THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY t, 1114. PAGE FIVE. : THE E0BE80NJAN Office 107 Wert Foartk i Street. J ' "Telephone No. 20. MONDAY JULY 13, 1914. Special Notices WANTED Hieh School - Graduated wants position: .' through fall and winter. Young and willing to work. Have been at work on farm. Ad dress Robesonian. , " FOR SALE One Ford 6-passenger machine. Good as new. 7 In f uso about six months. D. D., Hinson. Red Springs, N. C. WANTED Ambitious young man of good morals, age 21 to 35, to travel and solicit orders for Chicago Por - trait Company. Salary of $30 and expenses br liberal commission. Ad dress D. F. Jones, Box 782, Lumber- ton, N. C. MULE FOR SALE One Nice Large - Mule for Sale. Gentle and a good worker. D. B. Humphrey. WE STILL HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY of . high grade fertilizers and top dresser on hand. K. M. Biggs: WANTED AT ONCE FIRST-CLASS milch cow f resfi. Must be young and gentle. Address Box 452, Lumber, ton, N. C. THERE IS . NO BETTER BUGGY made for the price than a "Hack ney," reasonable prices and right terms. W.-1. Linkhaw. WHEN IN NEED OF FURNITURE or any kind of house furnishings call at K; M. Biggs. WANTED YOU TO TRY OUR DE licious ice cream. .One dish calls .for another. We also carry a full line of cold drinks of all kinds, and can fill your wants in almost anything in the grocery line. Trade with me and we both make money. Yours for a square deal. R. T. Sanderson, West Fourth street. V-i- IN SOCIAL CIRCLES. Mr. and Mrs. C V. Brown Entertain. One "of the most 'delightful social events of many months took place Thursday evening of -last week when Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brown entertain, ed from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock at their elegant new home on North Elm was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. Troy Baxley of route 3 from street in honor of their guests Misses Lumberton was in town Saturday. Nan " Walker, Ballard . Ramsey and Nemmie Paris of Rocky Mount. '.y, The following assisted in receiving: At the front door, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sharpe; Mrs. Jno. C. Fuller at the parlor door, presenting to the receiv ing line, composed of Mr. and Mrs. Brown and the honor guests, Misses Walker, Ramsey and Paris; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jennings at the dining room door; Mrs. R. C. Lawrence in the dining room; Misses OIlie Bacon, Cammie McNeill, Annie Neal Fuller and Elizabeth Whitfield serving ice cream and cake in the dining room; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McNeill leading the way from the dining room to the punch bowl, in a corner of the ve randah, where Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Proctor served delicious punch, as sisted by Misses Vashti White and Martha Lee North. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Carlyle discoursed sweet mu sic throughout the evening on piano and violin. A large number of people "called during the evening and were loath to leave, for besides the social features that made the evening one of rare pleasure, everywhere about the house it was delightfully cool," making it easy for one to imagine that she or he had been transported to some mountain resort, or that the calendar was wrong and it was not an evening in July. MISS JANIE M'RAE DROWNED. PERSONAL" WOODMEN ENTERTAIN Reception GiVen by Cypress Camp No. Mr. Henry Lee of Long Branch was 125 Ah Enjoyable Occasion. s Lumberton visitor Saturday. One of the most enjoyable occasion? Mr. John II. McKay of Red Springs polledoff here in many moons was a reception given by Cypress Camp No. 125, W. O. W in their hall in the postoffice building Thursday evening from 8:30 to 11 o'clock. The num. ber present, including members and invited guests, was 125. State Senator G. B. McLeod was master of ceremonies and the follow ing were asked to make short address- Mr. D. G. LawBon of Ormm was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Duncan M'White of route 5 from Lumberton was in town Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bullock spent es, which they did, and while they yesterday at Barncsville visiting rela. tives. Mr. Grover Page spent yesterday near Barnesville visiting relatives and friends. Mr. J. O. Mc Arthur of Rowland, route i, was a Lumberton visitors Saturday. Mr. J. W. Barker of route 1 from Lumberton was ttmong the visitors in town Saturday. Miss Eoline Shaw of St. Pauls spent were not all addresses on Woodcraft, they were full of humor, and afforded good entertainment: J. M. Fleming, W. -Lennon, M. T. Bobbitt, W. L Dougherty, E. M. Britt, D. D. King, W. G. Nance, D. S. "Wilkins, W. T. Hutchinson, G. L. Thompson, Grover Britt, J. T. Biggs, E. G. Sipher, Jim Blackburn, E. D. Kelly, E. M. John, son, W. J. DuBois, R. E. Lewis, J. P. Townsend, J. B. Bowen and William Ivey. wnue tne speaking was going on, KEEP A SHARP LOOKOUTFOR IT is coming. Ask Lumberton Bakery for information. Phone 116. FOR SALE A No. 3 Oliver typewri ter. In good condition. Apply to S. K. Nash at Bank of Lumberton FOR HAY, GRAIN, COTTON SEED meal and hulls, phone or call at K. . M. Biggs. Phone 80. FOR HAY, OATS, CORN, Ship stuff, dairy feed, molasses feed. Phone 66 or see H. M. Beasley & Bro.Lum .berton, N. C. SAVE YOUR HAIR COMBINGS. Switches made at 50 and 75 cents. Address Miss Ethel Bottles, Hope Mills, N. C. GOOD FOR THE WIFE, GOOD FOR the husband'sons and daughters, will help the cook, and save worry and expense, also please the chil. dren. Lumberton Bakery, the house-keepers standby. Phone 116. FOR SALE A LIVERY BUSINESS in Lumberton. Eight horses, 10 buggies, two surries and plenty of harness. Apply to Dan F. McNeill, LumDerton, w. u. Robeson County Woman Drowned in Shoe Heel Creek Thought to Have Been Suicide. Maxton Dispatch, 9th. Miss Janie McRne, a young woman about 30 years old. of near Seven Bridges, Robeson county, seven miles southwest from Maxton, met her death by drowning some time dur ing last night or early this morning in Shoe Heel creek. The evidence points to self " destruction while men tally unbalanced. Two years ago her father, the la to Major R. McRae, died and five months ago her mother died. She had been in very poor health for some time and arrange ments had been made to take her to a sanatorium in Charlotte. She was very despondent over her condition and continued brooding evi. dently unbalanced her mind and caus. ed the act of self destruction. Her absence was noted this morning and on going to her room her night clothes were found across the bed, Search was instituted and she was tracked to Shoe Heel creek and she was found Iy i . . . . . mg in iour ieet oi water, a severe bruise was on the head, which was quite probably made by striking her head against the abutment of the bridge and which must have rendered her unconscious. Friday afternoon in town a guest of ice cream ke ,e f it and ci t it: I www m.8S tMnmn rerguson. and it wag aU mighty fitten" were Messrs. Thad, W. I. and R. P. served in abundance, and a rising vote Stone of Mt. Eliam were among the of thanks was extended to Mr. C. visitors in town Saturday. B. Redmond, proprietor, of the Par. Mr. J. A. Markham who lives 'or Grocery, and Mr. W. J. DuBois, on route 1 from Buie, was a Lumber- proprietor of the Lumberton Bakery ton visitor Saturday. for the way they had served such Mr R. B. Branch, editor of the "freshing refreshments Red Snrines Citizen, is amon the As a whole !t was an evening of vsitors in town today. Miss Letha Page returned yester day afternoon from Orrum, where she spent some time visiting relatives. Mr. R. M. High left yesterday 1 great pleasure and enjoyment for a large crowd, and Cypress Camp No. 125, W. O. W did itself proud in the way it entertained its members and the invited guests. Cypress Camp No. 125 is one of the afternoon for Raleigh, where he will Longest in this section of the State, .l..u sever, aays vis.ung relatives. having 125 paid.up member8t and no Miss Kachal Summerow of Char- -.nbt the reception given Thursday lotte . arrived lhursday evening and evening will mean many more mem- is a guest of Miss Nannie Thompson. I bers for the lodge. Mr. J. P. Hickmon, who lives on route No. 5 from Lumberton, was Unveiling of W. O. W. Monument and among the visitors in town this morn. Sunday School Meeting. ing. - THE BEST LINE OF BUGGIES and wagons to be found in Lumberton can be seen at W. I. Linkhaw's. FOR FURNITURE Rugs and Mat ting, call at K. M. Biggs. WIPING RAGS. SANITARY RAGS of the best kind for cleaning ma chinery. Have a larger supply man we can use ana will sell supplies at cost. Apply at Robesonian office. SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR buggies from W. I. Linkhaw. Eases Torment of Asthma and Hay Fever. For the discomfort and misery of asthma and hay fever use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It puts a nettling, soothing coating over the swollen, tickling- membranes, and eas es the thick and choking sensations. Helps you to breathe easily and na. turally. In the yellow package. Foi sale by all druggists. DATES TO REMEMBER. Aueust 8 Primary for nomination of county' and township officers and members of the Legislature. August 13 Primary returns will be canvassed. August 22 Second primary, if ne cessary. ( August 27 Second, primary returns will be canvassed. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST OR I A Mr. Ira B. Mullis, a local civil engineer, who had been doing a large surveying job in Harnett county, re turned to Lumberton Saturday night and will be here for some time. fOLEYSKeHSrTAF Death of Mrs. A. M. McNair of Max ton. " , Maxton Special, 9th, to Wilmington Star. Mrs. A. M. McNair, a youne ma. tron 36 years old, died here rather suddenly this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. She is survived by her hu band and three little daughters, one an infant and the other two two years old, and by her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCaskill, Jr., of Bennettsville, S. C. Her death coming in the prime of life is an es pecially sad one and the whole com munity was shocked by her untimely departure. Great sympathy was felt for the bereaved husband, the aged parents and the two little daughters. Notices of New Advertisements. Good farming land in moore county for-sale. As pretty a piece of boudoir furni- ture as you will find Lumberton Fur niture Store. A completely equipped college for women Southern Presbyterian Col lege, Red Springs. Making new customers Whitfield & French. Milch cow wanted. - Condition of the Bank of Park. ton. Mule for sale. Skipper announces his candidacy. Save your hair combings. Wanted position. Ford automobile for sale. Young man wanted. Fertilizers, furniture, hay and grain at reasonable prices K. M. Biggs. , Proud of her flowers J. H. Wish. art. "The Count of Monte Cristo," at the Pastime theatre Thursday even. ing. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Britt spent the week-end at the home of Mr. ritt's Reported for The Robesonian. The unveiling of the monumertt erected by the Woodmen of the World parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Britt, near in memory of one of its honorable Orrum Mr. J. P. Watson and small son members, Mr. Z. Wilson, took place at Long Branch church Thursday af tamnAn Ml. FnanilAM X limit r raiiKun, oi route i irom jjUmDerton T i. - ' . . . . i "u",u" w" Lumberton was orator of the occasion were among the visitors in town Sat. urday. his speech in itself being a gem, and calculated to inspire all in the stron Mr. J. J. Bullock of East Durham eer ties of fraternal friendship After 1 i r a l . 4 arnvea oaiuraay ana wm spend some prayer at the irrave a number of an. time in town visiting relatives and nroDriate selections were snlendidlv friends. nH k v.a t n u i. Mrs. Francis Grey of Proctorville quartette, consisting of Messrs. Ira arrived yesterday afternoon and will and Floyd Britt, Luther Thompson spend several days in town visiting and Judson Smith. The exercise as a relatives. whole was impressive and showed i Mrs. W. A. McPhaul and throe the lylty of this noble order to its children returned Fridav from deceased members and their families Wrightsville Beach, where they Preceeding the unveiling ceremonies, spent two weeks. a large crowd had assembled in the Mrs. R. B. Williams will leave to. church where request . of the pas. I J. TJ T T TT 1 a va morrow for W hnm- 5 .ti,0iu WI r- neagpetn, Mr. rranK Fla., after spending some time in town Gou?h conducted short devotional visitine relatives service, aiter which he m fittmg " - I 1A. a . ... woras introaucea nis pastor and that airs. a. r. Anarews and son, Mas- 0f the First Bantist church of r.,,m TV . mi i m- ... I. K i r a.ox, ieil xnursaay lor Muuins, berton, Rev. Chas. L. Greaves, who o. v,., wnere iney win spend ten days would talk on his (Mr. Cough's) fa. vonte theme the Sunday school. Mr. Greaves made one of the best visiting relatives. Mrs. W. E. Tomlinson will leave to morrow for her home at Quincy, Fla., aiter spending several weeks visiting relatives in Lumberton. Mrs. E. C. Butler and two children returned Saturday evening from Washington, D. C, where they spent some two weeks visiting relatives. Sunday school addresses we have ever heard. Our folks were delighted and no doubt good will result. We hope Brother Greaves will come again. A Perfect Cathartic, There is a sure and wholesome ac tion in every dose of Foley Cathartic Tnhlpta That, kIoquiii orftVi nA.r ' oonn jJUCKen. wno nas been enne or nam. rhroni. rau nf a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Biggs for several days, will leave tomorrow for her home at Ra. leigh.. Mrs. John T. Biggs and two chil dren will leave tomorrow for Albe marle and Durham where they will spend some two weeks visiting rela. tives . stipation find them invaluable. Stout people are relieved of that bloated. congested reeling, so uncomfortable. especially in hot weather. They keep your nver Dusy. For sale by all druggists. Never can tell when voull mash finger1 or suffer a cut, bruise, burn orr scald. Be prepared. Thousands rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. Your druggist sells it. , 25c and 50c. Special Train Over V. & C. S. July 26 and Reduced Rates. Sunday, July 26th the Virginia & Carolina Southern will operate a spec Mrs. G.M.D. Howard and daughter, ial train from Elizabethtown to St Miss Clyde, of St. Paul's spent last Pauls and return week in town visiting at the home of Leave Elizabethtown 6:00 a. m., ar Mrs. Howard's son-in-law and daugh- rive St. Pauls 8:30 a. m. -Returning ter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Thompson, leave St. Pauls 8:55 p. m., arrive Eliz Mrs. Alex Spivey. who lives on kethtown 10:20 p. m rural - route 5 from Lumb-rton Wt ound-tnp tickets wil be sold from this moraine to visit her mother and a11 scions to St Pauls and those de. other relatives near Kinestree. S C. 8inn can go to Wilmington and have She will be away about two weeks. nve nours inere- lM rouno--"iP ck- . , et from St. Fauls to Wilmington will "m nwBiw vmnoon. wno lauent k. ei an ... .i . ..... . i uunng me past year in tne nigh school at Washburn, Wis., and Miss Ruth Jackson, who has been a student at Dickenson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa j returned home a few days ago for the summer vacation. J E W E LRY ! We arc showing a good many new pieces of jewelry. Also a good stock of new patterns in Simmons Chains You are invited to take a look. Boylin's Jewelry Store, LUMBERTON, N. C. A GOOD ROOF is more necessary to your home than a good hat on your head. Nothing Better Than Good Tin ! We have it made with an admixture of cop per. All. weights. 8 to 40 Pound Coating Write for samples and prices. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. SOLE SELLING AGENTS 10 and 12 S. Front St, Wilmington, N. C. Star Brand OXFORDS and SHOES for all the family. Hats, Gaos and Dry Goods . . Notions, Heavy and Fancy Groceries. M. W. FLOYD, - InmbertoD, H. C The Store of Good Taste 5 And So Also Are We Proud of Our Flours Dronfk Town Talk, Eldean, DianuS Tawco Self Rising. Try These Today Beech Nut Grape Jelly, - Fig Jam, " a Peanut Butter, Sunbeam Filled Dates. CAULIFLOWER WITH CHEESE. M the cant flower as osoal and remote the core; break the rest into small hits, and pot into a baking dish b layers with white sance and cheese, with a mixture of line bread crumbs and cheese on top, and browi in the ores. Proud of her flower J. H. WISHART Telephone Noa. 1 and 207. Best by test of 14 Tears. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Attention! 31s. J. E. Bunting, who had been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McDonald, Fifth street, for sev eral days, returned to her home a I An ideal laxative Wilmington this morning. Master Al- druggists. lictfhn TTaHmm J A r mm I .""""""i "w-'P-son oi air. MC-1 Jnstic- I.nrtm. TxA Donald, accompanied Mrs. Bunting Atlgnti, ritv v r ,. tv CITROLAJ . CITROLAX GIVE IT TO THE CHILDREN Finest physic in the world for chil. dren. They love to take it it tastes like LeTftonade. It is mild! and suits their sensitive ortrans. It is thorough and keeps their systems cleansed, sweet and wholesome. It does the same for grown-ups. too. For sale by all and will spend some time in Wilming. ton. ' t For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general atrtngtheainff tonic GROVS'S TAOTELKSS chill TONIC, drtoa out Malaria and boildi up the ystem. A tm tonic and rare Appetizer Foradnltaandchildrea. 50c Associate Justice Horace Harmon Lurton, of the United States Supreme court, died suddenly at a hotel here today, death being superinduced by cariac asthma. He was 70 years old. The Robesonian does Job Printing. GREENSBORO OREENSBORO. N. C. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Tooek Tjrpa wrtrin, Penmanthin. Vrita for eatalof Fire Insurance! I represent the largest and oldest companies in the world. Don't delay. Insure before it is too late. S. H. Hamilton The Best Hot Weather Tonic; S ROVE'S TASTELESS chUl TONIC enriches the olood. build op the whole pystem and will won derfully jtUengihea tod fortify you to withstand ihc depression: effect of the hot aammer. SOc. It is unlawful to kill any kind of a bird in Robeson county between March 1st and November 15th, except hawksv owls, crows and English sparrows! Deputy Game Wardens, Township Constables and Rural Police are urged to be vigilant in enforcing this law. A reward will be paid for information of any violation! Frank A. Bond,, Chief Game Warden. I

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