mrs. Walter, Price, Biloxi, Miss., says: "I was In a run-down condition for months, I had taken several medi cines but they seemed to do me no good. Finally Vlnol was recommend ed, and from the first bottle I began to improve until I am strong and well as ever." try a bottle of Vlnol with the un derstanding that your money will he returned If It does not help yon DR. J. D. M'MILLAN & SON. Refugees Saved From Rioting Mexi cans by German Sailors. Galveston, Tex., Dispatch, 25th. The Tampico situation continued so serious according to a wireless mes sage reaching here today that two tor pedo boats were yesterday sent up the Panuco River at Tampico to get Americans. Refugees arriving here from Tampico today said the ywere saved from rioting Mexicans early Wednesday morning by German sail ors. Subscribe for The Robesonia. A Willin' Barkis. Maxton Scottish Chief. The Robesonian of yesterday refers to our townsman Representative H. C. McNair's condition of mind toward Another term of the General Assem bly. So far as we have been able to judge, he is ready to do whatever the people of the county want him to do about it. He does not regard it r.s a Wrso'i.i; the iftferesTs' oT the" 'people: If they I bSnpIe"As "it v-iiJffi'iiib'ytif Corns Go, Suro Pop, If You Uso "Gets-It" ATTENTION SHRINERS "Shrine Special" Operated VIA Seaboard Air Line Railway "THE OFFICIAL ROUTE" TO Atlanta, Ga., and Return SUNDAY, MAY 10TH, 1914. LEAVE RALEIGH 6:07 PM $12.90 WILMINGTON 3:45 PM $13.85 CHARLOTTE 8:20 PM 8:25 FAYETTEVILLE, 4:50 PM 11.25 HAMLET 9:10 PM .10.00 MONROE ..10 10 PM 8.25 WADESBORO .. 9:56 PM 9:25 WINSTON-SALEM 6:15 PM 10:75 RATES ON SAME BASIS FROM OTHER POINTS SPECIAL TRAIN, ALL STEEL EQUIPMENT Special Train will be Parked at Inman Park Siding on Seaboard, the sWiest, quietest and cleanest location in Atlanta. Write at once for detailed information and Pullman Reservations to F. A- FETTER. (For Shrine Committee) Raleigh, N. O, or, JOHN T. WEST, Division Passenger Agent. RALEIGH, N. C. want him we believe "Barkis is wil lin'." He made a good record in the last I pgislature especially in the es tablishment of the recorder's courts. and we are sure that he is willing to i stand upon it and defend it. Health Work Has Been Successful. J Rowland Sun. I A few years ago when Robeson county began to spend money for nealth work and employed a superin tendent of health for all his time, mere were plenty of people who said that tins was aneedless expenditure oflh& nublic funds. Rut. th Vioah n I work has been so successful, ind t;ie public health in the county is so ' P:UpH htpr that it vpaa Kofnrn fV,;-. work was started, that it would be hard to find a man who would be 'willing to stop making appropriation for this purpose. of Curing Corns and Calluses. If you have corns now, the chances are you have never used "GETS-IT, the biggest seller among corn cures ever known. It is the new way, does away with all trouble, pain and fussing In treat Rebuilding Novelty Works. St. Paul's Messenger. Mr. Joe M. McNeill is rebuilding the Robeson Novelty Works on the lot adjoining his blacksmith shop. Mr. R. B. Humphrey will be connected with the business. Use a Remington or Smith Premier Three Months For WE will rent you an understroke model 6, 7, or 8 Remington Typewriter or understroke model Smith-Premier Tvpewriter for . One Quarter of a year THREE MONTHS for $5.00 the moct advantageous rental terms ever offered by the manufacturers. And if you wish to buy a machine at the end of this rental period, the rental money already paid will be credited upon your purchase. Rental Terms Visible Models REMINGTON MONARCH SMITH PREMIER One Month $3.00 Six Months $15.00v Paragon Ribbons. Red Seal Carbon Papers Recognized as the leading ribbon and carbon lines on the market Machine Catalogs and Supplies Booklet on Request Remington Typewriter Co. (Incorporated) 229 SOUTH TYRON STREET CHARLOTTE, N. C. Drag the Roads. Fairmont Messenger. Roads are getting in very bad fix. A drag would not cost much, would not be expensive to operate and would irsure good roads if used at proper time. Get the Corns Off Your Fet. er.d the Cant Wrinkle Off Your Face. No'.hins Can Do h Uke M GETS-IT." lng corns. Thousands who havo puttered with old corns for years, have gotten rid of them right off, with a low drops of "GETS-IT. " applied as quick as you con spell your name. Corns Just love to be cut, picked, filed, gouged and pulled. Quit It. You've tried cotton rings that cause shooting corn pains, greasy salves that spread over the toe and make It raw and tape that sticks to the stocking now try GETS-IT." It has none ot the draw-1 backs of the old style corn cures, eases ! pain and never falls on any corn or callus. "GETS-IT" Is sold hy all druRglsts, 25o r ; bottle, or sent direct, by E. Lawrence , Co. Chicago. - "GETS-IT" is sold in Lumberton by POPE DRUG COMPANY. Four Americans Reported Killed in Mexico City. Vera Cruz Dispatch, 25th. El Dictamen, a Vera Cruz newspa per today said four Americans had been killed by mobs in Mexico City. It declared it had received this in formation from the Federal capital. Three of the American victims were taken out of the street cars and killed on the streets, while the fourth was killed in the Young Men's Chris tian Association building bymembers of the baseball team of which he was a member, according to newspapers. The information as to the massacre of Americans was not confirmed from any other source and was con sidered doubtful in many quarters. J I The American May Magazine. One of the most important contri butions to the May American Maga zine is a remarkable character sketch of Woodrow Wilson written by Ray Stannard Baker, who has been called "the greatest reporter in the world." Other highly interesting aticles are: "Experiences of an Airman," by Au gustus Post; "They Who Knock at Our Gates," a splendid article on im migration by Mary Antin, a brilliant young Russian Jewess; "The Auto Game in Homeburg," a humorous piece about automobiling by George Htch,. the famous Illinois comic writer; "The Business of being a Burglar," an actual thief's account of his adventures; and a "Husband's Story," in which a man who has been married 25 years begins an ac count of the trials and perils and successes of marriage. Fiction is contributed by Marjorie Benton Cooke, Hugh S Fullerton, Elmer E. Ferris, and Gene Harrison. Humorous sketches are contributed by Kin Hubbard, Stephen Leacock, James Montgomery Flagg, and E. W. Howe. The Theatrical and interest ing People" departments are full of good things, and the prize-winning letters are published in the contest entitled "The Person Who Looks Like Me." In these letters remarkable cases of double identity are reported. When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it s safe for children. 50c a box at all stores. ... NOTICE North Carolina, Robeson County In the Superior Court. White & Gough, (Inc.) vs. A. Weinstein, A. E. White, and the Town of Lumberton. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The parties above named and all other persons interested will take no tice that on the 27th day of April 1914, the above named petitioners filed j a petition in the office of the Clerk of j the Superior Court of Robeson county, to have the title to certain lands here I in described, registered and confirmed I pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Pub j lie Laws" of 1913, and that summons ; has been issued, returnable to the of fice of the Clerk of the superior Court of Robeson county, on the 27th day of June, 1914. Said land is sit uated in the town of Lumberton, in the County of Robeson and said State, ad joining the lands of A. Weinstein, A. E. WhiteandHhe Town of Lumberton, and bounded and described as follows: tnr.s u part of l ot N-.. 01, as d-s-ignated on the official map of the town of Lumberton: beeinnine: at the north- Iwest corner of said Lot No. 94, same being the northwest corner of the brick store house now occupied by White & Gough, and runs in a South erly direction along the East line of Elm street 67 feet and 1 inch to the center of the North wall of thejjrick storehouse now belonging to A. Wein stein and occupied by A. Weinstein; and runs thence in an easterly direc tion parallel with the line of Fourth street 116 feet to the line Of a lot heretofore conveyed by L. Shaw and wife to A." E. White, and now own ied by A. E. White; thence in a north jerly direction with said A. E. White's 1 line 67 feet and 1 inch to the south line of the street lying south of the Court House square; thence along the south 'line of said street, lying south of the Court House square, in a west erly direction 116 feet to the begin ning, being a right angled parallello gram, 67 feet and 1 inch by 116 feet, and being the same upon which the storehouse, formerly occupied by White & Gough, is situated and being the same tract of land conveyed by L. Shaw and wife to A. E. White and Frank Gough by deed, dated the 8th day of July, 1907, and recorded in Book 5 H, at page 131, office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson coun ty. This the 27th day of April 1914. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk Superior Court of Robeson County. LENNON & STACY, 4304Thurs. ' Attys for Petitioners. M til e New lot of Males arrived Tuesday, March 31st These are all nice young mules, strong and well finished. Come and get our prices and terms. C. M. F U LLER Pleasure Vehicles I They are all 1914 models just from the factory. Line is complete. C. M. FULLER & SON. Not a Political Announcement 4 We beg to announce to the public that our Ice rCream Deament js nowpejH Our ! Cl&ain dc- 4. - paXmcwimder-th&p,jonal 8upemsion5tMfV McDonald who has had eleven years experience in the manufacture of Ice Cream. We are to make our cream from the Pinehurst cream, which is all tested cream, 30 per cent butter fat We have just received T our Steel Packers not Tinand we "are prepared to furnish the public with any quantity of cream, and any flavors. Give us your order the fay before and we will deliver any quantity" to your house, nicely packed. We will also make brick cream in pint and quart quantities. Every utensil that we use in the manu facture of cream is enamel no tin. Let us make your cream once, and wewill always make it McDonald Drug Company On the Corner 'Phone No. 26 Horses and Mules ! When in need of a horse, or mule.buggy, wagon, harness or up-to-date farming machinery of any kind, come to see me. Prices and terms the best to be had. I also run a grist mill and feed grinder, can give you best results and best of meal. A. J. Garris, - - - Parklon, N. C. ff 1 1 IB" $One Refrigerator Investment! enough tor a lifetime, when it is the Leonard Cleanable One-Piece, Porcelain Lined Ref rige r a t o r tj Endorsed by housewives everywhere, be cause of its snow-white, one-piece genuine porcelain lining fused (not baked) on steel. Rounded corners, easy to clean. J Saves from a third to half the ice bills. J There are many imitations, but only one Leonard Cleanable, the Refrigerator you want. Q Call as soon as possible to see the Germ Proof Leonard Cleanable. lu H CALDWELL, Hardware Department SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ROBESONIAN, $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE.