PROFESSIONAL CARDS Wood berry Lennoa . H. E. Stacy LENNON & STACY Attorney! and Counsellors at Lav Ltuabertoa, N. C. Practice la State and Federal Cevrta. DR. R. T.ALLEN ' Dentist LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Office Over Bank ef Lumberton. 327tf R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-law . Lumberton. -. - - Nerth Carolina Office in Weinstein building. 9-18 DR. JOHN KNOX, JR. Physician and Sorgeotv Lumberton. - - - - North GaroUni Residence 'phone No. 54, at lira. N A, McLean's. Office 'phone No. 88. .. - t-a-tr. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorney! and Coanaelora at Law Lanbertob, N. C Practice in State tod Federal Courts. Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. J. M. MARTIN. Land Surveying, Map Drawing, Bfaieprint Making and Civil Engineer, lag in general. Office formerly oc capfed by Mr. J. C. Parish, Maxton, N. C 825. bteohen Mclntyre. i. C. Lawrenct James D. Proctor. Hdntae, Uwrence A Praetor, Attrmava mnA ConnMlorS at Law. LUMBERTON. - - N. C. Practice in State and Federal Court Prompt attention given to aUrbusinest IRA a MULLIS, Civil Engineer. Cotton Mill Office Building. Lumber Ton. North Carolina. Sand-Clay and Gravel Roads, Pave ments, Bridges, Sewers, Drainage and General Surveying. DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. a Offices upstairs in Weinstein building DR. W. L. GRAN TH AM Physician and Surgeon Office at McDonald Drug Company Office phone No. 26. Resideuce phone No. 49, 7-4tf DR. T. A. NORMENT Announces his return to practice. Special Attention to Diseases of Di gestion and all chronic diseases. OFFICE: POPE DRUG STORE. FIRE INSURANCE Place your fire insurance with J. BROWNE EVANS, St. Pauls, North Carolina. The best of OLD LINE Companies represented. Wtf Dr. W. W. Parker "OPTOMETRIST' EYE DEFECTS Treated and Corrected by Glasses Modernly Equipped Office with Every Facility for Expert "Work Consul tation Invited and Free. LUMBERTON, N. a DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. Lumberton, If. C Specialties : Surgery, . . Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat. . 1217 THOS. C JOHNSON, M. D. Calls Answered Day or Night. Red. fence 'Phone No. 175. Office 'Phone .-No. 47. - - B. M. Britt W..S. Britt Britt & Britt. Attoknxts at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. All business given prompt and eare fnl attention. Office upstairs In Argot Building. 8-10 McLean, Varser & McLean Attornkts at Law, . LUMBERTON, N. CL" Offlcea on 2nd floor of Bank of Lam fcerton Building, Rooms, 1, 2 8, and 4 pit . E. J. BRITT, Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, N. C Offices over Pope Drug Co. Prompt attention given all business. - DR. RUSSELL S. BEAM LumbertonN, C : . r pfflce ovsr McMillan's Drug Store ' Phones, office 196, Residence 167 Please leave calls at McMillan's Drug Store. T. A. McNEILL, Lawyer. Land titles and law of executors and administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National .Bank. Practice in all Courts. ' Lumberton, N. C COULD NOT STAND ON FEET Mrs. Baker So Weak Could Not Do Her Work Found Relief In Novel Way. Adrian, Mich. " I suffered terribly With female weakness and tfeckache and got so weak that I could hardly do my work. -When I washed my dishes I had to sit down and when I would sweep the floor I would get so weak that I would have to get a drink every few minutes. and before I did my dusting I would have to lie down. I got so poorly that my folks thought I was going into consumption. One day I found a piece of paper blowing around the yard and I picked it up and read it It said 'Saved from the Grave,' and told what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound has done for women. I showed it to my husband and he said, 'Why don't you try it? ' So I did, and after I had taken two bottles I felt better and I said to my husband, I don't need any more,' and he said 'You had better take it a little longer anyway.' So I took it for three months and got well and strong. " Mrs. Alonzo E. Baker, 9 Tecumseh St, Adrian, Mich. Not Well Enough to Work. In these words is hidden the tragedy of many a woman, housekeeper or wage earner who supports herself and is often helping to support a family, on meagre wages. Whether in House, otnee, lac- ahnn asiA n IrittViAn U7 rim ATI should remember that there is one tried and true remedy for the ills to which all women are Drone, and that is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' It promotes that vigor which makes work easy. ' The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine oo., t-ynn, Mass. Agricultural and Mechanical College. The Agricultural & Mechanical Col lege at Raleigh, in its growth, devel opment. And social usefulness, has been almost a revelation to our State It is just 25 years old, this year. It is therefore by a good many years the youngest of our colleges for men. It represents a new type of education. Yet, in the face of many difficulties, it has made for itself a most strik ing record. Its faculty now numbers sixty specialists in industrial edu cation who were educated in the best universities of America. Its enroll ment of students, counting all courses is 738. Its buildings number 26. Its equipment is modern and practical Its graduates are most successful. Its catalogue furnishes an interesting story of activity in the industrial life of our State" Malaria or Chills & Fever Prescription No. 86S is oreoared etoeciallv tor MALARIA or CHILLS a FEVER. Five or six dotes will break anv caie.'and if taken then at a tonic the Feer will not return. It acts on the liver better thaa Calomel and does aot gripe or sicken. 25c T. A. McNEILL, JR. Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, North Carolina. Will practice in all courts. Business1 attended to promptly. Rooms 1-2-3 LumbertonCotton Mill building. . L. E. SMITH, Electrical wiring, fixtures and lamps. Office over Stephens & Barnes Furni ture Store, Chestnut Street, Lumber ton, N. C. W. O. EDMUND G. A. ROBERTS Lumberton, N. C. Raleigh. N. C. VETENARIANS. We are prepared to do a eeneral and special vetenary surgical work. All calls promptly filled. 'Phone 52. JAMES M. RUSSELL Architect Lumberton, N. C LUMBERTON MARBLE & GRAN ITE COMPANY. Manufacturers of Marble & Granite Monuments, Build ing Stone, Cemetery Curb, Land Markers, Etc., Lumberton, N. C. HOOPER & FLOYDManagers. JOB rintwg! THE ROBESONIAN IS NOW PREPARED TO Do Job Printing A SHARE OF YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED : : : : FOIETftlttoiTAR Cures Cold u prMteuU FbshiopI ? THE iHOBESONIAN.-; PUBLIC SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN Appointed by the County Board of Education for a Term of Three Years. At the meeting last Monday of the county board of education the follow ing were appointed school committee men in the various districts "to serve for a term of three years: Alfordsville No. 1, Jeff Braccy; No. 2, W.W. Thompson; No. 3, Arte mus McLean, Jr.; No. 4, L. R. Rod gers; No. 5, Mrs. J. G. McRae. Back Swamp No. 2, John T. Sin gletary. Burnt Swamp No. 2, J. C. Bax ley. Britts No. 1, Asberry Rice; No. 2, E. McQ. Rowan; No. 3, J. A. Pit. man, No. 4, J. I. Stone; No. 6, Rev. P. T. Britt Lufnber Bridge No. 3, J. J. Shaw, No. 5, D. O. Currie, No. 9, W. H. Car. ter. Fairmont No. 1, G. H. Cole; No. 2, G. H. Floyd. Lumberton No. 2, J. W. Lowe, No. 3, Jas. I. Br.rnes, No. 5. Oliver Britt." Pembroke No. 1, A. D. Prevatt rWnm Wa 9 CI C. Atlrinann Hewellsville No. 1, R. L. Byrd, No. 2, W. J. Baxlcy, No. 3, W. R. Bullard, No. 4, LX. MWhite, 5, Thomas Kin. law, No. 6, Jas. G. Smith, No. 7, W. M. Bryant . Red Springs No. 4 A. P. Smith. Rennert No. 1, R. D. Graham. Maxton No. 1, J. T. Becsley, No. 2, C. J. Cottingham, Nov 3, J. A. Chisholm, No. 5, Arthur Jones. Saddle Tree No. l,v J. B. Ward, No. 2, Mrs. R. G. Rozier, No. 3, Purvis Powers, No. 4, Jno. H. Powers. Wisharts. No. 1, Gaston Britt, No. 2, J. M. Smith, No. 3, Joe Mercer, No. 4, W. C. West. Parkton No. 2, D. J.t Smith." St. Pauls No. 2, S.' M. Norton, No. 5, J. A. Baxley. Sterlings No. 2, Walker Hodge, No. 3, D. McLelland, No. 4, S. B Graham, No. 6, C. L. Page. White House No. 3, Mrs. N. J. Page, No. 5, J. M. Sparkman, No. 6, C. M. Oliver. Smiths No. 1, A. D. Wilkerson, No 2, D. V. Walker, No. 4, B. C. Smith. Thompsons No. 3, M. J. McCor mick, No. 4, Jno. W. Gaddy, No. 6, Jno. W. Andrews, No. 7, D. B. Mcln tyre, No. 8, Spurgeon McLean, No. 9, Peter Adams, No. 10, D. A. Mc Call, No. 11, Jno. C. McCallum. Colored Race. Alfordsville No. 1, D. B. McKay, No. 2, T. R. Bullard, No. 3, A. B. Mc. Duffie, No. 4, Jno. A, McQueen, No. 5, Jack Weston, No. 6, Davis Williams. Back Swamp No. 1, L. W. Powell, No. 2, A. R. Byrd, No. 3, J. L. Alford. Burnt Swamp No. 1, X. D. McMil lan, No. 2, J. H. Bethea, No. 5, Wm. R. Buie. Britts No. 1, Jack Inman No. 2, ) Span Pope. Lumberton No. 1, C. E. Roberts. Orrum No. 2, Major Jones. Raft Swamp No. 1, N. W. Mitch ell. Saddle Tree No. 1, Peter Leach. Smiths No. 1, Archie McEachcrn, No. 2, W. M. McCallum, No. 3, K. G. Drake, No. 4, Jno. R. Buie, No. 5, Henry Pearson. Fairmont No. 1, Colin Clark. Lumber Bridge No 1, Chas. Brown, No. 3, Sam" Wilson, No. 4, W. S. Smith, No. 6, Sam Scriven. Sterlings No. 1, L. B. Williams. St Pauls No. 1, Waddy Malloy, No. 2, T. B. Womack, No. 3, Philip McMillan, No. 4, W. H. McNeill, No. 5, Tom McMillan. White House No. 1, Alex Fulmorc, No. 2, Tom Ford, No. 3, J. C. Page, Na. 4, Levy Thompson. Howellsville No. 1, W. ,C. 'Cur rie, No. 2, Lewis Howell. Red Springs No. 1, J. T. Martin, No. 3, Mitchell McMillan. Thompsons No. 1, Harvey McNeill, No. 3, E. M. Stackhouse, No. 6, H. G. Rowland, No. 8, David McLeod, No. 9, Alfred Ford,-No. 10, L. R. Mc. Queen. Wisharts No. 1, W. E. Bell Indian Race. Alf ordsville No. 1, W. F. Sampson, No. 2, Isaiah Oxendine. Lumberton No. 1, Ira Holmes, No. 2, J. E. Dial. Saddle Tree No. 1, Riley Chavts, No. 2, W. B. Bowen. St Pauls No. 1, A. B. Smith. Back Swamp No. 1, T. C. Cun- mings, No. 3, Murdock Lowrey. Pembroke No. 2, Everett Sampson, No., 3, Col. Johnson, No. 5, J. C. Ox endine. Thompsons No. 1, F. D. Jacobs, No. 2, J. O. Brooks, No. 5, A. B. Low rey, No. 6, Z. R, Jacobs. Burnt Swamp No. J, J. T. Sander son, No. 2, W. D. Oxendine, No. 6, J. B. Oxendine. Smiths No. 1, Geo. Pea vie, No. 3, r. F. Oxendine. White House No. 2, Daniel Lock ear, No. 3, W. N. McLean. Wisharts No. 1, J. H. Hagins. Subscribe for The Robesoniao. MONDAY, JULY 13, 1114. Constitutionalists Wia Important Vic. tory. Saltillo, Mex Dispatch, 9th. General Carranza was officially ad vised late today of the fall of Guad alajara before the Constitutionalist forces Wednesday at noon. The news was reecived with the utmost ela. tion at Constitutionalist headquarters, where it was regarded as prelimi nary to the occupation of Mexico City itself. General Alvaro Obregon, Constitu. tionalist commander in his dispatch to General Carranza, reported that the Federals had been completely routed and that he was in control. of the entire city, including' the Federal Palace. Five thousand Federals had been taken prisoners, according to Obregon's report and the retreat to ward Mexico City of those who es caped had been cut off by troops of the Command of General Blanco, de toured from Ameca to destroy the Federal lines of communication. Much rmmunition, arms and supplies was captured. Martin County Woman Admits Kill ing Her Husband. Mrs. Elizabeth Early Johnson, who was arrested and placed in jail at Williamston last Wednesday oh the charge of killing her husband, Joe Johnson, on the night of July 4 In Martin county, admitted Thursday that she , killed him. She said that he made life 'unbearable by contin. ually accusing her of infidelity; that they had been separated several times but that each time he begged her to return and live with him e.nd she consented; that when they started to church on the night of the killing she wrapped a pistol up in a bundle with her ) 5.month8-old aby and when ci the way to church he began to talk about her sho .could stand L no longer and took out the pistol and shot him. She at first claimed that some unknown man shot from ambush- She maintains that she was true to her husband and that he had no grounds for his accusations. Has Your Child Worms. Most children do. A Coated. Furred Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach Pains; Circles under the Eyes; Pale, auow complexion; Nervous, Fretful; Grinding of Teeth: Tossine in Sleeo: Peculiar Dreams any one of these indicate Child has Worms. Get a box of Kickapoo Worm Killer at once. It kPJs the worms the cause of your aids nature to expel the worms. Sup plied in candy form. Easy for chil dren to take. 25c at your druggist CHICHESTER SPILLS W,. THE IMUMOlf D BRANR. bo, Mtlad with Bin Klbbo. Tmkm mm mtkmr. Ba mt wmmm Uwrnmrnlmi. AikfotCiri.CinCB.Traa DIAMOND BRANB PILU, fa. Ml yarn kMwa Bt,St, Always Kdtabte SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE BETWEEN SAFET1 AND DANGE3 The Wise Man Secures Protection of FIRE INSURANCE When fire occurs, the most valuable paper a man has is a policy in a good company. We represent some of the best companies in existence. They pay promptly and honorably all losses incurred. Some day yon may be sor ry you didnt let us write a policy today. Q. T. WILLIAMS a ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified a! administrator of the estate of E. R. Phillips, de ceased, late of Robeson county, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against estate of said deceased to present same to me at Allenton, N. C. on or before the 6th day of July, 1915 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in. debted to said estate will please make immediate payment J. R. PHILLIPS, Administrator of Estate of E. R Phillips, deceased. This 4th day of July, 1914. 766Mon. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as administrator of R. W. Livermore, deceased, this is to notify all persons who have claims against the estate of said deceased to present the same, duly itemized and verified, to the under, signed at Pates, North Carolina, on or before the eighth day of June, 1915, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate are notified to make immediate payment This the 4th, day of June. 1914. 6-86Mon. H. W. LIVERMORE, Adm. of R. W. Livermore, deceased. M'LEAN, VARSER & M'LEAN, - - . Attorneys. BaSV If It L taaa. R. D. Gaidwell & Son's Department Store In 's Staw 25 per cent Discount on all Men's Straw HatsTM Our stock is fresb, clean and styles guaranteed to be correct as $4.00 STRAW HAT, Now $&0O $3.00 STRAW HAT NOW $2.23 $2.50 STRAW HAT, Now $2.00 STRAW HAT, Now $1.50 STRAW nAT. Now $U2 $1.00 STRAW HAT. Now 75 Now is the time. These hats wiill go fast R. D. Caldwell & Son. Inc. Palm Beach Suits 1 A Genuine Palm Beach, the same kind we sold clean out -ef last summer. This sjummer has also proven them very popular. We expect another large shipment of these suits daily. Be sure aadl see us, these garments are pre.shrunk and wash welL The Genuine Keep.Kool Palm Beach. EXTRA PALM BEACH COATS. . . ....... $4.00 EXTRA PALM BEACH PANTS fS R D. Caldwell & Son. Inc. Shirts! Shirts! Special attention is called to our large stock of summer shirts for Men Silver Brand .$1.0 IDE ..... ... $1.50, to $30 Eclipse $1.50 to $3JS Eclipse (adjustable sleeves) $1.50 te $2.00 If you are hard to fit see us, we think we have the correct sleeve length for you. R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. Men's Oxfords We still have a nice assortment of stylish oxfords for mea: Hew. ard & Foster, Rice & Hutchins and W. L. Douglas makes. R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. Clothing! Clothing! Hart, Schaffner &" Marx Clothes Our store will be the hone el these famous clothes this falL So remember this f act, aa we have aL ready made large purchases and think we have exceeDent value for you. (' R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. M il l i nery 2 Millinery ! During the next several weeks our price will be reduced 25 per cent on all Staw Goods We stili have lots of good styl ish shapes in stock. These will sell rapidly. R. D. Caldwell & Son LUMBERTON, N. C Phones, Day 119. PACK SEYEt. flat Sale ! Night 82