THE ROBESONTAN, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1114. PACE FIFE. Just Received ! Big lot of New Shapes, Ribbons and Flowers. Miss Josephine Breece vlf 4 w Special JNotices WE PAY $2 PER BUSHEL -CASH FOR PEAS H. M. Beasley and . .UTo.f Lumberton, N. v .FARMERS TAKE NOTICE When . in town call at the Lumberton . Bakery and get six (6) loaves, of '-' the best bread for 25c -to help out the .wife these busy times, rnone 116 ' --j:.-;. I OFFER MY SERVICES ? TO THE - people of Robeson to move their dead and die srraves. J as . M'Kellar." : I HAVE OPENED a livery business on First street back of Fullers sta - -bles. Will appreciate your patron age. Give me a call.. 'Phone "No, 19. H. C. Coley. WIPING RAGS. SANITARY RAGS of the best kind for cleaning ma chinery . Have a larger supply . than we can use and will sell supplies at cost. Apply at Robe soman office. FOR COTTON SEED MEAL, HULLS and feed see or phone K. M. Biggs. WANTED A LADY TO LEARN Gents' Tailoring." Pay while learn ing. Apply Rudolph Thfl Taildr. FOR UP-TO-DATE BICYCLES and first class, repair work see V. P, Squires, opposite Farmers & Mer chants Bank, Lumberton, N. C. LARGE HEATER FOR SALE Suit able for school room church or store; in good condition; you may nave it at your own price. Apply at The Kobesoman Office. FOR SALE 1154 Acres Land, 350 cleared. 9 dwellings, Good timber $16.50 per acre. Some cash, 17 years to pay balance. Address box A. B., Trenton, N. C. A NICE ASSORTMENT of Straw Hats at K. M. Biggs, THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD. Genuine old-time pound cake a specialty. Give us an order for v your next reception and let us prove what we claim Lumberton Bakery, Phone 116 FOR RENT a nice airy room, furnish ed or unfurnished. For further in formation apply to N. H. M'White, Lumberton, N. C. PRIME OF LIFE WEEK for young sters of 40 and more at the Royal Taylor Shop -Unas. F. MacAlas ter. v HERE COMES YOUR DADDY NOW Don!t forget to have him call and see the special inducements we have to offer him in Summer Clothes this Week Chas. P, MacAllister. YOU WILL LOOK AND feel young. er in one of those Royal .Tailored Suits this summer for , 40-year-old sports. Chas. P. MacAUisteir; RUSH YOUR CROP WITH TOP Dresser and Nitrate Soda from K. M. Biggs. OFFICE FOR RENT Over Stephens & Barnes store, fronts on Chestnut street. Two windows, 2 doors, large well-ventilated room. Apply Q. T. Williams. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A GREENSBORO OREENSBORO. N. C. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Touch Type writing, Penmanetip. Write for eatalotf Royal Baking Powder Hot Biscuit is the luxury MADE AT HOME THEJ10JJES0NIAN, ORcl 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914. PERSONAL J Among the Sick. Little Miss Viola' Jenkins, who un derwent an operation for adenoids at the home of her mother, Mrs. Daisy Jenkins,- sixth street, Saturday, is getting along nicely. Dr. R. S Beam performed the operation. Mr. S. F. Jenkins of Barnesville passed through Lumberton Tuesday on his way to Baltimore to see his wife, who was taken to Baltimore, to the University of Maryland hospital, last week by Dr. W. W. Early. Dr Early passed through Lumberton on his way back to Marietta Tuesday. It was expected that an operation would be pertormed on Mrs. Jenkins to day. The condition of Mrs. M. W. Floyd, who has been sick with mala rial fever at her home on Tenth street for ten days, is thought to be imDrov- inc. : The condition of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Barnes which has been very sick for several davs. i stnougnt to be somewhat improved. Pembroke School Closes. Reported for The Robesonian.. The public school of Pembroke taught by Miss Mamie Lee Avent. closed Tuesday, the 12th. At two o clock in the afternoon ex ercises by the children took place. Then in the evening at 8 o'clock the patrons and friends of the school were delightfully entertained by several readings, given by Mrs. J. R. Poole of Lumberton, after which Miss Avent introduced Mr. J. R. Poole who talked interestingly for some time about the school facilities of the county and the progress it is making n educational lines. He then intro duced" the speaker of the occasion, Mr. H. E. Stacy of Lumberton, who made a masterly address on the value of educated citizenship, proving con clusively inai oniy Dy educating the masses can our State be industrially independent. Ltttle Miss Gladys Prevatt, having won the only- prize offered . by the management that for the best spell erwas presented this by SudE Poole with appropriate remarks. Representative Page h&s introduced a mil to have a Federal Court: ostah. lishco it Lburinburg. .- ' .. After doda-inp- the disease for mnro than 50 years Senator Simmons has a common case or measles. He is con fined to his home in Washington. It is now Mavor McNeill tf Fnv. etteville, the newly-elected mayor, James D. McNeill hammer assumed the duties of the office, and the form er mayor, John Underwood, now being an ex. Dan L. Tolhert. a rienntv sheriff. j x . i was shot and almost instant! v frilled near Albemarle Sundav bv John Cox and A. E. Cole, guards for the State convict" camp. Joe McKinney, an other officer was beaten over the head and badly injured, Cole was arrested and taken to jail at Albemarle. Cox escaped. The officers were searching for whiskey which the guards were suspected of selling to the convicts. - For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general atrengthenlng; tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drive out Malaria and builds op the ayateto. A true tonic and eure A ?' ;--r--,' "ndehlldreii. 50c Announcement Extraordinary John Bunyan's Beautiful and immortal gift to the world PILGRIMS PROGRESS In Moving Pictures at the - PASTIME THEATRE Friday, May 15th, The greatest religious story ever written, founded on and showing scenes described in Bunyan's won derful dream, in four reels. .". Conceded by press, public and clergy, to be the. most reverent, profoundly inspiring Biblical Picture that was ever produced. i The greatest triumph of the world's foremost film producer. More interesting to see the motion picture than to read the book itself. Show Begins at 2 o'clock Admission Adults, 20c; Children under 12 years, 10c Mr. June Ashlev of Fairmont is in town today. -;: Mr. J. W. Conoley of Lumber Bridre -spent Tuesday in town. Mavor A. E. Whit nrvent Tuesdavi .. . r in Wilmington on business. Mr. C. W. Ray of Buie's is among 1 1 : a. a. - 2 I uie visiiura in town tuuay. Mr. - Wesley Hedgpeth of .. Orrum was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. Hezzie Phillips of Mt. Eliam is among the .visitors -in town to day. Mr. A. G. Freeman of. Hog Swamp is among the visitors in town to day. , Mr. H. S. Nye of Orrum was a Lumberton visitor Wednesday after noon. Mr. Walker Hodge of Bloomingdale was among the visitors in town yes terday. t , Mr, Memphrey Britt of Long Branch was a Lumberton visitor yes terday. . Mr. Jake Baxley of Buie, route 1, was amoner the visitors in town ven. terday. Messrs. J. S. Jernigan and John Lewis of route 2 from Parkton are among the visitors in town today. Mr. W. W. Strickland of Antioch, Hoke county, was a Lumberton visi tor Monday. Mr. I. P. Graham of Prnrorvill was among the business visitors in town yesterday.. Messrs. E. B. and Thad Stone of Mt. Eliam were among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. D. W. Bullock of Rowland former register of deeds, was among me visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. N. C. Long left Tuesday for Charlotte and Davidson, where hn will spend several days on business. Messrs. W. K. Culbreth and N. C. Stubbs of Moss Neck were among the business visitors in town yesterday. Mrs.. J. A. P. Conoley of Lumber Bridge spent Tuesday and Tuesday night in town a guest of Mrs. R. D. Caldwell. - Rev. R. A. Moor a of VA is spending the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Caldwell. North Elm street. Mrs J. O. Recltwith day night from Norfolk, Va., where she SDent several Hnvn latiier, but. jonn j. uunbar. Messrs. Berrv MitchAll. TT a. nA N. S. Stnhha nnd A T . T.. t B.a Ma WVllCS VA Fairmont are Lumberton visitors to- aay. Messrs. J. R TTnrwV, McArthur. J. N. nnrl n A p,nA A Red Springs were Lumberton visitors yesieraay. Miss Emma Hi'vloir J xaU 1UV11" day meht from Durham Jin1 Palaitvli where she spent two weeks visiting ing for Philadelphus, where she wjll ttttenu ine scnooi closing today and tomorrow. Miss Leon To-rott. nf Viro' O O a through town Tuesday en route home irom unanowe, wnere she spent several weeks. Miss Frone Kendall. whA hA w - 7 teaching at Bloomingdale, passed through town yesterday en route to ncr nume at vvaoesDoro. Miss Pearl MrlVTHlian Af spent Tuesday and yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Mc Kenzie, North Elm street. Dt-J w- W. Early of Marietta passed through town Tuesday en route home from Baltimore. IA hIi.m w - nucAC spent several days on, business. Miss Anm Duckett and Mrs. G. C. Poole of Raleigh arrived Monday m&rht and will snonH at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Biggs, Seventh street. Mr. Furman Hi ing cml engineering under Mr. Ira B. Mullis at Ullincton. Rtwnt la of nicht in town turned to Lillington this morning. Mr. C. V. Rnram oaohia Bank of Lumberton, left Tuesday for l 1 xwtieign, wnere ne is attending the meeting Of the North rarnlino Pot.1t w f - ww Inun- ers Association, which is in session there thig week. Miss Mamie Avent, who has just closed her school at Pembroke, spent Tuesday and yesterday in town a guest and the home of ex-Judge T. A. McNeilL North Elm st.rwt. She left for her - -- 4 &. this morning. Mrs.. J. A. Sharpe and children, little Miss Anna Courtney and John Allen, Jr., and Miss Josephine Breece will leave tomorrow night for Bal timore, Md., where Mrs. Sharpe and children will spend several weeks vis iting her mother and sisters. Miss Breece goes on business and will re turn in a few days. Charles Henderson of Troy was nominated Monday for Governor of Alabama over former Governor B. B. Comer. , Washington Hismath Maw 19' Tt became known today that the Senate cannot reacn a vote on tne proposed Panama tolls reneal fYfmntion for at least 10 days or two weeks. senator Overman Tuesday secured the adoption by the Senate appropria tions committee his provision for $175,000 for enerial ncrmta and fnr. eign attaches to build up American trade in foreign countries. Ten years ago Senator Overman got $30,000 for tnis . purpose, we - has battled- on year after year until the sum is $175,000. V . To Cure a Cold la One Day TakeLAXATIVEBROMO Quinine. Itatepstnt coagn ana Headacb ana work on tne Cold. Dm (t gists refund money if it laili to care,' B. W. OROVS'S lieaataxe on eadi box. 25c. - J. L-STONE, SR, PASSES ; Mt. EUam't. ..Eoremost Man ' and 1 Church Worker' Goes to His Reward Funeral Tuesday Attended by ' Large Crowd. " Mr. J. I. Stone, Sr, 72 years old, died at his home, near Mt. Eliam, Monday at 3:15 p. m. of heart trou ble. Mr. Stone's health had not twxn good for some time, but he was at tending io nis fluties until Sunday nieht. when he was taken ter. iouslv ill. and hut littla hnrw ni entertined for his recovery. The fu neral services were conducted from the residence Tuesday afternoon at o'clock hv Rpv i I. P. HHTTwth nt Lumberton. Revs. M. A. Stephens" and "Paul T. Britt and Mr. Frank Gough also made remarks, paying hi eh tribute to the deceased, and th remains were laid to rest in the fam ily Durying ground near the home. There were hundreds of people in at tendance at the funpral. rwxtnlo from f TWBV A W III all sections of .Robson county. The norai onenngs were many and beau- U1UI. Deceased was a nrinrlv man a man who was first in everything that was ngm ana gooa. As somebody remarked, "the section in which he lived has never known manv lilra him." He was the life of the commu nity. He was a man who had his God, his church and his country at heart. He was for more than half a century clerk of the Mt. Eliam church and during the entire time was never absent from his monthly con ference but twice. He loved the church and Sunday school and put his life into it. He was a deacon of the church, and was for manv van su perintendent of the Sunday school and at me time or nis death was teacher of the Bible class in the Sunday School. Ha is dead hut. hia InflnMu will live in the community in which ne uvea ana taoorea lor good, lor years to come. He was a father to the whole communitv.- TWonaad is survived by his wife and five children. Nurses at Thompson Hospital Pass "Exams" With Credit. The SDrinfi" examinations for th in. termediate nurses at the Thompson hospital were riven last week. Both oral and written examinations, vara given in anatomy, physiology, urinaly sis, Dactenoiogy, cooiung, practical and surgical nursintr. Misses Kit ty Blue and E. Ray both made 100 on physiology and anatomy. All the nurses passed with a great degree of credit. Miss Winifred Mason, a Graduate of the Postgraduate hnani- tal, New York, is superintendent of uuioca, iiavmg ueen in cnarge since January 1 this year. The number in the. school at this time i 12. hut. will at an early date be increased to 15. Miss Maude Watts graduated Tuesday and will leave Sunday for Durham where she will stand examination in the Watts hospital for a registered nurse, and will at an early date take a special course in the New York Post-Graduate hospital. The Thompson hospital was organ ized in the year 1906 and has had a Steady growth since that time. Dr. N. A. Thompson is president and general manager of the hospital. It is modern in every respect and is an institution of which the people of Lumberton and surrounding country are proud. Notices of New Advertisements. Chief Game Warden Bond calls at tention to the game law. Choice furnitura of late deeiim fnf every part of the house Stephens & Dames. Your bank book is vour hades of good sense and independence Bank of Lumberton. Large heater for sale. Jas. H. McKellar offers services to move dead and dig srraves. H. C. Coley has opened a livery 1 1 1 . T-l II ... uusmess drck oi f uiier s stables. banitary wiping raes for sale at cost. All mine's necessarv for on mm or comfort R. D. Caldwell & Son. Un-to-date bieveles and first-Ma oo repair work V. P. Scmirea. Home of good bread? six loaves of tne Dest ior zoc Lumberton Bakery. Ice-cream narlor. pool dn' nlr atsk-nA and candy kitchen Saloom aSleeby. uucauonai iour oi wasnington. Assorted flavors of "The Velvat Kind" Of ice creams and eherhato i Pope Drug Co. Nice assortment of straw hats K. M. Biggs. Cotton seed meal, hulls and faaA- ton dresser and nitrate snAa K . M ' Biggs. $2 cash for peas H. M. Beasley & Bro, Lady wanted to learn gents' tail oring. Wonderful pictures at Pastime the atre tomorrow afternoon and evening. The Best Hot Weather Tonic SHOVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enrichea the blood. htli Ms nn t whnl mt.m mnA wwm. derf ally atreoetheo and fortify yon to witbatand uie aepreawna; eneci oi uic oox aommer. sue. SPECIAL RATE TO HOPE MILLS MONUMENT UNVEILING On acrnnnt of TTnveilini nf Mmn ment hvs Woodmen of The WnrlH at Hope Mills, N. C, Sunday, May 31st, 1914, an extra train will be run be tween Elizabethtown and St. Paula. To connection going trip with No. 64 and returning trip with No. 65. iiciceis win De sold oniy at regular ticket airencies and cood nnlv Inn date shown above. Fares from "TfT Elizabethtown to Hope Mills and return i 1 1.7ft Dublin, N. C. to Hope MUIs and return .. 1.35 Tar Heel to Hope Mill and return 1.10 juumoenon, xx, u., to nope Aiuis and return ' 1.10 Str-PaulSi-N C-to HepeMills and return . . . .55 For any additional information write, . - . L. C. PARKER, flenerol PacGAnvof A front Virginia & Carolina SouthernRailway company, Lumberton, jn. u. The Robesonian does Job Printing; School Closing Time at Hand What are you going to give the boy or girl for a Graduation Present ? Consult us we will help you make a selection. Boylin's Jewelry Store, LUMBERTON, N. C The Great K. P. Distributor V'.-)!.f' t i ii i I i r ECONOMICAL AND EFFI. CIENT. LASTS LONGEST For Sale by LEADING MERCHANTS THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY N. Jacobi Hardware Co. SOLE SELLING AGENTS WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. Star Brand OXFORDS and SHOES for all the family. flats, Gaps and Dm Goods.. Notions, Heavy and Fancy Groceries. M. W. FLOYD, - - Lumberton, N. t Lumberton Ice Co. Plate Ice "Ask those who use it" Prompt Service 'Phone 220 Birmingham & Company ' Incorporated Wholesale Distributors We have just closed a contract with the Fruit Dispatch Co. to furnish us one solid refrigerator car of extra fancy Bananas every week. If you want the very best in bananas give us your order Our Specials ! Sensation Self-Rising Flour, Moonbeam Best Patent, ' Tip Top Family Patent, Boney and Harpers, Number 1 Timothy Hay, Sunny South Compound and Pure Lard, Green Coffees, Sugar, Octogon Soap, Railroad Mills Snuff, Spiro and LaFolwin Cigars, All Kinds Fancy Produce, Fancy Fruits, Paper Bags, Meal and Grits, Best Grade Shipstuff, Number 2 White Oats, Kiln Dried Corn, Snowdrift and Scoco, Fancy Head and Japanese Rice, All Kinds Canned Goods, Gold Dust, R. J. Reynolds Tobaccos, Hen and Chicken Feed, All Kind Cakes, Crackers and Candies JUST RECEIVED 136 barrels fancy sound Albemarle Pippins, Russetts and Pilot Apples. g If we are not already favored with your valuable patrpnage ive us a trial --a Birmingham & Company Lumberton, N. C 7 . V