PAGE 6IX. niEVER YOU HEED A CEIIIMl TOIIIC - TIE GROVE'S 0 The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the "whole System. For Grown People and Children. You know von are taking when you take Grove's Tasteless shil! Tonic as tfie formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tonic properties of OUININK and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest l,ltter tonic an.1 is in Tasteless Form. It lias no equal for Malaria, Chills aud Fever, VeaVtie, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Mothets and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging Relieves nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and purifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strength jner. No family should be without it. Guaranteed by your Drugget. We mean it. 50c FISHING AND FISHERMEN Takes Off Freckles, Removes Tan. Beautify your completion. Uet rid of those freckles. You can invest 0 in a jar of WIL SON'S FRECKLE CREAM nd they'll disappear. Severs cases may require two jars no more; V.'c positively guar- Now is the Time and the Waters Here abouts Are the Places to Catch Fish Some Catch 'Em and Some Don't Fishes Seem to Doat on Mr. A, T. McLean, But There Are Others. Fishing is, to use an entierly new expression, "the order of the day" hereabouts. Fishermen saythey never before in all their days saw the like of the way fish bite these days. To hear j antee this, and if your com- ! some of these hshermen talk you d j piexion isn t tuiiy restored to think that the festive fish are unhap-l t natural beauty, we agree to refund your fV.ont u.,h,.' fi-u.mon ,rivlr, 1 """ey without argument. And in addition, p except when fishermen are giving, wiLSOS'S FRECKLE CREAM is a fine, fra- tnerrt a Ctiarice to get Caugnt. xiny. grant toilet cream. Doesn t cause hair to grow, wav. the fishes little rish3, k big ! Pr$?2a Tti"'y Tem"e J-N nd .. j- j a i. 11 ; ! HECKLES. Try it at our .risk. Price 50c- fishes, medium-Sized fishes are Call- j wnt by mail if desired. Mammoth jars $1.00. ing, calling, calling; and there are not i WILSON'S FAIR SKIN soap 5c. Wilson a lew hereabout who cannot resist the ! ?ceCaja Co-' CharIerton- S. C makers. "out at McMillan's pond, about three J J) McMiHaH & SOI), ! Lumberton men have hunting and ! fishing preserves, some tall fishing ' Druggists. Every Intelligent Man Should Read His County Taper. Did you ever stop to think what a good live newspaper meant to your children? In many instances children learn to read from looking at papers. You say you don't have time to read your county paper, Perhaps you are a very busy man and don't have much time ,o spend in reading, but your children should be supplied with good reading matter. The Kobesonian has correspondents all over ti e crreat county of Robeson, and your child will be pleased to read the home news f.t least. Every intelligent man should read his county paper, and hoHd at least take it for his chil dren's sake. feci Writing Desk Combinations FOR the home or used in conjunction with the Individual Library the value and convenience of a SloWWSrnicke Writing Desk Unit is recognized by all. When furnishing or refurnishing the library of your home why not be sure of this desired feature m the bookcase of your choice by choosing from this store's display of SlobcVcrtnckc Bookcases for Home or Individual Libraries SloVVrr)!c1 Writing Desk Units may be quickly combined with two or more Bookcase Units yet allow for any new arrangement later, that the increased number of your books may require. We show a wide diversity of styles and finishes in filut. Vtrtrttk Bookcases and will also furnish Free on request a richly illustrated Art Catalogue of Home Library sugges tiont that will be valuable to you in selecting furniture of this character. Send or call for your copy today. Lumberton Furniture .Store, LumbertoD,2N. C. Use a Remington or Smith Premier Three Months For f.B-,Ti.'ilfi,iL-Ji.. 3 ,T- i WE will rent you an understroke model 6, 7, or 8 Remington Typewriter or understroke model Smith-Premier Typewriter for One Ouarterofa year -THREE MONTHS-for ?5.00 the most advantageous rental terms ever effereefby the manufacturers. And if you v. idi to buy a machine at the end of this rental period, the rental money already paid will be credited upon your purchase. Rental Terms Visible Models, REMINGTON MONA&GH SMITH PREMIER One Month $3.00 Six Months $15.00 Paragon Ribbons. Red Seal Carbon Papers Recognized as the leading ribbon and carbon lines on the market Machine Catalogs and Supplies Booklet on Request Remington Typewriter Co. (Incorporated) 229 SOUTH TYRON STREET CHARLOTTE, N. C. it North Carolina in the Saddle. has been done. Mr. A. T. McLean rlaim-s to ho. the fishincest man at all He says the fishes just simply wait ; Charlotte News. for him and take his hook when they ! Congressman Webb will be made will not notice anybody elses. The chairman .of the House judiciary corn- other day Mr. McLean arrived late at the fishing place. Mr. J. Dixon McLean and Mr. Gus McLean had been doing their possible for hours and had not got a bite. Hope had fled their bosoms and they were sad and weary and dejected. Then Mr. A. T. came up and threw his hook over right between the hooks of the other two Scotchmen and began to pull fishes out as fastis he could throw in his hook. It looked like all the fin ny tribe in the river had been patient ly waiting for him and had passed the word that "Alex, has came." Since the fishes were so doggone fond of him, J. Dixon and Gus threatened to throw A. T. in and let him associate with 'em in their native element. But Mr. A. T. is not the whole works, and there ard other places where the fishes bite. Mr. Albert mmittee, according to a Washington dispatch of today. He asked that Clayton's resignation be staved over until the House disposes of the ad ministration anti-trust bill, whichi Clayton has had in charge. Mr. Clayton has" been appointed to a Federal judgship in Alabama, hence the vacancy to which Mr. Webb now holds claim by seniority. Mr. Webb will be one of the young, est men in Congress to hold such an important chairmanship. It is generally understood that Congressman Claude Kitchin, one of the most brilliant members of Con gress, will succeed Oscar Underwood as chairman of the important House ways and means committee. Senator Simmons is chairman of the powerful Senate finance commit- Boylin and Mr. Frank Morrison heard f tee, while Senator Overman is chair the call Friday morning and went I ma" of the Senate judiciary oemmit down the river to High Hills, about 3 lce miles from town in the other direc tion from the pond, and they cane back a few hours later with a Jiu "j "string of 31- fishes. . Everybody does not have that sort of. luck, however. Messrs. Frank Gough, John French and C. L. Bod dy and The Robesonian man went last Tuesday to a big pond in Howellsville township, about 9 miles from town, on a tract of land owned by Mr. Gough and Mr. A. E. White. Mr. Gough said that there were fish that were fish out there, so there were great expectations. But there was nothing doing. Maybe it was too soon in the afternoon. Anyway that bunch fished all over the place for several hours and nobody got a bite except Mr. Gough, who caught two measley ones; and the only reason he caught them was he had one of these here fancy green poles and the fishes had a curiosity to know what kind of a pole that was. They knew all about the old reed poles the others were using. Mr. J. E. Smith, who runs the grist mill at this place for Messrs. White & Gough, said he had been catching a right smart of fish in the pond and thought if we'd go up thd pond we'd find plenty, but there was not time to go. Several women and men from nearby were trying their luck also, but they were not catching any fish either, Mr. Boddy said that was the first time he ever went fishing and did not get a bite; and he said he'd agree to eat all the fish as wide as his hand in the old pond. That's the way it is. You can't al ways sometimes tell. Men who go fishing every little while catch fish to beat the band, and men who don't get the chance one in a blue moon don't get a bite. Mr. Gough went down the river a few miles to High Hills the next morning and caught a pretty good string, so maybe his luck the day be fore was not altogether due to his fancy green pole after all, for he left the pole at the pond for future use. If you know where to go a.nd when to go and how to fish when you get there, you stand a pretty good chance of getting a bait of fish in the waters hereabouts at this good time. STATE CONVENTION CALLED Other Carolina representatives hold rrportant committee posts, while still t'.ier noted Carolinians now represent fh3 Nation in high offices in this and' foreign countries. The hignest office held by a North Carolinian is that to which Editor Daniels was appointed as Secretary of the Navy. Thf.t the Old North State's repre entatigs are representatives of na tional importance is a matter of pride to the whole State. Verily, North Carolina is in the addle. THE GREATEST KIDNEY REME DY ON EARTH," SAYS A GRATEFUL WOMAN. I want to tell you how, much good your Swamp-Root did me. About four years ago. 1 suttered Irom what trie doctors called fistula and fo two ysars of that time I endured what no tc igue can tell. I also had inflammation of the bladder and I tried doctor's medi- ines without receiving any help. Someone told me "about Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. After giving it a thorough trial 1 received relief, so kept on using it and today I am a strong and well wo man. If 1 ever feel badly or out of sorts, I take Swamp-Root and it al ways straightens me out. I honestly be lieve that this medicine would cure all troubles that you recommend it for and it is a, pleasure for me to send my testimony and photograph to you. I think Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is one of the greatest medicines on earth. Respectfully yours, MRS. JOHN BAILY, West Main St. Portland, Ind. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of July, 1909. C. A. BENNETT, Notary Public. Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Formal Call Issued for State Conven tion to be Held June 4 To Nomi nate Senator and Corporation Com missioner. Chairman T. D. Warren, of the Democratic State executive commit tee, has issued formal call, signed by Secretary Walter E. Brock, for the Democratic State convention to be held in Raleigh on Thursday, June 4. lhe convention is to be called to or der at noon. The formal call is as follows: To the Democrats of North Caro lina: ' By authority of the State Democra tic executive committee a State con vention of the Democratic party is hereby called to meet in the city of Raleigh, N. C, on Thursday, June 4, 1914, at 12 o'clock, noon, to nominate a candidate for United States Sena tor, and Corporation Commissioner, and to approve the nomination of the various judges of the Superior Court, who are nominated by the ju dicial districts of the State, to declare a party platform, and to take such other action as may be deemed advis able . One delegate and one alternate from each county for every one hundred and fifty Democratic voters, and one delegate and one alternate for a frei tion oer seventy-five Democrnlic votes cast therein for the Democratic candidate for Governor at tlij gubernatorial election shall ;c ehot-r in accordance with the plan of organ ization now obtaining. THOS D. WARREN, Chr. Democratic Executive Com. WALTER E. BROCK, Secretary. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cents to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of informa tion,, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing be sure and mention The Lumberton Semi-Weekly Robesonian. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the last will and testament of E. W. M'White, deceased, late of Robeson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of April, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediatee payment to the undersigned. This the 10th day of April, 1914. . N. A. TOWNSEND, and A. M'WHITE, Executors of E.W. M'White, Deceased. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Attys. for the Executors. 4136Mon Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try DoaW's Ointment. For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a box. .' EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of my deceased husband, S. T. Moore, late of Robeson county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against his estate to present same to me at my residence at St. Paul's, N. C, or to my attorneys, Messrs . Johnson & Johnson of Lum berton, N. C, on or before the 27th day of April, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make an immediate set tlement to the undersigned. This the 24th day of April, 1914. MRS. EANNIE FISHER MOORE, . Executrix of S. T. Moore. JOHNSON & JOHNSON,: l 4276Mon. Attys for Executrix. , B U G G I S Pi We have the most , complete line of - Pleasure Vehicles - - -. - -- for sale that we have ever had. We have most anything in our line that the trade de mands. Come and let us show you through our large line of vehicles. Our prices and terms are very attractive and we are prepar ed to give yeu long dating. C. M. FULLER & SON. Males ! Mules ! A few fine youngmules for sale. C. M. F UL L E R Not a Political Announcement a We beg to announce to the public that our Ice Cream Department is now open. Our fee Cream de partment will be under the personal supervision of Mr. McDonald who has had eleven years experience in the manufacture of Ice Cream. We are to make our cream from the Pinehurst cream, which is all tested cream, 30 per cent butter fat. We have just received our Steel Packers not Tin and we are prepared to furnish the public with any quantity of cream, and any flavors. Give us your order the day before and we will deliver any quantity to your house, nicely packed. We will also make brick cream in pint and quart quantities. Every utensil that we use in the manu facture of cream is enamel no tin. Let us make your cream once, and we will always make it. McDonald Drug Company On the Corner 'Phone No. 26 Horses and Mules ! When in need of a horse, or mule.buggy, wagon, harness or up-to-date farming machinery of any kind, come to see me. Prices and terms the best to be had. I also run a grist mill and feed grinder, can give you best results and best of meal. ' ; ijLflJE A. J. Garris, - - - Parkton, N. C. I HP 9 One Refrigerator Investment! enough lor a liietime, when it is the Leonard Cleanable One-Piece, Porcelain Lined Ref r ige rator 1$ Endorsed by housewives everywhere) be cause of its snow-white, one-piece genuine porcelain lining fused (not baked) on steel. Rounded corners, easy to clean. l Saves from a third to half the ice bills. 1$ There are many imitations, but only cne Leonard Cleanable, the Refrigerator you want. I Call as soon as possible to see the Germ Proof Leonard Cleanable. c . , L. II CALDWELL, Hardware Department ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ROBESONIAN, $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE.