PACE EIGHT. SAYS ITCHING ECZEMA IS DRIED BIGHT UP WITH SULPHUR Use Like Cold Cream to Subdue Ir ritation and Clear the Skin. Constant or intermittent irritation producing itching, snd red, angry Ec enui patches on the skin is readly relieved with bold-sulphur cream Tii nic iiofit ;t applied the itchin? stv" and t-c ii'.Ong begins, says . noted derr.atologisi. It effects such prompt relief, even in aggravated Eczema that it is a never-ending source of amazement to physicians. For many years bold-sulphur cream has occupied a secure position in the treatment of cutaneous eruptions by reason of its pooling, parasite-destroying properties. It is not only pa rasiticidal but also antipruritic and antiseptic and nothing has ever been found to take its place in overcoming irritable and inflammatory affections of the skin While not always estab lishing a permanent cure, yet in every instance it instantly stops the agon ,izing itching; subdues the irritation 'and heals the inflamed raw skin right up and it is often years later before Ianv Eczema eruption again appears. Those troubled should get from any , pharmacist an ounce of bold-sulphur cream and -apply it airecuy upon ine affected skin like you would any ordi nary cold cream. It isn't unpleasant, and the prompt relief afforded is very welcome, particularly when the Ecze ma is accompanied with itching. "Whitecaps" at Indian Normal The Excelsior Literary Society of the Indian Normal will give an enter tainment "The White Caps," on Fri day night, May 8th. Admission free. A collection will be taken for benefit of piano fund.' Time 7:45 p. m. ROCKIE LEE LOWERY, Pres. DORCAS MAYNOR, Secretary. Subscribe for The Robesftnian if N?w f Ey :1 I: Qpeninf l I Box" I 1 BLACK Y WHITE L TAN y i-7-nrTrk Brightens' OP j million of shoe J kV daily ji i 'f Here! ... ..iiufcm . II Sip by sip here's pure V enjoyment cool com- fort a satisfied thirst II ' a contented palate. - I cnar. 1 t-iu'ne T y S :'. name II irickaatn'.a encourage substitution. II THE COCA-COLA COMPANY A 80K ATLANTA, GA. Wher.:ver you sec an Arro'v tli i nk jof Coca-Cola -- LT, , r-rr-r- r-) !fl International Harvester Oil and Gas Engines sy n i ww TLelHCLine CRAIN AND HAT MACHINES Rodm. FVapera HaaaWra. Mowers Rakaa. Stacker Ha? Laaaera Hay Prawe CORN MACHINES Plutcrt, Picker, Btaaara, CaltiTtUrt Eaailixc Carter, SWUan. Saredlara TILLAGE ttf. Sprmf -Ttk, aa Duk Harrow GdhTatara CENESAL LINK OS tea Gaj Faiw OitTractm Maura Sacaaitra Oaaja Saauraton Farai Wafaw Metar Track! . Tkraakan CraiaDriBi FaJ CriaaUn KaafaCrbtaae m BUY an International Harvester en gine, take care of it as any machine should be cared for and a dozeti years or Tnore from now it will siill be working for you. It will Bave yon and your family endless hours of hard fkbor in pumping, sawing, grinding, epraying, running separator, etc. Buv an 1 H C engine. They last Ibngw, buro lesa fuel, are simpler, and give yon most power. Mere are a few of the reasons: Offset cylinder heads, large valves, accurately ground piston and rings, heavj- drop forged crank shafts and connecting rods, etc Best material and construction mean the best engine. I H C engines are built in all styles, and in all sizes from 1 to-SO-H, P. They operate on low and high grade fuels. Not every local dealer handles I H C engines, .The one wo does is a good man to know. If you do not know who he is, we will tell you when you write us for catalogues. I International Harvester Company of America liacatvmiM) Charlotte N.C LWkf BcCmdck K3wnk OiWm tUm MARIETTA COLORED SCHOOL CLOSING. Mr. Woodberry Lennon the Speaker Prof. Moody' Good Record. . Correspondence of The Robesonian.' Marietta, .inril 28 Our school closed on the 17th inst The exercises began at 12:30 with chorus by the school, (America). Recitation by Mag gie Page, subject, "ine uiue ana ine r.rav " Novt vbr n. duet bv Josenhine Pord and Roxie Dixon, then decla mation by Minnie Dixon, .;' subject. "Our Country. Tnen came a ami oy 1 ;.ia r-oA wViit And blue. After these preliminaries, the speaker oftha day was introaucea, ana a speaker, he is, Mr. W. Lennon. His speech was trt rnr nennle." It was lo gical, practical and witty. ' -Mr. Len non knows now io nanaie a suuject. fin.h enaarVl ia linliftiriP' to the neSTO MUVll - Z O - - - f race and may the harrest be an hundred fold, for such advice is wnoie. some and may we feed on it till we hm.A (mvnm mnrflllv and intellect. Lka T i f.v.M -- - ually. The school children presente him with a box ol eggs, im in num ber. This school has an enrollment or 162 pupils. This is Prof. W. T. fmirth vent as teacher of fV.;0 svnnl T-Ta Rfii din his address that he had been teaching 21 years and this was his mm scnooi, ana n could start back hand teach the same schools again and proved it by the committee of 2 different schools which were present. They said, wa a)r tn-tiira vnn a train . Hov ate uj w j o - many colorea teachers can say that? Speak out. , The concert was called off . Every-ksK- coempii to eniov the day to th? highest and went home rejoicing over the noble speech aeiiverea io mem. Mr. T. L. Johnson, who spoke for us last year and long live Mr. Lennon. way giory crown uim with a long life. w Viavn thrift of the best col ored committeemen in Robeson, vix.: J. J. Thompson, chairman; j. Vj. Page and G. A. Dixon. n DISCOMFORT FROM DODSOX'S LIVER TONE Violent Purgatives - Need No Longer Be Used for Constipation, so Why Ron Riska of Their; DisagTeeable v After.Effec.. : ' : ' To overcome constipation and slug gish liver pleasantly, easily and safe ly, Dodsons Liver Tone is guaranteed by J. D. McMillan & Son, druggists, who will cheerfully refund-purchase price (50c) at once if you are not en tirely satisfied with it. Dodson's .Liver. Tone is made to take the place of calomel and ; other strong pergatives. It has none of the disagreeable and often JangerousJju- ter-effects of-, calomel, which is" in fact a poison, a mineral, a form or deadly mercur' . .' Dodson's Liver-Tone is a' strictly vegetable-liquid, containing nothing harmful . It. not only leaves no bad after effects, but works easily . and naturally, without pain or gripe and without interfering at all with your regular habits, diet or occupation. A trial may benefit you greatly, why not see about it today ! : ' . Quarterly Conference Sunday Night Rev. N. L. Seabolt at Chestnut St. , Methodist Sunday Morning. Rev. N. L. Seabolt, pastor of the Lumberton circuit, will preach at Chestnut Street Methodist church Sun day morning in place of the . pastor, Rev. Dr. W. B. North, who is under treatment for his throat in. Charlotte. Rev. A. McCullen, presiding elder of the Rockingham district, will preach at this church Sunday night and will hold quarterly conference after the sermon. Mr. McCullen will preach at Abbottsburg, on Mr. . Seabolt's charge, Saturday and Sunday at 11 a. m. and will hold quarterly conference for that circuit. The specialist who is treating "him says Dr. North's throat is in a very serious condition and that it will take some time to effect a complete cure. Dr. North writes Mrs. North that the treatment is very painfull . OUT ROZIER WAY. News ' Notes and ' Personals From Clarkton. ; Correspondence of The Robesonian. Clarkton, April & Miss Ruby'Ma gil! spent the week end in town with friends. Miss Amelia, Meares is at home after just closing her schools Mr. nd Mrs, G. H. Cromartie spent a few days last week at Rosindale at tending the Baxter-McKay -wedding, which came off last week. Miss Lilly M. Ward returned home last Thurs day from Charlotte, where she spent several weeks with an auntw Mr. T. L, .Wallace spent a few days last week here with his son, Mr. A. M. Wal lace. - ; ; Miss Mary -AV Ward -closed her school last Friday at the Kelly school house with an interesting programme. Miss Mattie Gooden spent last week with 'relatives at Councils. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. : Benson spent - Sunday near White Hall with relatives. Mr. W. D. Thomas spent a day or two in town last week with friends. Mrs." C. . S. Clark and .little daughter re turned last week from Baltimore, Md., after spending some time with her parents there. ,. ; News Notes from Mt. Moriah School Closee. ' .' ; - Maxton, R. F. D. 3, April 29 Everybody is busy planting in this section, r ' , School closed at Mt. Moriah Fri day, April 24th, having a concert Fri day night. The concert was fine. A large crowd attended. The school was taught by Miss Lettie McMillan from near Raef ord. She is a fine teacher. We hope to have her with us next year, ' Mr. Marshall Thompson of Cheraw, S. C. visited' home folks Saturday and Sunday. Among those who at tended the concert at Mt. Moriah Fri day night were Mr. Bob Gaitley who lives near Purvis, and Miss Glennie Kendall of Kinston. ; A No Postmaster at Lumber Bridge - Applicants at Several Places. Chas. P.: McGoogan was named Tuesday by Representative " Godwin for postmaster at Lumber Bridge. Mr. Godwin is reported by the Wash ington correspondent of the Greens boro News as saying that there were no applicants for fourth class post, office examinations at Alma, Barnes ville, Bolivia, Cedar Creek, Dublin, Le land, Purvis and Wananish and there fore these offices will be filled through the recommendation of postoffice in spectors. -,V : The eligible list at Godwin is. Hes tor Mclntyre and Mrs. M.;E,, Star ling. : .... . , ': t Germany proves Herself a. Friend. Baltimore Sun. ' -. ''-f . . One of the pleasant things in con nection with the Mexican troubles, since they have become ' acute, has been the attitude of Germany. The commander of the German ship containing arms and ammunition for Huerta was instructed by the German foreign, office to place himself under the direction of our admiral at Vera Cruz. Refugees, from Tampico just arrived at Galveston say that they probably" would" have been killed haa not the commander of the German cruiser Dresden turned his guns on an infuriated mob and threatened to fire. The Kaiser has always been admired in this country, but these things will add greatly to our respect and affec tion for him. '.- i.ieavy Frost-Forty-One Years Ago. i Ia mberton Cor.. . 25th. Wilmington Huckleberry uusnes Laaea a.w.v-v.. j---- Pprnr,al Mntlnn. I morning, April 26thv 1873, all this ec- Correspondence of The Robesonian. Ition of the country was visited by one Rnripr Anril 28 We are having ! of the heaviest frosts the writer ever Bnm nrttv weather now which the saw. corn ana coram were leveiea r j farmers are makine cood use of set out tobacco. Fall-sown oats seem to be growing nicely and the prospects are very gooa ior a splendid harvest. - Tt. ia verv encoaraerinsr to behold the huckleberry bushes these days. If the weather continues iavoraDie, sombody may want cotton choppers, but they will have a better job. Mro CharW Watson and two daughters, Misses Annie and Mallie, and son, Mr, Lanson, and Mrs. Frank Hightower of Fayetteville were pleasant callers in this vicinity re cently . . Our singing school is progressing ricely under the management of Prof. Petty. Mumps is making a clean sweep through here. Mr. J. ( . Carlyle of Kozier spent day in Fairmont on business Messrs . Dennis Ratlev of Bennetts- ville, S. C.and Eli Ratley of Ports mouth. Va.. spent Sunday witn tneir sister Mrs. W. B. Barker of Rozier Messrs. A. F. Britt' and Cary .Mc Donald of Rozier spent Saturday and Sunday at Long Branch. Mr. Clyde Martin nf T.timherton SDent Sunday with his parents. Miss Mollie With ers of Lilhngton is visiting ner sisier Mrs. R. G. Rozier of Kozier. Mr. Vf n Phillins and Mr. Sled&re. mana gers of the Beaufort County Lumber Company, passed through nere inurs. day of last wsjk. Miss Dora Hall of St. Paul's is visiting Mrs. S. B. Rozier ... iThere was a runaway Sunday but don't tlvnk it was a couple going to get married it was just a mule got frightened. Miss Peulah Campbell of Rennerh is spending n few days with Miss Ef fie llarre;!. with thf PTonnd. and while much of the corn came out again the cotton had to be replanted, much of it being plowed up and corn planted in its place. . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A3 TORI A ; JJ-.-f-4js) ANNOUNCEMENTS MT. ELI AM MATTERS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mArtr Tf elftcted I nromise to ner- form the duties of the office to the best of my ability, with courtesy and kindness to all. Yourvote will be appreciated. H. A. M'WHITE. FOR TREASURER. In announcing myself to the voters Of Robeson county for the office of treasurer, I wish as earnestly and deeply as I can to extend my most sin cere thanks for their liberal and gen erous support in the past. I am now on the sunset side of three score and ten in life's little race and will appre ciate your votes more than ever be fore. In the natural course of events of the human life I cannot ask your favors to fill this office but a few more fleeting years. All I can promise is to fill the office as heretofore, honestly and as courteously as I can. M. G. M'KENZIE. R. D. Caldwell & Son, Lumberton, N r" C...IIAre Agents for The Sale of . Their EnginesT Waiting on Raia to Set Out Tobacco Rev. M. A. Stephens a Well-Laved Pastor Ready to G& to Mexico Another Wedding Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. F. D. 4, April 28 The farmers are wanting to see it rain so they can put out tobacco plants, which are already full largo. Rev. M. A. Stephens filled his repv.' ,'ar appointment here Saturday and Sunday. He preached two fine ser mons, as he generally does. He has teen our pastor for about 20 yeais, with the exception of a few years, and , i a very faithful shepherd he has been, ! a?id one that we all love so much, in ) hi? old age his sermons seem to be ! sweeter and more powerful, but we are sorry to say his health is not so gcod, but we hope to have him with us until the Heavenly Father caas him home. Rev. J. I. Stone, Jr., preached for us Sunday p. m. and preached a very fine sermon. Kev. P. T. Britt returned home : from Brunswick county tonight Where ! he. filled his regular appointment down j there Saturday and Sunday, j Messrs. John W. Stone and Ortey Stephens spent Sunday p. m. in the Globe Swamp section. Mrs. Oscar Britt and Mrs. George Martin of Boardman attended, preaching here Sunday. ; The Mount boys are ready to go to Mexico anytime. Before this is published another wedding will be pulled off on the Mount. In this section everything is lovely as usual. Spring Laxative and Blood Cleanser. : Flush out the accumulated waste and poisons of the winter months; cleanse your stomach, liver and kid neys of all impurities. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills; nothing-better for purifying the blood.1- Mild, non-griping laxative. Cures constipation; you feel fine. Take no other. 25c, at your druggists. Buckley's Arnica Salve for all hurts. FOR TREASURER. At the request of -some of my friends, I hereby announcemyself to the voters of Robeson county for the of.ce of Treasurer, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary.. If elected I promise to be faithful and courteous to all, and honestly perform all the duties of the office to the best of ny skill and ability. . D. EDGAR NANCE. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce myself -as a. tandidate for the office of county Treasurer of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. If elected I promise a court eous and faithful service, the best of which I am capable. My record in the past is the best guarantee I can offer. C. B. TOWNSEND. April 23d, 1914. - FOR TREASURER. By the urgent request of my friends I hereby announce myself to the voters of Robeson county as a candi date for the office of treasurer. I solicit the support of all my friends- and promise if elected to fill the office to the very best of my abil ity. Sincerely, FLOYD F. TOWNSEND. ADSIINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Perry Jenkins, deceas. ed, this is to notify all persons having claims again the said estate to pre sent the same to me, on or before the 2oth day of April, 1914. All persons indebted to the said es tate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of April, 1914. CAROLINE JENKINS, Admx. of Perry Jenkins, Deceased. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, 4:'0'Jthurs. r- Ati for Adrtx. Now is the time to place your orders for Flues. Send us your specifications, giving size of barn and style of Flues desired and we will have them made up and ready tor you when in need of them. E v ery th ihg in HARP WARE OUR SPECIALS Tobacco Flues, Plumbing, Steam Heating, Machinery of Tall kinds. Builders supplies. McAllister Hardware Company, . I . T .1 -. j la.'.' juumDerton, nonn varoiina V -f a lit M vm EveirPartofMThoniliiIl,?Wagons Must Pass Extreme Tests Out at the saw rriill the maWrS of this wagon select the" pick of the oak and hickory. From three to five years they keep it ' -l :i . j .t... .i : : i : unacr snciicr si pucu mai utc oil iau tuwuiaic ucvijr. finally it is ready to eo trj a "Thornhill" .Wagon, it is as, r dry as a bone toughwell nigh unbreakable. ; The straight grained hickory for spokes and axles is stel-like in its strengtfi. The oak for hujjs and felloes is. as sturdy as( tough oak grows. As H goes thru the mill, each part is inspected again and again. AJ1 defective parts are thrown out. Each part must have th O. K. of scores of men. The steel and rron must cass extreme tests twice as severe as ordinary service will ever demand. ... Ma chines, sensitive to the thousandth part of an inch, gauge the "work for accury-perform tha work that can best be done by machinery. It is this excess of caution this surplus, of strength in every part that makes the "ThornhilT , . , come pretty close to utter perfection. Before any one buys a wagon, they should find out about the six big points of superiority built into the "ThornhilL" Let us snow you this tvagon. . . X JOHN T. BIGGS COMPANY Incorporated. v LUMBERTON. nTc. 1 tap

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