FAGX BO. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE BETWEEN CHARLOTTE J AND ASHEVILLE. Southern Railway is now operating through sleeping car between Char lotte and Asheville via Salisbury; car open to receive passengers at Char, lotte 9;30 p. m. daily. Arrives Black Mountain 9:25 a. m. and Asheville at 10:05 a. m. the following morning. Returning car leaves Asheville at 7:00 p. m., Black Mountain 7:45 p. m. and arrives Charlotte 7:10 a. m. A nice schedule for business and other people to utilize the night in cool re freshing travel and be in Asnevnie next morning for business. R. H. De BUTTS, D. P. A., Charlotte. N. C. bounded 1838 Chartered in 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. A Southern College of liberal arts with an established national reputa. tion for hiph standards, noble traditions, and progress.ve policies . Its large endowment fund makes possible its first class equipment and laige Sty of well trained and carefully chosen teachers Student fees low. Comfortable inexpensive rooms in carefully supervised hygemc dormato- rtcs. load me- to the bachelor's degree.' Grad- uate courses in all departments. Schools of Engineering, Education and Law. For catalogue and illustrated booklet address , R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary to the Corporation. Oak Ridge Institute Sixty-third Year - jm mm 0 imm mil -tun '4 T as, 1 , 4 -a NEW $30.M0 ALUMNI BUILDING SIX buildings 350 acres in campus, athletic fields, and farm. Steam heat, shower baths, gymnasium. Over 200 boardmg students, annually for the past thirty years. . Prepares for College, for Business, for Life. Students study under teachers, at night, in study hall. Fall season opens September 16th. Terms reasonable. Write for illustrated catalogue. Address OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE :: oak ridge, n. c. mi 0 If "1 FULL HEAT M A MINUTE That's an advantage when you have to heat something quickly in the night. Oil Cook-stove heats instantly without smoke of smell. -It has all the convenience of gas and costs less for fuel than any other stove. It is the best oil-burning device yet pro duced for cooking purposes. The New Perfection No. 5 has the new Fireless Cooking Oven, which roasts and bakes perfectly slow, fast or fireless cooking, to suit every need. New Perfection Stoves are also made in 1 , 2, 3, and 4-bumer sizes. No. 5 stove includes broiler and toaster. These utensils can be obtained separately for the smaller sizes. Sad-iron heater and cook-book free with every stove. At dealers everywhere, or write direct for catalogue. STANDARD OIL COMPANY WaaUgtoa.aC (New Jersey) ChartettcN.C Norfolk. Vm. BALTIMORE durlertor -n.YV.Va. ElcfcMO4.V. Cfcarltoa.S.C COMMISSION AND MANAGER ; PLAN of coun rx uuviainiMisni MARIETTA NEWS . MATTERS. (Continued from page three) gone back' to our antiquated system. There is a bill now peending in the Legislature of Louisiana to put that State under a similar form. The Gov ernor of Kansas is advocating it foi that State. Our own model city of Charlotte is now considering this for plan' A writer for the July Worlds Work says: in the first ten minutes he sat in the Trenton, N. J., council room he saw business transacted that would not have been concluded in less than three months under the old system. Since the commission form was estab lished at Trenton three years ago fifteen other New Jersey cities have established it. He says though he tried he did not find a single man in Trenton who could giye a single in stance where commission government had failed. He says further that it has been successful in towns of one thousand and cities of four hundred thousand and mcy solve New York's municipal problems. He says also that the Trenton government places responsibility where it can't be shirk ed. Every voter can know who is responsible, and its success lies more in the form than in the men. Do you want it? If you do, it's only a ques tion of effort and time. We must have improvements from some source and I offer this us best I can find. In conclusion, I have heard that some had asked why I was advocat ing this plan, that I must expect some thing in return. I do expect a better and less expensive government. I con trol large interests and the taxes have become burdensome. I expect some relief from that source. But aside from that I hope that this effort today will result in making life easier for my fellow countrymen. I see life through a different light from the way it appeared to me in years gone by. I have seen in recent years for tunes swept away in a day. I have seen strong healthy men collapse in en instant. These and other obser vations have convinced me that if we do any permanent good in this life, it's what we do to make the world better; and I would want no greater monument to my memory than that those who live with me and those who follow me could truthfully say that some act of my life had made the burdens of life fall lighter on them, nd I believe this plan of government will bring results that will make life easier for this and the coming gone- ations. This plan provides that when pos. sible all work should be done under competitive contracts. This plan pro. vides that all elective officials are di' ectly responsible to the people and that the responsibility is fixed and are ubject to referendum and recall. It provides that full publicity of all public records be submitted to the public under a modern, business-like statement. An adequate system of ac counting that will guarantee a dol- ar's worth of service for each dollar expended, and the books to be open to inspection each day to any citizen. Finally, it provides for a complete business system, organized and ope. rated like a well regulated bank or business corporation, with the peo pie as stockholders. They elect the commissioners ag their directors and the commissioners select the executive head, whose duty is to bring results for the stockholders. If he in any way fails in this ho can be promptly discharged by the commission or re called by the people, or stockholders, This manager would not need to be selected from any one place, but wher ever the proper man or men could be found. v Germany, said to be the best gov. erned country in the world, calls their officials like we call our preachers, professors, etc. Fitness and merit is the ruling power in their selecting ser vants of the people. . In Robeson who are the servants? Quarterly Meeting Third Saturday and Sunday - Corner Stone Laying Postponed Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Marietta, July 9 The ? quarterly meeting will be held here on , the third Saturday and Sunday of this month. The laying of the corner stone of the new Methodist church Khs been postponed indefinitely.. ' Among those who spent last week. end. at Wrightsville were Messrs. J. S. Oliver, Leon Henley, Daniel Page, T. C. Parham, Charlie Page, and Roy Floyd. They made , the trip in au tomobiles, Mr". Oliver going with a party from Pages Mill, S. C. Mrs. Janie Oliver returned yester day from Clinton, S., C, where she had been visiting her sister, Mrs. Neppie Kennedy. Miss Rachel Oliver, who spent sev eral days in Rowland and was one of the bridesmaids, in the Ward-Edens wedding, came home the latter part of last week. Miss Oliver, left again yesterday for Hickory, where she will attend a house party. She was ac companied by her brother, Mr. W. M. Oliver, who- will also attend the house party,, - Mrs. C. A. Oliver left Saturday for Fairmont to be with her mother, Mrs. Rose Pittman, who is still sick. Mrs. C. F. Henley spent Saturday here with home folks. Mr. O. C. Connerly, who is spend ing the summer at Carolina Beach, has been in town this week on busi ness. . Mr. Burrus Ward of Rowland ppent last Thursday with friends here. Pr and, Mrs.- W.- W..: Early left last week for England, where they will make their future home. Just Freight Rate Association Put on Permanent Basis. Asheville Dispatch, ..9th. Officers and members of the North Carolina Just Freight Rate Associa: tion assembled at the Langren Ho tel this morning and took steps to make the organization 'permar-jent. the following officers being elected i F. N. Tate,' High Point, re-elected presi dent; J. G. McCormick Wilmington, vice president; J. B. Pearce, Raleigh, treasurer. ' A managing secretary who will have charge of the work in the State, will be selected lafer by the board of directors. Another feature of the permanent organization is a board of directors of 21 prominent business men of the State, who were selected this morn ing as follows: C. L. Ives, Newbern; Dr. H. Q. Al. exander, Matthews; W. O. Riddick, Asheville; J. G. McCormick, Wilm. ington; George L. Hackney, Wilson; J. C. Forrester, Greensboro; 2. G. Ball, Raleigh; G. O. Shakespeare, Laurinburg; R. R. Ray, McAdenville; D. Caldwell, Lumberton; Col. J. L. Ludlow, Winston-Salem; Y. B. Bur. foot, Elizabeth City; F. N. Tate, High Point; A. K. Kcstler, Morganton; L. B. Rogers, Asheville; W. B. Foreman, Charlotte; W. L. Gilbert, Statesville; Mr. Markham, Durham; F. Blanton, Marion; M. F. Shuford, Fayetteville; A. Kelly, Henderson. There will be a meeting of this board of directors shortly to arrange for financial support of the organiza tion. Cured of Indigestion. Mrs. Sadie P. Clawson, Indiana, Pa. was bothered with indigestion. "My stomach pained me night and day, she writes. I would feel bloated and have headache and belching after eating. I also suffered from consti. nation. My daughter had used Cham berlain 8 Tablets and they did her so much good that she gave me a few doses of them and insisted upon my trying them. Thay helped me as nothing else has done." For sale by all dealers. County .Government. Charlotte Observer. Major McKinnon's Lumberton speech, in which he outlined a plan for county government by a commij- ?ion and paid by a manager, caused The Gastonia Gazette to discard an editorial it had prepared on the same subject and-to construct another along new lines. The plan which Major McKinnon has suggested, like the first draft of all economic legislation, is Eubject to revision, amendment and improvement' He has advanced the idea upon which constructive legisla tion may be built. The Observer rpoke truly when it said Major Mc. Kinnon had started something which would attract the attention of the State. The discussion already devel cped indicates that the more progress ive counties in the State are wanting something better than the practically obsolete system of government by county commissioners. . NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain real estate mortgage deed, made and ex ecuted by Grant McNeill and his wife, Carrie McNeill, Fred Brown and his wife, Sarah K. Brown, Daniel Mon roe and his wife, Alice Monroe, to J. A. Singleton, on January 22nd, 1913. and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Robeson Coun ty, North Carolina, in Book No. 27, page 502, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned mortgagee, will, on Wednesday the 29th day of July, 1914, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door in Lum berton. North Carolina, sell at pub lic auction to the' highest bidder for cash,1 the following described yejal estate conveyed by said mortgage, viz: Lying, and being in Robeson county, i North Carolina, Lumber I Bridge township, and ' described and defined as follows: . At Shannon, N. C, a depot oh the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, begin ning at a stake at the edge of said road P. S. Klarpp's corner and runs south 36 east 1 chain and 60 links to a stake in Hughes line; thence N. 54 east 1 chain to a stake Rays corner,- thence north 36 west 1 chain and 60 links to a stake at the railroad; thence with said railroad to the be. ginning corner, containing one sixth of an acre, more or less. PLACE OF SALE: Court-house door. T.nmberton. N. C. DATE OF SALE: Wednesday. July 29th, 1914, at 12 o'clock m. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. This 26th day of June, 1914. J. A. SINGLETON, A. P. SPELL, Mortgagee. 6294Mon - Atty for Mortgagee. Subscribe for The Robesonian. Cortright Metal Shingles. Just now at the present height of the building season, we want to call the particular attention of our readers to the advertising of the Cortright Metal Roofing Co., Philadelphia, Pa., which has been appearing in our col umns for several months, telling of the the merits of the famous Corty right metal shingle. The Cortright Company advises us that the use of these goods has grown enormously til over the country and they can only attribute this constant growth to the splendid satisfaction the. roofing is giving. This company's product is highly recommended to any one de ciring a perfectly weather-tight, fire proof, ornamental and durable roof covering at a moderate cost. The McAllister Hdw. Co. handle these metal shingles locally and are always glad to quote prices and give any other information desired concerning them. . Constipation causes headache, indi gestion, dizziness, drowsiness. For & mild, opening medicine, use Doan', Regulets. 25c a box at all stores. I . METAL SHINGLES Are otarmprooi They interlock and overlap in such a way that the hardest driv ing rain or sifting snow cannot possibly get under them. I Besides ithis they last Indefinitely, and never need repairs. Another point They're very reasonable in first cost You can learn all about them from McAllister Hardware Co. LUMBERTON. N. C. Fidelity Insurance and Realty Company, Inc. General Fire Insurance Accident, Health and Liability Insurance. Fidelity and Casualty Bonds Dealers in cotton mill stocks. Real Estate Bought and Sold. A. T. McLEAN, President and Manager Sp ecials for Tobacco Growers! Paris Green Bellows, " Liquid Sprayers, Thermometers, Twine, Lanterns, Trucks, Alarm Clocks. L. H. CALDWELL, Hardware- Department Lumberton, N. Carolina FREE! This Week Only FREE! To each person buying one 50c bottle of Palm Olive Shampoo, we will give free of charge, three full size cakes of Palm Olive Soap. Palm Olive Shampoo hee!krpM.dn. from pure olive oil, it lubricates the scalp and feeds the roots of the hair and keeps the scalp sanitary and cool kTry a bottle today. The latest in toilet articles. McDonald Drug-Company On the Corner 'Phone No. 26 Seashore Excursion Portsmouth - Norfolk Virginia VIA , Seaboard Air Line Railway TUESDAY, JULY 14TH 1914 FROM RUTHERFORDTON, CHARLOTTE, MONROE. CLARKTON, HAM LET, SOUTHERN PINES, SANFORD, CARY AND ALL INTER MEDIATE STATIONS Two Whole Days and One Night in Norfolk ROUND TRIP RATES Clarkton' $4.50 Abbottiburg ... ....$4.50 Bladenboro .$4.50 Allenton $4.5 Lumberton $4.50 ' Pembroke -. 2 , $4J0 Alma $4.50 Maxton $4.25 Laurinburg $4.25 Laurel Hill . .. .. ;. $4.25 Tickets will be on sale for train No. 13 July 14th in connectiqn with special train leaving Hamlet 11:45 p. m. Arriving Portsmouth, Nor. folk 9:30 a. m. Wednesday, July 15th. RETURNING SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES PORTSMOUTH-NORFOLK 8:30 P. M. July 16TH. For detailed information see your agent or address Zh 'teililXLVt IISIIIJOHN T. WEST. Division Passenger A pent, - RALEIGH. N. C Subscribe for The Robesonian