PAGE TWO THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBEfl 1, 1914. COMMENT. WAR NOTES. According to u:i artidi ;n tfte IscwT -A. Berlin 'dispatch ctatss thai the York Times,' fifteen ; billion , .human.; war loan has been over subscribed lives, a sum total fir. .too.' mat -.'to and' in ' a. hope'. success-.Offle'al Sir be rrarod -by a-.iy human imitina. :.;.. -..,ti:,.t.-..i , nasti?an lost mwar vine? thor - .. . : . -." : ,. - .--. . - ,..,ii.L, w ,.;,v.t 11 vu i wit ruwcwtyuuii as 4UllUWi r. ZU Xox Mtf&i uia IU5L Jl . 11 !!rLl 1 XJ 2 to : '. .t - 7 V. f -f - f A ?c?rt ? aw t ,4 eliniatsd thit comparatively recent ' " v'uw marra i,- var3 have tost marly $40,000,000,000 097,394,000) consisting of , ' 1,313,110,. and that each Man killed costs $3,677, 1 800' marks ($329,549,000) in. imperial ' V,--""-;..-...;o.nds and 1,177,205,000 marks ($294.- Judys Frank Carter, holding ; court ! 300,000) and 1,834,171,200 - mark's it Elizabeth City rteok, issued aijHt47&BS4800).- in "other forms" ofVe. order .that .the shackles be remove ! cut jty from the ankles of th? convicts on ths s ' , , i-asquoiamt cnaai fjang and that ths; guards should not strike the prisoners;' any more. a result all the guards j Off '5,00?. 50 Stood Adispatch of Sent. 27 from the threw up their jobs, contending thai joattie lront says: they could not control ths prisoners : A French, lieutenant, M. Veriin, is unless they had the power to p-ir.h f the hero of the day a the result of an frem, and the convicts had to be tk ; affair in which he was the main n. n ! 3f!,.f0r la?k 'of1Kurd8' Ta-Mur& yesterday. verier Deneves inai me nonor system Tt, . x , , will work with county chain fV. The lieutenant and 50 men of , his tut the guards are skeptical. .company were reconnoitering 10 miles - i'n advance of the main body on the Secretary of State Wm. J." Bryan j lse river whenthey encountered 5,000 delivered an address at Asheville Sat- I Germans. The Frenchmen took re- urday night in the interest of Con-j1" ln nearby woods and from this k IL - The Telephone and Good Roads RTessman James M. Gudger, Jr., Dem ocratic candidate lor Congress. Mr. Bryan declared that the election of a Democratic majority in the House is necessary to the successful accom. plishment of Prlsidcnt Wilson's plans ' for remedial legislation. shelter fired voljeys until onlv 13 of their detachment remained alive, and oi tnese four were wounded. The party then crept away. The Germans hesitated to attack i the woods for fear of a trap. In county school news published in Thursday's Robesopian mention was made of a plan adopted by the Orrum hisrh schopl to avoid taking the j nue Du Trocadcro, at the children altogether out of the cotton paten at this tims of year, when their help is needed on many farms. School opens at 7:30 a. m. and closes at 2 p. m. ThU enables tha children to spend a larg3 part of each afternoon in the cotton patch. This schedule of j work has been in operation for several days and our , concspondent says the teachers declare the attend ance and 'punctuality records are just as good as ever. The trustees and tochers of tha Orrum school are tp " tie cof ffatulated on hitting upon such an ecelfent plajl t Bomb Blew Man's Head Off. A Paris dispatch states that four bombs were dropped on that city Sun- uaj. une missile, exD odmp in Avo. Cornpr of the Rue Freycinct, blew the head from th shoulders of a man who was stand ing there ;with his laughter and cripled the child, whose legs were shattered. Germans Sacrificed Without Appar ent Reason by Their Officers Paris Dispatch. Wounded soldiers from the region of Craonne descrihad the hntHaa ;.!, SiindaVi-and Mondnv no kn,. i, Ldeadly for the Gefmans who, they fav aacuiiL-en wunout apparent rsa. v . .L ; - . wi oy tneir omcers. Stories of horrible outrages thatjS Srnf with great come from war-torn Europe have to he GnS re tomS" " be taken with a deal of allowance, ae'in o-iTv t, L- End Many who have sent out reports of ! Khn d. dowT by thp' cruelties practiced by the other sid. j fe, j Sj? e T m? 14 ws have no doubt drawn on their imagi-! $Y di J3 ZZ ?nt f nation. No doubt in the fever of hate TuC?J ?sssi0n. of. tn Germans. Trenches ahnt. hnri lino i carefully prepared for resistance of the Allies' advance were filled with d?ad. A superior ofRcsr amonir the wnnnrl ed estimated the German losses in thi s engagement alone at 70,000. .The, telephone goes hand in hand ith good The telenh cles of bad roads and makes it possible for the farmer and other rural residents to transact busi ness in the city and with neighbors, when the roaas are impassaDle. ' - Progressive farmers are insisting upon good roads and telephones. These two agencies of modern civilization are doing more than all others rowara eliminating trie isolation of country life. You can have a telephone in your home at very small cost. Send a postal for our free booklet giving complete information. - FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAF H COMPANY S. PR YOR STREET 192 ATLANTA, GA. and mad for revenge, men and women, too, are doing calmly and deliberately tideeds that they never dreamed them ,! t-Hs 4f doing; but when we ijig out the eyes of t ' 1JI knives, of young ; fc4J - ht " mutilating the wounded, wa -tWt believe that such barbarisms have been committed to any great extent When such deeds USE SYRUP IN PLACE OF ... A.- M - - G alvanized Syrup Evaporator Pans 6ft. 7 l-2f t ' and9ft. Shimmers, Measures and Funnels H. CALDWELL, Hardware Department Lumberton, N. Carolina Pound for Pound Cotton. A. T. Co. Will Buy are cnartrea as-amst the adherents j . i ... . .. "ininirion star. of one side, we know that the next p1rfhPr iL , day they will be denied and vmU JZnt T of the other side will bring countei ' r w f country are rally charges just as bad-worse they could j D"f ?? .aid of -th Vut in t!ie not be ' P-f sent crisis occasioned by the diffi culty of finar.cino- tha because of the war abroad is contains i in circular letters received by whole, sale dealers here from the Araricn Tobacco Company, satins' that fm. every ton of tobacca miriico the wholesale dealers of the South this season, the company will purchase a ton of cotton at 10 cents a pound. These circular letters have been sent out the American Tobacco Com pany to the wholesale dealers all over the South. The purchaser, of will be made through the wholesale dealers and stored bv th age certificates being forwarded to tho American Tobacco Company. GIVE YOUR BEST. (Madeline S. Bridges, in Boston Tran-scriDt. There are loyal hearts, there are spi.v its brave, There are souls that are pure and true. Then give to the world the best that you have, And the best will come back to you. Have faith, and hearts all around will show Their faith in your work and deed; Give love, and their love to you will p'erflow, As a strength in your utmost need. North Carolina Banks Are Not Hoard ing Money. The Corporation Commission tele graphed Secretary of the Federal Treasury McAdoo Saturday a compa rative statement of tht fiiances of the i State banks, which the commission de dares, "discloses that North Caro lina banks are not hoarding money, but carrying lower reserves than they did in 1913 and have borrowed for use of customers more than twice j the amount they did sEme period last year." '.v'.' "This accords," says the commis. sion, "with our general information that our backs are doing all they safe ly can to meet the present conditions. We have not detailed information as to interest charged on existing loans or demand for new accommodations, but our, information through, our bank ex aminers and . otherwise, is that the banks are charging or demanding no higher interest now than than they did under normal condition. Our banks ar-j net making any new loans, but this is due to the fact that they are carry, ing the loans made in the spring and summer to enable tho crops to be made and to a large extent obviatas the necessity for new loans. In conclusion the commission as-! sures Secretary McAdoo that the com mission will co-operate in every way possible with him in his wise and laud able effort to see that abundannt cur rency is dist.rihut ' v . .i WIO tuuiiLry j i i , ucn way as to meet the demands! ie "EAUACHY, DIZZY. .. muiuus, CASCARETS" Your Livtr is Full of Bile; Bowels Clogged, Stomach Sour, Tonzue Coated, Breath Bad. Get a 10-cent box now. You're bilious! You havo a throb bing sensation in your head, a bad Uste in your mouth, your eyes burn, your skin is yellow, with dark rings under your eyes: vour lins a parched. No wonder you"" feci uo-lv. mean and ill-temnr.l Vnn - - 1 " - " J O L 1 1 1 IS full Of hllA nnt nrnnn.1.. n I - .e anu wnai you neca is a cleaning rn in. j iue. uon i-continue being a biliou3 j nuisance to yourself and those who i love you, and don't res-crt to hirh! physics that irritate and injure' you. j kemember that most diso.'d:r.T'ofthe : vcl -. :L;-3 cured ' :ilie. thorough : vVi' you sleep. i"" d:-!?ggi?t will ' wU cle-;: - ' V' 1 ' ' r- . . - y ' For life's a mirror of king and slave, Tis just what you are and do; Then give to the world the best that you have, And the best will come back to you. f every section during the extraor- I. SI,- I lL CONCFNTRATEO iM jfe (ounces; ii p" The n&t&sl! One fourth more pure,? strong Concentrated Lye for Ten Cents in Mendleson's Big Twenty-Ounce , Can ' of Solid Xye Y " Other cans give you only 'sixteen ounces for your dime. y Every can warranted full strength, no adulterants, no fillers-just pure Concentrated I Lye for every use, -Threol cans for a quarter Sixteen ounces of "Pow- - dered Lye for a dime instead ' of the twelve ounce can of other powdered lye. aw : HEADACHE GONE! NO PAIN OR NEURALGIA Don't Suffer! Get a 10-Cent Package of Dr. James Headache Powders and Stop Headache or Neuralgia Pain. When your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. Its needless to -.suffer when you can take ir remedy like Dr. James' Headache Powders and relieve the pa.n and neuralgia at once. Send someon? to the drug store now for a dime pack age of Dr. James' Headache Powlers Don't suffer. In a few mnwe . Acmembcr that mos 1G Ttp,,. . 'II ftomach, liver and 1 i y morning with p Cascaiets they we? A 10-cent box i'rom j keep you? livifs?!!'j "tomach. !wset." 'or nor-th'. .'Cl!il-i will feel fine Headache .gone no more neuralgia pain.- , -.. - phlldreii Ory -r iiK FLETCHER S-.'s MOST ECONOMICAL ' Mendleson's Twenty-Ounce Can w2I saponify eight" pounds of grease, making the best hard or soft soap and that's more than any other ten cent can do. Every i can gives full directions for soap making, 'exact measures ; ments, how long to bo3. r , Concentrated Lye is one of the handles! articles, fai tho household or on the farm. A use for it every day. Cheapest and best cleanser and disinfectant; for washing woodwork, cleaning kitchen furniture, scrubbinff floors; for sinks and drains. Used ia treating hogs and coring for poultry. For every use you get best results, mqst economic- t.f bom ; MEIUDLESORI'S LVE-- PURE AVO STRONG A dunm invested in a Twenty Oanee Can of MENDLESON'S LYE bringi proof of better value. Remember the name MENDLESON'S and bay it of the following flealent WHOLESALE DEALERS R. C. BIRMINGHAM GRO. CO, LUMBERTON, N RETAIL DEALERS JNO. P. M'NEILL, L , rci:TONX C. JOHN M. BROWN, RED SPHIXGS, N. C. 'ti $i F; l Yv THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL SHOES, ( f ) it 'Jks CLOTH IXG AT 'GREATLY REDUCED D PL V- V: TO, OUR .STORE AND SAVE MONEY. . C am y . . c i? ; : .lit X. J, FLOYD NORTH CAROLINA. ? fe IJke to ii M& Us Gom WA TJieiir iM felons I"1 ! 1 ii in m ii - - - cm ' : mm facti i x- IS M a t be Go: 4J I . 1 a. ; t ' 11 s is ue; Be cf l'y m know bow careral we are iselute purity and freshness of our hat we never substitute or guess. E THAT WE GIVE TO ! flRIPTION DEPARTMENT j vcrvrhlnrr pIcp wa nnv unA ttM - HlJUUUij VJV . V UUJ HUH . j ini . ui via iiuuuu . uuvuo tuiu t pes to the kind of Syrup we ,eaus satisfaction, and your satis- lour success. ILLAN'S II 1 II I I I I "IP V i II fi ll .11 ' nit . 7 . ppkylO cents ouid for Cot- ii rtccuunis, air Trade f or Ir- Sto Ran ge i lanos Dealers ii I-s." J 1115 Lru iarnes i Fii tiiture, Musical ;un( aiouppiies. m mmmc- inia 65 :v 67.79 4:47 pm 7:20 a 5:02 pm 7:36 a' 5:15 pm 7:45 a. 5:50 pm 8:20 6:25 pm 8:55 1 10:30 am Lv S( 11:15 am Lv Ti 11:40 am Lv 12:00 m Ar Nos 7 and 8 d For folders, ti Carol: la'SI ayetteville.A. C? p Mills...'. 1 X ipe Mills-., y. i Pauls '...y, timberton . . i.C......... tf. C. .... . a wn, N. C..;. 6t Sunday. ', I fis, rates of "f ate, etc. 1 1 RK vm n r u ... . u. us ithern R. R. I ;.'64 78 I 11:25 am 10:40 pm lrll:10 am 10:27 pm ' tH:0Q am 9:30 pm 1 10:25 am 8:55 pm . tv 9:50 am 8:20 pm f . .VAr 4:30 pm . . .Lv. 3:45 pm . ; . .Lv 3:20 pm Lv 3:00 pm call ' ' '. ihone 74 or write mt.T. ; ' -1 CAMfAM- i ill t(ciipra: -n i v .4 1 O Rl A w ,4 ... ek V A '- L "I ' " 7. 7 ' ,