fAGE EIGHT. THE ROBESONIAN. MONDAY, JULY 13, If 14. GRAND JURY'S REPORT. New County Home Recommended present Home Inadequate and Not Credit to the County Improved Sleeping Quarters for Chain Gang Some J. P.'a and Recorders Remiss in Filing Papers. The grand jury for the term of. Robeson Superior Court which closed Thursday made the following report: County Home. We visited the county home in a body and found same in about as good condition as present conditions will admit. There are eight inmates at present and they all seem content. We desire to call attention to the fact that the present home is not suited to the purposes and unworthy of our county, and would recommend that steps be taken for the erection of one large building sufficient to ac commodate all of the inmates and that same be equipped with steam heat; and we recommend for the pres. ent that another pump be put down at other end of the row and that a sink with pipes to carry water to the wash house be put in at present pump. We further recommend that as far as possible the seperation of the races be carefully observed, as we find now one end of a house occupied by white and the other end by colored. HUGH A. ATWHITE FOR . REGISTER OF DEEDS Chain Gang. We found conditions good, prisoners well kept and provided for, with tht exception of sleeping quarters. The cots or beds need springs. We there fore recommend that these be sup plied. Number of prisoners, 52. Court House. We find the condition of the court house good, all the offices neatly kept 1 1 15 L .1 I tinu iiic uiuirci 5- luuiwuus in me un charge of their duties. We recom mend that two cuspidors be placed in the basement toilet and that this toilet be carefully looked after. We desire to call attention to the fact that because transportation ex. penses of jurors to county home and chain gang have not been paid promt ly heretofore, we found it difficult to discharge our duties. We recommend therefore that the sheriff be required to provide for this in the future. We found the jail in good condition and the prisoners seem to be comfortably provided for. We recommend that suitable place be provided for the un fortunate insane, while awaiting be. ing sent to the State Hospital. We find that a number of the jus tices of the peace and recorders of the county have failed to file the papers in cases which they have sent up to the Superior Court. This not only hampers the grand jury in the ' dis charge of its duties, but it delays jus tice and is a source of increased ex pense to the county. We recommend that these gentlemen pay more care ful attention to this in the future "We have passed upon 13 bills, we find 51 true bills and 2 not true. We make one presentment. We desire to thank the court for its many courte sies shown this body during the term. W, J. M'LEOD, Foreman. HEALTH CONDITIONS IN ROBESON COUNTY. Average Death Rate in 5 Neighborinj Counties 41 Per Cent Higher Than Robeson's. -Bulletin Robeson County Board oi Health. For the past two months the great er part of the more serious illness in the county has been among babies and old people. Malaria has not yet be come epidemic in any one section an improvement over the same date for last year. A few cases of ty phoid fever are found, the great ma jority of same being among negroes. Statistics from the State Board of Health show that the average death rate in the five neighboring counties for the first five months of this year was 44 per cent higher than Robe, son's.. This means a difference of about 17 lives each month for the county. It was thought by a few advocates of the "Primers of Hygiene and San itation," the State adopted school books which have been taught in every county in the State, that the death rate would be affected in all counties very much alike. But a comparison with various counties in the Stats shows that sanitary instruction of school children from these text books does riot have immediate effect on a "e co-operation of the people of the county with the county Board of Health feession has been excellent You're Bilious and Costive. Sick Headache, Bad .Breath, Sour stomach, Furred Tongue and indi gestion Mean Liver and Bowels clog. S&i ieAn y? to-nitf. Get a 25c. bottle of Dr. Kmg's New Life Pills to- ay ana empty stomach and bowel fermenting, gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satis fied, thankful feeling makes you feel fine. Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c at your Drug-gists. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for burns. Subscribe for. The Robesonian. (Political Advertisement.) ' Mr. Editor: Please allow me space in your columns to say a few words in behalf of one of our candidates for register of deeds, to-wit, Hugh A. M'White. He is a good man, is of one of the best families in our county. Just in the prime of life, about 40 years old, and is amply competent, with a little experience. Of course having lived and worked all his life on the farm, he has not had much office ex perience, though he has taken the tax list of his township several times, I think. I am not in favor of giving a man office through sympathy alone, but everything else being equal, the dis advantages that a good man labors under support of himself and family mav nroDerlv be considered. Mr. M'White's father being only in fair circumstances asa farmer could hot assist him much in making a start in life. In fact, he died, I believe, be- fore Hugh was grown. So he (Hugh) had a hard time making a start, but soon had a little farm, married one of the best farmer girls in our coun ty, builtt, a good house.and it looked like he was prospering to a limited extent, when unfortunately he was forced to undergo two serious opera tions in a hospital which did not prove permanently successful, and left him to some extent disabled for farm work. A little later a cyclone swept his house and all his household goods clear away, tearing his house into smithereens. Within a short time af ter this, his good wife developed a serious disease with which she lan guished for several years, and died, leaving him six small children, the oldest of which was only about fifteen years old. cut undaunted, he has struggled along, no one else knows how, until some of hjs friends thought of him as a suitable man to fill the office of register of deeds. Furthermore, I might say that he has an extensive family connection who have for all these years stood faithful to the Democrat party with out asking for, or sharing, any of her honors or rewards. No one of that large connection has ever sought or held any county office, contenting themselves to help faithfully to hon or others. Last, but by no means least, let me say that Mr. TU'White thinks sal aries are unreasonably high and is in favor of a sweeping reduction ?n same as he realizes that the people he asks to support him are laden with heavy burdens of taxation. Let us rally to the support of this good man. Now he does not know anything about my writing this as I never have intimated to him that I had any idea of doing so. W. H. HUMPHREY. Lumberton, N. C, July 1, 1914. FREE PASSES GALORE. GHOSTS AND GOBLINS. Since the world began superstition has been the companion of ignorance. As civilization drives out ignorance superstition also takes its departure, so that the degree of civilization pos sessed by any people may be readily measured by the number and charac ter of its supcrsitions. Ethnologists who have studied sav age tribes tell us that the greatest barrier to civilization is superstition, which in many instances so firmly binds the minds of natives, that they, are actually afraid to think for them selves. Science, the handmaid of civiliza tion, is rapidly separating the false from the true and is giving the world facts in place of superstitious fancies. Even in such everyday matters of life as food, drink, clothing?- etc., false notions and hearsay reports are giv ing away to scientific facts. Thus the laboratory of the scientist has now demonstrated the fact that the caffeine contained in such bever. ages as coffee, tea and Coca-Cola is not only not injurious to health but is positively helpful in that it diminishes the wear and tear of the nervous system and serves in the nature of . a lubricant, as it were. Such unpleasant effects as were formerly attributed to caffeine are now known to the be the result of improper meth ods in the preparation of the bever ages and are traced to the door of caffeol and tanic acid in the case of coffee and to tannis acid in the cast of tea. These substances, when talc en in excessive quantities, give rise to discomfort but do no positive injury. . Since Coca-Cola contains only caf feine with sugar and flavoring ex- tracts these scientific proofs substan tiate the oft repeated claim of the manufacturer that Coca Cola "pos sesses all the advantages of tea and coffee with none of their disadvanta ges. - To Prevent Blood Poisoning W'ty at once the wonderful old reliable D PORTER S ANTISEFTIC HEALING OIL.a anr Zicl dressing that relieve! pais and heal a ae aainc Uiue. i;ul a ua,-j: : 4lb SCr.. 1.0 Two Railroad During 1913 Issued Free Passes to Thousands of Per. sons A Menace to the Institutions of a Free People. Washington Dispatch, 9th. Free passes representing 11,006V 000 miles of travel and valued at more than $340,000 were distributed to S4r 000 persons by the Louisville and Nashville and the Nashville Chatta nooga & St. Louis railroads during 1913, according to a report submit ted to the Senate today by the Inter State Commerce Commission. Tha commission, whose investigation was in response to a Senate resolution, in its report characterized the distribu lion of free passes as a "menace tc the institutions of a free people." The report shows that the Louis ville & Nashville gave passess to one United States Senator; two Repre rentatives in Congress; 139 othe Federal officers; 1,556 State senators; 2,183 Sta,te representatives: 1769 other State officials; 89' judges, and many other local office holders. -The Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis is credited with passes to 151 United States officials, other than members cf Congress; 5,814 State senators; 8,439 State representatives; 1,086 oth er State officials; 170 judges, and numerous other local officials. The commission informed the eSn ate that while it could issue no order in the special investigation persued under the Senate resolution, it was making a general investigation in which it intends to issue an. order dealing with the practice. In order to properly compile the required information" says the report, "lists of pass holders in the various classes were prepared . Such lists reveal the manner in which these car riers have dipped into ' practically every domain of public and private life, through the instrumentality of the free pass. There is scarcely a walk of life which is not presented in this procession of recipents of pa ss, es from the Federal bench to the lo cal politician and .the sheriff who summons the jury. The threads rep. resented by these passes tie thous ands of citizens to the carrier through improper relation. The lack of mor ality reflected by the facts here com piled is a menace to the institutions of a free people. These citizens, who sell their influence quite as much as if they accepted money bribes, seem to be as willing to be tied as the car riers are ready to tie them. Men pledge their influence quietly in the home or school, or club, in the pro fessions in business, in city councils and administrative boards, in court? of justice, in executive halls and at the polls. Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain." Sloan's Liniment gives instant re lief from .Neuralgia or Sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part Soothes the Nerves and Stops the Pain. It is also good for Rheumatism, Sere Throat. Chest Pains and Sprains. You don't need to rub it penetrates. Mr. J. R. . Swinger, Louisville Ky. writes: "I suffered with quite a se vere Neuralgic , Headache for four months without any relief. - I 'used Sloan's Liniment for two or three nights and I haven't suffered with my head since." Get a bottle today. Keep it in the house all the time for pains and all hurts. 25c, 50c and $1.00, at your druggist. - ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve for all sores. Secretary Daniels announced Fri day that the latest four new dread noughts, beginning with No. 39, would be named Arizona, California, Misiss ippi and Idaho. The last two were so named in order that the States of Mississippi Jnd Idaho might nqt lose their ships because of the recent sale of two battleships to Greece. If you have neglected your kidneys, and suffer from backache, weak back, headache, rheumatism and distress ing bladder weakness, you will find Foley Kidney Pills to be the honestly made, healing and curative medicine Jt A- - 1 1- 1 fil you neeu 10 give you uacn. your neaiui and strength. They are tonic in ac tion, quick to give good results. They will help you. , Congress Friday appropriated $200,- 000 for the relief of sufferers from the Salem, Mass., fire. Washington, July 12 Trust legis lation to complete the Administration legislative programme will be under taken in earnest in the Senate this week, and Democrats and Republicans alike are straining at the leash to get the task and complete it as speedily as thorough consideration of the" pro posed measures to supplement the Sherman law and regulate issuance of railroad securities will permit. Women's rights 'were recognized to the fullest extent by the National Educational Association in session at St. Paul, Minn., last week, which pass ed resolutions endorsing woman suf. frage and equal pay for teachers, re gardless of sex, and allotted five of the ten vice presidencies to women. To feel strong, have good appetite and digestion, sleep soundly and en ioy life.' use Burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price, $1.00. Crops in the United States July 1, were in about 1.4 per cent better condition than the 10-year average on that date, according to a Departmf nt of Agriculture bulletin. There is Healing in Foley Kidney Pills. You need a mighty good medicine it once your kidneys are exhaused by neglect and overwork, and you have got it in Foley Kidney Pills. Their action is prompt, healing and tonic. Sound health and sound kidneys fol low their use. Try them. For sale by all druggists. PASTIME THEATRE July 16th Will present in Five Reels of Pictures James O'Neill ' in his famous Version of Dumas' Masterpiece "The Count of Monte Cristo" . A photo play produced by the . Famous Players Film Co. Show will open at 2 o'clock " Prices from 2 to 6 o'clock, 10 cents to everybody. Ladies and children should, take advantage as far as possible of the afternoon show. Optimistic views of business condi tions were presented to President Wilson Thursday by Henry Ford, the Detroit manufacturer! during an hour's conference at the White House. Mr. Ford told the President he saw no evidences of any sort of business depression, psychological or other wise, and said that in his opinion, bus iness was getting better all the time. If Kidneys and Bladder. Bother Then Foley Kidney Pills. Overworked kidneys- will break down if not helped. When they can no longer protect the blood and the body from the poisons 'that come to them, then look out for Bright' s dis ease, serious kidney trouble and blad der annoyances. Foley Kidney pills, are your best protection, your best medicine for weak, sore, overworked kidney and bladder weaknesses. For sale by all druggists. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Bank of Parkton AT PARKTON. . in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 30, 1914. Resources. Loans and discounts . . Liabilities. .$42,902.12 Capital stock paid in .. 10,000.00 1,712.30 Surplus fund . 2,520.30 Overdrafts, unsecured, I. .. Banking houses, $1888.87; Furniture and fixtures $1, 598.83 .. 3,487.70 Demand loans 1,583.54 Bills payable Due from banks and bank ers 3,827.08 Deposits subject to check . . 20,147.91 Cash items 211.28 Gold coin 307.50 Silver coin, including all ' minor coin currency .... 296.57 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 638.00 Interest paid 468.38 Notes and bills rediscounted 8,500.00 8,000.00 Demand certificates of De posit 5,480.29 Cashier's Checks outstanding 685.97 Total $55,334.47 Total .$55,334.47 State of North Carolina, County of Robeson, es: I, E. B. Daniel, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. E. B. DANIEL, Cashiei Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of March, 1914. My commission expires Feb. 20, 1916. D. M.. HALL, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. G. Hughes, A. J. Garris, W. T. Fisher, Directors. LARGE HEATER FOR SALE Suit able for school room church or store; in good condition; you may have it at your ownjirice. Apply at The Robesonian Office. Your Dollars Jlid City Sins YOU, Mr. Citizen of this town! Do you want your dollars -to add to the brightness of the lights of the city that the evils they represent may make a stronger appeal to your boy? That is just what you are doing when you send your dollars to the mafl-ordei man of the city instead of spending them at home. Every dollar you send away from home means an added reason for the boy to fol low the dollar. And there is much less opportunity for him to succeed in life in the city to which your dollars go than there is right here in this town where the people know and appreciate him. There is not a hundred-to-one chance for him in the city, and yet you are in viting him to leave you that he may fol low your dollars 1 Why not keep the dollars at home where your boy and not the son of the mail-order man, will have a chance at them? -IV Why not spend them with the local merchants? Think it over Southern Presbyterian College RED SPRINGS, N. C. For Young Women. Important advantages for the development of Health, Character, Knowledge and an Attractive Personality. Completely equipped to afford thorough education and true Chris tian culture. Handsome, well-appointed buildings; large, well-ventilated sleeping rooms, all conveniences. Able instructors of Christian character and refinement. A location noted for its healthfulness. Thorough courses in the classics and sciences. Art, Expression, Peda gogy, Domestic Art and Sciences, Degree of B. A. Conservatory of Music Conducted by competent, hfgh- salaried instructors. Covers fully the various branches of a musical education. Terms very moderate. For illustrated catalogue, address REV. C. G. VARDELL, D. D., President Red Springs, N. C. Dressing Table American Colonial Design As pretty a piece of boudoir furni ture as one will find. Seethe classic Colonial scroll in the legs and mirror supports. Absolutely correct is desip and the Construction is "White." In either selected Circassian walnut or mahogany. Top 20x36. Mir ror French bevel plate glass 18x24 Lumberton Furniture Store, Undertakers Moore County Land for Sale Two tracts near each other, 206 acres in one tract, 130 acres in the other tract, in Moore county, McNeill township, on South .side of lower little river, four miles north of Southern Pines, lying on both sides of sand clay road leading from Southern Pines to Carthage. This land is well adapted to growing Corn, Cotton or "Tobacco in fact, to growing any crops or fruits grown in North Carolina!. Growth on land round-leaf, black-jack, hickory, pine and dogwood. Enough long leaf pine on part of land to provide timber for any buildings pur. chaser may want to erecV " ' - , ' Within 100 yards of electric light plant; near Farmers Rural Tele phone system; rural mail route; 2 miles from public school, special tax district, 8months' term; 2 1-2 miles from Norfolk & Southern Railroad from Carthage to Pinehurpt. No better location could be asked for. This land can be bought cheaper than any other land of same qual ity in Moore county in fact, thereis NO OTHER LAND OF AS GOCD QUALITY4N MOORE COUNTY FOR SALE. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. APPLY TO , f J. D. McLEAN; : : Carthage, N. C. .-

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