ir lii lililing . jALL LAST WEEK: , All Latest Styles in HIGH CLASS MILLINERY Fashioned by Skilled Artists, Fresh from the Northern Style Centers. , I will take Cotton at 10 cents the pound on ac- . counts due me. ' M i s s Josephine B r ee ce s Exclusive Millinery Store." ; PERSONAL Mr. Luther Phillips of Eoardman wast in town Tuesday, Mr. H. B. Phillips ot Fairmont Is among the visitors in town today. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Folder spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mr. W. E. Lewis of Biadenboro COUNTY. SCHOOL WORK. . School Betterment Association Be. inc Ofganlzrd Monthly , . Report 'Card.'.. v 4 .. ; Prcf. J. Jt. Fcole, county superinten dent of Public instruction, laid spec-1 al e-nphai- on betterment work at the teacht-rs instittuts in Lumber ton soma weeks ago and he is getting er.corazicg reports from the schools j was among the visitors in town la:,f ll "? Th; followirtr taken from a letter of: I night. j Mr. C. N." Horn of Pages Mills, j S. C., is among the visitors in town I today. Mr. P. W. Wilson of route 7 from Lumberton was among, the visitors in town yesterday. Messrs. A. R. McEachern and Lock THE ROBESONIAN Office 107 West - Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. - - THURSDAY, OCT. 1, 1914. .LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. :-' ;. Train No. 19, west-bound lvs 7:13am Train No. 24, east-bound lvs, 7:35 am Train No. 14, east bound lys 9:48 am Train No. 13 west-bound lvs 5:40pm Train Not 23, west-bound lvs. "7 :10pm Train No. 20, east-bound lvs. 9:47pm VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN n From' Hope Mills. y Train No. 79 if j .1 arrive 3:55 ara Train No. 64 leaves 9:50am Train No. ?65 . arrives 6:25pm Train No. 78, Jeaves 8:20pm : Raleigh & Charlei&Hi;- - -v Train No.' 1 5 leaves 10;05 a. Train No. 2 " , arrives 5;30 p. m. '.nr. Special Notices HOUSE FOR RENT 7-Rooms. Mrs. Nannie W. Crump, Lumberton, N. C. WE PAY 10 CENTS FOR COTTON on account or in trade. Blacker Bros., Lumberton, N. C. FLOWER BULBS' OF ALL KINDS R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. , CHILDREN'S GO CARTS OF ALL KINDS. R. D. Caldwell & ' So, Inc. FOR SALE ONE 15-MONTHS-OL1) - Black Essex Boar. Apply to C. H. Horn, Pages Mill, S. C, Rou.te No, 2. Interdenominational Sunday School Meeting1 Sunday at Court House. ' An (interdenominational v' Sunday school meeting in which all the Sun day pcnools of Lumberton townihip are" invited to join will be held at the court-house Sunday afternoon, Octo ber 4,' at 3 o'clock. The speaker of the" occasion- will be Mr." J. " A Brown, of Chadbourn, president of the North Carolina , Sunday School Association. Mr. Brown is . an en thusiastic and earnest Sunday school worker and his address will be well worth hearing. - It is the purpose to orgajyze at this meeting an interde rominational Sunday School Associa tion. ,The -superintendenta r of "tho Sunday schools' of Lumberton R. D. Caldwell, Baptist; M. G. McKenzie, Prisbyterian; K. M. Barnes,' Method ist; E, B. Freeman, Gospel Taberna clewith Mr. J, Q. Beckwith pf .tHo Episcopal church as secretary, have arranged for this meeting . the fo!. lowing programme: ' . 'gong "All Haif tne ToweT ' of Je sus' Name."" . 1 Opening Prayer Rev; Dr. W. B. North. . " Impressions of "the State Interna tional S. S. Convention Messrs. Aif. H. McLeod and W.. K. Bethune? Male Quartette Messrs. C. B. Skipper, E. B. Freeman, Frank Gough and J. P. Stephens. Address Hon. J. A. Brown. Prayer Rev. Chas. H. Greaves. Song America. Benediction Rev. W. D. Combs. the 26th ult. from Prof. M. K. MeaJ- ; ors, principal of the Fairmont graded school, to Sup. Poole is encouraging; ,' "We had a very good opening th!s ! session and had several patrons prss- ent and some of these gave earnest ; talks for the good of the school. W4 j organized a Betterment Association i SEND US YOUR ORDERS GALVANIZED CORRCGATEO ROOFING. V. CRIMP GALVANIZ ED ROOFING, GALVANIZED Ridge ROLL TIN PLATES AND SOL DERSALL GRADES. AMAZON FELT HOOFING. EVERLASTiCT FELT ROOFING. TARRED PAPER SHEATHING PAPER, DEADENING FELT. LARGE STOCK LOWEST PRICES. SAMPLES ON APPLI CATION. N. Jacobi Hardware Co. 10 and 12 S. Front St., Wilmington, N. C Mclnnis of St. Pauls were Lumberton ion ttle openinpg day and the associa. visitors yesterday. . ; tlon has already raised by entertain er. W.W. Whaley "of Ch 'fr chol improvement arrived last evening and will speni ' PurPoses- ,we have more thanlOO several days in town on business. JPP" " roll now for the beginning vi lae term ana 'orners win come in until the public school bee-ins and Mr. L.R. Varser reurned Tuesday from Durham where he went Sunday night on legal business. Mrs. W. C. Baggett, 1 Mr. D D. Currie of Shannon was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Messrs. T. L. Johnson and J. D. j Proctor returned Monday from Nor-; folk, Va., where they spent several j days on legal business. Mr. D. H. Britt. President of tha then we are crowded to the capacity of the class rooms." Betterment associations will no dju'et be oraranizad in practically ail the schools in the county this year and they will do a great work. Supt Poole has purchased monthly report cards for the schools of the county. These cards will- be sent to the teachers and examination! will h FOR RENT Upstairs room in best section of town. Only two gentle men need apply. "R." Box 364 City. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Baby Carriages R. D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. WANTED 25 BUSHELS COUNTRY Meal every week. Will pay high. , est market price. K. M. Biggs. THE BEST STOVE FOR THE School room R. D. Caldwell . & Son, Inc; BEFORE INSURING YOUR COT ton get my rates. R. H.. Crichton, phones 7 and 169. : FOR AN EXCELLENT grade of soda Water from , a reliable firm, deal witli Robeson Soda Water Co., , Lumberton, N. C. 1 86tf Bilious? 5 Feel heavy after dinner? Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? ; Liver , perhaps needs j waking up. Doan's Regulets for bilious attacks. 25c all b tores. MS Seldom Comes From Great Strokes of Good Fortune. . -o : What Success We Have . . Attained Has Been -Gained Through The Paronage Our Friends Have Given Us. We ThankYou AL , o : We Continue to Give Prompt Service and . Guaranteed Goods. WHITFIELD & FRENCH, Inc. ' Wholesale Grocers. Son of Rev. A. J. Groves Married at j Henderson. The following from the Henderson Gold Leaf of the 22d ult. will be of in terest to many Robesonian readers: "Mr. Lacy B. Groves, formerly of this city, but who now holds a respon sible position with Al Fairbrother's Everything at Greensboro, and Miss Clara Amos, the youngest daughter of Mr. James Amos, of Henderson. were married Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian manse on Charles street. Rev. R. A. White officiated. A number of relatives and friends 0' the couple were present to witness (he ceremony. Immediately nfter( the nar. riage the bride and groom left on train No. 3 for Greensboro, where they will make their future home. "They have the best wishes and congratulations of a large number of friends in this city. Mrs. Groves comes of a most excellent family, and has lived in Henderson all her life. She is very popular with a large cir. cle of the younger people. "Mr. Groves is the son of Rev. A. J. Groves of the North Carolina Meth odist Episcopal Conference, who i? pastor on St. Paul circuit.He came to Henderson a little more than three years ago. He has been working at Greensboro since last spring." Robeson Division of the Fermers' Un- i held in a11 the grades at the end of ion, is among the visitors intttown to- each month. The- teachers will fill day. Mr, Britt expects to attend a out the cards, send the same to the Farmers' Union meeting in" Raleign i parents t0 be looked over, signed and tomorrow. j returned to the teacher. Mrs. L. E. Whaley and daughter,' be 'glad to confer Miss Evelyn, left this morning for i T?. P"e"t8 in regard to the interest Hendersonville, where Miss Evelyn i f h cn,dren 83 PuP''s of the school 'will hnter Fassifern school. -Mr ! and esPdalIy in cases vhere th re Whaley will spend some time in Hen-! P"0 poor progress. , Parents dersonville with her son-in-law and ! fhoulj examine these reports; careful, daughter, Dr. and Mrs. A C Te v eacn month as tney will sliow clear, beau. jly the grade of work e?.ch pupil is Mi;. B, B. Clark, who for several d0ing' r'-'Uv ' ''' dayslhad been a guest at the home ! Thoc whbAssls ed ATMothers' Day of Ks . brother-in-law ani sister, Mr.) ,f rn,f 1 ,,kw and Mrs. N. H. Jones, Jr.. Third n? u ' , street, left last evening fVr hls home LpKf i Day was .observed m a nnKe r t " I delightful service in che auditorium at Coluumbus, Ga.. He was accompa- vn t. t,. ... , w "lu h,ied by Mr. Earl Jones, who will T. !S refativeg l soman of September.the twenty-rVst. Mr p'p o 1 t i.- , r lt has been ,earnei that the list Mr. R. E. Steele, Jr., who for some given to The Robesonian of time hasbeen making his home at j those who assisted in preparing for Dante, Va., arrived this morning an ljjhis service and who pinned flowers wil spend several days visiting hi3jon the visitors was incomplete. The mother Mrs R E Steele, Fifth ! following list has been furnished the street. Mr. Steele wil ero from here I nmr ,,ku n .0 Star, this State, where he will oe 1 decorations Mesdames W. H. Inman ... uic -ciujjiujriiieiib-ui. uncie oam inland Sarah WnoHpll Mliaaaa railroad Valuation service. Notices of New Advertisements. LaFayette Mutual Life Insurance Co. Rev.-,B. Humphrey announces can. didacy for State Senate as an indo- pendent Democrat. Reward for recovery of pair of sto len muules. House for sent. Mrs. Nannie W. Crump. " Black Essex boar for sale. "A. Weinstein's Department Store sells it cheaper. Why?" "Don't talk war, talk business Hopeless Lung Trouble Cured, Many recoveries from Lung trou bles are due to Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar. Honey. It strengthens the lungs, ciiectts me cougn ana gives r rolio 0 nn A., xtr a tit:ii.: . mittee Gates, N. C. writes: "I used Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey in a case giv en up as hopeless and it effected a complete cure." Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. If your cough is dry and hacking let it trickle down the throat ,you will surely get relief. Only 25c at your Druggists. RED SPRINGS NEWS LETTER Lecure tm European War Hotel Un der New Management Social and Personal, Correspondence of The Robesonian. Red Springs, Sept. 29 Mr. Roy Singleton left last Tuesday for Fay. etteville, ' where he will again be a student at Donaldson Military Acad, emy. Miss Catherine Dixon left last Friday for Jacksonville, Fla, to enter upon her duties as teacher in one of the city schools. Misses Margaret and Sara Dixon spent last Tuesd-u in Fayetteville. Miss Bell Dew spent the week end at home returning Sun day afternoon to her school at Caledo nia. Mr. and Mrs Martin McKinnon left last Saturday for Henderson, where they will visit Mrs. McKinnon's sister, Mrs. S. L. Morjran.--Mkses Mary Janet McNeill and Janet Liv ingston of Parkton spent a few hours iri town l(ast Monday afternoon. Mrs. Harriett Baker of Charleston; was the guest of her brother, Mr, D. P. McEachern last week. She will spend a few days with her ne phew Mr. A. T. McCallum before re turning home. Mr. J. A. Singleton I and son Dewey, spent a few hour& Emma Parish, Roma Inman, Lucy Ivey. Dni- sy Vaught; committee on flowers Misses Stankwitch, Ila Allan, Lilly Kinlaw. Miss Martha Smith assisted this committee. Ushers Misses Em ma Parish and Lucy Ivey; music com- Misses Vashti White, Effie M'White, Roma Inman, Emilie Woodward. REWARD. For the recovery of one pair mule3 stolen from near McColI, S. C, either last Friday or Saturday night, both mare mules about 7 years old, weight about 1,000 pounds ach, one dark bay and the other black, nice pair mules and in good condition. The black mule carries, her head down always unless forceably checked up. I will pay liberal reward for recov ery of same. - D. L. M'LAURIN. McColl, S. C. uioiioin o, uiciauuin, vrreensooro. j t i i n.j. . Prompt service and guaranteed n. r r w,iit j. niLiif .n 1 T-, 1 - '"iucii save kudus w niineia ana rrencn. Large stock and lowest prices N Jacobi Hdw. Co. "THE DINGBAT FAMILY. (By the Press Agent.) gave a very in teresting and instructive lecture at the college auditorium Monday- evening, his subject being the European war, Mr. A. T. Jones, the new proprie tor of hotel Red Springs, arrived m 1n4- ' J 1 - r The jester's tinkling, sta and - '-7 Invieations reading as follows were issued last week: "1889 - 1914 ry imgle, with the sinuous dancing girls has since the days of prehisto ric times that even antedate the the. atre, been the favorite amusement of mankind. Musical comedy is the one standard attraction that always pleas. es. The only auestion is which mu.if. cal comedy is the one to see.. If one might judge by reports that reach us of the wonderful reception every where given "The Dingbat Family," and the record-breaking business that it is doing all along its route, there would seem but one answer to. thb question. This latest of vokers, adapted from Herriman's fa mous newspaper series, will make its local bow here at I he Lumberton 'opera house Monday, October 5, with an exceptionally large and capable company ,and a large chorus. Seats -on sale at McMillan's tomor. row. Mr. W. A. Lewis and son, Mr. W. W., of Fairmont, route 3, were arnong tha visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ,A. Love invite you to be present on the Twenty fifth anniversary of their marriage Thursday evening, October first at eight-thirty o'clock nineteen hundred and fourteen at their home Red Springs, oNrth Carolina. James A. Love Florida Ferris. Mrs. McRae of Clio, S. C; is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Covington. CASTOR I A For Infants and C"irfa. . lbs Kind Yea Hays Alwajs Bought Bears the Signature of Cotton Insurance At your plantation or in the Bonded Warehouses. See me before insuring S. H. Hamilton Lumberton, N. C. lyilLUIuyi ml II! i FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I Am Closing Out My Entire f A 'C'T Stock of Goods At K.J-D 1 Over $3,000 worth of Shoes, nearly all new stock. Buy now and get your winter Shoes at cost Remem ber this. Men and Boys Hats and Caps, Ladies and Gents Underwear, Men and Boys Pants and Overalls,' Dry Goods, Notions, Books and Stationery, Crockery, Tin ware, Heavy and Fancy Groceries.1 -"i Everything in my' entire stock at COST. It will pajr you to qpme'a- d see these Goods.: What you save is that much made. ' ; TERMS - Spot Cash. M. W. FLOYD " ' ...... Lumberton, N. C. ' "" ' .. - ! mi iir 1 111- WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Consumers of Good Things to Eat You will not be limited here to Hard Tack and Navy Beans Bat You May Have Your Choice of all the Delicacies of the Seaoi LUMBERTON OPERA HOUSE Monday, October 5th. The "Rear Fun Show THE DINGBAT FAMILY Founded on Cartoons by Geo. Herriman CHEESE CUSTARD Butter bread, one inch thick; remove cruet; cut in cubes; put in buttered . baking dish1 with alternating layers of grated cr.eese, using two cups of cheese: Mix one beaten egg, cne and one-half cups- milk, one half teaspoonf ui salt and one-fourth teaspoonf ul paprika. Four over bread and cheese and bake until firm. CREAM OF RICEPUDDING Quart milk, half cup rice, dash of salt. Cook until tender; add cup sugar and tea spoonful vanilla while hot. Cool and add half pint whipped cream and half pound candied cherries. SUCH AS Cooked BrafruT' Deviled Chicken Deviled Tongue Ox Tongue Tuna Fish Lobsters J. H. WISHART Best by test of 14 Years. Telephone Noa. 1 and 207. 35 PEOPLE MOSTLY GIRLS Chorus of "REAL" DANC ING BEAUTIES. See the 'Tango" "Hesitation" Maxixe"and all the latest dance crazes. i "180 minutes of Solid Fun' Prices From $1.50 Down. Seats on Sale At McMillan's FRIDAY. Your Nickles and Dimes will look like real money by and bye and it won't be so long if you salt them down in Building and Loan Shares Your small, change will make money for you while you sleep iF you will let it -It's just as easy. Robeson Building and Loan Association-: C. V. BROWN, Sec At the Bank of Lumberton.