ROBESONIAN J ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY COUNTRY, GOD AND TKUTH )U0 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1914. NUMBER 65 VOL. XLV. if , DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES MEE1 County Candidates Foregathered in Lumberton .Yesterday Preparing . for Campaigns-Speaking Engage, menta Saturdays lri;EveryTowa. Wpw ,i.feri---e:i i' Th county Democratic candidates . met at the court house here yester- r day to" mate plans for the campaign..; About the only thing definitely deter - mined was to have speakers to address -.the people every ..Saturday from now . until election at ! every polling place : in the : county. ' It is the purpose 'of County Chairman T. A. McNeill,. Jr., 7. who" met with the ;cahdidates,"to se- cure, if possible,' the services of some of the best speakers in the State ti addrss the people on the important r... t" J n i I tj idduco ui ui uay, puuucauy speaKin" I . ? rf end it is Chairman McNeill's ! purposa ' 8tronf N o Defft Alon J W ed G fan? ofMM . vancl I A' ArmJWd! jf DispatlJfrtf haPuig aW jyei) lis no 4 thl fe'U.n arl ail en 1 . j n . i ... . nu me purpose oi tne candidates j , conduct the campaign oii'a high plane, on a "plane above petty affairs. Chair .., man McNeill .hopes to have Attorney General Bickett address the people of the county at Lumberton some tima between now and election day on the proposed Constitutional Amendments. ' .Some time ago, as mentioned in -The Robesonian at the time, Republic - cana, Progressives and others met in u Lumberton and nominated an "In : dependent", ticket. What this iijde- penaent.cket.-mirposes doing "has not yet .been. d4&itjy ; announced." If , they get into the campaign actively, f . they will no doubt add to its gaiety i imt of cbu'rse the unterrified Demo. J;crata are in no wise doubtful of t wna the verdict of the sovereigns ' will be at the polls. . ; Chairman McNeill thinks he will . have eady for publication in Mon. j day's Robesonian a list of the an-: ; pointments for "the following Satur day. , These Have Bought a Bale at 10 Cents. .', .-:-. i: . . Mr , L . H . Caldwell's ifame did not appear in the list published in Mon. i dday's Robesonian of those who woul j buuy a bale of "distress" "cotton at cents a pound, but he purchased bale at that price Tuesday and h . agreed to purchase 4 more bal at that price in order to he! the situation. Messrs. White Gough purchased ' their bale yester aay iron; the widow of. the late';Toj; Britt, who has five small children, th - oiaest 14 years old. Mr. Dennis. W. Biggs has also "purchased his bale fe ttle Lumberton Furniture Store, ;(' which he is proprietor. r Several Lurabeiton merchants have advertised and are advising in Th Robesonian that they will take cotton on account of in trade at 10 cents "the pound, but not much cotton is be. ins: offered on that basis. Everyone who can buy" a Jbale . at 10cent and does "so helps that much to stiffen the market and re store confidence. -regf , re ainf jty' , fr E YET. That Battle Jearly Finish- Thouusand? to Stem Ad s of German ront, by continued mile front iloselle and jjication that hish. There hat the Gr- MAGISTRATES TO MEET All Magistrates of the County Asked to Meet in Lumberton October 24 Conjectures As to Purpose of Meet ing. s Justice Ed. C. Graham of Howells. 'ville township has addressed a letter to all magistrates of Robeson county asking them to attend a : meeting if magistrates in Lumberton on the 24th inst. Mr. Graham states in his let TOBACCO SEAS6N ABOUT OVER point I W almost It is fc js a f orcibla utalhe ! from the - hnies, I V on.t'their west- while the ce.i- insi are inure aa ai any other illery;- remains Market About Closed at Fairmont About 4,000,000 Pounds Sold At , That Market for Around $300,000 A Hard Year for Tobacco Farmers. Perhaps not in the history of to. bacco arrowinir in Robeson have the CHILD FATALLY BURNED. Three-Year.Old Son o( Mr. and Mm, C. Norris Dies As Result of Burn Night Gown Caught Fire Early Tuesday Morning Funeral Yester t Day. Freeman, three-year-old son of Mr. WATCH Watch the label on ywf paper if renewals are not in by date on label paper will be atopped. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS Mr. W, E. Horn is moving hia barber shop from the Griffith build ing on Elm street to the rear of the ind Mrs. F. v. Norris, va burned farmers had such hard year trying, so bajy lu.tday morning about 8 (new building of the National Bank of rtii .'ml r tW. "wmA" The co d icr "MWV y . uumoenvn, cam u..u. . - . , i that h Hicrl in ahnut four ter that he has been requested to call ! "i"- - - r-- " hours. Mrs. worns said mat sre got this meeting to take up some impor-die, and by the time the resowed bed-M,,,, U (l kindled a fire in the fu-3 place ('were ready the dought came on an.d in the room in which she and her two H east rf Sh?e'il uded"by French military; I , Jime important movement. fce'made bv th3 juhd it impossi. ce of the Allie-?, the' t Ernest and fancev sacrificing siar!ear to ue nter,. leaving the Jbac' ard move Jaj suupply base at by heavy mads IAs lis absolutely v' i this Hce shall- be hell vuauQ of the German r"theasrn t rance, it ap- laced p a somewhat pro- tion ith its single line has changed cor. beginning of th ireen the two great ibers and real po- permitted to make now presents sin- okine inward and ntwf ; vrts in a coun- Th. S nrotect- tV b X when- Cks on fay m.t. f v,i An nnt infi' ('were ready mate what the important matters arei 1 m09t of the farmers had. to set their j fhii.lun were sleeping and as!:cJ the Conjecture is busy about this meec P" fcw "YC "r "uie ooy to get up, dui ne bskbu ner ing and there be not a few who ara in in the middk of J"ne orethjy , iet him sUy in bed and play with th. ,nnHonn ;r th. manicf.i . irn.iKOt any plants to live. However, j baby while she cooked breakfast, so ing to meet for the purpose of consii- " has been a lot of tobacco sold at ering the advisability of abolishing v. TO-v,.., ..,. the office of county treasurer.. It vnil much. y toba,cc0 'h ror.llo fKnt it miKHatiArl fin fWltH no IUO in it, sola on ine marKei f Al U C?A .m-- ,k f it j 1 i i The Robesonian some time ago that ",ere ocxvre- "'uc 1CW "". nng tne room iouna me ooy wrappci the magistrates of a county have thw;WMMr lttUj w " i.-n i i Iiames" a"e.Pul ne i,mes Wltn ner nanus, Durning wem ma very badly, but not until the child waa In the show-window of the Mc Millan Drug Store can be seen a rare collection of old coins of many de scriptions coins from most all the countries and all kinds of Amreican coins from "way back." John Quintus, 8-year-old son of she went into the kitchin after telling Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Beckwith, fell from the child not to get up till she went back into the room, but . in a short time heard him scream, and on enter- authority to abolish the office of coun- mn reanzeu irom yw to iou to tv trnailrcr nnrf nuf. the Hnti.! f f ho I ne aqre, Ul inoiijr VI wiem UlU MUi, offir nnn th shariff Oountv AiJthey say, make enough to pay for torney E. J. Britt, who is a well-in-J (the fertilizer used. It is said that Fairmont now leads any market in the South Carolina belt, having sold this season some thing like four million pounds, which brought right about $300,000. The market at Fairmont will re- Sa'v Mill Plant of Alma Lumber C) Burned. Maxton special, Sept. 30, to WilnVin;' ton star. ihe large saw mill plant of thJ A ma Lumbrar Company, situate Alma, two miles east of M caught on fire this morning at and ; was completely destroyed! loss being about five thousan lars and no insurance. 1 The fire caught in the roof boiler house around the smok and was under, good headway it was discovered. The plani ana ary Kuns were untoucnea, an lumDer on the yards was not lai ed, ' what wind there was beln$ waras tne river and away ,1 rirt remaining buildings of the conapt plant All the tmachmery in! destroyed building, except th is a total loss, and it will ta time for it to be replaced Publii iJAcI Laws ton Co Orleans ation ' for a al elim year, sr'Statd pfulatingTrf Y by the here as ing the sittuJ pean war, promise one adopted.! Th organization: and the Sou Htin pledg they will red half and wh pledge no 3. The 4 ii elrequired! ; tne l&kis, prohibitin ng for t mty its are n llEAGE int in Favor of fctton and Then Best Advice of 1, Sept. 30. e public senti- i-sduced acreaec? cotton planting Ultimate aim oft formed lawyer, was The Robesonian' authority for that statement. It is doubtful if many of the magistrates knew they had that power before that was Dublished in The Robesonian. and ! the paper knew it. " njPn or a Parttof t t least, Of course their honors the magii- j111 iThuwday -of next week. - How. trates lay not have any designs at ever,Jnost of the buyer are gone, all upon the office of county treasurer, !f nd Mtesf s- E. J.vDavrs & Sonsho but this meeting having been calkd lh?vetJ1d "ch t0,d? w,Lth fkl.n for just a short while before the elec-l f,tnVon' market wbat it w, t; 4.u i , I closed their house yesteraiy. This f- i r to wondering what it means. ORRUM OCCURRENCES. Debating Society Re-organized Base, bal Season Over. School Progress ing Nicely- A Surprise Marriage Personal. Correspondence of The RobeRonian ihouse, which did some Robesonian ad vertising, had perhaps the best year in its history, and the managers cay I they are sure . the advertising was 'well worth while. !. Mr. L. M. Walker, buyer for the ! Export people, left yesterday for his 'home at Walnut Cove, N. G, As a !rule Mr. Walker buys much tobacco trnwoKunmM wwn t . Fairmont and a d icJ f M wn,iam Bryan, who lives Orrum Sept. 28-The boys of the . .. '. ' Woa .r n ,. ..... iAiaA laor I'irrh onHrl mat hot Trinicflaw no-hf. " ' .1 " , r . - r.:?d re-organked the F. O. I. debat. so badly burned that he died in a short time after being taken to tha Thompson hospital. Mr. Norris travels for the Rich. mond Hardware Company of Rich. mond, Va., and was at South Boston, Va., when he received the sad news that his child had been burned. He arrived at home yester day morning. The : fprieral-i t .t:onduhcfed from the residence yesterday afternoon at a trapeze while jplaying yesterdarr and broke ita right leg just above the ankle. Dr. John Knox rendered med ical aid and the child seems to be ge' 'ting on fine. Mr. H. Weinstein of Fairmont re turned Monday from the Northern markets, where he bought a large stock of fall and winter goods for h?s large department store at Tairmon Watch for a page ad telling of hia bargains in Monday's Robesonian. Prof. J. R. Poole, county au j orinlendent of public instruction, went yesterday to Newbern to at- tsnd the annual meeting there yes- terday and today of the south-east- , 4r30 by Rev. Chas. L. Greaves, pa- una Association i county tor of the First Baptist church, and jieuueina. intertnent was' mado Lumberton cemetery. in rthe East St Pauls Messenger: The Rooe sonian has been publishing the fact Mr. Norris says rio people can be that some citizens in tne county more kind to one in the hour of trou-j have had some extraordinary broad ble than have the people of Lumber cotton leaves. inr society with 18 members. TK: young men are doing a good work and will at an early date begin to prepare for a f.i'blic debate. The Orrum baseball team closed its career Saturday by whitewash, ing the East Lumberton team 3 tn 0. During the past season the boys have played 30 games and have won 25 out of 30. They will try to put ou; a still better team next season. The school is progressing very nicely un der the efficient management of Prof. W. E. Fleming, having 100 on roll now which is encouraging considering the rush on with the farmers just now. Mr. hi. li. Nye, one oi our pro- allowed to buy a small quantity. CANOEING DOWN THE LUMBEE ton to his family since their bereave mert. Wm. M. Bryan of Howellsville. Mr. Wm. R. Bryan, aged about 23, night tit the State hospital, Raleigh, where he had been for more than a year. The remains will be brought to Lumberton tonight, and It is ex pected interment will bs made near the home tomorrow. A Party of Six From Northjncluding An Artist From England, Traveling To Georgetown by Canoe. Mr. Jonathan Steere, of the Girard Trust Ccrr.nany, and wife, of Philadel phia, Pa.; Miss Margery, Rawlings, an I Farmers Determined to Hold CoUo i artist of Reading England; Mr. Rob.' Minor Courts Busy Death of LUMBER BRIDGE LOCALS Gov. Craig May Speak in L October 5th. Mr . . T . D . . Warren, . chailnfr MIS fcJWfttC ACIIIWLI dill. CACL U mittee, has notified Mr. T. A chairman of the county D executive committee, that ei - . .IU I, of customs irt the eastern A ?t speak in the court Jiouse h) At j? October 5th, at 12 m. on Wi sues. , The public is invite out and hear the address. ernor. will come if he can p1 here. ... :-. ? . ' . Wi shington resident on rcpr4 evemors at .. rates he m Tteasury D late bank! tnergency e f reeland ac Uie Senate 12 Months 1 Cliff Saw in Mondav'i fd Suunday home about Jthe Whiter? "juice", bof and who cl4 uuse, was i fres' enact laws , ressjve y0Ung farmers, surpised hij as aeal Oi. n frionAa rion Inot SnhiMnv pv. hing he took as his better half . Mis J May Belle Price, of Proctoryille. Mr. A. B. Lawson advises if you have your head clipped you had bet ter stay off the "Broad Ridge." Prof. Ponders and Mr. Claude Floyd, of Barnesville, were visitors in town Sunday afternoon. Misses Dov ie and Edna Prevatt spent the week end at home in Lumberton. Mr. B. L. Frink of Bladenboro is visiting friends and relatives in town today. Miss Jessie Prevatte spent part of last week in Fayetteville Visiting her bro ther Mr. Kelly Prevatte. Mr. Willie Owens and Miss Fannie Ritch of Boardman were visitors in town Sun. day afternoon. - jjCotton Conven fcethod of meet id by the Euro are was a com I unanimously Ho have county Farmers' Union tton' Association planters that age at least one ile to have them it 'any cotton in ganizations also on the Governor J special sessio l ,nace laws eith ig at all or pro jeduuetion of at V'.v 'V iHelp. Sept. 30. iday told a dele iie conference of essmen of cotton ie uup with the t a request that owed to issue binder the Aldrich paying a 10 per jw is pending in )ut that plan. Died at Hospital As Resu On Head.: ; , Archie Rhodes, a whit 32 years old, who had Thompson hospital for suuffenng from, a bio tne head with a wee four weeks ago at his liamsburg county, ; Si when he had a row white man whose nam learned, died ast eve! o clock. The remains to his home today. . L. . A. J , PlsisantRecj V day ands eci WiW 4t at If en jdays lveq on oe isome in Wi!- Carolina, another not been at six shipped n day the roads. Oxford Oi ' Coming. The sin i , cert at the tq i.Any1ov e6Blf ther ine-cia ho as mentioned nian, was arrest, ly officers at his (es from town on 5 and on whose A 210 crallona of f and huckleberry ,T is to be commended. had it all for self earing before As L Johnson yester 3o 12 months on I Singing Class k of the Oxford e its annual con era house on Wed 9 14th inst " Nei r-. the cause needs . . j i; an mirpaucu t th nf r,um- berton. Mv, v win nf Honht e, as usual. rues, railroaders, I f, Thomas' Eclectic .its burns, bruises. : very home, 25e and fka rS Farmersr t laborers, rely 0 Oil. Fine'fo. Should be ken 50c. Wake Forest Seniors Buy a Bale. Special to The Robesonian. ' Wake Forest, Sept. 29 Today the senior class , met and voted to help he present cotton situation by buy ing, a bale of cotton. -This is, indead something new, especially for literary college, aad sets a precedent. The farmrs are not the only ones interested. Neither is the business world by itself. College students have rushed to the rescue. Most of the students here are sons of farmers and probably this is the cause of this acti&n. The men show themselves to be interested in the cotton situation and are willing . to turn aside from their studies for a few moments to help. We think this action of the seniors P. H. W. ert Yarnall a mechanical engineer, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. David T. Aber crombie, a manufacturer, of Broads way, N. Y.; and Mr. Geo. W. Bar ton, of the Pennsylvania Crusher Co., of .Philadelphia, passed through Lum berton traveling in four;canoas on the waters of the "Lumbee," as they knew it, Monday afternoon, and camped at the high hill, about three miles from town down the river for one day and two nights. Some party ! up the river had referred them to Senator Geo. B. McLeod, anad when they arrived here i.hey (called .for Mr. .McLeod, who while they wero camping at the high hills, took them out and . showed them over Lumber ton and the country round about. This party of evidently cultured, refined and Wealthy folks, started their trip on the river at Kaiser, this State. They have a unique camp ing outfit, and sleep on the ground, with only a water proof cloth under them, and do their own cooking. They had heard of the beautiful scenery along the "Lumbee," and decided to make the trip and make pictures along the route, and no doubt Miss Rawlings will make some beautiful paintings to show her friends in Eng land of the beautiful -scenes along this river, which is not considered by many who live on its banks more than an ordinary stream, while people in the North and abroad would be at. tracted to its waters. The entire par ty expressed themselves as being we!l pleased with the trip. They expect ed to land in Georgetown, S. C, 'n 12 days after leaving Lumberton. They took Mr. John Roach, of Lumberton, who knows the river from a to z, along with them as a guue for the balance of the trip, knowing Car ran za Expected to Resign Today that so-many streams between here Washington Dispatch, Sept. 30. and the ocean might cause them to; Dispatches reaching the Constitu- Church Services. Rev. Dr. W. B. North, pastor of Chestnut Street Methodist church, will preach at the auditorium in East Lumberton tonight. The public is in. Vied to attend. Dr. H. G. Hill the veteran pastor of the Presbyterian church at Max ton arrived this morning and will preach at the Presbyterian church to night. Dr. Hill is stopping at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McAllis te. The name Doan's ; inspires confi dence Doan's Kidney Pills for kidny ills. Doan's Ointment for skin itch ing. Doan's Regulets for a mild lax ative.' Sold at all drug stores. Mrs. Sallie Bullard School Opens. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumber Bridgt. Sept. 20 Wc nev er saw farmers so determined to hold cotton as they are now, unless the merchant allows., them ten cents on their account. There has been much ado about farmers fretting" help from tho Government In smy opinion what help he gets will be from his friends at home and not from politicians. It was quite lively in the municipal and recorder's court here Friday. Rer corder Buie came over from Rid Springs and tried one case and Mayor Hall had three cases in his court. The school funds were increased about $90. Mrs. Sallie Bullard, widow of late William Bullard, died at the home of her son-in-law and daughter Wednes day afternoon, Sept. 23, in her 75th year. She was before her marriage Sallie Fisher and is survived by three sisters, one brother and six children. Her children are Messrs. T. R. and R. W. Bullard of Fayetteville, L. H. Bullard and Mrs. J. W. Hall of Lum ber Bridge, Mrs. R. O. Edmund of Lumberton and Mrs. Jane Cade of Avon Park, Fla.; also 21 grandchil dren and three great-grand children. She was a faithful member of the Mehodist church for over half a cen tury. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church Thursday at 4 p. m. by Mr. Porter, her pastor, as sisted by Mr. J, W. Cobb of the Baptist church. Interment in the Pres byterian cemetery. Prof. Woodard and family have moved into the dormitory, prepara tory to taking charge of the high school which ' will open today in the new fifteen thousand dollar building. This is not so remark. rtble si. a boll of cotton Mrs. M. J. Barker found last week.- This boll I contained 13 (well developed locks "Mr. and Mrs. Barke Ten Mile and vonT hess of the above i The Bladen col -ear(f- paign wil open affElizabethtown Monday of nexe week with a speech by Mr. A. W. McLean of Lumberton. In advertising this meeting in this week'3 Bladen journal, Chairman J. Bayard Clark invites everybody to at tend this speaking "whether you are a Democrat or belong to one of the four Republican parties." Miss Hilda Weinstein returned this morning to Charlotte, where she I is a student at Elizabeth Collep-e, af i ter spending Yom Kipnur here at the horns? of her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. j. Weinstein, Mr. anri Mrs. Harry Wiinstein and small sons. Master.? Racford Lee and Morton Hannah who also spent the Jewish holiday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinstsin returned th s morning to their home at Fairmont. ' .-Members of the First Baptist church of Lumberton gave Rev. I. P. Hedgpeth and family, who live cn the corner of Cedar and Eighth streets, a liberal pounding Tuesday evening. Mr. Hedgpeth is pastor of several churches in the country. U 'is needless to say that he and hli family appreciate this thoughtful ex pression of regard from members of the First Baptist. In these times o. high prices a pounding certainly means something. lose their way. Tolarsville Topics. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Tar Heel, Sept. 29 The farmers are nearly through picking cotton. It feels very much like frost is nearly here. Mr. Ed Britt from Barnesville spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Flowers. Mr. G. P. Graham went to Raleigh last Monday to see his wife and ex pects to bring her home if able. On ac count of Mr. Graham's feeble health Mr. H. C. Flowers accompanied him. Messrs. Roland Hall and Fred Allen of Tar Heel were in this vicinity last Sunday afternoon. Mr. and- Mrs. Braxton . Martin sjent last Saturday and Sunday at Tar Heel visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Melvin. tionalist agency here from Mexico City tonight indicated that General Carranza would present his resigna tion as first chief of the Constitution alists to the convention of leaders in Mexico City tomorrow without await ing the outcome of the peace confer ence about to begin at Zecateeas. It is understood here the convention will delay action on the resignation, and take no steps toward setting up the new provisional government until some word has come from the con ferees. In official and diplomatic circles it is believed the Zacatecas conference will end General Villa's revolt by ap proving the choice of F, Iglesias Cald erori as provisional president, and thu action will be followed by Calderon's election by the Mexico City convn tion. ' The chain gang convicts attracted some attention yesteiday when they marched down Elm street to the va cant lot near the Seaboard station, where the old tobacco warehouse for merly etood, and began removing dirt ' from that lot tn the new road ju?t across the nfew iron bridge at thj foot of Fifth street. Dr. W. A. M? Phaul and Mr. C. M. Barker, own ers of the lot wanted to get the dirt away and gave it for the new road in orde: t? get it moved. Supt. R. D. Caldwell of th? First Baptist Sunday school, has sent out invitations to a big affair, as h? terms it, which will be pulled off .it the First Baptist church next Sun day morning at 9:30. Every membor of the school which has a member ship of 500, is urged to be present anJ invite some other who does not at tend Sunday school. It is hoped to have a record-breaking attendance at the school Sunday morning. Special music and other exercises will be a part of the programme, and it is ex pected that all who attend will be well paid. ' Mr. Enoch McConnell, who se eral weeks ago underwent an oper?- ftion for appendicitis at Johns Hon. kins hospital, Baltimore, return? )ast evening and began work aga'i this this morning in the grocery stor? of Mr. J. H. Wishart. " Mr. McCo-. nell visited Washington, New'-Yo k and other Northern cities after h left the hospital and eame back H way of Roberdell, where he sp some time visiting at the his parents. Rev. an Connell. He' n W I V.

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